Hey everyone, Sorry for the long silence, but youll understand why pretty quickly Since Christmas, Ive been pretty sick. Its not a life-threatening illness (well, as long as its treated in timeotherwise, it can lead to fatal kidney failure), so no need to worry. However, its been quite debilitating. Ive had occasional gout attacks for years, but this past Christmas, I had a particularly severe oneone that hurt really, really bad. Let me explain quickly: Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid, which forms crystals in different parts of the body. In my case, it affects my ankles and feet (for now). Basically, my body struggles to eliminate uric acid properly, which comes from foods rich in purines, like meat, cabbage, beer (not an issue for me since I dont like it), and more. Up until now, my gout attacks were sporadiconce or twice a year. But in 2024, Ive already had four. So, with my doctor, I finally decided to start long-term treatment to help my body eliminate uric acid more efficiently and get rid of the deposits already in my system. However, theres a side effect: the uric acid being removed has to pass through my bloodstream before being eliminated. Some of it gets flushed out, but the rest can trigger temporary gout attacks. And since Christmas, Ive already had four more. On the bright side, that means the treatment is working. But on the downside, a gout attack is as painful as breaking the affected joint (before getting any pain treatment for the fracture). So yeah, its literally unbearable. The go-to treatment for a gout attack is Colchimax, a mix of colchicine and opium powder. Its very effective, but as you can guess, the presence of opium makes it addictive (so I have to be careful not to overuse it). And, well it makes me delirious and completely unable to focus on anything for more than ten seconds (you wouldnt believe how hard it was to write this message). So, its a necessary evil, but as long as I have uric acid in my system, its going to be rough. On top of that, as some of you know, I have a 4-year-old kid. And, well, little ones are basically biological weapons of mass infection. He managed to give us both COVID and a nasty case of strep throat. Add to that the fact that this winter has been unusually cold (at least for this region), and that Ive had ear problems since childhood (both my eardrums were perforated by ear infections, so I still get them regularly), and you can probably understand why there hasnt been a single day since Christmas where I wasnt dealing with some kind of health issue. But again, the good news is that winter is ending, and the gout treatment is working.
Now, about the game:
Despite everything, Ive kept working on it as best as I could. The upcoming chapter is a bit special. Structurally, its similar to a filler episode in a TV series. However, it lays the groundwork for the final part of this first book and starts wrapping up some narrative arcs. This means theres less action, more dialogue, and a lot of lore. This chapter will also start showing that the world of Glowing Stones isnt as black and white as it may have seemed at first. Until now, we had a good people vs. evil megacorps setup, which was necessary to establish the initial setting. But now that the groundwork is laid, its time to take a closer look and realize that the worldand its conflictsarent that simple. Of course, this isnt a shift in the story or its themesthis was always planned. Narratively, it was important to introduce things gradually to avoid overwhelming players. Plus, as more characters enter the story, its only natural to introduce a wider range of perspectives. With two or three characters, you get two or three opinions. But as the cast expands, so do the nuances. Some scenes in this chapter are also much more complex to create. For example, I managed to animate a scene with over 12 characters on screen at once. Obviously, this means animating 12 characters individually and optimizing the scene afterward (since Daz3D, my rendering software, normally doesnt allow that many characters at once). And one last thing thats pretty important Im adding sound design to the game. Until now, there was music, but the complete lack of ambient sounds has been frustrating for me. Sound wont replace the text, but it will complement it. This isnt full voice acting (if I ever decide to do that, Id have to sell a kidney first and wait until the game is completely finished). But now, every cinematic will have not just music, but also sound effects. The game itself will also include more audio to enhance immersion.
Progress Update:
- 600 static renders
- 25 animations
- 2200 lines of script fully completed
[ 2025-02-21 16:25:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there!
First off, with sales season in full swing, I invite you to check out the amazing bundles featuring Glowing Stones! Theres a brand-new one focused on urban fantasyperfect for those who love magic, supernatural powers, and action, but also enjoy characters who carry smartphones and guns. Dont hesitate to dive in!
