Hey Akuparians! Guess what, its our birthday!,
Akupara Games is turning 8 years old and to celebrate, we have put Everafter Falls on sale for 15% off! Be sure to grab those deals, check out our lovely event page, and check out the sales! Maybe the game youve been waiting for is waiting for you here, with a crisp sale to match.
Also, to celebrate, we will be hosting a multi-hour stream with tons of activities, announcements, and more! Stream is starting at 11:45 PM PDT! We really hope to see you there - and heres to another year of publishing your favorite indie games on the market
- Riv otter
[ 2024-10-04 17:30:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just some minor fixes -
- Ingredients left out overnight in oven/stove will automatically turn into mush if not removed in time the next day (resolve bug where pan becomes non interactable if day ends during cooking stage)
- Time now properly pauses in DungeonVR for 2P co-op mode,
[ 2024-08-30 06:54:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Potentially addresses controller disconnection issues - if you still have issues with controllers disconnecting, please report the issue stating if you are playing in 1 or 2p mode, what controllers you are using, and what platform. As much detail as you have would be help a lot.
- Fix critical issue not being able to move past Atlas has an important item screen on the first time you lose a vital item
- Fix item choosing screen cut off for languages other than English
- Fix unable to pick up ingredients in cooking mini game if you have an identical ingredient in your inventory before the minigame starts
- Fix removing T junction in fence leaves invisible gaps that animals can phase through.
[ 2024-08-26 14:27:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix pixie guardian prizes sowing claimed when you haven't reached target.
- Fix shrooms growing out of bounds sometimes
- Fix player 2 being detected as location for player 1 and vice versa (i.e. placing items down requires booth players to be outside)
- Fix p2 not being able to exit moving mode from Aamys
- Fixed end game cutscene pathing for Ren
- Fix bug freeze when interacting with rock breaker and switching to fishing rod
[ 2024-08-22 09:25:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, The dungeon is very important to any farmer in Everafter Falls. There you gain resources to upgrade your tools and machines to build around your farm. However, it can be very dangerous and filled with creatures who dont welcome friendly farmers from the surface. Some of you farmers may already be pro and have spent hundreds of hours in the dungeon and optimized your trips into them but for those who are a bit unsure or nervous, this deep dive may help! If you have any tips for newer players that we dont go through, feel free to message them in the comments! [previewyoutube=jYf51G3BJ1I;full][/previewyoutube]
Rooms are procedurally generated
Each room in the dungeon is procedurally generated meaning you will have to kill antagonistic creatures each time you go into the dungeon. If you go deep enough, you can find teleportation rooms that you can teleport to in future runs to give yourself a head start and avoid fighting early room creatures.
Rocks, Copper, Iron and More
In the dungeon, you will find many metals you can use to build machines or upgrade your tools to help with farming, gathering resources, or even better weapons to go deeper in the mines. Youll have some organisms that may have something to say about trying to mine their resources. Wait are we the bad guys stealing from these creatures? If you are lucky, you can find treasure rooms, which after defeating the enemies in the room, you can collect jewelry which can be equipped to boost stats or items and seeds to help your farm. There are also trapped ghosts named Pooklets who you can save in the dungeon and theyll reward you greatly if you do.
Each dungeon has a huge boss to face and they are the deadliest thing in the dungeon. I wont go into details on each of the bosses but the reward is amazing for defeating them. If you want to talk with others, share your farms, or strategize for the dungeon, then join the Everafter Falls Discord!
[ 2024-08-13 16:02:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix possible loss of input opening chests
- Fix cooking mini game freezing start (later levels)
- Fixed freya crop quest bugged in spring
- Fixed critical equip bug where drone item disappears upon equipping
[ 2024-08-12 04:39:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Churners and Modern spinning wheels now work with ether crystal
- Spooklets should not capture you anymore after dying in dungeon VR
- Fixed 2p bug where 2 player would get stuck in empty room if other player died in dungeonVR
- Fixed dungeonVR critical error loading room causing you to lose your run (if you still experience this please email me a screenshot of the error message)
- Arrow marker added to rock passage west of farm
[ 2024-08-11 14:38:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
FINALLY fixed critical issue causing stuck pet not to move and NPCs getting stuck!!! (Thank you for those who sent save files in, Im so grateful!)
[ 2024-08-09 07:05:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Blobs in dungeons not correctly despawning causing doors not to open (regression)
- Fixed missing save changes button for player 2 when using mirror item
- Fixed festivals were still destroying player objects if they were placed in the same location as festival related items spawned
- Invisible soot in soot grower growing soot without anything in it fixed
- Infinite claiming pixie cards from Pixie Guardian fixed
- Fixed cooking mini game freezing during loading into it if you were on the 8th level.
- Spelling corrections
[ 2024-08-07 10:58:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Quick fix for save freeze if entered dungeons that day.
[ 2024-08-06 02:55:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Farmers, We have been listening to the feedback and suggestions and Ou has constructed a new patch that includes crafting that will pull from any chest 2 tiles all around, longer/shorter days settings, tracking NPC from the map, and more! Were sorry for the construction noise that you may have heard during the night in Everafter Falls while working on the next patch.
Full Patch Notes
- Can now craft from any chests 2 tiles all around (up 25 chests)
- Added settings for longer/slower days between in 25% increments up to 200%
- Track NPC - you can mark an NPC from the map and a guide arrow will guide you towards them
- (PC VERSION) Can now revert save file to 1 day before in save slot selection
- Can no longer sell or recycle unread letters
- Can now switch to hard mode at any time, not limited to just start of game
- When feeding favorite food to animal, the produce they give will bounce out towards you so they are longer stuck in unreachable places
- Harvesting from crops and berry bushes will bounce towards you so they dont get stuck behind the bush
- New Wall Mirror item purchasable from Cids allowing you to restyle your character
- Increased pixie guardian prizes 2 more level for really late game goals - 400 and 500 targets
- Pixie blessings now give bonus to all players (co-op).
- Pixie blessings will give bonus regardless of whether they are following you or placed into replica treehouse
- Re-wrote spawning player and pet code to hopefully address issues with freezing on area change for consoles
- Reduce damage of final boss
- Reduce damage of enemies on hard mode by 15%
- Add 1.6 second delay after entering dungeon room before enemies can attack to prevent instant death on entering room.
- Cooking mini game with black pigeon reward adjusted target to 12 (from 16)
- Further ease to complete late game collections, increase rare spawn rates.
- Red and Blue morning glory, star flower, now fixed in seed creator
- Can no longer sell or recycle letters with attachments
- Zulufruit seeds now plantable in greenhouse
- Maxing out pet training could cause card to be skipped in print shop instead of displaying Max eatable
- Jewelry table now dyeable
- Animals were still producing goods when below 60 Happiness
- Skip tutorial button is now disabled during the last step as it was causing input freeze when canceling while your pet action is being canceled
- 2P mode, fixed both players got duplicate item if you stood really close to each other.
- Pew pew and amulet plus now correctly restock daily.
- Fixed Black Alpaca not being placeable in nest slot/duping
- Fixed UI issue where if the first ingredient isnt found when crafting from chets, all ingredients show up as not present
- Fixed some letters with attachments were still being able to be recycled/sold
