Eav 20.5.1, a small update overhauling the entirety of the tutorial/demo level. There have also been a few minor fixes and tweaks to follow up 20.5's changes.
Tutorial Overhaul, instead of the prototype aesthetic, I have completely changed the tutorial's layout and mechanics. Tip boxes have been considerably shortened to relay information quicker in the shortest amount of words possible. Before, it was a hassle trying to read a small paragraph while being swarmed by a horde of zombies - this has been changed.
The level's 'deadly' encounter has been changed to resemble the ones faced in the campaign.
Lore bread crumbs have also been added to tie in the level with the main story.
With the tutorial level also serving as the free demo, I had changed this sole task's priority to very high considering the first impression impact this level could have on newcomers. The previous level just didn't match the same standard as the rest of the game and needed to be corrected.
Eav 20.5.1
Patch Notes
339.5 mb
Added water impact vfx
Changed the range for which all soul-type demons detect obstacles
Fixed an issue w/ player flashlight static not resetting properly upon resurrecting
Fixed an issue w/ crawling zombie hitboxes
Fixed a rare issue w/ powered wide doors
Reworked tutorial level to include small lore crumbs +better tutor/demo experience