On a personal note, Im now working full-time on my game! Thanks to those of you who chose to support me by purchasing the early access version, Ive been able to leave my job and take another step toward fulfilling my dream. For that, I owe you all a huge thank you!
That said, I wasnt fully prepared for the amount of paperwork involved. Between end-of-year declarations for my company (yes, even as a one-person team, I need a legal structure for Glowing Stones), signing up for artist support programs, and more lets just say France loves paperwork! But things are starting to stabilize, which is a relief.
Its still a bit scary, though. Taking this leap means handling financial responsibilities, and while my family fully supports this journey, its a step into the unknown. My income now depends entirely on the goodwill of players and their desire to support me.
To show my appreciation, heres a little gift for youmore are on the way in the coming days. (Make sure to view it in full screen; its in 4K!)
As for the games development, progress is steady. My days are filled with rendering, improving code and scripts, and adding little touches here and there. This chapter is particularly specialits calm at first, but if I pull it off, the tension should build gradually.
I havent received much direct feedback on the renders for Chapter 0 yet, but the refund rate has dropped by a third. It was already pretty low, but now its hovering around 2% (excluding fraud), which is excellent. I take this as a sign that the decision to enhance the visuals was the right one. After all, the game does look better now!
Here are some current stats:
- 350 renders
- 20 animations
- 1,250 finished lines of dialogue
- 950 lines left to script and render
[ 2024-12-20 10:26:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there, Just a small fix because a couple players have reported some issue with the last version. Seems like the Steam update process failed for them (and only for them, so I don't understand really what happend). There is no change except that fix.
[ 2024-11-16 08:57:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
A small update has just been released for Glowing Stones and the games demo version, adding two things:
- The images from Chapter 0 have been redone in hidden time. Its mainly lighting, camera angles, and quality adjustments, but the poses, views, and dialogues remain the same. This aesthetic touch enhances the look of the games initial chapter, which needed it the most for those just starting the game.
- A bug affecting the games language (where it reverted to the Steam client language on each launch) has been fixed.
[ 2024-10-28 16:24:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there!
If you enjoy games with a deep story, strong character development, and stunning graphics, Im sure youll appreciate all the games included in GS's new bundle, featuring Leaving DNA, The Neverwhere Tales, and Color of My Sound.
Here is the bundle's link !
Don't hesitate, dive in! Plus, you'll get a 10% discount on all the games in the bundle, and right now, an additional 20% off for a limited time!
As for my progress, Ill soon (very soon, just a few days away) be working full-time on game development. My employer and I agreed that it would be more beneficial for everyone if I left the company to pursue my dream, and Im incredibly grateful for their support!
So, where do things stand? Currently, Ive nearly finished writing the entire chapter, which will likely be slightly shorter than the previous one. Ive also started working on the images.
Here are some numbers:
75 renders completed
250 lines of script done
1,450 lines of the story written, waiting to be scripted
On top of that, as a bonus, Ive taken the time to redo some renders from Chapter 0, without changing the posingjust a different setting and lighting.
Heres an example of the difference (Click on the images to open them)
This will be added to the game soon, even before the new chapter is released (And don't worry, it's made in idle time, when the computer is working on something else)!
See you soon!
[ 2024-10-23 08:25:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some improvements : - transition effects are now the same everywhere - some typos - relationship points gauge in the character sheets if you have enable the walkthrough
[ 2024-09-09 15:27:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix for : - issue when loading old save placed into the celestial ending scene - issue with textbox and new transition - issue with an animation in one lewd scene - fixed a missing lewd animation
[ 2024-09-08 19:11:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Exciting News for Glowing Stones: Heroes' Awakening Fans!
The newest chapter: "Fire and Ice," of Glowing Stones: Heroes' Awakening is finally here, and its bigger and better than ever!
Whats New?
- 1,630 stunning new renders to immerse you even deeper into the world.
- 6 minutes of brand-new, breathtaking animations.
- 21,000 words of fresh content to advance the story, full of thrilling twists and captivating moments.