- Fixed holding down mouse button near character would not trigger second backslash, reducing overall attack speed slightly
- Fixed issue where once you entered the pause menu, holding down mouse button would no longer auto-attack
- Fixed strange bugs where grass and other things were not interactable
- Fixed not being able to donate beyond 300 pixies
- Fishing fruit trees outside of farm and using Everberry Juice on trees outside of farm not absorbing the fruit now fixed
- Can now pick up mirror
- If spooklets catch you while selecting pixie blessing, you will be able to return and select it again (fixed potentially losing the card/blessing)
- Fixed TP out of a previously completed dungeon will mess up the UI in TP map portal rooms the next day.
- Fixed items not meant to be dyeable showing message to dye and then stealing dye
- Fixed not being able to pull up items using fishing rod in some instances
- Fixed issue where items might bug out if dragging 1 into max stack
- Fixed black alpaca not dispensing black wool
- Fixed Master Collection achievement count not matching collecting progress - game will now check the museum for the correct count at beginning of day for extra failsafe
- Greenhouse issue - Invisible pixies and fish (fish tank) in greenhouse fixed
- Addressed possible freeze in critter generation for extra luck roll causing game not to load at start of day
- Pixie Terrarium UI not showing selection/becoming impossible to navigate using a controller.
- Fixed having waterbolt level at a total of 13 will bug out print a card screen
- Fixed 2P mode, if card choice came up while second player fishing, second player was unable to select card
[ 2024-08-05 16:10:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Hard mode is no longer locked until after you beat the game once. It is available from the start with a warning about difficulty when you select it.
- Bed no longer requires PRESS ACTION to sleep (wake still requires press, but sleep dialogue pops up automatically when you move into your bed - help to avoid frantic pressing to escape spooklets).
- Completing your collection is now easier. If you have less than 2 items remaining in in any particular collection, based on your luck, there will be a roll to get an item you are currently missing. This works for critter terrarium results, fishing, and breaking open Smooth Stones.
- Pink Honey 2700 > 2000 sell price
- Pink HoneyComb 400 > 300
- Normal Honey 500 > 650
- Duck festival prizes changed from 1 - sapling, 2 - tapping kit, 3 - Seed packet TO 1-Rainbow Pixie Delicate Tapping Kit, 2 - PixieShrine, 3 - TappingKit
- If you dont get top 3 in Duck festival, you will still get a random seedpacket as a prize.
- Reduced HP scaling further on later levels
- Reduced dungeon VR difficulty at later levels.
- Critter Terrarium now requires 3x White Marble instead of 1x Limelite Stone
- Reduced Critter Terrarium hatch times
- Alchemy machines can now convert following stones/minerals
- ruby/emerald/sapphire
- obelite/argonite/limelite
- azurite/telcite/lucine
- Purpurite/WhiteMarble/Malachite
- Soot grower now grows 3 size per day
- Fixed bug where you could not place red and rainbow pixies on soot grower doubling/tripling growth rate
- Dog no longer says unspent festival tickets will be lost, instead saying they will carry over next year, since they do.
- Fixed all potential issues with the pet being stuck or not processing a command
- Fixed problems with disappearing pet (at the very worst if this does happen, going to bed will return them next day, instead of needing to restart)
- Animals no longer disappear off into the barn/coop walls when placing down in their nests.
- Reduced instances of farm animals stuck in walking animation but not moving.
- Duck festival letter now shows correct placement (i.e. 1, instead of 0)
- Ball of sun and Ether Crystal now works correctly on glass maker with bottle attachments
[ 2024-07-15 00:43:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix for some reversing of dungeon difficulty and more drone buffs, plus a couple of other things. Bugs Fixed
- Recycling letters through the quick drop box at Cids now correctly counts towards Recycler achievement
- Fin job offering fix
- Rare bug where player bed spawn point was not correctly assigned
- Dialogue for event offering Alchemy machine prize fixed in languages other than English (150 > 50)
- Monster HP scaling reduced at later pillars by half again
- Support drone shooting range increased to 3x distance so you can stay back
- Support drone shoots 40% faster
- Mob numbers reduced 10%
- Enemy damage decreased by 10% at later dungeon pillars
- Can now switch freely between normal and easy mode (no longer locked to easy once you switch
- Recipe stand in cooking minigame will have an exclamation mark by default until you interact with it.
[ 2024-07-11 04:42:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, In this patch, there are some huge changes to balance and dungeon difficulty in the later pillars. Drone damage has been increased significantly to try and make attack drones a viable build. Enemy attack has been largely left untouched, but HP has been buffed so players arent just mindlessly mowing through the rooms to the final boss. While this patch has gone some testing and feedback with regards to this, please bear with me if the changes seem too much and post your feedback. I want to get this to a good state of balance where most players face a fun challenge while not being frustratingly hard to progress. Version 1.1.13 patch notes Bugs Fixed
- Replica treehouse can now deposit/take little friends via mouse click (previously UI bugged with mouse interaction)
- Map can no longer be dragged/scrolled when fully zoomed out causing visual bug
- Waterbolt bounce fixed where bonus from equipment would not contribute to the number of bounces.
- Updated controller assignment method for 2p mode
- Fixed equipment bonus not recalculating if using a controller and selecting equip/unequip through the menu. Dragging and dropping worked OK.
- Harvesting carrot pot plant using a harvesting drone will cause progression bug and not allow save that day.
- Spooklet should not save you if you die in DungeonVR, causing you to pay fine.
- Characters sometimes freeze their animations during cutscenes or dont walk to correct spots
- Lotuses no longer spawn in unreachable spaces (new saves only)
- Giant lotus spawn more reliably checks for 3x3 (previously if you had other pods surrounding, it wont combine)
- Time pauses when choosing pixie card rewards from pixie guardian
- If you didnt get your pixie friend from the guardian due to previous bug, you may go back and talk to them for your reward in this version
- Pigeon friend will land from flight mode when near you
- Fixed cooking mini game are you sure you want to exit when going back up stairs after a minigame
- Fixed grabbing minigame ingredients outside of minigame.
- Luck now affects pixies chances from shrines
- Changed HP buff scaling at later levels (implemented in last patch) by half
- Drone damage buffed more and shoots faster
- Number of rooms to reach boss in Dungeons is reduced on first and second pillar.
- Second, third and 4th dungeons and bosses HP buffed.
- Increased drop rates of rarer frogs
- Increased drop rates of rarer shrooms
- Decreased drop rates of machines from higher level dungeon chests
- Increased drop chance of machines from lower level dungeon level chests.
- 2P mode, second player no longer gets a card choice for Pixie Guardian cards
- 2P mode, second player will now get items/ring choices from Dawn (in addition to card rewards).
- Increased spawn rates of frogs/insects in direct west and east areas of farm
- Drone inventory shakes when trying to unequip while its inventory is not empty
- Weather panel now shows exclamation mark when Sun ball or Ether is available
- Max eatable on cards are now shown on print and redeem a card screens.
- Added Deposit/Take stacks, and Deposit/Take stacks but leave 1 buttons, for inventory chests (quickly deposit only stackable items that exist in the chest and vice versa)
- Changed Rainbow pixie animation to not flicker between colors but display 3 stripe colors at once instead.
- Animation states now have an end of frame delay to try and address states not being correctly played the same frame objects are enabled. (fix stuck in sword animation, characters not animating during cutscenes)
[ 2024-07-10 05:10:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, the patch notes for this are for all changes between the last patch 1.1.08 and this one. Console patches have been submitted for approval (time to go live depending on console, PS and Xbox early next week, Switch late next week) and include everything between 1.1.00 up to 1.1.08 only. For consoles, this patch onwards will be included in 1.2.00. Bugs Fixed
