Finally, it is done! Biggest update ever achieved a state when it can be released!
This update was really big and complex, it took much more time than we expected, so thanks you very much for your patience!
This update has a huge importance for the future of the game, we redesigned half of the game in order to implement a galaxy, but now, potential of the game is huge!
Earlier versions of the game had serious fundamental flaws. Basically, previous version of the game had no future
But now we have so many ideas and possibilities for further development!
Maybe someone skeptical about this new galaxy update and may think that the game became worse, but on the contrary, from now, the game have a possibilities to be better than ever before.
The most important improvement from this update - planets now really feels like a planets, and distances between planets really feels like a huge distances. Earlier ships were able to fly from one planet to another using simple maneuvering engines, this was a huge problem and it was impossible to solve it in previous version of the game, but now it is finally solved. "Feel of distances" now much stronger and this is a great foundation for gameplay which will be focused on exploration of unknown.
Also, due new nature of locations, we have new possibilities to implement many unique events which was not possible before, such as interesting anomalies or quests in distant systems.
If you didn't read a commend section of this post
We will recommend to take a look on it, because we explained some additional interesting facts about this new update and its huge benefits.
Also you may take a look on this post if you missed it
Please note that despite that fact that we worked on this update for a very long time, it still may have serious bugs and also it have a lot of flaws, we did not developer this update to the level of perfection, but we developed it to the state where it is more or less functional and we finally may show it for you.
Also, this update does not make gameplay itself much more enjoyable. We didn't improved quests and trading system yet, but we have a big plans about these aspects. This update it is mostly a foundation for a future updates.
Also, from now we are returning back to our previous frequency of updates, it means that we will try to release new updates as often as possible (1-2 weeks maximum, but we will try even more often). Let's return life in the dev blog! : )
Also, we are prepared a road map of development, the core of the game still incomplete and we have some very interesting ideas which want to share. We will prepare detailed text about these ideas and will share it after several days, it will explain our plans about core functionalities of the game and gameplay features which will be implemented on top of this update to unleash all the benefits which provided by new galaxy system!
For now, let's take a closer looks on some aspects which was implemented!
Stability of physics
Physics now is much more reliable. Trajectories of orbits no longer degrades over time! Trajectories also intact on any game speed, so now, if you put your station on the orbit, you can be sure, it will be on the orbit for many hours (unless something of someone will push it out of orbit).
Also, performance of physics improved in 2-3 times, it means now we may have larger amount of asteroids and debris on the orbit. Debris now have correct collisions and could be dangerous due Kessler effect.
Warp gates
Now we have a warp gates! And this is not just a simple "point to point instant teleportation", these warp gates have interesting mechanics. Your ships should really fly inside a gate (not just somewhere near it) Several objects can be located inside a warp field and warp travel will require some time to travel. You even can move asteroids via warp gates! We think that gates in space, especially with detailed physics it is very cool, hope you will like it too! : )
When the game starts, you don't have any warp drive, but part of galaxy already have net of warp gates. However more than 90% of locations does not have warp gates, so after you will got your first warp drive, you will have a freedom to go where you want and explore distant regions of galaxy.
Note: Currently there is a restriction, only 16 locations can be physically simulated simultaneously and the game could be broken after you jumped to a new system 15 times. This restriction will be solved a bit later.
New backgrounds and lighting
We added a lot of new background with makes visual appearance of the game much interesting! The space no longer grey and boring, now many systems will have its interesting appearance. Don't worry, we realize that too bright colors looks not good in the space, so most times you will encounter more or less dark backgrounds, but sometimes you will encounter very colorful, but still, very nice looking systems.
Since the game released, it had a problem with visual diversity of space, all screenshots were grey and boring, we are really glad that now this issue is finally solved!
In addition to that, we implemented new lighting system, hull of ships now has reflections from background and ambient occlusions effect, it makes graphic much better.
By the way, the new galaxy system allowed us to implement a moons around planets, here is how it looks on the map
You are also can see distant moons when you are on the orbit of planet
New module
Also, thanks for these who sends us a concepts for new modules, we added a new power storage, design based on 3D model from community members Mrmodules-Mauser and Sbimon, thanks!)
Steam Cloud
Now all of yours saved ships and saved worlds automatically saved on Steam Cloud. If you will delete save file, it is also will be deleted from Steam Cloud to, however, save files will be stored even if you deleted game folder or installed the game on another computer.
If you want to disable this feature, you are always can do it from game properties in Steam:
Discord channel now verified
A few days ago, our Discord channel was verified by Discord team, so now you may invite friends using nice looking URL!
We fixed a lot of bugs, however a lot of them still should be fixed, but you may expect a fixes in nearest time. We will try to avoid such a long updates and will release updates and often as possible.
Within a few days we will publish a news about our road map, we have a lot of ideas which we plan to implement as soon as possible!
Thanks you very much for your patience and support! : )
Major improvements
- Completely new world with galaxy map and interstellar travel!
- Added a warp gates
- Implemented unique mechanics of warp travels via gates and using warp drives. Any physical objects can be moved inside a warp field.
- Completely new system of backgrounds and lighting with new reflection effects and 14 new space backgrounds based on 4k textures (owners of 4k monitors should have even better quality)
- Significant improvements of performance and stability of gravity and physical objects on orbit due recreation of gravity code which is now much more reliable
- Completely fixed critical bug of orbital mode, when all physical objects was pulled out of their orbits during short period of time. Also, trajectory no longer changing when you are changing a game speed. Now trajectory is much more stable on x4 or x8 game speed.