- 2 new lewd scenes to spice things up and bring even more heat to the adventure!

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience as the journey of our heroes continues to unfold. Fire and Ice brings intense action, deeper relationships, and a world of conflict and emotion like never before.

Jump back in and discover what's next in Glowing Stones: Heroes' Awakening!

[ 2024-09-06 21:23:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there!
So, how are things going? Me? Oh, yes...
From my side, I've started the big rush/crush, with six weeks off from my day job, so full time on GS!
So, yeah, it's going pretty well. I'm quite pleased with myself right now. I'm beginning to see the production potential with full-time work, and it's clearly not bad at all. In the end, I'm much more productive than when I was part-time (Yes, it sounds obvious when said like that, but not so much). Indeed, even in the evenings, I'm not tired (well, of course I am...) after a long day of working for someone else. So, I still have energy to take care of my child, and then go back to GS for 3 hours (or more!)
And what about GS specifically, any news? Well, since the last report... I've set up all the remaining "classic" scenes (6 in total) as well as a quite heavy scene, but with an animation that I'm very, very, very proud of! I sincerely hope you take the time to watch it, it lasts more than 40 seconds (I know, it's huge for an AVN, but honestly, I loved making it) and it only took me a day and a half to set up (well, and 4 days for rendering, but that's hidden time). Plus, just for it, the game has new music! Some might say it's a waste of time and money, but honestly, I think it really adds something extra for a character. I got some flak for the music choice for the Aurora scene in the country bar... So she was a bit upset... So now I think she'll be happy!
Okay, here's just a tiny piece of that!
For the rest, I'm very happy with how the other scenes I've set up turned out, one in particular, you'll see, it's... romantic ^^
And here are the numbers:
1150 renders and 300 more waiting to be rendered
9400 animation frames rendered, and 1000 more waiting to be rendered
4550 finished script lines
I still have to do one and a half naughty scenes (I'm currently setting up the first of this chapter) and two small action scenes. I also have some tweaks here and there, and to finish scripting the variables, the music, that sort of thing.
In short, we've never been closer to the next chapter, and anyway, I sincerely hope this report will be the last before release!
Thank you, and have a great day!
[ 2024-08-16 20:39:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello here!
Things are going well! Really well, even. Several scenes have been set up, with multiple animations. And I'm very happy because I had the opportunity to reuse what I had learned about Blender and Daz. And this without any problems, and even without losing much time (less than a day to do a whole animation, including the Blender part).
Oh, I can't help myself, I have to show you!
This gif is at 25 fps, while the original animation is at 60 fps. Honestly, I feel like the result is really professional. It really bodes well for what's coming next, and I'm very pleased with it!
And there are 4 animations in this scene. Some short, some longer, for a total of 25 seconds.
Otherwise, I didn't just do 4 animations over the past month. Oh no no! Far from it. I also set up 4 more classic scenes of "character building," but also we're starting to put the finishing touches on some story plots.
It might not seem like it, but these scenes are the biggest part of the game's renders. And when there are multiple characters in the scene, it's even longer because you have to pose all the characters, etc...
Anyway, here are the numbers!
963 renders (yes!)
6500 animation frames (109 seconds)
3500 scripted lines and 500 more to script
3200 finished scripted lines
For this chapter, I'm making good progress, I have one classic but heavy in animation scene left, 3 classic scenes, 1 fairly short scene with one or two animations, two naughty scenes, and two action scenes, one not too heavy and the other a bit larger.
I know it's taking a long time, and I thank you immensely for your patience. Know that this chapter will be the biggest in terms of animation, game time, and scenes :)
See you soon!
