New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


 Agents of SomeCompany 




















Free to play 














 Early Access 













 Partial Controller Support 


 Full Controller Support 


Players online



Steam Rating


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Demo version update - 0.8.9

Changes in version 0.8.9:
- Edges are now detected more reliably
- Made player accelerate faster, it also fixes issue with clunky movement on some configurations
- Fixes to bow zooming animations
- Minor optimizations for spikes
- Some fixes for arrow behaviours with certain surfaces

[ 2024-05-07 12:53:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo version update - 0.8.8

Last update wasn't the last one before relesase as I planned before. There is a lot of fixes in this update, to missions as well :) This one might be the last one before full realease.

Pamitaj, aby obserwowa gr i doda j do listy ycze, aby nie przegapi jej wydania.

Changes in version 0.8.8:
- Wallrunning angle was changed
- Blocked ability to go backwards mid-flight right after dash
- Added a couple of tips at the mission screen
- Minor adjustments to mission 11
- Mission 16 is now simpler to navigate
- Mission 21 is now easier to understand
- Fixed enemies not moving close enough to be able to attack
- Fixed no visual indication when you pickup stars and in some other situations
- Made some fixes to moving platforms
- Rendering fixes for water, lava and transparent objects
- Fixed game logo in main menu not looking right on some systems
- Minor optimizations

[ 2024-04-10 13:27:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo version update, 0.8.7

Here's a small update, only with bugfixes. It's also probably the last update untill the game's realease. Remember to follow the game and add it to the wishlist, so you'll get notified once it's released.

- Fixed incorrectly showing medals in main menu
- Better support for different screen resolutions
- Fixed physics bugs in sand and lava levels
- Fixed sounds glitching sometimes after explosions
- UI fixes in main menu and options in pause menu

[ 2024-01-23 17:59:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo version is available again and includes many improvements!

Hello again!

First and foremost I want to apologize for not releasing it in 2023 as i promised. I'm a couple of days late, but hopefully it was worth the wait!

Here are some of the most important changes:

[h2]Better sword fights[/h2]

There are now 5 different animations that are used depending how you are moving the camera and your character. There are also more visual effects during fights.

[h2]Achievements and Steam Rich Presence[/h2]

There are 11 achievements in the demo version, some of them unique for the demo. There will be about 50 in the full version. Additionally Steam will now show your friends what level you currently speeding through.

[h2]Visual improvements[/h2]

Some levels got more details, there's an outline on water and lava foam, there are new effects during fights, there are key icons instead of text and also some animations and icons were improved.

Also previously the game didn't show all your non-english letters. It still doesn't , but now unicode characters are transliterated so your "" will show as "YingXiong" and your "" as "hiros". I will work on this issue further in the upcoming releases.

That's it for today, don't forget to add the game to the wishlist and to follow for the future updates as the full version will be released this year.

Happy new year everybody!

And here's a full changelog:

- Added more animations to sword fighting
- Achievements
- Steam Rich presence
- Added outline to water and lava foam
- Added more detail to levels
- Added more impact particles
- Keyboard and controller keys' icons
- Better controller handling
- Assist mode can be turned on in pause menu
- Some level changes and bug-fixes
- Memory and CPU optimizations
- Fixes to platform physics
- Fixed ability to make double jump at low frame-rate
- Lots of UI fixes

[ 2024-01-04 21:21:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Thank you for playing the demo!

Thank you everyone who became interested in the game and thank you very much for playing, I hope you had fun.

Also thank you for filling the form - I received some insightful comments that I'll definitely take into consideration.

The demo will be back in better form this year, so If you haven't play it yet or you want to try it again don't forget to add the game to your wishlist and observe! You'll get notified once the demo is available again.

Thank you!

[ 2023-10-23 23:42:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Added wallruning arrow indicator & some level changes

Here's how this indicator looks like in the game:

Changelog, version
- Added wallruning indicator to more easily determine if a player is starting to fall
- Added wheel to help with wallruning training
- Changed Mission 16 a bit, and it should be easier to navigate
- Added note to Mission 07

I'll be happy to hear from you. What do you think about these changes?

And If you haven't play the demo yet, play it while you can, as It's available only till October 23rd.

Have fun!

[ 2023-10-11 18:47:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Assist mode was added

Changelog, version
- Added Assist Mode
- Changed / fixed the way the volume is calculated

To enable it you have to go to Accessibility Opitons and turn on Assist Mode

Next, you can adjust the settings the way you like

Currently changing the settings works only from main menu, but it'll be possible to change the options in game menu in the future.

Enabled assist mode disables sending the score to leaderboards

Please remember that the demo version will be available throughout the Steam Next Festival and a week after it concludes, up until October 23.

Add the game to your wishlist, and observe to be informed of the future updates!

[ 2023-10-09 16:36:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo Hotfix, version

- Fixed a bug that made it unable to continue the game past mission 02
- UI and cursror management fixes
- Reduced camera jittering on moving platforms
- Fixed invalid URL for survey
- Fixed problem with buttons opening links twice

If you find any more problem, please let me know!

[ 2023-10-01 18:32:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo Hotfix, version

Here's a changelog:
- Fixed a problem, that made jump height depend on FPS
- Doubled the damage for stomp, now it's more fun
- Fixed minor visual issue in Mission 02

If you find any more problems please let me know!

[ 2023-09-30 15:22:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo version is now available!

The demo version was released!

It contains 9 missions from 5 different chapters, all the abilities to test and world leaderboards for all levels. It will be available through the Steam Next Fest and a week after that (October 23rd), so play it while it lasts!

Here's a short trailer for the occasion:

Have fun!

[ 2023-09-30 15:04:25 CET ] [ Original post ]