-Reverted temporary Halloween look on main menu and all maps.
-Limited Halloween hats no longer available.
-Invisiblity duration buff (3s -> 4s).
-Invisibility footprints now easier to see.
-Bomb icon should properly disappear when exiting POV mode in spectator.
-Scarecrow on Haunted Mansion should no longer despawn on match end.
-Powerups on Ruins should now be animated like the other maps.
-Duplicate powerup on Moon has been moved.
-Laser Tag spawns on Colosseum should no longer spawn you in the ground.
-Powerups on Haunted Mansion should no longer gradually move outside the map.
-Fixed incorrect materials on Cyborg Face cosmetic.
Extreme Tag is a fun, fast-paced platformer party game. Our game features 3 modes. The main gamemode is Tag. One player is selected after a grace period and has a bomb placed on their head. The objective is to pass the bomb onto another player before you explode. Last player standing wins! Infection is our secondary mode. One player is selected at the start of the game. Similar to tag, the selected player has a bomb which they must pass onto other players. However, instead of giving them the bomb, the player infects the other players. Infect all the players to win or be the last person standing to win. Our 3rd mode is Hide & Seek. One player is selected to be the Seeker. The other players have 10 seconds to hide. Hiders will have a slower speed to encourage hiding on the maps.
Our game also features Player Customization. Customize your player’s shirt, pants and shoes to be whatever colour you desire! Hats are available in the store for purchase and a free one is given to all players. We encourage players to test out different clothing colour themes to best represent themselves in this fun game for all!