[ 2024-07-17 09:49:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there, This month has been a very special one for me. First off, I had to manage my grandmother's estate, and believe me, in France, we love our paperwork and bureaucracy! It's enough to drive you mad. Add to that it's also the start of tax season, and you get the picture... However, on a much brighter note, the game had a very good rebound on Steam. Sales are much better than they were before the bundles, although they are still far from incredible. But it's very pleasing! Moreover, the game has had a very favorable rating of 100% positive reviews over the last 30 days for over a month and a half now. A big THANK YOU to everyone who posted their reviews, it really makes me happy, truly motivates me to continue, and helps the game tremendously on Steam! I've also activated Steam Cloud for GS. Now, if you enable it, your saves will be accessible from any device! I've done the tests myself, but if you have any issues, don't hesitate to discuss them in the forum! Regarding the development of the next chapter, there are several things to note. I have continued writing, and I have about 75% of the dialogues written at this point. I have continued making renders, and it's progressing quite well. I have started setting the first animations for this chapter. And there, there will be something new. I've decided to switch to videos at 45 or 60 fps, depending on the videos. I still need to get used to this new format, but it must be said that it looks nicer! Plus, you may know this, but for some animations with special effects, I use another software (Blender). Until now, it was quite haphazard, but I took some time to rework the workflow between my two software (Blender for the special effects and Daz for everything else), and it has become much smoother. And frankly, the result is crazy! I bet you've almost never seen animations with these kinds of special effects in Visual Novels! Anyway, just know that it's progressing well and this chapter will likely be a bit longer than the others. We'll know more next month! For the numbers: 465 static renders 685 animation frames (11 seconds) and 480 (8 seconds) more currently rendering in the next few days 1900 lines of script, 800 additional lines of dialogues to be scripted 1600 lines with renders. Thanks and see you soon!
[ 2024-04-26 08:15:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there, Here's the first monthly progress report on the development: March has been quite eventful: between the bundles (Made in France and Romance Beyond Reality), PC issues (my power supply had a faulty module, which cost me about a week...) and preparing for what's next in terms of visibility... But I've also made significant progress on Chapter 5, rest assured! It's exhausting to have to do all this, but well, no choice if I want to one day be 100% on GS, without having another job on the side. For the numbers: 305 renders 0 animations 1030 lines already scripted and posed 600 story lines already written, waiting for script and pose No animation for now, the first days of Chapter 5 will be rather dedicated to starting to answer several plots, and to introduce the last intrigues of this Book 1, as well as character building. But don't worry, at least one lewd scene is planned, maybe two (with at least one other romantic scene, maybe without lewd content), two action scenes... in short, there won't be a lack of animations anyway! No new features coded for now, but I'm planning a new gallery (for the special renders and trailers) for Chapter 5, and maybe some additional accessibility elements concerning the new GUI. I'm also going to launch a survey regarding the "default" name of the hero, since the current name is the name of a super villain in another universe :s By the way, if you'd like, share your hero's name in the comments! ^^ See you soon!
[ 2024-03-25 16:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there! Minor update to apply a lot of correction to the English version of the game. See you soon!
[ 2024-02-25 00:16:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there! Here it is! It's (who said finally?!) here! The new chapter of Glowing Stones! In this new chapter, you will find: - 1237 renders - 4 minutes (!!) of animations - 15,000 words (in English, for the French version it's 18,000) But, this new version also contains a completely revamped GUI. This includes the menus, galleries, in-game tablet, dialogue window, etc... In short, the entire graphical interface is brand new! And, moreover, you'll notice that a new original soundtrack accompanies you! 20 new pieces of music, composed exclusively for Glowing Stones. If you like them, for those who have the bonus edition, you can find them in the jukebox that appears in the gallery. Have fun, and don't hesitate to comment and discuss the game and to give me/us your feedback! See you soon!
