I created OFFERING APP OST steam page! U can wishlist it now February plans: Open requests for participation in OFFERING and GOD PLEASE HELP ME playtests. GPHM OST page. I work with three programmers now. One on FNG and two on GPHM. I suppose well see FNG final demo at summer, and GPHM earlier. Also heres my "introduce" video! So one out of three 2025 goals is done . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nhK_Q7X6-Q U can follow me on: inst, help to build community on DISCORD and YT. And of course here's BUY ME A COFFEE and link tree See ya!
[ 2025-02-07 05:23:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
2024 in a nutshell: I created a new game from scratch. Roguelike GOD PLEASE HELP ME is available for yr love and wishlists now. I started Buy me a coffee so u can support me now OFFERING APP is growing and turning red. A lot of work has been done. New Kill OC update. Big doc with first half of all english game texts for japanese and chinese translators. Get almost 20 000 users of offering app demo in steam and then delete it because it's horrendously outdated)) What i have to do in new year Release big introductory video Finish and release OFFERING APP Finish and release GOD PLEASE HELP ME But u know???? U know?? It isn't over until the fat lady sings p.s. I also lost 3 months of work, big amount of money and health for "programmer" who made terrible GPHM build and disappeared leaving me with game tutorial only. then second GPHM programmer is done 40% and eventually disappeared too because of his mental state. All my links Happy holidays short video
[ 2025-01-04 00:05:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
here's my BUY ME A COFFEE link if u want to support me and see the game releases as soon as it possible with me.
OFFERING APP now in very slow programmer development. But it's finally in development! Yay!
U can follow me on: inst, discord and yt.
character Human for OFFERING APP (poster paint)
middle attack of character Tree friend for GOD PLEASE HELP ME
[ 2024-12-03 20:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
During this month I'm working on GOD PLEASE HELP with new programmer. Working on ghost town location and unity project of OFFERING APP. Found programmer for OFFERING but he leaved eventually. Spend some time (few days) and nerves for nothing again. Search continue. Refusing of launching kickstarter (I'm in doubt that we can hit 4k dollars in first days. in other ways it's pointless), now will try patreon or buy me a coffee instead. Many many of work on GPHM and OFFERING we doing now.
I can't post videos here so here's some recent enemies GIF's and trash photos from my phone.
U can follow me on: inst, discord and yt. i post there a bunch of development videos.
Thank u for interesting in my work.
Add GOD PLEASE HELP ME in yr wishlist, it looks like this game should be release the first.
[ 2024-11-04 20:57:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
September 1
Drawing Headbrake sever version.
Drawing oil Reasonable man for Mendasium Street
Post My August event on three languages in my all steam game pages.
September 2
Cleaning and redraw OC Kara animation in Home panel.
Started to work on Ghost Town again.
I have been creating this location for the third year now.
september 3
work with ghost town location and Kara animation.
over with headbrake character in photoshop
september 4
over with Kara animation. made Kara glitch animation. work with ghost town and cutting code levels sprites into pieces.
september 5
working with Fred door art and animations on level 7. level 11 sever (add headbrake in unity).
work with you line on floor 13.
work on optimization "If U win" card battler animation
september 6
end with rework "If U win" card battler animation.
cut level 11 and level 5 animation atlases into small pieces.
work with location sprite on level 3 and animation atlases
september 7
work on ghost town.
made a bunch of archives with all versions of my projects and send it from my MAC to macbook. Now i have a funny times working on slow 1200pixels macbook 2011.
september 8-19
very nervous and risky flight to Serbia with 4 cats. it took three days. start searching for work.
september 20-26
working on ghost town. going to a gamedev festival in Belgrade for networking. searching for work and programmer.
started to analyse kickstarter platform.
september 27-30
in search for solution for launching kickstarter in Serbia. work on ghost town and promotion. send god please help me game to the new programmer.
cut GPHM locations chunk sprites into pieces. work on tik tok and youtube videos. working on new logo for kickstarter and maybe steam page (the result is down below)
[ 2024-10-03 00:45:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
in honour to introduce you -
august 1
post MY JULY steam event on three languages.
