After roughly a year in development, DitherDream is complete! Now, I'll probably still tweak it a bit and add islands as they come to me, but it's a full and cohesive game, and I couldn't be happier with it. This update has the following changes:
- Added Achievements
- Added a new Harmony Island
- Lots of VFX changes and island tweaks
- Player is now slimy in 3D
- Limited time 30% discount to get everyone off the fence!
[ 2024-10-04 18:20:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Colony of Enclaves is Open! With the addition of this new island, The Archipelago grows just a little bit larger.
[ 2024-09-06 23:07:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another Island within The Archipelago opens itself to you.
I'm going to release islands weekly on Fridays from now on! Other changes will come in unscheduled patches like before. This will probably be how we finish out Early Access, but of course I reserve the right to break that pattern as needed. Thanks for playing!
[ 2024-08-30 21:30:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Major Changes:
- New Colors: I'm letting go of just dithering between two colors, and now dithering between three pairs of colors. This lets the game highlight and emphasize certain things without relying as much on potentially nauseating shader motion, and makes colors pop without being as overwhelming!
- New Dust: The old Way of Dust has been scrapped and replaced with three new Dust islands that use a new mechanic. Several other islands have also been enhanced.
[ 2024-07-28 21:21:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 5 includes new effects, new islands, and enhancements for every little thing!
Clouds have been added to the sky, dramatically improving the look of most vistas in my humble opinion. They also make the game a bit more comfortable to play for those who suffer from motion sickness.
Several new islands have been added too, including one from a new region! I'll be vague this time though, so that you can find them on your own.
Additionally, some tweaks have been made to how portals are laid out in The Nest, so as to better communicate and enable your opportunities for further exploration.
This is a nice solid update. There's no particular single change to highlight, just a lot of things falling into place. I hope you enjoy!
[ 2024-06-01 22:40:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 4 brings the last essential feature to DitherDream: Save files! Now your progression through The Archipelago will be remembered by the game, as well as you. Beyond that, we've got new islands and countless other additions and enhancements to enjoy. Have fun! Save Files: Your progress in exploring the archipelago will now be saved automatically as you go, and your map and nest will remember your progress. Your preferences (volume, motion intensity, etc) will also be saved from now on. You can clear your exploration progress from the options menu if you so choose, doing so will not affect your other saved settings. Portals: The orb portal now expands faster when you've completed four tasks, instead of shrinking down again. The small side portals have been temporarily disabled as The Nest makes them obsolete. New Islands: Colony of Winds and Way of Twos (the old Way of Twos is now Court of Twos) Island and FX Enhancements: Most islands and FX have undergone some form of improvements. The most improved islands are probably Way of Ones and The Nest. Movement Fixes: You should no longer ascend to the heavens when ascending slopes and holding the jump button. We're getting towards the end of Early Access! Thanks so much for your help, feedback, and even simple interest in this trippy little adventure game!
[ 2024-05-04 22:44:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 3 is here! This is the most polished update and complete update yet! Major changes include:
- New Islands: This includes, Way of Dust, Way of Ones, Dance of Devotion, Dance of Winds, and finally, The Nest. The Nest is an odd island, even in by the standards of The Archipelago. You reach it at the end of each region/island chain, and it serves as a hub island that allows travel to some islands that you've already reached. It will grow as you explore more of the world.
- Islands now take 4 actions to go deeper instead of 6: This has helped to declutter and focus the islands. Existing islands have been adjusted to account for this, as well as being polished and improved as usual. This has massively improved several islands, and benefited all of them.
- Island Mechanics: Several islands now have mechanics particular to them, tied to their particular objectives. These will continue to develop as we feel out each region's core feeling.
- Old Portals: There are some old portals that you might find sitting around in various places. If you can reach them after at least two activations, they will send you to the other side of the primary cycle.
- More Hints: The game is now more helpful in explaining itself and guiding the player through. DitherDream will always have some ambiguity to it, but now I think it should be easier to know what you need to do to see more of The Archipelago.
- VFX Updates: A lot of shaders and visual effects have been improved, some more subtly than others.
[ 2024-03-15 17:48:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small update:
- Updated some localization files, replacing some placeholder translations.
- Tweaked some UI to better fit the new translations.
[ 2024-01-30 22:42:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
There's a new update out for DitherDream! Four major points for this minor update:
- Improvements to most of the existing islands layouts and palettes. Test of Winds and Way of Harmony changed the most.
- Basic Controller Support - You can do pretty much everything with a controller, but controls aren't rebindable yet.
- Color transitions between levels are handled differently now, leading to smoother transitions and a more colorful experience overall.
- Sliders have been added to adjust the speed of most effects and the intensity of the colors. This should help everyone to get their preferred experience, without melting anyone's eyes. Like specifying how hot you want your curry to be at a restaurant.
[ 2024-01-25 18:15:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
The Archipelago
DitherDream is a trippy little exploration game set across an archipelago of strange islands. In each island, you must attune to the world to reach your next destination. This can mean attuning to specific objects to open the portal to the next island in the primary cycle, or activating other means of going to other places in The Archipelago. Each island is a unique, hand crafted experience, some with unique mechanics, and all beautiful in their own way.How to Play
DitherDream controls like a typical first person game, and is generally enjoyable by those of all skill levels. There is no danger, and no time pressure when traversing the primary cycle. However, accessing the many hidden areas of The Archipelago will require taking time to fully understand the islands that you traverse, and most of the world is hidden.Exploring The Archipelago
You have access to a diagram of The Archipelago that will gradually fill in as you visit more and more islands. Every session begins at the center, but from there you can navigate your way across the primary cycle, a circular network of small islands known to you as Ways. Many of the Ways will have a little stub next to them on your diagram, indicating that attuning to that island more deeply will allow you to travel deeper into that region, instead of continuing to traverse around the primary cycle. Successfully doing so is one key to unlocking the secrets of DitherDream.The World Breathes
Every pixel of The Archipelago is alive with bits of motion and flow, and learning to interpret that motion will serve you well. With a careful eye you can learn to understand the intent of the world, and let it guide you.- OS: Graphics: Most Modern Graphics CardsStorage: 200 MB available spaceSound Card: VR Support: Additional Notes: A particularly high resolution monitor with a low-powered graphics card might be problematic. but the game is generally fairly light and easy to run.
- Graphics: Most Modern Graphics Cards
- Storage: 200 MB available space
- OS: Sound Card: VR Support: Additional Notes:
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