Blood & Steel update Patchnote Part 2
[ 2024-08-07 07:57:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Shrine spawn chance are now affected by card tag drop chances modifiers Challenge shrine is affected by Dark tag
- Zealot halve Moon tag drop chance per level This should also greatly reduce Luna's shrine appearing chance
- Ice Spirit buff Doubled the effect of slow-down
- Flame-Thrower buff Increased Angle covered by the weapon
- Collectibles spawned inside terrain collision will slowly move toward a walkable area
- Changed how Anachronistic work internally This is to fix issues like particle effect now being affected by time slown-down and becoming innacurate (like crystal sword) Post-process now have a small transition when activated/disabled instead of being instant
- Duelist Buff Weapons modifier can be attach to one additional weapon
- Fractal Buff Damage from sub-projectiles increased from 25% to 100% Lifetime from sub-projectiles increased from 50% to 75% (up to 2 sec)
- Weapon Aura is now a Weapon Modifier and got reworked Increased max level from 2 to 3 Increase the weapon damage by 150% per level Increase weapon defense shredding by 50% per level Increase weapon defense shredding by 100% per level Increase weapon projectile piercing by 15 per level Decrease projectile count by 3
- Katana no longer prioritise enemies over crate, and it'll randomly attack enemies or crate in range
- Rogue Avatar now have +50% Wind tag card dop-chance
- Nerf to Necromancer damage
- Buff to Lava titan damage
- Huge buff to lava titan defense piercing
- Health Transmutation now scale on Uncapped pre-post health
- Reduced exp from splitting boss in cave This caused a too big surge of experience and made the rest of the zone give almost no exp in comparison
- Goblin shaman "bullet storm" (the one with the aiming laser) will no longer instantly lock on the player There is now a bit of rotation speed
- Greatly reduced Necromancer summon spawn count
- Reduced Heroic weapon talent kill requirement from 100K to 50K kills
- Reduced Epic weapon talent kill requirement from 50K to 20K kills
- Reduced Price scaling from Shop-keeper's shop based on level
- Already owned artifact, or artifact that are banished will no longer appear in shop when they are locked from a previous shop
- Reduced Tactical Soul Kill requirement from 10 Million to 5 Million
- Castle required card level increased from 0 to 20
- Steel required card level increased from 0 to 10
- Slipery skin required card level increased from 0 to 20
- Sub-Sonic required card level increased from 0 to 25
- Hyper-Sonic required card level decreased from 50 to 25
- Absolute focus required card level increased from 25 to 50 (to be on par with Average)
- Silk edge tweak required card level increased from 10 to 100 Increased conversion rate from 3% to 5% per silkedge level Increased conversion rate from 2% to 2.5% per player level
- Armor-less, Zealot, and Metal transmutation now all require card level 50
- Moon Shield rework Can Appear from level 5, it's purpose is to serve as a rail to target metal transmutation Rarity increase from uncommon to Rare Only has 2 level Increase Moon tag chance by 25% per level instead of 5% No longer reduce attack speed Reduce power multiplier by 20% (compound) per level
- Divine shield now require Light armor instead of Moon Shield Moon shield was anti-build of Zealot, and didn't make much sense
- Clover now increase Hunt tag drop-chance by 10%
- Yeti Heart buff Increase Wild tag drop-chance by 20%
- Fairy in a bottle buff Increase Wild tag drop-chance by 10%
- Lepreuchaun Hat Tweak Changed tag from void to metal Increase Metal tag drop-chance by 10%
- Concentration is now a weapon modifier Increased the bonus damage from 10% per level to 30% per level Area malus decrease from 15% per level to 10% per level Can only be applied to weapon with Area tag
- Increased distance the necromancer spawn the skeleton summon from the player, so it no longer spawn on the player position
- Killing necromancer summon slightly reduce it's invulnerability state (by 0.01s per kill when out of the charging circle, or 0.1s of circle charge per kill while inside the circle)
- Increased Shop-Keeper return challenge "most stats" bonus from 100% to 200%
- Increased Shop-Keeper return challenge soul-coin gain from x1.50 to x3.00
- Ice Nova Tweak Increased Ice Nova sub-projectile piercing Increased Ice Nova projectile spread
- Holy Conversion nerf Reduced Power ratio from 25% to 10% Increase final corruption instead of reducing it
- Change to Hero's soul Challenge now limit the soul-shop to the current rank of the shop So you can only access F-rank soul-shop for F-rank challenges
- Improved Dual minigun stats Improved base Attack speed and Attack speed scaling to be more inline with HMG Slight improvement to damages Major improvement to defense piercing
- Singularity Gland tweak Blackhole damage tick now happen 5 times per seconds Damage falloff is now limited to 25% (instead of 10% previously) Reduce Singularity gland damage by 75% (to compensate with the increased damage ticks)
- Reworked Arena stage camera They are now less zoomed out, but the camera follow the player up to a maximum distance (25m in each direction
- Angel beam no longer explode when hitting enemies but when killing them this is to save on performance The explosion damage got doubled to compensate for the rarer procc
