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 Faraway Proximity 



 Studio CloudScape 



 Studio CloudScape 














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 Early Access 













 Partial Controller Support 


 Full Controller Support 


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Auto-run, loading improvements and more! (update)


Faraway Proximity has been updated with several new features! Here's a list of the changes:

[h3]Auto-run and Running Speed[/h3]
The player's running speed has been increased. The player can run now almost twice as fast as before. Although the speed has changed, it still feels adequate within the context of the game.
Auto-run is now an option. When enabled, the character will always run. To activate the new feature, press R2 on your gamepad or CTRL if you are using a keyboard. To deactivate it, press the same button or key (control descriptions have been updated in Settings as well). A notification will appear on the lower right corner when the status of auto-run has changed.

Auto-run is not initially active. At first, the character will walk when you move and run if you press the run button or key (L2 or SHIFT). This is to make sure the player realizes that there are two ways to control the character. Slow walking might be helpful in some areas of the game, therefore it is important for the player to know that it's an option. If you want to enable auto-run for the entirety of your playtime, you'll only have to do it once.

[h3]Loading Improvements[/h3]
Before the update, you had to wait for a new area to load when travelling from one of the four main stages to the Book Containers or Unlock Gates. And when you completed the puzzle, you had to return to the main stage and wait again. Although the waiting time wasn't that long, the loading process could feel repetitive when you were exploring. With this update, there's is a new trade-off between memory usage, loading times and overall experience of the game: the time the player has to wait while playing the game has been reduced almost in half!
The game will require a bit more memory but in return you'll only have to wait when you change main stages and when you travel to Book Containers or Unlock Gates. For example, if you are in the first stage and you travel to unlock the first book, you'll see a loading screen while the new area gets ready. However, when you get back from that area, you will return to the main stage immediately! This is important because loading the main stages takes notably more time than any other section.

[h3]Completed Book Containers[/h3]
In addition to displaying the book you unlocked, the Book Containers now have a "crown" to verify that you have completed that area. This is helpful to distinguish more easily what containers are still unsolved, especially from afar.

Incidentally, story-wise, the "crowns" are related in a very obscure way to the "ribbons" in stage 04042. Because of course they are.

Please comment if you encounter any issues after the new update.

Have a nice day!

[ 2023-07-07 21:34:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Small Update (Visual Hints)


A small update has been uploaded!
The update adds visual hints to the Book Containers. Before, when you were near a Book Container, there was no way for you to know if you needed certain abilities to solve the puzzle linked to the container. Although you could have explored and figured out if an ability was needed or not, sometimes, given the amount of abstract objects in every area, it could have been confusing not really knowing if you were ready for the puzzle or not. These visual hints indicate that not every Book Container is similar and they give you a more concrete road to follow: if you don't have a certain ability yet, it's better to find another container first. You can still explore everything in the game from the start, but these hints can help you decide what to do first. Below you can see an example of the hints --they represent the abilities you'll need.

Another visual hint was added to the puzzle where you find two gates facing each other. The hint is a symbol that will, hopefully, give you an idea of what you have to do (it will be obvious when you enter the area).

Have a nice week!

[ 2023-06-21 20:41:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Faraway Proximity Guide

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to share with you that a guide for Faraway Proximity has been published! You'll be able to find many hints on how to solve most puzzles in the game.
Spoiler warnings are placed accordingly, of course.


And that's it! Have a nice day!

[ 2023-06-14 23:03:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Fullscreen / Windowed Update


We have published a small update for the game. Now you can choose between fullscreen and windowed mode. In the start menu, go to Settings > Display and on the upper right corner you'll find a button that allows you to switch between fullscreen and windowed. If you find any issues, let us know!

[ 2023-03-31 03:13:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Faraway Proximity Released

Find the missing books! Faraway Proximity is now available for download on Linux and Windows. If you find any issues with the game, let us know directly or start a new discussion in the community hub.

[New Cycle Started]

[ 2023-03-28 17:29:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

New Trailer and Release Date

We wanted to let you know that Faraway Proximity will finally be released on March 28th! We've uploaded a new trailer that shows some new locations and features.

[ 2023-03-13 17:59:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

Teaser Trailer and New Images

Weve uploaded a teaser trailer and a new set of images. You can now see more of the places where the puzzles are located and also the main character of the story! (it is a third-person puzzle game after all). There are also references to the books interior pages: after you retrieve them, more puzzles are unlocked when you read their contents.

We will continue to upload more information in the following weeks.

[ 2022-09-14 20:07:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Coming Soon

[The First Post]


Were happy to announce that Faraway Proximity will be soon released on Steam. In the coming days and weeks, we will share new images, videos and details about the game. Until then, thank you for stopping by our page!

[ 2022-08-31 00:22:13 CET ] [ Original post ]