[strike]Technically it's in a few days but I need to get this announcement out early[/strike] Hey all, ShortCake here! Rabbit Hole came out on March 1st back in 2024, after 3 years in development. Frankly, it's still a miracle it came out at all, let alone reach the success it did. Over 50 000 users have played the game up to this point, meaning i get the right to call myself a niche indie game developper. I hope you all enjoyed your time with the game since then, and I thankful for everyone who gave my game a shot. Anyways...
We'll be hosting a stream on March 1st to celebrate!
[previewyoutube=vPNQiVZKfOY;full][/previewyoutube] We'll be answering some questions and showing off some old builds! (We'll probably also just play Rabbit Hole for fun) If you wanna ask questions but think you won't be able to make it, feel free to write some in the replies or to send us an email at shortcakeemail+rabbithole@gmail.com ! We'll also be showcasing fanart, old and new, throughout the stream! If you wanna send us some, post your art on Twitter or Bluesky with the #RabbitHoleGame hashtag! You can also send us an email at shortcakeemail+rabbithole@gmail.com with your art attached. Be there or be square!
Before I forget...
...The Art of Rabbit Hole will be 50% off on March 1st! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3175480/Rabbit_Hole_The_Art_of_Rabbit_Hole/ I'll give a reminder during the stream! Alright, that's all for now. Take care!
[ 2025-02-26 23:10:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rabbit Hole is available for download again!
We fixed the issue and steam was satisfied with our changes! Shout out to AshtonMemer for the fix! I hope you all enjoy your time with Rabbit Hole, and may it live on forever! Here's some fun pixel art I made recently to celebrate!

(Rabbit Hole's artstyle is actually 3 years old so it was a fun challenge to see how it would look if i started the game today) (No i'm not working on a remake)
[ 2025-01-07 23:40:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, ShortCake here.
Some of you may have noticed Rabbit Hole isn't available to download anymore.
Turns out Rabbit Hole has been accidentally setting off some peoples antiviruses and steam has decided to make the game unavailable until this issue is fixed. With the help of AshtonMemer, we've pushed out a new update fixing what we think might be the issue and we're currently awaiting an answer from steam. We weren't able to set off any of our own antiviruses so we're sort of taking a shot in the dark here. Just to make it clear, Rabbit Hole doesn't contain any malware. It's just running in electron, which I think some antiviruses don't like too much. If Rabbit Hole has ever triggered your antivirus, please send us as much information as possible over at this email address: shortcakeemail+support@gmail.com
If worst comes to happen and Steam decides to fully take Rabbit Hole down...
Rabbit Hole will still be available on the following platforms for free: The artbook will still be available for purchase over here: And the source code will still be available over on Github. I apologise for the situation. Hopefully we can get this resolved soon. I'll try give updates over on my bluesky as soon as we get any.
[ 2025-01-04 08:13:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, it's been while hasn't it?
From the 27th of November to the 4th of December, The Art of Rabbit Hole will be on sale for 50% off!
It'll be on sale on both Ko-fi & Itch.io, where steam doesn't take a cut, so consider grabbing it over there if you want to support me!
Ghoulscrapers will also be on sale during this time!
If you've wanted to pick up the game for a while, now's the time!
As for me, I'm currently working on a new project!
I can't say much about it just yet, since it's very early in development, but if you wanna follow along development, check out my Bluesky!
[ 2024-11-27 15:01:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Guess who made a new videogame?
Ghoulscrapers is out now!
It's a short precision platformer made by me and a couple classmates as our final college project.
We then polished it up and published it to steam!
Hope you enjoy!
[ 2024-09-05 22:15:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
After months of work, it's finally complete!

The Art of Rabbit Hole is a lengthy digital artbook going over behind the scenes content! Featuring:
- 70+ pages!
- Exclusive concept art!
- Director's commentary on most pages!
- Q&A with the dev team & cast of the game!
Links to the artbook!
Itch.io https://shortcake-cafe.itch.io/the-art-of-rabbit-hole Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/s/8b42fd1c55 Steam (DLC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/3175480/Rabbit_Hole_The_Art_of_Rabbit_Hole/ If you want to support me, consider buying the artbook on Itch.io or Ko-fi since Steam takes 30% of all revenue. However, it's completely fine if you don't! I'm glad people can read the book in any way possible! Anyways, that's it for me. Hope you enjoyed your time with Rabbit Hole and I hope this artbook is a decent sendoff to the game.
One last thing...
I'm working with COOKIES INC and we're releasing a game very soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2843550/GhoulScrapers/
[ 2024-09-02 04:00:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=4m25Sxjk9xg;full][/previewyoutube] Hey all, ShortCake here! Cookies inc. (i'm in that team!) is releasing their game "GhoulScrapers" in early september! GhoulScrapers is a project I had a hand in the making and I hope you all enjoy it! It's a short but sweet platformer about a girl called Eggroll and her quest to pay her unpaid taxes through working at the Ghoulscrapers! If you want to support us, wishlist it the game! It helps a lot! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2843550/GhoulScrapers/
[ 2024-08-19 21:49:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ask us (or them) anything!