- Fixed stones blocking walkable area (near Brams)
- Removed offensive name from randomly generated name list
- Events and cutscenes properly clear area of trees and other objects before starting
- Your items placed in areas where cutscenes or events took place should be properly restored on event exit
- Spelling mistake Hersha dialogue Preparations
- Exiting the VR maze event through the portal no longer freezes to black screen
- Zephyr and Zenith plushie icon images were swapped
- DoubleCheck for pigeon and pixie friend achievement in case they don't trigger on receiving
- Pink baby goose now placeable in small coop
- Support drone attack Gizmos ring damage bonus fixed
- Artificial Sunflower now properly loses pink coating when pink bee caught
- Pixie friend achievement triggers for people who have the pixie friend (may not have triggered previously due to bug)
- Frogs were not being able to caught with fishing rod fixed (now the fishing for critters achievement is finishable)
- More reliably check for challenge accepted Achievement
- Dungeon music no longer continues to play when you TP out of dungeons
- Sacred theme music now properly plays in sacred area
- Using master key to unlock community gates no longer shows disintegrates message
- Dragonscale Shroom not correctly spawning on dark wood causing a loading freeze if you were lucky enough to roll this on day start.
- Black Alpaca wool was incorrect on ModernWheel + causing White square to show on info signpost and machine not accepting black wool.
- Potions when selected via controller inside a chest will show SPLIT options instead of consuming.
- 2 player co-op mode now offers card selection to second player, except for first choice which is between Petrichor and One More Hour as it affects both players.
- Atlas saves last 20 items lost now > up from 10.
- Disable click anywhere on letter to close on letter so as not to confuse taking attachment (until I figure out a way to get the attachment icon registered as a button) Below Gameplay changes only for NEW save files from this patch onwards
- SIlkworm farm, beehive and pixie shrine in the community gates can be stolen once the gates are unlocked.(new saves only from this patch onwards)
- Added fruit honey press to community gated area near Cids (new saves only)
- Added 2 tapping kits on pine trees in community gated area near Atas (new saves only)
- Golden rope chances to spawn are now 3% for normal, 5% for silk, and 15% for alpaca wool in the modern machine.
- On rainy days, shells and shrooms are more plentiful (increases benefits of petrichor card)
- Reduced chances to rain in Autumn/Spring
- Swapped around crafting ingredients for super and awesome fishing rods (was mixed up)
- Fruit Honey press ingredients - silk rope 5 > 3
- Tapping Kit - Wood 20 > Wood: 15
- Furnace Brick 5 > Brick 4
- -Uses updated Pathfinding Asset v 4.3.100 - potential XBox crashing fix
[ 2024-07-05 03:41:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Farmers, Everafter Falls is now Steam Deck Verified! This is the highest rating Valve gives to games for their Steam Deck review process! Being verified means Everafter Falls is fully functional on Steam Deck and works great with the built-in controls and display! If you have Everafter Falls on Steam and have the Steam Deck, you can take Dawn, Cavin, and all the residents in Everafter Falls with you on the go! We have almost reached 1,000 members in the Everafter Falls Discord! Less than 100 members to go! Maybe well do something there to celebrate reaching the milestone there. If you want to talk with other Thanks for the amazing support! - Riv Otter
[ 2024-07-02 01:15:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.1.08 patch notes Bugs Fixed
- Beehives and silk farms will ask to make sure you want to pop out the machine if there is a pixie on them as you will lose.
- Shells no longer display wrong icon if not collected day before
- Drop help no longer shows every load game, only on start as button help now viewable in menu
- Temporarily disabled fish spawning in pixie caves due to freezing bug until I can figure it out.
- Insects and soot puffs reposition on each new day so as not to accumulate in unreachable areas.
[ 2024-07-01 14:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed some lingering issues to do with Drone equip slots causing game to be stuck loading. Please unequip your rings from your drone slot when you get back in the game!
- Exiting cooking game early now correctly shows HUD
- Skipping Cedrics rocket cutscene no longer bugs out space minigame
- Putting equipment with orb slots on Jewel display and taking back will no longer erase orb slots.
- Dark and White wood shrooms were not spawning at all on correct stumps now fixed
- Time should no longer pause on wake (hopefully..)
- Last soot prize now redeemable (if you are above 1000, any soot you insert should dispense it)
- Ponya achievement now working (if you already have one, pick it up and put it back into nest)
- Spooklet now pauses during mini game fishing
- Alpaca wool now added as cabinet in museum
- Machines no longer show empty time string left when near/close to finished.
- Moon and sun now goes behind clouds
- Artificial sunflower produces bee once every 3 days only (down from every day)
- Pixie Cap, Valley shroom, Springfall shroom have much higher chance to spawn now
- Square watermelon and Dragonfruit chances to drop in chests increased
- Floor tiles and wallpaper reduced from 50,000g > 1000g (this was a bug!)
- FIrst soot puff prize changed to delicate tapping kit. Last prize increased from 1000 > 1200 size.
- Replaced lifeOrb+ soot puff prize with Square Watermelon in a pot
- Rope, bees/worms, caterpillars/cocoons/tadpoles, sap, seeds, and various other things can now be placed on tables.
- Size of Atlas visually increased
- (new save files only) Penguin post back stairs now joins with Pip and Peppers house
[ 2024-06-30 17:28:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hot fix for freezing in boss battles. Bugs Fixed Player 2 controller missing the split option popup when interacting with items in chest. QOL: Marker added to Fins project so player knows where to go.
[ 2024-06-29 14:38:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.1.03 patch notes Hot fix to patch up game not loading for players who equipped a ring in their drone slots since the last version unintentionally let that happen! Bugs
- Fixed Loading issue loading into a game (bugged because the previous version allowed rings to be attached to the drone slot. Pleasure remove your ring from drone slot when you get back into game!)
- Pooklet cage should no longer be attackable until after clearing room
- Blobs in the dungeons not dying properly/freezing on death
- Red pixies now correctly affect bee and silkworm production times
- Paintings on greenhouse wall show up correctly
- Time freezing in the mornings fixed
- Spooklets should no longer move if you are choosing item from pooklets
- Removed Giant lotuses and related items from anima favorite foods because they are easy to mistaken for normal pods/buds.
- Water seed now increased chance to drop equally to fire seed
[ 2024-06-29 10:01:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, quick patch to fix some issues that cropped up in the latest version. Version 1.1.02 patch notes Bugs
- Equipping ring to drone slot broke the game now fixed
- Fixed Community Gate Keys not being unlockable
- Fixed Zorpian tree from resetting to sapling on harvest
- Master key will now also unlock all Community gates
- Fruit trees now require golden axes to chop down (no more new players chopping down Totonut)
- Increased critters spawn rates
- Increased job quest duration by 2-3 days