- Negative defense equipment modifier now slightly increase level requirement instead of reducing it
- Lunar inferno is now unlocked by "Moon is on fire" achievement Reach 1000 or more defense
- Area Conversion cap now start at 40% and gain 5% cap per level
- Stage Tooltip no longer display enemies spawn rate It wasn't very useful, mostly inaccurate, and made the tooltip noisy
- Talent charge rate is now affected by the player timescale
- Flying crystal summon now automatically reposition themselves when one is dead, they also respawn even when not all are dead
- Modified Balanced assault achievement unlock requirement from 99% crit chance to 90% crit chance
- Crit-strike infusion is no longer unlocked by default
- Added a new Achievement, that require you to reach 99.99% crit chance (or higher) that unlock crit-strike infusion
- Slight change to flying scout in Crystal Depth (zone 3) Decreased their spawnrate Increased delay between projectiles Decreased projectiles lifetime Increased projectiles velocity Increased damages No longer stop moving to attack in B-rank and higher
- Reduced budget cost of enemies in Crystal Depth This mean that more enemies will spawn
- Tainted card drop-rate got slightly changed and is more uniformised 0.25 weight for 999 level card 0.15 weight for 99 level card
- Added an unlock achievement for RogNGesus Lose 3 gambling events in a row
- Quick-Game is now disabled when started FastPass challenge
- Reduction to enemies Movespeed especially in early zone and lower difficulty Looking for feedback on this change
- Increased corruption effect on move speed The scaling is now multiplicative instead of additive (x1.5 per OoM after 10 corruption instead of linear +50%)
- In Notice board, The hardest choice with 2 artifact, no longer appear in F-rank I noticed a lot of new player tend to go with this choice and die in their first run
- Wind stone (and upgrade) now increase attack speed instead of increasing dash-delay
- Fire stone now increase Piercing scaling instead of attack speed
- Portal shard no longer appear on GunSlinger (since his attack are not affected by portal shard)
- Tweaked a few enemies scales and size
- Thunder spirit will try to target more diverse enemies simulataneously previously, when the "thunder" was branching, it had the tendency to target the same enemy with multiple branch, mostly leading to a single powerful thunder, instead of a dispersing array of thunder jumping from enemies to enemies)
- Thunder spirit jump will be faster at higher level this should increase thunder spirit dps overall and reduce the time where you wait for all the jump to be procc
- Many projectiles now collide with wall They are either destroyed, bounce back from them, or ignore them
- Most of Summoner's weapon are now unlocked with achievements. Achievements require you to kill a certain number of each monster with the necromancer This affect the following weapons: Dried mushroom, Goblin's Hand, Hard leather, Light crystal, Long Nail, Pharaon Mask, red skull, weightless crystal and Wind feather
- Fiery dash is now a synergy between brawl and Fire spirit
- Crystal sword talent FX not following the player when the damaging area did
- Vine CD reduction being displayed red instead of blue
- Shrine of Reconstruction bugging the game when having an active talent
- Sola's Lance afterimage not having defense shredding
- Banished artifact list not properly cleaning itself when starting a new run
- Prevent stats from being saved as infinity or NAN(they are replaced with the float max value)
- Lava titan hand taking damage from certain source during titan invulnerability phase
- Collection book increasing power instead of Damage
- Defense piercing being multiply twice by the player defense piercing
- Dash during anachronistic having the player timescale applied twice
- Evasion description
- Pet not being able to follow you during cripple challenge
- Anachronistic should no longer make projectiles movement feel choppy
- One of Throwing Knife stats not being displayed correctly
- Time Survived not displayed correctly
- Shrine of disorder (and likely other shrine) causing error and removing cards
- Fix navigation issues in shop
- Fix button click issues in shop
- First reward not being correctly selected and causing navigation issue on gamepad
- End of game screen Soulcoin from monster killed displaying the wrong value
- End of game screen Mastery from monster killed displaying the wrong value
- Having "Legacy Music" checked on in zone that don't have legacy music would bug the objective of a stage
- Pike talent not working
- Loading an outdated mod will no longer corrupt your save files
- GiveCard command now properly set the correct level
- Multiples issues with Rift and Interdimensional rose not working correctly
- Humility actually reducing damage taken by elite when faith was low (and even reducing it to 0 when faith was at 0)
- Player sprite becoming invisible when trying to move during cripple challenge
- In hero's soul, soul-shop limitation of challenges due to the profile gamemode are not displayed in the challenge description
- Stack number actually disabling Overkill bonus
- Talent overflowing out of text
- Gunslinger's weapon reload time not having a unit of time
- Enemies Animation sometime not playing (especially worm boss)
- Default power in stats panel is now properly affected by "base power multiplier" soul-shop upgrade
- Opening artifact encyclopedia showing default value instead of the first artifact.
