I am continuing to work on completing chapter 3 of Unexpected Consequences and making good progress. So far I have added over 450 new images, 13 new animations, and almost 7,000 words of new dialogue and narration. There is still a lot more work to go in order to complete chapter 3, but everything is still looking good for a release by the end of May.
[ 2025-01-23 21:55:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've been hard at work on the second part of chapter 3 and am making good progress. There are two major decision points in this part that will lead to major branching in the story for the remaining chapters. I have currently completed work up to the first of those decisions and have a few scenes down each branch done. What I've completed so far for the remainder of the chapter already makes day 81 the second largest day of chapter 3, and once it is completed it will by far be the largest day in the game to this point.
[ 2024-12-26 23:15:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Chapter 3 Part 1 of the story is now ready for you to experience. Chapter 3 picks up right after the conclusion of Chapter 2, and part 1 includes several days of content as you prepare for the mission that serves as the chapter 3 climax and enjoy the company of some of the lovely ladies in your life. In addition to the new content, this version updates the Image and Replay galleries, dividing them by chapter, and has some minor dialogue updates on day 54. All animation videos have also been re-encoded for this update, reducing the game's overall size while slightly increasing the image quality of the animations. There are also a few bug fixes, including one that would prevent you from continuing the story if you turned down the threesome with Jamie and Kat on day 56. Finally, I have corrected multiple typos as well.
[ 2024-12-14 13:57:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
I have completed posing all content for Chapter 3 part 1. All that remains is for the animations to complete rendering, final processing of the rendered animations, and testing. As long as no issues come up with the animation rendering, the release candidate will be made available to Fans and Super Fans on Patreon and SubscribeStar Saturday morning, supporters the following Saturday, and the release build of Chapter 3 Part 1 will be available here on Steam the following Saturday, December 14th. The next Steam update will complete chapter 3, adding in the chapter's epic climax featuring important choices that will create additional story branches and the opportunity to experience several new lewd scenes. Due to the large size of this next update, it's going to take longer to develop and I'm tentatively anticipating its release by the end of May.
[ 2024-11-27 23:03:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am continuing to make good progress on Chapter 3 part 1. I have completed posing two more days of content, days 76 and 77. Day 76 was originally going to be a skip day, but I had good idea for filling in a little more story and getting in another lewd scene so I did some rewrites to add in a couple day 76 scenes. I'm currently part way through day 80 and will release the next Patreon/SubscribeStar beta next week with days 76, 77, and what I have done so far of 80. The remainder of day 80 and the opening of day 81 will complete Chapter 3 part 1 and I currently anticipate releasing the update on Steam in early December. I will have a definitive release date by the November status update.
[ 2024-10-29 18:17:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Chapter 3 Part 1 is coming along nicely. I have completed work on day 72, which includes the first Chapter 3 lewd scene, and day 73 is just waiting on rendering for the final animation. Day 74 is a skip day and I am currently working on day 75, which is a big story day with two very important scenes. I completed the first scene which consists of 186 shots and have started work on the second scene of the day. I will release the second Patreon/SubscribeStar beta of Chapter 3 Part 1 once day 75 is complete. I'm still working on the last parts of the script for Chapter 3 Part 1, but I'm currently looking at three more days with content for it and am hoping to have it completed and released on Steam by the end of November. I have also received feedback on my initial community items submission and have some edits to make, but expect to have the items live next month. Thank you for playing!
[ 2024-09-27 22:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains minor bug fixes and dialog corrections for day 53.
[ 2024-09-23 16:14:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
I have been hard at work on the next update, which will be Chapter 3 Part 1 and am making good progress. I am currently finalizing the first Patreon/SubscribeStar beta featuring the first two days and will release that tomorrow. In an effort to make Chapter 3 the best chapter yet, I am taking extra time on the script and I hope you'll enjoy the story and character development of part 1 when it is released later this year. And don't worry, you'll have a few lewd scenes to enjoy as well. On another topic, thanks to everyone who has purchased and played Unexpected Consequences here on Steam, the game has reached the threshold to enable Community Items (trading cards, badges, emoticons, and profile backgrounds), so I have started work on those and plan to have everything finalized and submitted for approval next month. Thank you for playing!