[ 2024-06-29 04:20:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Everyone, Thanks for your patience with the first post-release patch for Everafter Falls! Ive been busy working on as many issues as I could, and have addressed the most pressing issues. A note about this patch for consoles - as the submission and approval times for console are not instant like they are on Steam, it will take around 1 to 2 weeks before this patch makes it to consoles. For Xbox - we are aware of crashing issues and are working hard to resolve it. I apologize to anyone facing them. A patch (1.0.04) was released to try and address this, but I have still been getting reports that the issue is still there. Please join Discord to and I will post an announcement to notify you when it is fixed. For Playstation - We are aware of an issue causing saves to get corrupted. If this happens, deleting your save will allow you to start a new game, but the issue may happen again until the bug is fixed. Akupara have been working hard to address this but no luck yet. In the meantime, when the 1.1+ patch hits Playstation, there is an auto-backup and restore feature that will restore the previous days save if corruption has been detected so you lose a day at most. For Switch - A stability patch has been released v1.0.02 which addresses crashing in the Dungeons. Please note this is not the same as the below patch, which will take a little time to go live. Thanks so much for everyones patience and understanding while we get through the initial launch issues. We hope to resolve them asap. Highlights from the patch include now full German language support and Non-binary gender selection. The ability to also re-style/re-gender you character in an existing save is also coming in a future patch! Kind Regards, Husky PS: The fishing mini game can be disabled in the settings if for those who aren't a fan, although there are some good incentives to playing it! If you want to share your farms or join others in talking about Everafter Falls, then feel free to join the Everafter Falls Discord! Check out our Everafter Falls subreddit on Reddit
1.1.0 patch notes
- Added portal as a point of interest on the Map if rune quest has not been triggered by day 2
- Added Disable Fishing Minigame toggle in settings
- Fishing mini game will now reward prizes from ALL wheels IF (and only IF) you hit the center prize.
- Pigeon friend in Animal Center is now hidden until day after you finish Pigeon In Need quest, so there isnt a confusion between that one and the one Daisy gives you.
- Calvins Fishing For a Fun guy is now a day 1 quest in the quest log, rather than waiting for you to trigger it on first dialogue (turns out a lot of people will not initiate any conversation without some prompt to)
- Wooden Keys, treasure chests, organic paper fragments can now be occasionally found through fishing
- German Language option now supported
- Non-binary gender selection added
- Can now un do till soil by patching up back to green grass. Hold CANCEL in front of empty tilled soil. If not empty, you will pull up what is there instead.
- Button help info now accessible from the Pause menu
- Mailbox flag is bigger and now animates when letter is inside
- Fishing Minigame now displays a Blue Star next to fish you havent donated to Museum
- Map zoom out fully button added
- Interaction area for opening/closing wooden gates size increased
- Can split stack in sell bin view now on controller (hold Cancel, hold/press to split more, Press Press Pet button to quickly sell stack). Mouse users can middle click/Hold to split stack.
- Added exclamation mark next to menu pages if you havent opened them at least once before
- Improved visual feedback when catching bees and sootpuffs
- Fishing Mini game now pauses time while in it
- Tobias will accept maple syrup OR sap for promise quest.
- Support for Controller assignment when playing co-op mode
- Demo on Steam Deck now has native linux build which will hopefully resolve save games not carrying over to full version from the Deck
- Golden Rope chances increased 2x to 3x (Alpaca wool from modern machine). Sale price reduced 2000 > 1100.
- Suport drone price 3000 > 2500
- Health potion 500 > 250
- Greater health potion 2000 > 1000
- Museum books 300 >200
- PewPew card 30,000 > 25,000
- Silk worm farm Sand Dollar num item required from 5 > 3
- Delicate tapping kit - removed Malachite item requirement, swapped with 2 x HoneyComb
- Delicate tapping kit silk rope 4 > 3
- Chance to get elf stone for Spell reversal potion increased 2x
- Elf Stone can now be found via fishing (1 in 15 chance) if you have the Spell Reversal Potion Quest active
- All rocks in the underground passage ways will regenerate in the new season, such as smooth stones (previously was just the big ones)
- Amulet and Pew Pew cards restock each day now
- Grand and Fine Treasure chest drop rates boosted by 2x.
- Hard mode made a bit harder 2.5x enemy damage and attack, up from 2x.
Bugs Fixed
- Save issue after a certain letter delivery late game causing unable to progress now fixed.
- Planting in sacred area seeds prevent saving game, and seeds bug out now fixed
- Doors to Blobu king will now reliably open when boss defeated
- Treasure ducks no longer sometimes cannot be attacked
- Fixed moving building press cancel now places item down before exiting
- Fixed moonflower not blooming at end of season if you interacted/tried picking it anytime before.
- Golden Rope now gets bonus from pixies
- Achievement Tree Tapper now counting properly (Youll have to re-get any tapped tree again after this patch, sorry!)
- Right-clicking when sale deposit bin will select the correct item your mouse is on and sell that item, instead of your tools (or currently selected slot)
- Corrected Daisy incorrectly stating the festival date as 15 instead of 16
- Pixie Friend now shows up properly when you receive them. Anyone who was had this issue should see them now.
- Fixed cafeteria not closing doors after event glitch that allowed infinite cooking ingredients to be stolen
- Mixing bench no longer can be picked up during cooking mini game
- Spanish - Corrected Convierte fibras de vidrio en cuerda, to Convierte fibras de hierba en cuerda for Spinning Wheel description
- Removed delay between Miniboss death and items dropping
- Treasure duck escaping now gets detected as a cleared enemy allowing chests to be opened in dungeon room
- Exiting penguin post on rare occasion will no longer cause player to lock in a circle animation indefinitely
- Dog and Ren cutscene triggering the same one twice fixed.
- MissingTranslated text fixed when using incorrect color pixie on a tree
- DungeonVR achievement level 100 triggers correctly now
- Replica Treehouse cannot be picked up fixed
- Snowfest Racing game UI button overlap fixed
- Can no longer get through smaller gaps behind everberry bush and get stuck
- NPCs sometimes close up early or open shop late. This is not a bug. But I have had a word with them and they will now be a little more punctual.
- Fixed slowdown near print shop
- Fixed a few missing FR characters
- Fixed
tags showing on job board - Drones no longer disappear when you unequip with a full pet and personal inventory (thanks Caidryn for figuring this out!)
- 2 Customers not ordering food during cooking minigame.
- Potentially fixed character getting stuck in sword swing animation (could not reproduce but rewrote the logic for this so Im saying potentially, please report if you are on this patch and still experiencing)
Co-op Mode specific bug Fixes
- Fixed 2p mode exiting out of building placement mode shows black screen
- Fixed 2P not being able to wake up if p1 interacts with certain UIs
- Fixed 2P mode some UI elements very tiny/small
- Split screen player 2 zoom now updates with settings value.
- Split screen player 2 no longer has camera sometimes not following
Known Issues:
- Animals will phase through fences and water at times. If they get lost or stuck, stand in front of their nest and press/hold C to take them back no matter where they are.
- Time will occasionally stay paused for the whole day (please restart the game to fix until I can find the cause)
- Holding left mouse button does not continuously activate the sword at times
- Mini Boss rooms respawning regular mobs instead of mini boss if you die in them initially.
- Pooklets can be freed before killing all enemies in room at times
- NPCs sometimes not centered in hammock (cannot reproduce)
- Pet occasionally not getting into penguin post lift correctly (cannot reproduce)
- Daisy and Cedric standing up in bench (cannot reproduce)
- Controller mappings reset on computer restart (cannot reproduce)
- Fedora 40 has issues launching native build - working on proton/wine
- Fin appears when he shouldnt at times
- Pet sometimes vanishes completely, fixed by reloading the game.
- Red pixies not correctly affecting hives and worm farms
In the works for next patch
- Ability to restyle character in existing save
- The small Workshop furnace can be used as regular furnace (confusing that it cant right now)
- Special chests that you can store machine regents in that all machines can pull from and/or take ingredients from anywhere that you can craft from anywhere.
- Sell bin to show list of all items in it
- Warning before selling tools
- Dungeons accessible from within the sacred tree area with
- Increasing critter spawn rates/rebalancing
- Chest inventory size upgrades