At the end of the artbook, we'll have a Q&A section where we'll answer as many questions as we can! However, you can also ask questions to the game's cast and they'll answer "in-character". You can ask anything!
- Specify if you want to ask a question to a character or the devs!
- Comment on this post or send us an email at shortcakeemail@gmail.com!
- We'll answer as many questions as we can at the end of the artbook!
- Deadline is August 25th.

Also the turnips can't speak, so they probably can't answer your questions. Sorry turnip fans.
You're working on an artbook?

I am working on an artbook! It compiles most of the concept art and promo art made for the game and includes commentary from me on each page! I'm around 70% done with it and it'll probably come out at the end of the month (no promises, I still need to clean up the entire thing and get it proof read by some friends).
Stay tuned for a small new game announcement very very soon!
[ 2024-08-15 01:48:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rabbit Hole Extended OST, now available on Youtube!
The Extended OST includes:
- Bonus Tracks!
- Missing songs from the original OST!
- A buncha other dumb stuff!

[ 2024-07-01 22:55:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all, Engie here!
This will be the final major game update for Rabbit as after this update, production for the game will come to an end. This will be the biggest update as to compensate and make sure everything is touched up on and enough content is there to keep people playing!
This updates amazing header was created by Mapache from the Rabbit Hole Fan Server!
(You can join using the link right here if you haven't yet! - Rabbit Hole Fan Server )
Official Steam and Discord Support!
- Steam achivements are now able to be unlocked
- Added Steam Overlay support
- Added Discord Status Support
- Added Steam cloud Support
New Alt Skins!
- Alt Skins have been added for the reamining characters
Mueseum Added!
- The Museum has been implamented into the game. Inside the library, you are able to access the Museum which contains art from all the talented people within the community who submited art peices during the Fan Art Showcase Time period! (Thank you to everyone who participated and be sure to use #RabbitHoleGame on Instagram or Twitter to share your amazing fan art!)
The museum can be accessed after beating the game with a new track created by Gughelkmenasync!
Weapon Additions and Adjustments!
- Added The Basketball, a weapon that does more damage the more it bounces
- Added a Bottle (it's a bottle)
- Added Seal (It's a seal)
- The Scallywagun now plays a sea shanty when reloading
- Player now wears a crown when holding the STT
- Fixed an oversight where weapons with 0 Ammo would end up with 1 Ammo when halved due to a Dennis deal
Additions, Adjustments and Fixes
- Added pagnition arrows in character select menu (for modding purposes)
- Shopkeeps coin now properly aims for the nearest enemy
- Fixed a bug where some death animations were missing
- Slightly increased the walking speed in the library
- Fixed an aduio bug where the scolling meter sound and the glass breaking sound wouldn't be affected by the sound slider
- Fixed the layering on the final boss
- Fixed an oversight where you could jump over Yomi during her trasntioning cutscene
- Fixed a bug where you would unlock a character earlier than intended
Depending on how things go, this will be the last major update announcement, so thank you all for your constant support and we appreciate you all for playing! We hope you keep enjoying the game and interacting with the community, so thank you all for playing!
With Love,
Engie, Shortcake and MOAI Music
Parting words
Hello everybody, This is ShortCake_Cafe. As some of you may know, this is Rabbit Hole's final update, I hope this doesn't come as too much of a shock to the rest of you. So. Here we are. After 3 years in development, Rabbit Hole is complete. Despite it's flaws, I think it ended up pretty alright! At the very least, it's a solid start for my first ever published game. I'm sorry to disappoint those who expected more content updates, I can't work on a free game forever. If you want to support me and my work in the future, consider dropping a dollar or two on Ko-fi! (+ you get some exclusive concept art if you do) As for what's to happen to Rabbit Hole itself? No clue, it's really up to you. The game is made in Scratch, so it's fairly simple to mod. (The source code is here if you are looking for it) Personally, I'm hoping the game's modding scene grows beyond my original work. But realistically, that's a bit too ambitious to expect. Never hurts to hope though! Anyways! I'm glad my game was able to reach so many, and I hope i've convinced some of you to stay along for the ride. Here's to the future, and to more games made with love. Later, alligators.