[ 2024-02-14 17:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! :) Here are the latest updates from the front! The new GUI is 95% coded, I just have a bit of polishing left to do. My designer has done a magnificent job, both visually and in terms of slicing the graphic objects I had to integrate. I'll present it to you in a future update because he really has been awesome! Music: 80% of the game's original soundtrack is now exclusive and made specifically for the game, with the remaining 20% being music for which I have the licenses but which wasn't made especially for the game. It is planned to replace these as well soon, but I need to think about what style I want for these remaining 20%. Script: Chapter 4 is completely written in terms of dialogues and images, I just have a bit of polishing to do here too, especially adding the ancillary elements: the walkthrough, clues, that sort of thing. Images: As of posting this message, I have 40 renders to set up and create, and 3 special effects to make. Basically, about two days of work. What's next: I think I'll have finished all this next week, then I'll do the tests, full playthroughs, some improvements for a week, check the French translation, etc... I plan to give the game to my supporters the week of the 5th, and then a Steam release the following week. A little bonus: I've ordered a Chinese translation for the game, but it's not imminent, so I'm not going to wait for it to release the game, it will come later, oh well :)
[ 2024-01-19 10:59:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there :) Here's my December report. And, first and foremost, I hope this report will be the last one before the release of Chapter 4! I've made good progress since my last post here. I'm starting to get the hang of my part-time schedule, and it's reflecting in my work-life balance, as well as in my results! So, let's talk about it. - 890 images are done - more than 3500 frames of animations -4260 lines of script But this last number doesn't represent the entirety of my scripting/coding work. In fact, I've completely recoded the walkthrough integrated into the game to make it more modular, to add icons for example, but also to integrate it into the new GUI I'm working on. I've also reworked the screens I use to make them easier to modify, and to add mechanics to them. For example, the exit screen (Amy sadly asking if you're sure you want to leave) is now different depending on your progress in the story, and uses the same screens as the game. Well, basically, I've recoded part of it to see what I could do for the designer, and what I couldn't do (and for now, I can do everything!) Moreover, the script has been sent to my proofreaders, so after their feedback, all that's left is to translate it into French. So, I can tell you that we are, for the whole game, at 52,000 words in English at the moment! :) As for the rest to do: - finish the lewd scene I'm currently doing - set up a big scene (about 120 renders) - set up the last big action scene (150 renders and two animations) - set up the post-credits scene (10 renders) - code the jukebox (which will allow you to listen to the game's music on demand, and if you have the premium version, to download the music in wave format for crazy quality!) - code and integrate the new UI when the designer is finished - do the translation As you can see, it's really coming along well (especially if you compare the numbers to those of November!) but there's still a bit of work left. PS: I'm looking into the possibility of adding voice acting for the lewd scenes. It wouldn't be words, but more like moans, giggles, little naughty laughs, etc... If you're interested in this feature, don't hesitate to say so in the comments (because it will cost quite a bit of money to integrate into the game :) )
[ 2023-12-09 21:45:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! As promised, I'm keeping you updated on the development progress! Summary of the past month: A lot of work on GS, at my IRL job, and a bit of family time. But what we're interested in here is GS, right? So... First of all, the writing of the chapter is almost entirely finished. As of today, we're at 50,000 words for the entire game, and for Chapter 4 alone: 13,000 so far. I still have one or two dialogue scenes to write (planned for Monday :)), and I think we'll be at 15,000 for this chapter. But writing isn't the longest part. It's one of the most important (in my eyes) but what really takes a lot (a lot!) of time is the images and animations. For now, I've made 450 images and almost 2000 frames of animations for this chapter. By way of comparison, Chapter 3 had 1100 images and 7500 frames of animations. For the art, I'm therefore halfway through the chapter. But that doesn't mean you'll have to wait another 3 months! Firstly, a large part of the remaining scenes are two-character scenes, so much quicker to set up. Also, during these months since the release of Chapter 3, other things have been done: The music: I was able to have 13 pieces of music created for GS! They are unique, made especially for each character, according to my criteria. This music, made by a professional composer, will be included in the game, and its HD version (in .wav) will be included in the bonus pack, in case you want to have the soundtrack. I own the exclusive rights, which means you won't find it anywhere else. After the release of this chapter, I will continue to have music made, I need about a dozen more pieces. The graphical interface: I've learned quite a bit about Renpy (the game engine) and what it allows. So, I developed some things myself but, let's be honest, it's still amateur. So I've started looking and getting quotes for a professional designer, to have a nice interface that's worthy of the name! Furthermore, as I mentioned in my last news, I am now (as of today) part-time! So I will be able to dedicate more time to my game, while having a healthier family life! And for that, thank you from the bottom of my heart! As you can see, I've really not been idle, but there's still a lot of work to do. I hope you'll appreciate what I produce, I certainly love the result! Thanks for your support, and see you soon!
