Background music too loud fix, use settings from the Upgrade screen to adjust the volume
Leaderboards now available
The app needs an internet connection
The experience from collecting poop has been adjusted to level faster to help players hit level 30 faster to get to a faster pace easier.
Updated leaderboards:
Added leaderboards for items collected. High Scores changed to leaderboards
The most fun is level 25+. Added bonuses for faster leveling pre level 30
Was not scaling with levels. It now scales when collecting poop for faster leveling.
Lowered default background music level. You can change this on the Upgrade screen by choosing the Settings button.
She is very catty and always wants to look pretty, but she always says mean things. When she walks she poops and it may turn to gold. She needs the gold to buy fillers for her face to look pretty. If you do not click on the poop and make it gold, her face will shrivel up and she will not be pretty.
Let's help Cathy look pretty or maybe not!
Use your mouse to tap on Cathy, poop to collect prizes, and tapping on vehicles will release food which makes her poop faster.
On the steam deck tap on the screen just like you would with a mouse.
Y - Use Botox
X - Power up 1
A - Power up 2
B - Power up 3