- Removed warning message which says that orbital mode is unstable. Now it has stable physics and much better performance, and we are happy with its quality. Button of orbital mode moved to the left side of the window since now it is a main and recommended game mode. Hooray!
- Added Ambient Occlusion effects which significantly increases visual quality of ships
- Steam Cloud implemented
- Small asteroids now much more massive and no longer feels like it made from a foam plastic
- Now camera movement is limited in some radius, is solves an issue when camera moved too far away from the ship and it is hard to return it back
- Planets now 2-3 times bigger
- In aerodynamic mode planet no longer located below 0 level. Now planets located on the same level as a ships (the same as in orbital mode)
- Orbital mode and aerodynamic mode now have the same type of the world (except physics)
- Added new module: 2x1 power storage (design based on 3D model from community members Mrmodules-Mauser and Sbimon, thanks!)
- Debris now save loaded
- Added tool to display gravitational acceleration at the position of cursor (on the right edge of the screen under "eye" icon)
- Radius of radar now the same in both game modes (orbital and aerodynamic)
- Radius of radar hidden when camera view have low angle (so now you will have a better view when camera new a ship)
- Thrust of all engines increased in 2.5 times. Ships now much more agile. Thrust now the same in both modes.
- Added tool tip "Place weapon on turret" when you are going to place a weapon
- Pieces of debris will no longer fly through other objects but will collide correctly
- Transition from circle / ellipse to parabola / hyperbola trajectory now looks smoother
- Notification panel no longer spams you with "new mission available" messages
- Ship direction indicator now appears only when camera too far from the ship (not so close as before)
- Space station on the low orbit now located on higher orbit so tidal forces during docking procedure no longer so strong
- Planetary systems with black hole may contain only ice or moon type planets and gas giants
- Solar panels is not working in systems with black hole
- Added game time clock to the top-left corner of the screen
- Added customizable hotkeys for time scale up and down
- Added sandbox option to reveal all systems on the galaxy map
- Main menu now have dark background and improved star effect
- Now it is easier to dock with space station in tutorial because station located on high orbit
- Now when you will teleport your own ship using sandbox tool, the camera will be automatically returned to default position, it is more convenient
- Now when you construct new module in empty space, the new module will inherit a velocity of your ship
- Now ships which has been saved in aerodynamic mode can be properly loaded in the orbital mechanics mode
- Now rockets ejected from rocket launcher with the correct velocity despite FPS or a time scale value
- Fixed incorrect description of power "total output" value
- Fixed incorrect thrust value for engines when game settings thrust factor not 1
- Tool tip "A / D - Rotate module preview" now depends on assigned hotkeys in game settings
- Apoapsis and periapsis icons no longer visible on parabola or hyperbola trajectory
- Fixed a gap in line of parabola and hyperbola trajectory
- Fixed small mistake in 3d model of power storage
- Orbit trajectory of space stations and warp gates no longer shivers
- Orbital parameters window no longer shows incorrect values for parabola or hyperbola trajectory
- UI pointer in tutorial now always points at center of the element (not its corner)
- Credits no longer will be spent when you are trying to buy new command module on existed ship
- Now you can sell power storages even if it is not empty
- Interval of auto save no longer depends on game speed
- Removed useless power connector from warp drive

[ 2018-05-24 15:27:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Celestial Command Depot Linux [807.36 M]
We want to show how games about space actually should look, without silly vacuum friction and the maximum speed limit. As in the real world, everything in this game is in continuous motion in orbit.
Realistic Orbital Mechanic
This game is not about silly vacuum friction and maximum speed limitation. It is about real physics and orbital mechanics like in the real world! Get to know with orbital maneuvering, launching satellites and protecting planets from asteroids.
Fully customizable Ships
You can build your own ship part by part. Each part of the ship is individual, it has own functions and parameters. Therefore, abilities of your ship are completely dependent on the modules from which it is assembled. You can build small explorers, large industrial ships, carriers, defence satellites or whatever you want.
Ship Management
All resources of the ship are limited. Including fuel, energy, ammo and parts for repair, so store them and use them wisely.
Command a Fleet
You are not bound to the single ship. You can build as many ships and space stations as you want. And you can switch between them anytime.
Seamless Star System
Explore a procedural world filled with planets, asteroids, space stations and other fun stuff. The world of the game is completely seamless, you can zoom out from your ship to the whole star system.
Gather Resources
Survey asteroids for useful resources, extract it from planets or salvage wreckage of defeated enemies.
Multistage Production System
The extraction of raw materials is not enough to build a new ship. You need to process raw materials in special facilities to produce parts that are required to construct ship's modules.
Fight the Enemy
Build various types of devices to fight against enemies. Cannons, lasers, rockets, shields and other useful devices.
There you can explore the procedural world, find the resources, build any type of ships or space stations which you want, command your fleet and fight with enemies.
The game is 2D, so it is pretty easy and fun to play, but we implemented unique graphic style, which allows it to look like 3D with modern lighting and effects.
Also, the game has now been in active development, so if you are interested, check out our development blog for new features and future plans.
- OS: Ubuntu 12. Steam OS
- Processor: Core i3 2GhzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 3000 or equivalent
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 12. Steam OS
- Processor: Core i5Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 3000 or equivalentNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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