- Explosive vial (and Thunder Vial)'s sprite sometime being in the wrong orientation and becoming invisible
- Auto-aiming using the vertical position of enemies for aiming when it shouldn't and causing minor visual glitches
- Explosive vial having a full-sized explosion for a frame before the explosion started
- Some projectile sprite not being affected by Projectile opacity
- Player no longer collide with singularity gland's blackhole
- Fixed Altar spawning out of reach in Risk of Storm challenge
- Loading a game for the first time loading the wrong RNG state
- Level Generating in the wrong place in quick-mode in certain instances
- Card dropped as boss reward ignoring biome limitations
- Some missing feedback when taking damage Player and healthbar wasn't blinking on taking damage
- "blue screen" when sometime when fighting the lava titan
- Thunder vial projectils spawning at various height and sometime being hard to see
- Profile loading often causing issues
- Explosive vial talent colliding with enemies at any height
- Cursor scale option navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
- Audio options navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
- Video options navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
- General Stats navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
- Weapon Modifiers navigation issues with gamepad & Steamdeck
- Stage Tooltip displaying monster that couldn't spawn on the active difficulty
- Profile Gamemode description not having the right tooltip
- You can no longer skip more than 1 boss phase at a time
- Game not loading in case the save file was corrupted (it now automatically load a backup)
- Low Health FX option being ignored
- Summon defense being ignored when taking damage
- Scavenger card having 0 chance to appear after level 1
- Summon having issues with buff
- Loading screen issue when starting the game with no saves
- Some synergy card not telling which card are component in their description
- Pressing escape during the first profile creation would lock the player
- Thunder spirit having highly stacking damage over multiple jumps
- Thunder spirit ignoring the cooldown when used on summons
- Explosive vial talent not working with explosive bow
- Arena stage and Risk of storm challenge creating bug together
- "Increase World Rank" of challenges not updating correctly on max level
- Passive talent giving card at set level on loading that was lower than the saved level
- Challenge description not correctly updating the value on different level This affect challenge with "custom" modifier like Vild's Curse
- Error relate to fire ring active talent in rog's mode not properly cleaning it's reference to existing explosions.
- You won't be able to level-up once your required experience reach "infinity" or "NaN" if you've reach those level, leveling up is likely becoming annoying as you've emptied the card pool That also mean there is technically a max level
- Creating a new profile not properly refreshing bestiary
- Animation looping on run animation
- Some text not using the right font in non-latin alphabet
- Shrine of reconstruction when no active talent were equiped
- Fractal description
- Guided projectile (like Magic Wand or Arcanist's Staff) having weird/shaky/laggy movement
- Explosive vial's talent having issues with Angel prism evolution
- Elite, Champions and player healthbar not being properly centered (sorry)
- Enemies health bar now more accurately follow them
- Fixed some weird offset between an enemy and their healthbar
- Some enemies staying immobile
- Revolution requiring Fire spirit to drop
- Foliage on ground sometime changing position when moving
- Mushroom jelly description
- Slide Show (Lag rog unlock) achievement being triggered during loading (so very often).