P.S. There's a little something hidden deep within the library!
[ 2024-06-02 05:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, Shortcake here!
Steam Achievements
You may have noticed the sudden appearence of steam achievements... ...That's because currently working towards adding steam api features in v1.06! However, to test said features, we sorta have to have the achievements up. I'll go more into detail on how this was done despite the fact Rabbit Hole runs on scratch in a later update, but credits to AshtonMemer for heavily helping us (basically doing all the work). Steam achievements aren't functionnal in the current build (v1.05) but will be once the game updates to v1.06. Also don't worry, any achievements you have in v1.05 will automatically be unlocked on steam once you update to v1.06.
Fanart event

v1.06 introduces a new area to the game, the museum! An area dedicated to the community, which will feature the fanart we've received! If you want your art featured in game, QRT this post on twitter or send us your art at shortcakeemail@gmail.com Deadline is may 29th, we can't wait to see your submissions!
State of development
In a bold move, i've decided to merge update v1.06 & v1.07 together, effectively making v1.06 rabbit hole's final update. Beyond v1.06, we might make a v1.07 to patch up a few final bugs but no more content will be added. There are plenty of reasons for this decision but to boil it down, I wanna get my creative juices flowing again and work on something new! (Also I can't live off of free games forever) So what's going to happen with Rabbit Hole? Well, it's really up to the community at this point! Rabbit Hole's source code is completely available on Github, and plenty of folks in the fan discord server have started tinkering with it. I'm not very involved in the modding scene, but if you're looking for more Rabbit Hole, I suppose you should keep an eye out for that. Anyways, i'll make a proper sendoff message when we cross that bridge. For now, I hope you all look forward to v1.06! later alligators
[ 2024-05-17 01:05:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all, Engie here!
Back with another update announcement!
This updates banner was created by the wonderful Oddie64 on Discord!
You can also follow there instragram here! Oddie64
(Join the Rabbit Hole Fan Server here! - Rabbit Hole Fan Server
New Alternate Skin!
- New Alt Skin for Shed
New Weapons Added and Small Weapon Changes!
- Added LDR: Increases damage the farther the target is
- Added Last Aid: Uses health to deal big damage
- Added Marksmanship: Throws out a coin when you reload
- Fixed a bug where the Scallywagun did take modifiers into account
- Buffed The Replicas damage from 13 to 17
Small Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed a sprite bug when dying as shed
- Made small alterations to Moko's sprites
- Fixed missing sprites from Sheds' air melee attack
- Added a shine effect while hitting Shopkee's coin
- Made the trail effect created after hitting a coin more accurate
Thank you all for your constant support!
I'm putting a little statement here that the game is near the end of development!
ShortCake is planning to stop updating the game after v1.0.7 to persue other projects and take a well deserved break. Rabbit Hole has truly taken a lot of time and Shortcake does not wish to burn out. We appreciate you all and hope you enjoy!
Also thank you tommykazoo (a.k.a Thea, Shed Prophet) for the peak Dennis Art!
With Love,
Engie, ShortCakeCafe and MOAI Music
[ 2024-05-04 00:34:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all, Engie here! A new update is released for Rabbit Hole! This updates header was created by the wonderful and talented Belderchal on Twitter! Link to their Twitter page here! - Belderchal Here are the list of Changes you can find in the game!
New Weapons and Reworks!
- Added New Weapon: Replica (Stradovarius' Violin) - Added New Weapon: SMG - Added New Weapon: Scallywagun - Party Popper Damage was reduced and reload time was increased - Sawed Off's damage increased from 65 to 70 - Deck of Card's damage was doubled and projectile speed was increased, but reload time increased and accuracy lowered - Piano's damage and fire rate slightly increased - Rick and Bass's damage increased
New Alt Skin!
- New Alt Skin added for M.O.K.O!
Bug Fixes and Adjustments
- Moko can no longer parry the Casino machine when interacting with it - [spoiler]Added an explosion to the end of the Catalyst slash attack to prevent players from avoiding the attack by hiding in the corner[/spoiler] - The Wrath of God deal no longer strikes the player during boss intros - Tutorial weapons now start with the "-" modifier - Looping with a character you have not beat the game yet with will now award the player a Star and unlock the achivement for that character -Fixed a small bug where the offset for selecting the exit button was sort of off -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extra Announcements!
As some of y'all have seen from ShortCake's recent post, Rabbit Hole now has an official fan server! Thank you to XRunner and their friends for creating and managing the server! If you would like to join the server and talk to the devs and interact more with the community, there is a link right below this text that you can use to join the server! Link to Rabbit Hole Fan Server: Rabbit Hole Fan Server Once again, we appreicate all of you and your support and I hope you have a wonderful day! With Love, Engie, ShortCake, and MOAI Music
[ 2024-04-17 01:01:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all, ShortCake_Cafe here!
Newgrounds' Games of the month!
On april 7th, Newgrounds announced their best of the month, where Rabbit Hole was voted 2nd best game of the month by users of the site!

