Eav 20.2, gather around Mortals for the end is here! Experience the horror across 18 challenging chapters as the campaign is now finally concluded!
New Chapter XVIII, a vile sanctum for the wicked, it will take a true warrior to overcome this fortress of Evil.
New Pit Beast Demon, clad in thick armour, these beasts excel in close quarters combat and are a force to be reckoned with. Pit Beasts will serve as a stronger tank variant to the Brute, they will also be more heavily featured in end-game content rather than the campaign.
Persistent Blood, can now be toggled on or off. After a bit of profiling, I was able to pinpoint one of our performance woes to blood decals. Though not the main offender, calculating and rendering 1000's of blood splatters will definitely hamper frame rate, even on more powerful rigs. In some cases up to 8 decals could be instantiated with a perfect shotgun blast.
Credits, with the completion of the campaign, you will now see the end credits roll.
Major Fixes, there were many minor and major bug fixes with 20.2. There were a few of soft/hard progression locks through out the campaign, most of which have now been fixed. Balancing was another focus of this update, changing many unfavorable demon spawns and loot quantities per chapter.
End Game Content, I will now be shifting my focus over to prioritizing end-game content creation prior to full release. You can still expect general fixes and updates to the quality of the campaign's levels during this period though. There still is much work to do, so I estimate the game will not even be optimal for a full release until either around Q4 of this year, or Q1 of 2024. I will now cover some of the requirements to access this end-game content in the future below:
Rogue Mode, a challenging, never-ending rogue mode. Explore randomized small scale locales with randomized loot and demons. Unique meta-currency items can be found to fund your survival efforts in this mode's exclusive shop. Purchase weapons and gear, earn experience and rank up while competing head-to-head with other mortals on a ladder styled leader board to prove who is the ultimate demon slayer! The campaign will need to be completed before unlocking*
Champion Chapters, will be the master levels of OM6N. Down right cruel and brutal level designs to really test the player's knowledge of the game's systems. Expect no mercy in these levels mortal. The campaign will need to be completed and a special challenge requirement must be met before unlocking a Champion chapter*
Secret Chapters, are the experimental, creative levels of OM6N. Some may be references or jokes to various media while others may contain unique mechanics or objectives. Don't take them too seriously and just have fun! A special requirement must be met in the campaign before unlocking a Secret chapter*
At full release, you can at the least expect rogue mode, and at least one Champion and Secret level. I will work more on this pool of levels up to and post full release. I'll be capping both at a maximum of 6, for a grand total of 36 unique levels in the complete game -the original goal of the campaign's length back in 2018. I may have more than one of either type come release, but no promises.
I have also decided on a minor price increase with the completion of the game's campaign. OM6N will receive this price increase sometime around the end of May. If you have been on the fence mortal, now is the last chance to acquire the game at it's $5 price point.
I'd like to thank all Mortals who have made the journey so far in 2023! We have come so far in the last 5 years, and I am truly proud of what has been built. With the conclusion of the main campaign, we are very much closer to one day fully releasing.
With this update, I will be trying something new regarding where our patch notes will be posted. Generally I'd post an update with a link to our change logs discussion hub on Steam, but will now post change logs along with the update news here instead.Embrace the light mortal... Good Luck!
Eav 20.2
Patch Notes
511.3 mb
Added new chapter XVIII
Added end-game credits
Added new pit beast demon
Added new doom knight demon
Added new persistent blood toggle option
Changed demon gravity from 14f to 8f
Changed g17 +akimbo damage from 35 to 41
Changed grunt demon's controller slope limit from 45 to 60
Changed zombie demon's minimum audible range from 0.2f to 0.5f
Changed zombie demon's max audible range from 0.5f to 1f
Changed stalker demon's minimum audible range from 0.2f to 1f
Changed stalker demon's max audible range from 2f to 3f
Changed atmospheric track, chapter 10
Changed various demon spawn locations for better balance, chapter 9-10, 14
Changed suicide soul demon, removed fire particle system +point light
Changed shotgun slug damage increase from 100 to 400
Changed shotgun weapons +shells/slugs ammo pickup range from 5-20 to 10-30
Changed rifle weapons +5.56/7.62 ammo pickup range from 10-40 to 30-60
Changed minigun weapon ammo pickup range from 10-40 to 100-200
Fixed hound demon drawpoints to prevent clipping
Fixed incorrect player footstep sfx on red catwalks
Fixed inactive omen portal, chapter 10
Fixed locked dry door from being inaccessible, chapter 10
Fixed an issue w/ trigger colliders obstructing weapon raycasts
Fixed an issue w/ demon attack animations looping after killing the player
Fixed an issue w/ shotgun shell pellets creating too many blood splatter decals, up to 8 per shot in some cases severely impacting performance, this has been halved to 4 splatters now
Fixed an issue w/ malicious deeds quest notification displaying the incorrect remaining amount
Fixed an issue w/ subservient quest notification displaying the incorrect remaining amount
Fixed an issue w/ resurrecting outside of the boss chamber during boss fights
Fixed an issue w/ dry door trigger collider
Fixed an issue w/ locked container door interaction range
Fixed an issue w/ chainlink fence open sfx not playing
Fixed an issue w/ chainlink fence spawners not triggering
Fixed an issue w/ stalkers not being invisible upon spawning
Fixed an issue w/ thrown tnt rigidbodies
Fixed an issue w/ grunt miniguns not culling upon death to shotguns
Fixed an issue w/ bren +akimbo ammo type text displaying 7.62 instead of 5.56
Fixed an issue w/ switches not working correctly, chapter 14
Fixed an issue w/ end chapter buttons not working properly, chapters 13-17