[ 2023-11-03 10:48:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there! To be perfectly honest, I've just learned that you can post news here about the game's development... So I'm coming back to you today to let you know how development is progressing. After a rather successful launch on Steam (enough to allow me to consider going part-time in my current job), despite a low number of reviews, a few fine-tunings in my workflow, a bit of a vacation (well, more like childcare, as I was on vacation at the same time as my child, and at this age, let's be honest... it's not a vacation for parents!), I got back to work! First of all, the big news: my boss accepted my request for part-time work! I'll be able to establish a more serene balance between my work, the development of my game and my family :) And this is only possible thanks to all of you, so thank you! As for the progress of the game, I'm now at 1400 lines fully finished, and it's increasing day by day! This new chapter promises to be pretty big, bigger than chapter 3 (which had almost 4000 lines). That's all for now, but now that I've found this feature, I'll keep you posted more regularly! Thanks again, guys! MoonLight
[ 2023-09-26 08:18:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Staring Apprentice Achievement will now trigger correctly. For those who already have finished it, if you launch your save at the end of the game, and play again the post credits scene, then you'll trigger the achievement (if you're supposed to get it, of course).
[ 2023-07-15 20:27:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there !
Today, I'm proud to introduce you the demo of Glowing Stones : Heroes' Awakening !
This demo cover all the functions created for the game so far, and it contain the story from chapter 0 to chapter 2!
Don't hesitate to join the discord to give me your feedback, this is also one of the objective of the early access !
[ 2023-04-21 13:53:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Will you be able to discover your power? And… will it be your True Power?!
This is a story-driven game, where you'll be able to discover and find yourself immersed in a wholesome narrative.
In it, you will be able make a lot of choices that will influence your relationship with the other characters in the game and the way you experience this adventure. Love, Friendship, Romance, Hope and Fear will all accompany you as you make your journey in this world. You'll begin as a Lambda corporate employee but, soon, you'll discover you have something that others people don't have… and that will change your life forever.
Come, and let yourself be led by your deceased father's mantra, where you'll try to use your newfound power to do good in a world where money and corruption are power!
Come, and discover that perhaps your newfound power is not the True Power as mentioned by those celestial beings!
Come, and awake, to become a True Superhero!
You'll be able to meet, and romance, six beautiful and amazing women. Each with their own personality, style, and story. Will you romance all of them or will you choose to just stay with one?
And what would an adult story be without some hot and erotic lewd scenes for you to experience and enjoy!?
In order to survive and rise as a True Hero, you'll need friends!
You’ll be able to rely on those like Greg, your best friend and/or rely on his beautiful wife, Sheila, as well as rely on a lot of other characters that can help you along during your incredible journey! Allowing you to experience lot of their stories… some sad, some kind and some... quite erotic.
The true value of a hero is measured by the strength of his enemi! And in this game you’ll meet and find many of them!
And, for sure, it will not always be easy for you to win those fights!
A dangerous world!
The world within this story is somewhere between our own and a contemporary cyberpunk one.
A world where the mega corporations that exist are more powerful than the governments of the world and tend to dictate policies and laws.
MoonCity, the town in which this story takes place, is a mix between a luminous and wonderous city and a dark and rough megapolis.
Allies, or...?
And within this world you’ll encounter other beings, some that may be much more powerful and who are are looking down upon you and your story. But will they be your allies or your enemies in your journey?
In the game, you'll have access to a texting system which will allow the girls to send you some pictures and messages, if you manage to please them enough. There will also galleries for the characters and their biographies with bonus pictures you'll be able to unlock during your adventure, as well as a replay gallery that will allow you to replay all of the erotic and story point scenes of the game.- Processor: Dual Core or betterMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GT 750 or better. AMD equivalent
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: OpenGL 2. DirectX 9 or OpenGL ES 2 required
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