[ 2024-06-28 16:03:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to all the players who have given feedback and reported bugs/issues since the launch. I just want everyone to know I am reading your feedback, if you do have a suggestion, issues, or any type of feedback, please send me a message through discord or email me at squarehusky@gmail.com I've had an overwhelming amount of people reach out and have been working hard on getting out an update that addresses the most pressing issues. There will be some more guidance added during the early stages of the game, nothing too much, but some nudges in the right direction. A preview of changes to come: For example, if you have not discovered the RUNE quest/visited the Portal by day 2, a blue star will show up on your map near the portals showing a point of interest. The Fishing Mini game can be turned off in the settings, so that simply casting the rope and pressing at the nibble will catch a fish. Balance changes to some of the item costs and crafting requirements, a small preview of intended changes are as follows: Silk worm farm Sand Dollar num item required from 5 > 3 Delicate tapping kit removed Malachite item requirement Delicate tapping kit silk rope 4 > 3 Delicate tapping kit 1 x Maple Syrup changed to 2 x Maple Sap Small sand dollar spawn chances increased Support drone price 3000 > 2500 PewPew card 30,000 > 20,000 Health potion 500 > 250 Greater health potion 2000 > 1000 Museum books 300 >200 Other changes to come include - A mirror to change your appearance/look mid game. - A non-binary option for gender selection - Being able to mark an NPC and see a direction arrow for that character These are just some changes planned for upcoming patches, they may not make it in the very next patch, but will as soon as feasible. ---------------------- I am prioritizing issues affecting progression/gameplay first, such as controller and camera issues with co-op. My publisher is working on stability issues for console versions. Thanks so much for playing the game, I plan to continuously work on it to make it a smooth, enjoyable experience for as many people as possible. Husky
[ 2024-06-22 15:44:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, Everafter Falls is out now! [previewyoutube=lmN7BUKcnCA;full][/previewyoutube] You dont remember getting hit by a car? You dont remember the simulation? You dont remember Everafter Falls? Well, dont worry Dog, Fin, Daisy and all the other cuddly residents in town certainly remember you. Its time to rediscover the simple life. Farming carrots. Playing with your pet. Fighting tooth and nail against blorbs, spiders, and wraiths in the dungeons to take out the sickness at the heart of Everafter I mean, chopping down trees. Everafter Falls is a quiet, sleepy town. Isnt it? If you want to talk with others playing Everafter Falls, then join the Everafter Falls Discord! After playing Everafter Falls, please remember to leave a review! Those first few reviews really help! - Riv Otter
[ 2024-06-20 16:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Farmers! Everafter Falls has a new official Discord server. Join our lovely community here: https://discord.gg/M2A2eQ4s6B Any questions, feedback, or bug reports are welcome. Hope to see you there :) Husky
[ 2024-06-20 08:45:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, Everafter Falls is releasing on June 20th! https://youtu.be/ustgi3e5lhQ Join us on June 20th as well open up Everafter Falls to you. What, you dont remember me? Oh yeah, the slight memory loss is a normal side effect of returning after your simulation on Earth. You should recover those memories in time. Remember when you used to relax by farming on your beautiful plot, fishing in the many rivers and lakes, mining in the dangerous dungeons, crafting the best items, and more. I have saved a couple progression cards for us to enjoy once you get back! Come on, get up! All your friends and your PET are waiting for you! Oh you arent ready for the simulation to end yet? I understand. Ill be waiting for you on June 20th to check up on you. -riv otter
[ 2024-06-06 16:08:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers,
This will be the final dev log before launch of Everafter Falls an it has been amazing to work alongside Ou with these dev logs and just as exciting to get the game into your hands.
And with that, I leave the rest of the final Everafter Falls dev log before launch to Ou where he talks about the artistic evolution of Everafter Falls.
A Look Back: The Artistic Evolution of Everafter Falls
The launch date has been set for June for Everafter Falls! I could not have gotten here without the amazing support of the community, and the valuable contributions of the Alpha and Beta testers. I cannot thank everyone enough, I know countless hours have been spent trying to break the game and diligently reporting the results. Their efforts have undoubtedly made the game that much better. Id also like to thank everyone who has been waiting patiently through all these years. I do hope you enjoy playing Everafter Falls as much as I had creating it.
I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to reflect on the differences between the early development and the current state of the game.
In this post, I will focus on the art and discuss its evolution throughout the development process.
To start, a bit about my background in art: I have never received formal training in art, nor had I practiced extensively before embarking on the creation of Everafter Falls. While I did enjoy sketching and doodling occasionally and was often told I had a talent for drawing, the bulk of my skills have significantly developed over the course of this project.
Nearly all the art you see in the final game went through numerous iterations. The final look and feel were not established until quite late in development, requiring a considerable amount of experimentation before settling on a particular style.
I eventually settled on a style that blended some elements of pixel art and low resolution textures, with a hand drawn, cartoony look. The final result was achieved using vector art in Adobe Illustrator, but it did take me some time to get satisfactory results.
The decision to incorporate pixel art was partly due to technical considerations. Using pixel art allowed me to load the entire sprite atlases used in the game into memory all at once,, simplifying the process. For example, in the image below, the BEFORE scene uses high-resolution textures for everything, while the AFTER scene uses pixel art for the house borders, wallpaper, and flooring. The sprite atlas size in early development was over four times larger than the final version.
The color palette also evolved over time. The final game is vibrant and colorful, which might surprise some given the restraint exercised during development. In fact, due to feedback that the colors could be overwhelming, a "toned down" color option is available in the settings. Below are some changes made to the Everberry and Yummyberry bushes, which are common throughout the game.
Later into development, once I had the style figured out, I found it useful to design and layout scenes using a graphics program (in this case Illustrator), before creating it in the game. This gave me a rough preview of how things might end up looking before committing to it.
With the artstyle decided on, it still took a fair amount of iterations before I got the result I wanted. Some iterations were due to technical challengessuch as deciding against animating characters with arms due to the added complexityand others because I needed more practice to reach a satisfactory level of skill.
For the UI, I found this to be the most difficult and time consuming part of development, but also the most rewarding. Keeping things as simple as possible, and prioritizing functionality and legibility is something that needs to be considered from the get-go. Of course, experimenting is a great way to get a feel for what works and what doesnt. This was another area in which I transitioned from high-resolution textured graphics to pixel art, which not only reduced the image sizes, but also allowed for scaling the UI and maintaining clarity.
Reflecting on this journey brings back many fond memories. It is amazing to see how far the game has come, and it feels surreal that the release date is just around the corner. To anyone else on a game development journey, I wish you the best. Remember, it is an iterative process, so dont give up!
[ 2024-05-31 19:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, Another month has come and gone and weve been keeping up with the hard work of development. We are getting closer to our internal release date and hope to get Everafter Falls in your hands soon! Everafter Falls is now entering the content-lock phase so next month will be focusing on smashing bugs! Here is the amazingly talented developer behind Everafter Falls, Ou to talk about what he has been working on!
Whats new
Achievements have been finalized and completed and working across all stores and platforms. The full set can be seen below.

