Since Vagante first arrived on Steam two years ago(!), we've kept to a biweekly update schedule. While this schedule has worked out great in the past, as we near the game's completion we've found that we want to work on parts of the game which take longer than two weeks to complete.
So instead of keeping to a biweekly schedule of smaller updates, we've made the decision to change our releases to larger and more interspersed updates. This will allow us to make our updates more substantial, as well as focus our efforts on the last big pieces of content for the game.
We hope you understand our decision, and we appreciate everyone old and new sticking with us throughout our game's development.
[spoiler]stay tuned for a
Vagante is an adventure set in a dark fantasy world filled with monsters, demons, and crooks. Despite these dangers, adventurers commonly travel these unforgiving lands questing for fame, riches, and power.
A recent rumor has it that a certain cave at the edge of the woods guards an unfathomable treasure. While a handful of intrepid adventurers have ventured into the cave already, none have returned. Undeterred by the potential danger, you set out by caravan to investigate...