[ 2024-08-28 13:26:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.10.0 of Unexpected Consequences is here! This update completes Chapter 2 of our story, bringing it to its exciting conclusion and setting up the events of Chapter 3. In addition to the new content, you now have the ability to name your save files and delete saves you no longer want. I have also added in the ability to set the MC name for the replay gallery, so you will now be able to use whatever name you want for replays instead of the default name. Of course, this update also includes the requisite bug fixes and typo corrections. I hope you enjoy this update and look forward to the next. That update will be Chapter 3 Part 1 and I plan to release it by the end of the year. Chapter 3 will be completed with the following update, currently scheduled for early 2025.
[ 2024-08-22 12:47:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
To celebrate the release of version 0.10.0 and the exciting conclusion of Chapter 2 of the story, Unexpected Consequences will be on sale for 30% off for the next week.
[ 2024-08-21 13:36:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
The next update is coming along nicely. I released the latest beta to top supporters on Patreon and SubscribeStar this morning and am already well underway working on the final content for 0.10. All that remains of new content for chapter 2 is a final lewd scene that I am currently working on, a final major story scene with two versions that I will start on next week, and one final romance scene to end the day and chapter on. At this point, I am ahead of schedule and on track to release the final version of 0.10 here on Steam by the end of August.
[ 2024-07-26 20:03:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am making good progress on the next update to Unexpected Consequences and am currently working on finishing up day 68 for the undercover route. I anticipate having day 68 for this route complete and the next beta released on Patreon and SubscribeStar within two weeks. I will then start working on day 68 for the non-undercover route. Day 68 is shorter on that route and I will be able to reuse some content from the undercover route, so I should have that complete by the end of July. After that, I just need to complete day 69 to finish out chapter two. I am still feeling quite good about releasing the 0.10 update in September.
[ 2024-06-26 21:13:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.10 of Unexpected Consequences will complete content for Chapter 2. There are four more days of content and a short montage to fill in an eight day time jump for those on the undercover path. If you are playing on a path where you chose not to go undercover, then you have two new days of content, skipping directly to the chapter climax at the end of day 68. Today, I completed posing the final shots of the day 59 content and just need to wait for the remaining shots to finish rendering before I perform the necessary post processing on the images. While those are rendering, I will finish up audio selection and coding for the day, and I plan to release the first 0.10 beta on Patreon and SubscribeStar this week. I'm pleased with the progress I have been making so far and feel good about hitting my September release target for the completed update.
[ 2024-05-29 21:40:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.9.0 of Unexpected Consequences is now available. This update will take you through the next four days of chapter 2. You will have a lot of interactions with the ladies in your life over these days and have the opportunity for several lewd scenes. You will also potentially meet some new allies. This update also includes the typical bug fixes and typo corrections. I hope you enjoy this update and look forward to the next. 0.10 will complete chapter 2, adding in all of your undercover time if you chose that route along with the exciting climax of the chapter and its immediate aftermath..
[ 2024-05-25 13:30:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
The first three of the four days of new content for version 0.9 are complete and I have started working on the fourth. At this point, I'm still targeting releasing 0.9 by the end of May. The final day of this update is fairly short, but puts everything in place for the big 0.10 update that will include your time undercover with Violet (if you chose that path) and the exciting conclusion of chapter 2.
[ 2024-04-29 13:48:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am currently working on the final scenes of the second day of the 0.9 update and expect to have it completed within two weeks. This day is primarily focused on character relationships, but does introduce two new characters that may prove helpful in your fight against the Syndicate, one with her own tragic past due to one Syndicate member in particular. At this point, I am slightly behind where I would like to be with progress on this update, but I still anticipate a May release for 0.9.
[ 2024-03-28 22:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.9 is a big update, featuring four days of the game. The first day of the update is large, with four potential lewd scenes, each with a new feature that allows you to choose from multiple angles to view several of the animations. The first of these scenes is completed with the second just waiting on the final angles of the animations to complete rendering. I have also completed rendering several non-lewd scenes for this day and consider it to be about halfway complete. I am targeting completing this day within about three weeks. The next three days of the update are smaller, and I am currently anticipating the release of 0.9 in May. Looking ahead, while 0.9 is primarily a relationship focused update, the main story will be the primary focus of 0.10, which will include your time undercover (if you chose that path), and the exciting climax and conclusion of chapter 2.