The Cooking system has been implemented and players can cook and show off their cooked dishes in the Bakery Cellar. Cooking requires some prep and timed mechanics. There is also a mini game where you must serve up as many dishes to hungry townsfolk!
Hershas Bakery ground floor

Bakery Cellar

Recipe Books
There are a total of 5 recipe books which contain all the information you need to create all the dishes to be displayed in the bakery cellar.

Meal Service mini game in the Cafeteria
This mini game will be very familiar to those who have played Overcooked. Race against the clock to serve as many dishes as you can and earn prizes for reaching set targets. The game is available to play twice per season after it is unlocked through a quest.

Pigeon Friend
To befriend this little pigeon, a total of 13 items need to be given to it. It is very picky however and will change its mind every day! Once befriended, this little pigeon will tag along wherever you go and occasionally, pull up silkworms or caterpillars for you.

New Item additions
Food and cooking related items

Bonsai Tree Set

Chef Posters

Black Alpaca

Looking ahead
We are finally in the last phases preparing for release, a content-lock is in place and I am now solely focusing on finding and squashing any remaining bugs that are found. There are Alpha and Beta testers that have still stuck with me right from the beginning and the contributions they have made to get the game to where it is today cannot be understated. The progress on the console ports is advancing smoothly, with Akupara Games diligently working on the porting, submission, and approval of builds for all three consoles. Collaborating with Akupara has been such a blessing. Seeing the work involved in porting and securing approval for the games release on each console and knowing I dont need to deal with any of it, is such a huge burden taken off me.
Some funny bugs that have cropped up during testing.
The Achievement UI may be just a little oversized

When giant crabs attack (AHHHH!)

A little help please?

Pigeon Friend imposter.

I didnt know we could build this here?

- Riv Otter
[ 2024-04-26 17:25:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Farmers, It has been a busy few weeks. Snow has started melting around here with spring around the corner. I heard that you may have had to set your clocks forward on Sunday for Daylight Savings. That seems like a strange thing to have, weve never had to set our clocks forwards in Everafter Falls. Once the clock is set we just leave it. I had so much fun talking with Ou, the developer of Everafter Falls at SquareHusky about what he has been working on in the new year.
Latest News Announcements
Physical editions
Some exciting news - Akupara Games have secured plans for the release of physical copies in Asian markets, and I believe there are also plans for a limited run for physical release for western markets too.
Xbox and Playstation
In addition to the Switch and PC releases, Akupara Games and I have decided to move forward with releasing the game for both Playstation and Xbox. Akuparas team have been working hard on the Switch port and have also started work on these additional consoles in order to ensure it is completed in a timely manner.
Release Date
We have finally settled on the release date which will be later this year. The additional console versions have pushed back the release date another couple of months. We are planning a simultaneous launch across all platforms. I do apologize for yet again, to any backers disappointed by this further delay. The additional time does allow me the time I need to work on some additional content for the game, namely, the Cooking System and Hershas Bakery. As mentioned previously, this was intended as a post patch update, but it will make it into release. Everafter Falls will be launching this summer on all Steam platforms, Steam Deck, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Xbox and Playstation 4 and 5!
Whats new
Alternative NPC schedules

All NPCs now have alternative schedules every 5th day, which can be considered a weekend. No shops are closed though as they are all self-checkout anyhow, and I know nobody likes having to wait a whole day to access their favorite store. The alternative schedules also give a bit more insight into who the townsfolk like to hang out with and makes them a little more life-like.

The localization team at AllCorrect have done an amazing job with translations so far and while were still working on ironing out all the bugs, it is really cool to see the game actually working in another language! Localization was rather challenging for me, and much more difficult and time consuming than I imagined before this stage. Some advice I would give to those planning to localize their game, is to make sure to have a system in place that can pull in all the strings you need from a separate CSV (or similar format that can be edited in a spreadsheet). This needs to be done from the get-go, the earlier you can address this, the less work and issues you will encounter later on. It took a fair amount of time for me to sift through all the code and find out where Ive lazily hard-coded in strings, so doing it right from the start is highly recommended. Its also a really good learning experience for those new to game development because it is a fairly self-contained system with a straightforward goal of intermediate difficulty. If you can tackle this, youll feel like you can tackle anything!
Restocking Prize Cabinets

The Prize Cabinet system where you can exchange Keys earned from spending gold now restock at the start of each year. They do so only if they are empty, and for each time they get restocked, the number of Keys required to unlock them increases by one. There are a couple of new items created just for these cabinets which you cannot craft or find elsewhere in game, so keep a lookout for those!
Your Pigeon Friend and the Replica Treehouse

At some point in the game, youll be able to recruit a pigeon friend who will follow you around and occasionally dig up worms (and caterpillars). For those who want a break from the myriad of creatures following you, you can complete a Replica Treehouse project. Using this item, you can leave your Pixie and Pigeon friends here to hang about while you do more important things like going fishing.
Some cool things achieved in game by beta testers
RecitedPlays first giant lotus!

EpicSilence has found the impossible-to-find Red Fishing Mod!

Modding Support
In the latest versions, files that control values and content for various aspects of the game, which include things like item costs, crafting recipes, crop details, monster stats, equipment, quests and more - have been made easily editable in the games install directory. I hope to make the game easily accessible for modders, and plan on exposing even more values when I get some time. This has also allowed me to more easily fine tune numbers to balance the game, a lot of progress has been made here with help and feedback from testers so another shoutout to them :)
Looking ahead

A work-in-progress preview of the interior of Hershas bakery, which is being worked on and will be making it into release at launch. Her shop will also sell various appliances and recipe books you will need to stock your kitchen with in order to cook. The additional content will also include a couple of new quests, and a cutscene. These will be keeping me very busy while Akpupara work on the ports for all the consoles.
Some funny bugs that have cropped up during testing.
Frog stretching its limbs

Chairs are for standing on too

Naked fruiting mulberry trees

[ 2024-03-14 21:06:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, Its a new year in Everafter Falls. Hope you had a great holiday on Earth. PET cant wait to see you again. I wanted to give you an update on what is going on in Everafter Falls before you come back. We hope to see you again soon. I had so much fun talking with Ou, the developer of Everafter Falls at SquareHusky about what he has been working on over the new year.
Dev log
What's New?
Starting farm map choices

When starting a new game, you will be presented with a choice of one of three starting farm layouts to choose from. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, my favorite being the Mini farm which significantly cuts down on travel time across your farm, sacrificing real estate. Great for those who want to focus more on a combat-orientated playthrough. Check out one of our play testers (EpicSilence) Mini Farm.

Equipment Orb Slots

Equipable items now drop with a chance of having between 1-3 orb slots. These orbs are found by chance in dungeon chests and can adobe forged in the Giant Furnace at Brams. They offer various bonuses to stats. Once inserted into an item, they can only be removed by smelting (and thus destroying the item). Even Legendary items have a chance to gain orb slots!

Soot Puffs Soot puffs are a unique type of critter that can be found in different sizes. Find and combine them all into 1 giant puff of soot at the museum. Youll earn prizes for hitting different milestone goals.

New Item additions
The Artificial Sunflower is a redeemable prize for the first target collecting Soot Puffs (earn when your soot puff reaches 100 in size). It attracts a Bee every day. You can also coat it in Cherry Blossom Syrup to attract a rare Pink bee on the following day. The Soot Grower can be obtained for a single Museum Credit (earned for completing any museum collection). It will grow a Soot Puff steadily every day. You can increase the rate at which it grows by binding a Pixie to the machine. The Bomb is a new craftable item that can help you clear out rocks (or enemies) in the dungeons.

New farm produce
Giant Pink Honeycombs can be created by loading up a beehive with 4 Pink Bees. As these are fairly difficult to come by, youll need to sacrifice some regular pink honey production to achieve this. Itll be all worth it when you concentrate the this giant honeycomb down to form Premium Pink Honey! The new Neon Cow now produces Electric Milk, which is more more aptly suited to match its crazy colors. It is a shockingly refreshing drink.