I'm very thankful for everyone who voted for our game! (We even had some people in the community disappointed that it didn't win 1st place, but I'm very happy that we even made it in the top 5)
State of development
At the moment, I'm working on v1.04. This update will add 2-3 new weapons, some rebalacing and add Moko's alt skin to the game. Here's a sneak peak!

As for development as a whole, the goal is to finish adding all the skins, add a few more guns and maybe add a few extra things along the way. If all goes well, this should all be completed by the end of the month. Once we reach that point, Rabbit Hole's development will come to an end and I will start work on new projects. Rabbit Hole is and will remain a project released for free, which means I can't keep actively working on it forever (and to be honest, after 3 years of Rabbit Hole, a change of pace would be nice). Who knows, maybe we'll pull a repentance and add mods to the official game! Which leads me to my next point:
Fan Discord Server
Someone recently opened a fan discord server for Rabbit Hole which I am part of! On top of that, the server also contains Rabbit Hole's source code for those who wish to mod the game! It is currently home to 70+ people and growing, so come check it out!
Join the server today!
This server is unofficial and I am not responsible for moderating it so please don't hassle me if anything happens. I'm a gamedev, not a discord mod. Anyways, that was it! Thank you all for the ongoing support, if you want to help fund Rabbit Hole's development, consider donating on my Ko-Fi page!

[ 2024-04-08 22:32:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all! Engie here with another update anouncment! This announcments header and cover art was made by the lovely chikuwanotoufu! Link to their twitter page here: chikuwanotofu
Update Log
New Unlockable Skins!
-Added new unlockable alt skin for Disc -Added new unlokcable alt skin for Shopkeep
Quality of Life Changes
-Added controller button artwork for the tutorial -Adjusted crouching hitbox to be smaller -Fixed a bug where mouse inputs were not shown in the turtorial -Fixed some voice lines -The achivement "Momento Mori" has been lowered from needing to reach loop 6 to now only needing to reach loop 5 -Adjusted some sprites -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey y'all! The style selection has been implemented into the game and an alt variation of the characters will be avaialble in near updates in the future! As of now we are open to any ideas or suggestions for the remaining characters who need outfits! -Snail -Moko -Shed If you have any ideas, let us know in the discussions in the community tab or on Twitter! Along with that, we wanna show more love and support to the talented people within the community! If you have any Rabbit Hole fan art you want to share, remeber to use #rabbitholegame on twitter, newgrounds or instagram!