- Preventing profile name ending with a "." causing some issues
- Monsters in bestiary having "0" damage
- Anachronistic tooltip not displaying right binding if it was rebinded
- Level-up background fx being misplaced when the zoom-level wasn't at 1
- Reduced maximum enemy count during red-time down to 200 when the game is run on Steamdeck to make infinity more doable/less laggy
- Removed lag spike when new music are loaded
- Added an Projectile Cap option The projectile cap is per type of projectiles This greatly improve performance in late game when a lot of projectile is active at the same time.
- Upgraded game loading time (from 1-3 min to 15 secondes)
- Improved Thunder vial FX performance
- New Command "dangerousMode"
- New Command "downgradeProfile" (Require dangerousMode)
- New Command "upgradeProfile" (Require dangerousMode)
- New Command "startRun [RankID] (Seed)"
- New Command "listUniqueEquipment"
- "InfiniteStamina" (Require CheatMode)
- "SpawnMonster [MonsterName] [MonsterLevel]" (Require CheatMode)
- "listMonster"
- "Kill"
- New Command: GiveEquipment [EquipmentInternalName] [EquipmentTier] [EquipmentLevel] (Require dangerousMode)
- New Command: listEquipmentModifier
- "giveGold [Ammount]" (Require CheatMode)
- New Event - OnOverkill(Monster, DamageInfoRef)
- New Event - OnCardConstructed(SoulCardScriptableObject, SoulCard)
- New Event - OnCalculateCollectibleSpawnWeight(FloatValue, Collectible)
- New Event - OnProjectileSpawned(DefaultProjectileAI)
- New Event - OnSummonSpawned(Summon)
- New Event - OnSummonLaunchProjectiles(Summon, FloatValue ProjectilesCount)
- New Event - OnSummonTakeDamageStart(Summon, DamageInformationRef)
- New Event - OnSummonTakeDamage(Summon, DamageInformationRef)
- New Event - OnSummonDeathCheck(Summon, BoolValue, DamageInformationRef)
- New Event - OnSummonDeath(Summon)
- New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionThreshold(FloatValue OS_HealthMultiplier)
- New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionDuration(FloatValue OS_Duration)
- New Event - CalculateOneShotProtectionCooldown(FloatValue OS_Cooldown)
- New Event - CalculateItemQuality(FloatValue ItemQuality)
- New Event - OnWeaponSelection()
- New Event - OnMonsterDropExp()
- New event - OnCalculateMonsterLevel(Monster,FloatValue)
- New event - OnGenerateMonsterAbility(Monster,IntValue,GeneralMonsterAbilitySO[])
- New Event - EquipmentRequiredCardLevel(AvatarData avatar, Equipment equipment, FloatValue requiredCardLevel)
- New Event - EquipmentRequiredCardLevel(AvatarData avatar, Equipment equipment, FloatValue requiredCardLevel)
- New event - OnHoverKeyword(string,string,TMP_LinkInfo)
- Change to Event "OnCalculateCardLevelGainAtOnce()" to use "SoulCardScriptableObject" instead of "SoulCard" Class
- PostUpdate value of Damage is now applied after every multipliers
- Removed "AttackDelay" player stats internally, as only "AttackCooldown" was display to the player, and there is no case where one is affected but not the other and lead to both duplication of code, but also useless complexity to many systems
- DamageInfoRef now have both the current damage Info and the source damage info (before defense and other damage boost)
- Projectiles and DamageInfo now have a reference to the weapon it is coming for (if there is a weapon source)
- Change to OnStageEnd Event to add a boolean to know if the stage has been completed or not (like due to the death of the player in casual)
- Added "GlobalMessageManager" class that allow to display message at the bottom of the screen You can either manually display/hide a message using "DisplayImmediateMessage()" function or add a message to display in a queue using "DisplayMessage()" function
- Added a new overridable function to StageObjective Class, "AddEnnemyToETK(Monster)" This is used when adding a target enemy to the objective (like champions)
- Stats modifier can now be of type "AdditionalPostUpdate", which allow to easily change the add to the post-update value without a need to make custom cards
- Changed internal name of XPMultiplier to XPGain
- Changed internal name of GoldMultiplier to GoldGain
- Changed internal name of SoulCoinMultiplier to SoulCoinGain
- Changed internal name of MasteryGainMultiplier to MasteryGain
[ 2024-08-07 07:57:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Walk upon a new world and slay foes endangering it.
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