Here is a big Bench

Looking ahead
Hershas bakery. This building has been added to the game, and although it would have been nice to have this completed in time for release, the building will remain closed for repairs. In a post release update, this building will be open, along with a new recipes and cooking system.

Roadmap The next few months up until released will be focused on bug fixing and polish so any new content/features will be limited. I do want to squeeze in a couple of items/decorations before a content lock is in place. From then on, Ill continue to listen to the play testing feedback and reports to make sure the game is as bug-free as possible. Thank you so much to those who have tested the game and provided valuable feedback and contributions with regards to copywriting, translations, feature suggestions and bug reporting - the game would not be where it is without you!
Some funny bugs that have cropped up during testing.
Chicken Coop Island

Ponyas going for a swim

Sowing seeds indoors

Chest full of Giant rugs!

[ 2024-02-01 21:08:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers, You may not remember me but Im Dog from Everafter Falls. The simulation is almost over. Soon, youll be back to the serene and peaceful existence right here in Everafter Falls. The marketing lead of Akupara Games from Earth, Buddy will give you a deeper look into the story of Everafter Falls and what you may expect once the simulation is over. https://youtu.be/iHSRlMsYLOE I talked with Ou, the developer of Everafter Falls about what they have been working on just to keep all of you in the loop on the biggest and best changes.
Dev Log December
Whats New?
Revamped Museum Collection
The Flora section of the museum has been completely revamped to include Tree Saps, Animal Produce, Flowers, and Processed Goods. A new collection book has been added which contains these new collections.

Rare animal designs
Available as prizes or end game unlockables, your farm wouldnt be quite as awesome without these :)

New items and machines
Below are some new craftable machines that can be unlocked end game to help you build your dream farm, and items that have made it into the game.

New Flowers
Flowers are unlocked in the end game and flower farms become a possibility. Or grow a few to brighten up any location.

The Zorpian Tree
A rare fruit tree obtainable only through a special visit from some alien friends.

The Sacred Tree Area
This area is unlocked after completing the story where you can unlock some end game items and rare animal designs which are not available elsewhere. After bringing light back to the entire area, youll be able to decorate the place and make it your own little peaceful getaway!

Alien Friends Event
Unlockable after completing Cedrics Rocket Quest, you have a 3 day window to trade with the aliens for some rare items. A habit of hoarding is of much use here.

An example of a hoarders inventory:

The Infinite Dungeon Challenge
After completing the story, youll be able to work towards obtaining your very own simulation chair which will give you access to an infinite dungeon challenge. See how many levels you can reach, and win some exclusive items for hitting level milestones.

Looking ahead
The Beta version will probably have been complete by the time you are reading this. I am planning to finish some outstanding additions throughout the Beta that have already been planned such as item augmentation. Along with continuing to implement feedback throughout this important stage as I continue to roll out to more testers. Implementing translations will also be a main focus in the near future, with Akupara Games helping a lot with that, in addition to the Switch port which is well underway. Ive also started on Steam Achievements, a preview of some of them can be seen below:

In the works
Id love to be able to work on the Cooking System, getting recipes and a functional Kitchen in the game. It has been on the cards for a while now but I have not had the chance to start it. If this feature does not make it into the game in the initial release, it is definitely something I will be working on in an update. - Riv Otter
[ 2023-12-13 23:19:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, farmers! Im Joseph, the Community Manager at Akupara Games and I wanted to introduce our newest devlog series: The Everafter Falls Monthly Development Log. With Everafter Falls, coming closer every day, I want to pull pack the development veil to show off some of the coolest changes coming your way when the game launches Soon Every month until the launch of Everafter Falls, I will talk with Ou, the developer of Everafter Falls about what they have been working on just to keep all of you in the loop on the biggest and best changes.
Whats new?
As a way to add some variation and interesting points to the dungeons, youll encounter these little creatures along the way. Previously named Omobys, these Pooklets have made it into the game in the dungeons. They are randomly scattered throughout each level and upon clearing the room and rescuing them, you get a choice of 3 stat boosting potions.

Mini boss rooms
While in the current alpha testing phase, Ou has found that players are spending a lot of time in the dungeons and there is a lot of room to improve that experience. These mini boss rooms offer up a challenge every now and drop better equipment than you would usually find from chests. For those that really enjoy a challenge, a Hard Mode has been added, unlocked upon completion of the game. Conversely, if youd rather a more relaxed and leisurely experience, an Easy Mode is also available.

Pixie Friend
Upon releasing a certain amount of pixies, you can have a little pixie friend follow you around. By meetings certain targets for releasing pixies, youll also be able to bestow blessings onto your pixie friend. These are permanent buffs such as increasing the number of mushrooms that grow, or increasing the number of items your farm animals produce. Up to 3 blessings can be earned, and you can stack the same ones!

Spooklet Debt Collector
Previously, when losing all your HP in the dungeons, a Spooklet rescues you, taking 10% of your gold. After feedback from players, this system seemed to encourage players to spend and keep their gold total low before entering the dungeons. To address this, spooklets will take a fixed amount of gold, depending on the level of the dungeons you are in. If you do not have enough gold, a Spooklet guard will block entry back into the dungeons until the debt is settled (plus 20% extra for the trouble).

The Job Board
For some extra income, players can take on jobs from villagers to earn gold. It gives players some extra goals to achieve in between quests.

Giant Lotuses
Farming giant lotuses is a rewarding and lucrative path, however getting them will be tricky. Lotus pods (the final stage of development of a lotus plant) can be thrown into water to create a new lotus plant of a random color. Not only do you need to create a 3x3 grid of lotus plants, they must all be the same color. Only then is there a chance for a giant lotus to form (currently at 3% per day).

Here is a big couch
Thats it. Ou added a big couch. Its comfy.

Non gameplay developments
The new reduced color palette option seems to be quite popular. Although intended as an accessibility setting for when color overload can cause eye fatigue, some prefer this toned down palette over the original.

The color picker for character customization has been introduced in addition to the default palette set available.

Funny Bugs
Fruits available even out of season

Itll be a while before its ready

NPCs walking on water?

The deadly +2 attack legendary rare drop

Man the winds are strong over here.

That NPC above taught players how to walk on water too

A new quest is available

Looking ahead
A lot of work has been put into reworking and balancing both the dungeon difficulty curve and the economy. While a lot of changes have been made (some quite drastically,) Ou feels this will be a point of focus going forward and will continue right up until release. I am finding this the most difficult part of development but something I am committed to getting right. I am extremely grateful to the dedicated group of players who are helping me to achieve this, Ou told me
In the works
Finding time in between fixing all the bugs being discovered to work on new content is still a little tough right now. One such area being worked on is the Sacred Tree. It is unlocked after completing the core story and will be different from how you develop your farm. Tiles are inaccessible at first, apart from a small area around the tree. Planting the seeds you harvest from this tree will create flowers that unlock the tiles directly surrounding it. Youll be able to slowly grow the area and fill it with a wide assortment of flowers (which you can take back to grow on your farm). At the extremities of this area lay access to some unique rewards, so your choice in which direction to expand towards matters.

