Hello everyone! Just wanted to bring you up-to-date with the situation concerning the artist of NTR'd By Clumsiness. For those who don't know, my artist was in the hospital since the first week of December. Well, I'm happy to announce that he's been discharged not too long ago, he's feeling much better, and has slowly restarted working on the illustrations for the next update of NTR'd By Clumsiness!
I'm rather optimistic that I should be able to release an update in the month of February. Now, there might be one animation that is missingit depends a lot on the speed of my artist and animatorbut if that's the case, I'll simply release something this month, and update the scene whenever I can. I don't think people want me to delay a release for one single animation.
Anyway, that's all I have to say.
Have a nice week!
A month after the death of his friend and boss, Chris decides to invite his late friend's son—Jeff—to stay at his house for two weeks while he's in transition to go to college. On the eve of Jeff moving in, Chris decides to mention to his wife the danger that she's about to face; the boy is unusually clumsy.
NTR'd By Clumsiness is a humorous kinetic NTR visual novel that isn't meant to be taken seriously.