post notifications about that in instagram, telegram, and etc
august 2
over with CARS
saving about ~170 animation frames of CARS
make unity animations, add cars on location. work with other gamedesign.
august 3
reworked many things on location one
almost touched to perfection with all triggers and objects positions
made optimisation: cut location into seven accurate pieces.
made up the balance of pixel per unit for each car.
replace death animations frames and prologue cut scenes frames on new reworked frames
make 27 Kara Errors sounds for KILLOC.
get mastering of each track
lost hours of work on unity by the crash
august 4
record and montage new video/animation for Kill OC (it took five hours, which is not so long, but anyway)
start reworking WAR HEAD art animation (prologue location)
lost hour of work in photoshop by the crash
august 5
almost end with war head.
end with img file animation for Kill OC.
work with doc for programmer
august 6
rework (fourth time) Famous racer art and animation for prologue cut-scene.
start making Offering app world map.
work with programmer doc.
august 7
over the map and map localisation.
made another U death animation
august 8
end with war head and famous racer animations.
made Nemo flick animation for U death.
work with settings panel in KILL OC.
work with 3 documentations for programmer (main levels, code levels, card battler docs)
august 9
end with:
U animation controller versions.
new Kill OC CONS files in unity,
Kill OC commands,
Nemo kill on level one,
card battler if u win animation in unity,
Nemo save quotes audio
august 10
sleep paralysis
august 11
remake petal art and animation
made sound for U contriller one steps
made OFFERING APP alphabet (command for Kill OC).
work with main levels documentation
august 12
work with main level documentation.
add apply button for virtual keyboard in Kill OC.
added sounds of defeat in HUMAN CARDS
card battler. added animation for that.
august 13
work with programmer documentation and content.
august 14
work with programmer documentation and content.
august 15
work with programmer documentation and content.
august 16
work with programmer documentation and content.
august 17
work with programmer documentation and content. I can't remember anything specific from such a bunch of things.
august 18
work with programmer documentation and content. work with Human cards and card battler soundtrack. Made video montage of gameplay of card battler. physic version. add it to card battler programmer doc
august 19
Worked on visual part for steam page of OFFERING APP OST.
programmer finally should start work with offering tomorrow.
(spoiler: it doesnt happen)
august 20
polemic with the programmer. he barely answers me, and complains about the amount of work. First, he wants to charge $120 for transferring levels to a new project.
making work and rework with FNG content in unity.
solving questions about relocation at the same time.
august 21
programmer stop answering me and disappears with the game archive
making work and rework with FNG content in unity
solving questions about relocation
august 22
start looking for a new programmer (x12)
work with OFFERING APP from level 0 to level 10
august 23
work with OFFERING APP from level 0 to level 10
august 24
start conversation about OFFERING APP with the Pair Of Slippers studio. they should give me the price for the first part of the game.
start to CUTTING all big locations sprites into pieces for the best game performance. (1000fps 360 noscope deal with it).
also work with animations and unity objects.
august 25
another long conversation on the phone.
They sent me the contract document and I send it to my best friend lawyer.
Continue with CUTTING locations and other work with unity for new package.
august 26
another long conversation on the phone.
the contract what they send me turned out to be a contract for a counter strike map.
I receive a new, normal contract document for my game and send it to best friend lawyer again.
Continue with CUTTING locations and other work with unity for new package, solving questions about relocation along the way
august 27
another long conversation on the phone.
Now I got the time to material table about programming part of the first part of the game. 157 hours = 1717 dollars.
I agreed with that but have some questions about some points. Like they have technical documentation about game but dont know what Kill OC is. I found that strange because they have enough time to meet with doc and game project in unity.
Editing their contract doc with my best friend lawyer and send the result to them.