Snippet of future feature
The Ability to enhance Equipment is in the planning stages, which would be really helpful if you want to make it far in the infinite dungeon challenge. Ou often gives updates and sneak peeks to what they are working on in the Akupara Discord! - Riv Otter
[ 2023-10-25 19:26:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, farmers! About a month ago, we announced our partnership with SquareHusky to publish Everafter Falls, our cute, story rich, farming sim where you rediscover the simple life after waking up from a simulation.. You've no memory of this place, your quaint animal neighbors, the refreshing wind and fragrant flowers, the little farm you had tucked away just outside town, none of it. I talked with Ou Te, the designer behind SquareHusky and creator of Everafter Falls, and asked him some questions to gain some insight to share on the games iconic art! If youd like to keep up with Ou, Id recommend following him on Twitter!
Where did you get your inspiration for the art design in Everafter Falls?
When I started working on the art style for the game, a couple of preview trailers came out for another game called Swords of Ditto. I used this a lot for inspiration, and the final result was somewhere between that, and the best my art skills could take me.
Were there any art directions you consider going before falling on the current one?
There was a bit of an internal debate between going with pixel art, and the route I eventually chose. The final decision was made due to what I perceived to be easier for me to achieve. I absolutely love pixel art but know that to pull it off well takes an insane amount of time and skill.
What challenges did you face with the art design you picked?
It took a while for me to figure out the easiest way to achieve the look I wanted, and to do it consistently. I experimented with painting using a graphics tablet initially, but soon realized that a vector approach using Illustrator was the way to go. It took a lot of time to develop a style that was not too time-consuming, but had enough detail to look decent. A lot was trial and error
Do you have some early sketches or art progression of characters, environments, etc. that you would like to show off?
Here is a very early mockup I created of what I envisioned the game might look like. It was done before I committed to creating any of the final assets used in game, and I used it as a guide for how the game eventually turned out.

What is a step by step on how to draw one of the characters in Everafter Falls?
When deciding on how a character is drawn, you should first work out exactly how they will be set up and animated in the game engine. I set this up in a way that I could quickly create new characters by drawing the least number of assets possible. This was achieved by breaking the character components into only a head and torso component. This way, I only needed to provide front, back, and side views of these two assets. The hands and feet are simple shapes that I set up once, and used code to change the colors to match the character. Below are some examples of character sprite sheets used in Everafter Falls.

What was your favorite asset that you created for Everafter Falls?
This fish fountain, because it is the only asset I had to redo from scratch after my computer crashed. I am normally very OCD with CTRL+S every couple of minutes. And illustrator is normally really good at recovering files after a crash. But both these things did not happen in this instance. I guess I must have been really engrossed in drawing this and recall working on it for a couple of hours before completely losing the first version, which I am adamant was much better than this one. After much cursing at the top of my lungs, and resigning to having to do it again, this was the result.

What are some tips you can give other indie artists?
It is definitely worth the time to try and flesh out a style early on that you are happy with, while also being feasible. Especially if you have a smaller team or are working solo, you need to be efficient with the time you have to dedicate to art. I feel that a cohesive and consistent look is really important and can go a long way to making your game more visually appealing. Be prepared to iterate often during the early stages, but once you have a style nailed down, the process should be frustratingly difficult or time consuming. If it is, I would go back and rethink your style. Wishlist Everafter Falls here! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1416960/Everafter_Falls/ -riv otter
[ 2023-08-02 19:54:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers! Fae, our social media master, will be streaming part 2 of Everafter Falls tomorrow 10am PST! If you miss or are busy for part 1 of the stream on today, then you can watch Fae continue their farming experience tomorrow and try to not accidentally kill all their crops. The Everafter Falls demo will be available until June 26th! Feel free to leave feedback on the demo here and if you enjoyed the demo, be sure to give us a wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1416960/Everafter_Falls/ -riv otter
[ 2023-06-22 19:12:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, farmers! Im super happy seeing the excitement for Everafter Fall. My good friend Fae, the social media manager, will be streaming Everafter Fall here on Steam in celebration of Steam Next Fest! She will be live tomorrow 10am PST and on Friday at 10am PST! The Everafter Falls demo will be available until June 26th! Feel free to leave feedback on the demo here and if you enjoyed the demo, be sure to give us a wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1416960/Everafter_Falls/ -riv otter
[ 2023-06-21 17:34:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey farmers! Im Joseph and Im the community manager at Akupara Games. Im happy to announce that Akupara Games is partnering with SquareHusky to publish Everafter Falls! You can watch the trailer here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unskxVtw4NQ You once had a serene and peaceful existence right here in Everafter Falls. Don't you remember? You wake up to discover your previous life was nothing but a simulation. You've no memory of this place, your quaint animal neighbors, the refreshing wind and fragrant flowers, the little farm you had tucked away just outside town, none of it. But once you spend a little time with your forgotten friends and your helpful pet, doesn't Everafter Falls just feel perfect? Isn't it where you always wanted to be? Features
- Lifestyle Farming Sim: Farm, fish, and forage a huge collection of items to make the most efficient yet cozy farm this side of Stardew
- Uncover the Mystery: Help your new friends with their extremely important small-town drama through quests and conversation
- Enlist Your Friends' Aid: Tackle your farm's toughest challenges with a friend in split-screen co-op!
- Start your Collect-o-pedia: Collect all the fish for the town aquarium, plant dozens of different crops, and munch down skill cards to level up your combat!
- Become an Expert: Equip helpful little drones to help automate your farm keeping things running even when you're down in the dungeons.
[ 2023-06-19 16:06:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
To fans of the game who have been following for a long time, this is a big milestone, I'm excited to announce that the game is currently undergoing Alpha testing.
I've received a lot of feedback and have made a lot of changes since. I will continue to change and add core features during this stage and once I feel it is ready, the Beta testing phase will start.
Currently, all testing phases are closed tests and invite only.
If you'd like to follow the progress, you can read all the discussions about this in the
Alpha testing Issues and feedback forum
( https://steamcommunity.com/app/1416960/discussions/1/ )
For those of you who would like a chance to play the game early, a demo will be available during the Steam Next Fest. Wishlist and follow to be reminded when the time comes.
Thank you for everyone who has waited patiently for the game's release.
Until next time,
All enquiries about the game, please email me at squarehusky@gmail.com.
[ 2023-03-09 01:17:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
As you may know, Everafter Falls is still a WIP and I would love to get feedback from the community to help shape this game.
If you have any comments or suggestions, or want to have a chat with myself and other fans of the genre, please stop by on Discord
Thank you for following the game and hope to see you online!
[ 2020-11-05 16:48:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
You once had a serene and peaceful existence right here in Everafter Falls. Don't you remember?
You wake up to discover your previous life was nothing but a simulation. You've no memory of this place, your quaint animal neighbors, the refreshing wind and fragrant flowers, the little farm you had tucked away just outside town, none of it. But once you spend a little time with your forgotten friends and your helpful pet, doesn't Everafter Falls just feel perfect? Isn't it where you always wanted to be?
Sure, you'll need to farm, fish and fight your way back to prominence in the tiny, cozy town, but you know your way around a sword, right? You know how to water your farm and progress through the dungeons. You know how to upgrade your stats and beat back tougher and tougher enemies, don't you? Just give those cards a good chomp and you'll have everything you need!
Of course, if you need a little help, don't worry! You've got little drones to help you on your way. And don't forget your trusty pet! They can learn all sorts of neat things, like digging in your farm, watering your crops, and even teleporting you across the map. What? You've never heard of a teleporting cat before?
It's Everafter Falls! Things are peaceful here. There's nothing to worry about... right?
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
- Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+. Vulkan capableSound Card: Working sound card
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