Thank you all for the support, we apprecite you all! With love, ShortCakeCafe, Engie and MOAI Music
[ 2024-03-27 22:47:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all! ShortCake_Cafe here! (It's 1am rn and Engi_ee is asleep so he can't write this) Merch is a thing we've been planning for a little bit now, and I'm very happy to finally release it! Now obviously, I know Redbubble isn't all that great. However I wanted to offer some sort of merch somehow! We don't have the money, tools or popularity to actually make this stuff on our own, so this is the best we can do for now, I apologize in advance! In the future though, it would be super nice to get picked by some company who actually does clothing and merch (like fangamer or others like it). --- Now, while I'm on the topic to shamelessly advertising, if you want to support me or the development of Rabbit Hole, consider Donating to my Ko-fi! Rabbit Hole is a project made completely for free so every little donation helps! (you also get access to extra doodles & concept art by getting a membership!!) --- Okay, that's enough advertising! Thank you very much for playing Rabbit Hole! later alligators -ShortCake_Cafe
[ 2024-03-14 05:34:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey y'all! Engie here! Header created by the incredible NiiMiiMoMo on Twitter! Link to their account here: NiiMiiMoMo There has been an update to Rabbit Hole! I will catagorize each fix and addition under a given name: Hotfix: Bugs that needed to be fix since they caused major issues or softlocks in the game -Catalyst no longer crashes the game whenever she jumps and the player is near a wall -Players can no longer enter and exit the game, then spam interact to cause the game to load in the character selection screen and the main game at the same time. -Player can no longer jump over Yomi with explosives, causing the game to soft lock -Using the Throwing Axe on The Corpse of Algea will no longer crash the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug: Smaller issues that were patched/ improve quality of life changes -Pausing the game as soon as a gun is picked up will no longer cause the gun in your hand to become the gun on the ground -Weapons will no longer go through the floor when you enter another room -Pausing the game while shooting "The Bad Idea" will no longer negate death -When playing as Shopkeep, throwing the Ammorang at a coin no longer freezes the weapon animation -Controller vibrations no longer activate while controller is deactivated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chore: Additions to changes and features to make sure everything works fine -Make players roll in the direction they are walking instead of where they are aiming on controller -Transfered save files from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 -Make aiming circle more "circular" on controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature: New Content added to the game! -Added Mouse Binding Options -Add option in main menu to exit the game -Reworked the Luck system for the slot machine in the Gambler room -Added "Wrath of God" as a Dennis deal downside -Added "Upgrade your Guns" as a Dennis deal upside -You can now switch between Controller and Keyboard mid-game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all for all the support and hope you enjoy! Also! If you have made fan art and want to be shouted out in an annoucnment or post in the near future, let me or ShortCakeCafe know on Twitter! We wanna give some love to the talanted people within the community! With Love- Engie, ShortCakeCafe and MOAI Music
[ 2024-03-11 02:36:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone! This update is very small for it's purpose is to remove some unused assets, nothing too grand.
I would like to take the time to say, thank you all for 8k downloads!
This means a lot to Shortcake and Moai as this reception is absolutley incredible!
I would first like to start off by saying, Hi, I am Engie, a member of Moai Music and the co-writer for the story and books! I helped Shortcake publish Rabbit Hole onto Steam!
I will be keeping in touch and giving updates about the game and about Shortcake whenever possible!
Speaking of Shortcake, he is the creator of Rabbit Hole and single handedly coded and developed everything into the game!
With that being said, Shortcake is going to go on a small break to take some rest and continue with school work as Rabbit Hole had played a massive role in his day to day life through these 3 years of development and he deserves a short break as we continue viewing feedback to see what the next course of action will be taken for the game!
Don't worry, the break will only be around 1-2 weeks depending on how he feels, but I will update everyone on any news that comes up during that time!
Thank you all for your support, we appreciate the kinds and love that the game has recieved and we are greatful that so many people enjoy it. Even for the people who don't, we appreciate you for taking time out of your day and giving the game a chance! Any interaction means the world to us so thank you all and once again, thank you for your constant support! With love - From Engie and ShortCakeCafe
P.S: If you would like to support Shortcake and his future endevours at all, he plans to release merch for the game (in a few weeks) that you can buy to help support Rabbit Hole and Shortcake! Here are some designs he plans to release! Go check it out if you wish to support him!
[ 2024-03-04 03:18:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
“Remember you will live.”
Rabbit Hole is a fast paced, tough-as-nails 2D Platformer-RogueLike-Shooter inspired by popular roguelikes, made with a love for the genre.
You are Disc, someone who was suddenly brought to the Rabbit Hole.
Collect guns, fight foes and meet strange new characters on your descent to the bottom, all in an attempt to find your heart again.
“This place is like its own ecosystem. A big living breathing mess.”
Every run is different. Enjoy hours of replayable content through randomly generated floor layouts and 50+ weapons to collect and use.
“Hey, hey, hey! How's my favorite anxiety-fueled nutjob!”
Unlock new characters with diverse playstyles. Each of the 6 unlockable characters keep gameplay fresh and give a unique perspective on the gameplay loop.
“There was a blank line, almost as if I had erased it”
Discover the hidden truth of the Rabbit Hole. Explore and fill out your library to understand its unseen history and particular characters. In the end, you may even come to understand yourself.
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Processor: Intel I5-4690Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX 1050 TI
- Storage: 750 MB available space
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Processor: Intel I7-4790KMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX 970
- Storage: 750 MB available space
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]