Continue with CUTTING locations sprites and other work with unity for new package.
solving questions about relocation along the way
august 28
They saw the edits proposed by the best friend lawyer and said that I should build the new contract myself. Cool
Continue with CUTTING location sprites and other work with unity for new package.
solving questions about relocation along the way
august 29
crucial conversation with programmers and studio lead on the phone. I add my best friend programmer to call, for the best understanding of their motives.
what we got after half and the hour of tense talk:
1. they bit the work on iterations. first iteration will cost 1717 dollars and include program work with first part of the game. All this time I cant see the actual game but can check all of the mechanics on one scene by block system.
2. The second iteration is a visual. They should build levels, objects and animations using my unity project as the ref. instead of time of material system, they offered to work with cases. So one level is about $270. its another contract that we should sign after first iteration. and they cant name specific price for second iteration. just something about 270$ on each level.
3. In one moment we understand that, they dont know anything about the game. they thought game has only 5 levels, when my docs have descriptions about TWENTY levels and card battler game. Also they suggest add a dialogue system in most game monologues. But first part of the game have ONLY ONE dialogue and dont have unity texts, all game text is a PNG. All of that mean - they know nothing about game and its u know..a little bit suspicious.
4. also they talk about third iteration and third contract document, which include second part of the game. and at this moment of work I should be with only one programmer. because they have another contract on the october.
5. they dont want to name the specific price of the second iteration because studying the levels takes a lot of time. Great. But they gave me the PROMISE that they build a really AMAZING game with all of their best. Persuasive.
After enjoyable conversation I really hard analysed all of this sh#t and decided to not make any business with them.
Hahahah. Im tired.
During the conversation and all other time Im CUTTING sprites into pieces and rebuilding levels in unity.
august 30
search new programmers.
CUTTING sprites into pieces and rebuilding levels in unity.
solving relocation questions
august 31
redraw animations CUTTING sprites into pieces and rebuilding levels in unity.
work with doc.
solving relocation questions.
[ 2024-09-01 21:53:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
in honour to introduce you - MY JULY
july 1
maked final tests of first part God Please Help Me game with programmer and paid him for for work.
Received the unity package from programmer.
Installed the package in unity and start work with a lot of errors and bugs (include another gamepad test) (it always hurts).
Installed new version of unity.
july 2
god please help me:
button images and animations fix -
animations and icons redrawn
created two load screen animations
unity tests
july 3
ended work with three load screens and created six sounds for them
start and almost over work with
OFFERING APP game load screen art
july 4
ended with OFFERING APP load screen art and gave it animation
two cut-scenes for GOD PLEASE HELP ME
work with ENG OFFERING APP text document for translators
july 5
a little work with GOD PLEASE HELP ME locations soundtrack
ended work with ENG OFFERING APP text document, and send it to translators.
Part one out of two
july 6
sleep paralysis
july 7
sex with Kill OC and ENG text document (yes again)
july 8
give the sound to OFFERING APP load screen
sex with KILL OC (rebuild home panel and another things)
worked with:
logic X
sex with KILL OC (rebuild home panel)
july 10
sex with KILL OC (rebuild home panel)
worked with:
logic X
july 11-12
ended with home panel
a lot work with OFFRING APP document for programmer
(main game)
work with many FNG animations and location objects.
send result to my beloved girl for adding some details.
july 13
work on OFFERING APP card battler.
another balance testing, work with card battler document for programmer, record gameplay video with physical version of the game
GPHM: making UI for game quality settings
july 14
work with GPHM:
programmer doc, music and sounds, location, animations, chunks and game design in unity.
work in all my programs
july 15
getting over with event chunks, standard chunks, bosses chunks. made about ~30 new chunks.
write music for bosses chasing main character on location. rewrite button sounds and acceleration sound.
added sound for buying upgrades, music for store on location and music for store when you in it.
finally send second part of GOD PLEASE HELP ME to programmer. fingers crossed.
july 16
finally come back to my sweetheart OFFERING APP.
