Hello everyone once again!
As promised, here's a first draft of the elemental system:
Originally, I planned on having effects just do X damage per round, with that damage scaled by the enemy's properties. But that seemed kind of boring, so I've upped the complexity! Each element has the ability to modify attack, defense, and health at any point during combat. Here's some examples of the new elements:
Fire: 5 damage per round until extinguished
Poison: 10 damage per round until cured, at which point 60% of all poison damage dealt is healed
Ice: 50% reduction in enemy's attack and defense points, but 20% reduction in damage taken
Vampiric: 10% of damage dealt is healed by attacker
*all effects are subject to change during balancing
Next time, I'll chat a bit more about the deckbuilding system -- particularly the ability to remove certain cards from your combat deck while retaining them in your inventory.
In this roguelike deckbuilder, you cut the cards... literally! With scissors! You can recombine the cut-outs to form new cards, and you can play your custom cards in combat or in text-based dialogue events. The game has a custom natural language processing engine that will determine the special effects of each new card you make. (Note: This game does not include a "large language model" nor GPT-like AI.)
Custom card creation. As you play, you'll discover hundreds of cards. When choosing which cards to take, you have to not only consider the card's effects itself, but also what cards you could create from it.
Card battles with physics-based simulations. When you shoot arrows at an enemy, there's not just a generic slashing animation. Instead, arrows fly out towards your enemy and collide (or not!) with them.
Text-based events. Every event can have serious consequences. Do you choose to help a goblin in need, hoping for a reward, guessing that he won't try to steal one of your cards?
Play your cards even outside of combat. Special purple options appear during dialogue if you have a card that could be useful. These options usually give you additional rewards. Carefully consider how to balance your deck between combat and non-combat cards to successfully traverse the continent.
Complex elemental system. Each enemy has their own vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities. If you try to attack an enemy wearing chainmail with a dagger, it won't be so effective. But try shocking them with lightning, and it might just double the damage!
Nonlinear exploration in a randomly generated map. Each time you play, a new map with different arrangements of biomes, settlements, and rivers is generated. You can choose to backtrack, but you'll have to keep an eye on your rations. The maps are in hand-drawn style (and if you want an authentic version without colors, you can choose that in settings!)
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