Eav 19.8, foreign Mortals rejoice for language localisations have arrived! Item highlights have also been revisited and tweaked along with minor chapter reworks.
New Language Localisations, though not full regional localisations. I have translated the bulk of the game's text from English into six different languages; Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, and Japanese. Everything from menus to item pick ups will now be translated, somethings such as environmental details or decals will remain in English to not interfere with the game's story and setting. You may only change your language in the main menu with the newly added 'translation' button.
New Item Highlights, have been implemented in addition to the existing hover text. Hovering over items should now display them with a transparent, red tint. Spotting items against the darkness should be a little easier now for those speedy Mortals.
Chapter Reworks, another minor pass has been made at refreshing up our beginning act. I've redone lighting for chapter's 4-6 along with various environmental changes. New decals have been created, replaced old props, tweaked audio sources - the spring cleaning every Mortal deserves.
To see a complete list of all changes with 19.8, follow this link: https://steamcommunity.com/app/681000/discussions/4/
Go out in a Bloodbath Mortal...Good Luck!