Kill OC English font
started rework U (main character) animations.
to make this we filmed the video for rotoscope with me.
made and tested: U walk down
started: U walk left
sending the telepathic report in dream to Nemo
july 17
finished with walk left animation and implemented it in unity
start walk up animation
over walk up animation
july 18
start left idle animation
july 19
sleep paralysis
july 20
over left idle animation
work with unity
made Kill OC ENG font
july 21
work with
Kill OC RU and UKR font.
made virtual Kill OC keyboard for all languages.
july 22
working with unity and Kill OC CONT panel. a lot graphic fixes.
july 23
work with doc for programmer and Kill OC cont panel. work on sounds/soundesign and Kill OC doc.
fix sounds. make sounds. work with soundesign in Kill OC
work with doc
july 24
work with Kill OC commands:
making audio and animations.
make search panel animation.
some unity work.
soundesign : mastering
july 25
work with Kill OC commands and HOME panel AI Kara random speeches
july 26
filming content for Kill OC
work with montage
july 27
over with first part of montage
series of explosions. having a good hours in the bathroom. (not complaining)
july 28
work with two OFFERING APP locations.
draw landfill and trees. start making spider animation for prologue
Suddenly (for myself) created a character for my third game, BURN THE WITCH.
july 29
^over with all this things.
implementing in unity on the way
july 30
unity and photoshop:
work with U versions, animator controllers
add spider on prologue location
one big explosion in the morning. our cats starts poo liquid again.
july 31
work with doc, U controllers and CARS
make some new CARS
work in UNITY with CARS
I do a many things witch just forget to write about. and just forget what i did in general. I just do
also I think about adding donation function. but dont know how to do it
[ 2024-08-01 19:45:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just released steam page of my new game GOD PLEASE HELP ME. If you wanna support OFFERING APP development you can buy this game when it comes out. Planned dates: Spring - early access/demo June 27, 2024 - full release OFFERING APP planned release date: august/autumn 2024 (but also it easily can be 2025, I dont know) [previewyoutube=J8cNkf9W9tA;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-02-09 04:08:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
The programmer has disappeared, but I'm still waiting for him. Sent him some files. I think I've done a great job. Hopefully I'll come back to this and you'll be playing in the OFFERING APP in April/March 2024. Now they have take me to a madhouse. Bye
[ 2023-10-27 06:41:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=VrglJV1ivHA;full][/previewyoutube] also. steam demo is so outdated. and I can't do anything with this, because betrayer programmer. I (me and Nemo) looking for a new programmer. we looking for a new programmer
[ 2023-07-07 21:08:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- few betrayals from very close peoples
- ~50 self physical injuries
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- anaphylaxis from pills
- a hard-to-treat rash all over the body
- a loved one gets cancer
- red creatures told me to make this game. they comes in my sleep paralysis, I can't
- working non-stop for 12 hours a day
- heart problems
- the war is near to my city
[ 2023-03-09 18:21:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
if I behave well: FNG will be release in november-december 2022. if Im feeling bad... and clench to stay awake: application will be release in january-february 2023 OFFERING APP will take you for 5-12 hours to complete main levels. complete the main levels. Application includes: 28 levels and ~20 Hidden levels. + Kill OC and othEr content what should makes you smiLe. also I can leave earth and universe. I'm not controlling that at all. sorry. in that keys, aPplication will be released in one way - if you go on kickstarter or something like that and end this for me. and for us. all game content for the end of development will be save on cloud services. if you interesting. I know u can. as always yours, IMEVILIMEVILIMEVIL Kesha
[ 2022-07-10 07:57:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
OFFERING APP is a psychological survival horror. This app is supposed to help us.
YOU can help YOU with this app.
The game includes:
- 2D isometric levels with obstacles!
- Scenes with mini-games!
- Nonlinear story!
You know those voices in your head. The whispers. The intertwining. There's no stopping them. I'm not crazy. I don't just hear. I see them. They come in sleep paralysis. I made a deal. I hardly had a choice. At first I was even glad. I can't reveal to you the meaning of the application, I can't say more than I need to say. Sometimes I was very scared for what I was doing. Sometimes it hurt. Sometimes tormented by doubts about how wrong it is. You just have to accept it as entertainment. See for yourself. Some they will pick out as mascots.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
- Graphics: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 560
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]