[ 2024-02-23 22:49:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.8.0 of Unexpected Consequences is now available. This update adds in the next 3 days of chapter 2. In addition to the added game content, this update includes a new menu screen, updated backgrounds for the dialog window and choice menu buttons, typo corrections, and bug fixes. I hope you enjoy this update and look forward to the next. 0.9 will add four more days of content to the story and I am currently planning to release it by the end of May.
[ 2024-02-08 19:35:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
The next update is nearing completion. I have most of the content for the fourth day of chapter two complete with only one scene left pose. This scene is 71 shots as scripted and I expect to complete it this week. With a couple weeks for beta testing, I'm currently targeting the 0.8 release for February 10th. In addition to the added content of days 2 through 4 of chapter 2, 0.8 will also include lewd sound effects added to the lewd scenes, a new animated main menu, an updated dialog background with an opacity slider preference, new choice menu buttons, bug fixes, and typo corrections.
[ 2024-01-22 04:30:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
I have been making good progress on the next update to Unexpected Consequences. Version 0.8 will include the next three days of Chapter 2 as well as updates to the game's interface. I have completed work on the first new day of content and completed posing the second day and am in the progress of rendering all camera angles for the last several animations for the day's lewd scene. In addition to the content work, I have also updated the dialog background with a new design and added a preference slider to control its opacity, updated the choice menu buttons to use a custom background, and replaced the main menu screen with a custom one that includes an animated background, although the animations aren't finalized yet. One last upgrade that I plan to include in 0.8 that I haven't implemented yet is lewd sound effects. I have already purchased some packages and just need to work on choosing the appropriate options and get them added into the game. I am still targeting late January or early February for the release of the 0.8 update and I am currently leaning towards it falling towards the earlier part of that timeline.
[ 2023-12-20 23:42:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 0.7 of Unexpected Consequences is here, bringing with it the first Chapter 2 content. This update includes a brief montage to fill in some events that occurred during the short time jump between chapters as well as the first full day of Chapter 2. In this update, you'll meet the MI6 agent working undercover in the Syndicate and learn a lot more about their operation. You'll also see that some of the lovely ladies in your life have changed up their looks and you may also learn the not entirely unexpected consequences of some of your choices in Chapter 1. Finally, you will also notice I have updated the achievement icons, replacing the previous clip-art style icons with new 3D rendered ones. I would also like to note that moving forward, content updates are going to be larger and spread a little further apart. For example, 0.8 will include the next 3 full days of Chapter 2 and I am currently targeting its release for late January or early February at the latest. My goal is to have no fewer that three days of content in an update and no more that three months between updates. I hope you enjoy this update and look forward to the next!
[ 2023-11-24 22:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
I have completed work on the next update and it is in testing now. I am currently targeting its Steam release for November 25th. This update adds in a short montage of events that occur in the time gap between chapter 1 and chapter 2 as well as the first full day of chapter 2 content.
[ 2023-11-18 14:22:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Unexpected Consequences 0.6.0 is now available. This update adds in the day 9 content, completing chapter 1. In addition to finishing off the chapter 1 content, this version also adds in the ability to customize the dialog background opacity. This new setting defaults to 25% opacity, but can be configured in preferences to 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100%. Finally, this update also corrects some typos.
[ 2023-10-23 04:24:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update fixes a couple bugs that could lead to crashes with certain choice combinations.
[ 2023-10-15 14:22:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
With the help of some of your parents' former FBI colleagues and an international task force, you'll dive head first into an investigation that will expose a ruthless syndicate who's reach extends far beyond Ocean City, making new friends along the way and choosing which relationships to nurture into something more. Be careful though, as some choices will make you the arbiter of life and death and some consequences may just be unexpected.
Experience a stirring story and enjoy the companionship of the lovely ladies in your life as you navigate a path towards extricating the Syndicate from your life and the lives of those close to you.
In this choice-based adult visual novel, you will make decisions that will alter your relationships with those around you and guide the story down divergent paths. Along the way, you will unlock bonus images in the image gallery, earn achievements, and encounter animated lewd scenes, unlocking them in the replay gallery.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+ or Kernel 4.x+ based distributions
- Processor: 2.0 Ghz 64-bit Intel-compatibleMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.0
- Storage: 5 GB available space
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