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 Frogun Encore 






 Top Hat Studios, Inc. 














Free to play 














 Early Access 













 Partial Controller Support 


 Full Controller Support 


Players online



Steam Rating


Steam store




Thanks for playing the Steam Next Fest demo! Also in Remote Play Together fest!

Hello everyone!

I want to thank you all for trying the Frogun Encore demo this Steam Next Fest. I hope you had fun!

I've been following the various feedback very closely, and it even helped hunt down a couple issues to improve the game. I've tweaked camera angles, fixed a couple of bugs and tightened a few spots in the levels the demo featured. I have to thank you all again for the chance to do this.

I want to bring some extra news, too! The game will also be appearing in the Remote Play Together fest as well! The whole game will be possible to play with a friend, so feel free to tag along and race each other to the finish line of each level, or whack the bosses with teamwork.

Who will you bring to play with you? Will you brave the obsidian skull paths? Demolish the time trial times with speedrun strats? Or fight over who gets to pick the coins?

That's all for now! I'll see you soon with more news!

[ 2024-02-13 18:13:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Frogun Encore demo on Steam Next Fest!

Hello everyone!

Today starts Steam Next Fest, which is an awesome opportunity to test lots of demos of upcoming games. And among them it's Frogun Encore!

Frogun Encore is the sequel to Frogun, which takes place three years after the plot of the original game, and I'd love to tell you a bit more about it today.

While most fly bois are good people now, a group of them, under the leadership of the grumpy General Fluff, have begun a nefarious plan to bring back Beelzebub! And so, Renata, Jake and Hatter, along with Frogun and Snatch, embark on a new adventure around the world to stop them.

So what exactly is different in Encore?

  • Gameplay is faster! Renata can run faster and jump higher, the Frogun's tongue reaches further in less time, and there's a few new tricks that you can pull off like jumping off a zipline with a Catapult Jump, or getting an extra bit of height with a Twirl Jump, or even adding a second jump in the air by tossing straight down any item you've grabbed. And all of these moves can be combined!
  • A new camera: In Frogun Encore, twisting the camera around is not part of the core gameplay. The new camera, with specific angles to facilitate gameplay, is also a bit further from Renata, giving a good look at your surroundings. It's specially helpfull in...
  • Couch Coop! Plug a gamepad and play with a friend who will take control of Jake and Snatch! He's got the same moves as Renata, but playing together can help tackle the same obstacles in different ways. The camera will retract to show both characters at once, and you can revive each other if need be. You can even bounce off each other's head if you don't mind the stomping!
  • More chaotic bosses: In the original Frogun, you'd have to evade a whole slow of boss attacks before you could retaliate exactly once. In Frogun Encore, bosses have many more hitpoints, but are almost always open to attack! You just need to keep an eye open for stuff to throw at them, and to not get hit while aiming at the boss!

On top of these changes, you can expect lots of little different mechanics, new enemies, and knowing a bit more about Renata's world! You'll visit various countries this time, instead of keeping to inside Beelzebub's temple. There's tons to discover, and I can't wait for everyone to see it.

For now that's it! You can check the demo HERE, and make sure to add Frogun Encore to your wishlist if you want to be notified as soon as it comes out. That also would help a ton!


Thank you and have fun!

[ 2024-02-05 22:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]