A new update has been deployed to the game. Here is the list of updates, hoping you will enjoy these improvements! Environmental Maintenance - When players maintain the environment, these points are now recorded. Gauges fill up on three levels and different gains of items, XP and coins are offered depending on the environment and the level reached. Once 1600 points are reached, secondary gauges granting the same rewards can be filled every month. Two new achievements requiring reaching 1600 restoration points for each environment have been added. - Guild power points now decrease by 5% if the state of the academy becomes poor and by 15% if it becomes very bad, this in order to encourage the most powerful guilds to maintain the academy and to allow younger guilds to reach the top of the rankings. - Also to encourage the maintenance of the academy, the cost of completing guild quests increases by 25% when the state of the academy is very bad. - The use of black notes by guilds now deteriorates the environment by 6 in order to increase the consequences of their use. - Toxic potions thrown at Vosrans in the plains now restore the environment by 6 in the same way as defeating them in combat. - New book on maintenance in the library, this book is available for purchase as a level 1 book and is necessary to complete the achievement of purchasing all books. It has also been added to the library shelves. Guild Quests - New guild quests have been added, and many guilds have had their quests modified: each guild type now has 10 different quests, quests related to money and XP have been removed, quests are more consistent with guild types, there are fewer duplicate quests from one guild type to another, and the different quests have been rebalanced. - It is now possible to change the type of your guild for a cost in money equivalent to your ranking points. For democratic guilds, the proposal is submitted to a vote, and the cost is paid by a guild kitty in which each player can put money. - The guild registry now indicates the different quests possible according to the different guild types. New Systems - You can now delete your characters via character selection. - You can now set the default display speed during combat in the menu. - Two new combat speeds have been added. Optimization - Discussions with NPCs and responses during scenes are now faster. - Movement on the back of a pegasus has been optimized, and movement from square to square has been optimized again. Adjustments - The cost of the elemental magic course 2 (initiation to combat) now costs 9 XP instead of 15, participation can thus only be done after having completed the daily tasks of bringing fiber to the stables and fish to the cafeteria. - Hovering over a harvested resource no longer makes the image disappear but moves it to the right or left so as not to prevent you from clicking on the elements that would be below. - The hearts indicating the NPCs' appreciation of your answers in scenes are now closer to the text frame to be more visible. - Using toxic potions on Vosrans now always spawns a corpse to skin. - The tutorial explanation texts have been shortened, as well as the introductory texts for Ela, Elena, and Dabura. Dabura's intro is now also displayed when you talk to him for the first time. - The XP gained from certain low-level quests has been modified. - The cross to close the character menu no longer scrolls with the frame and remains constantly visible in the menu. - Opening and closing certain menus that made the character move no longer do so. - Opening the Pegasus menu now closes the other menus. - The Pegasus icon now always remains opaque even when you cannot use it. - In the guild hall, guild quests now appear in full opacity and no longer require hovering over them. Bug fixes - Fixed a bug that blocked the game when exiting the tutorial. - Vif's introductory message when he blocks the entrance to the cafeteria at the start of the game was not the right one, this problem has been fixed. The other players' menu now opens on the first click and not on the second. - Fixed a bug that allowed the enchantment for magic essences to be activated using multiple enchantment. - A bug granted the guild achievement to all players, this bug has been fixed. - A bug related to the other players' menu sometimes prevented the guild menu from opening, this bug has been fixed. Display bug fixes - The help message at the start of the game to fill the feeders now disappears when a pegasus clicks. - Quickly switching between opening the character menu and another tab in this menu no longer brings you back to the initial tab. - The character menu now correctly displays combat statistics. - The power icon used during a fight is now displayed closer to the power description frame so that it is no longer displayed on the life points of certain opponents. - If another player appears in an area, you can now correctly display their menu and it no longer disappears when you click as is the case if they are disconnected. - The guild registry now displays the first and last names of the characters present in the guilds and no longer the player nicknames. - A bug prevented the display of the list of players in the guild menus, this bug has been fixed. - It is now the first and last name of the characters that is displayed in the guild menus and no longer the player nicknames. - When Ela explains how daily quests work, she is now displayed in full-length and not in the old version cut off at the chest. - The academy status information icon no longer moves in front of the list of courses or the display of book covers in the library. - The character menu that was under the chat now moves over it. - In the alchemy room, when you fill an empty bottle by clicking on the water barrel, the bottle icon now correctly changes from empty to full. - When multi-enchanting for crafting, changing from max magic to max - 1 no longer shows that you do not have enough magic. - If you try to complete a guild quest that has changed in the meantime, it now updates. Mobile fixes - Fixed an issue that was not displaying the chat content on mobile. - On mobile, clicking on another player now correctly opens their menu. - Fixed the display of information on the state of the plains for small screens. Steam App - The game is now loaded like a web browser and no longer at the beginning of the app launch. This has been changed because it could create problems accessing the app. - The ESC key now opens the game settings (including on browser), and clicking on "Quit game" closes the application. Forum - A bug occurring when posting messages and causing a pop-up warning has been fixed.
[ 2025-01-31 04:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Le chargement des images est dornavant progressif la faon d'un navigateur, l'ancien chargement pouvait crer des problmes d'accs l'application. - "Echap" ouvre maintenant le menu, et "Quitter le jeu" ferme l'application
[ 2025-01-30 01:18:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
A major update to the game has taken place. This update will be followed by several updates that will improve crafting and professions in particular. Here is the list of changes made:
Major changes:
- Optimization of moving from square to square, movements are now 2 times faster!
- Optimization of resource harvesting, harvesting is now more dynamic
Gameplay changes:
- The academy deterioration system has been completely modified and now resembles the plains deterioration system. Three states of deterioration, the last one increasing the deposit tax, the price of books and the cost of respecialization. To improve the state of the academy, you must sweep the stains and fill the cracks with earth to fill. The academy deteriorates each time a player enters it. The state of the academy is accessible via an icon at the top right of the academy squares as for the plains.
- Two new crafts: glue and earth to fill! Glue is made by putting a bowl on the fire, water and bones. A glue can be used three times. Earth to fill is made by putting a watery earth and a fiber in your hands, then selecting the glue and making a long click.
- The starting quests consisting of supplying the stable with fibers and the canteen with fish are now daily tasks. All daily tasks now grant 7 XP and 4 coins. Bringing fiber and fish outside of the resolution of these quests now only gives reputation.
- A new daily task to clean the academy has been added.
- Uncompleted daily tasks are now displayed in the quest menu.
- Four daily quests have been removed, those that involved bringing fiber, fish, and seaweed, so that they do not compete with daily tasks.
- A new gameplay element involving helping people who have suffered disasters has been added to the depot. Three barrels allow you to give your choice of 2 fish, 9 pink seaweed, or 15 fiber in exchange for 1 XP, 1 coin, and 10 reputation points. This replaces and rebalances the old system that allowed you to earn XP and money by bringing fiber and fish to the academy.
- A new scene is launched by clicking on the sales chests or the disaster contribution barrels for the first time. This scene involves Dabura explaining how academy maintenance, sales, and contributions work.
- 15 new introductions are displayed when you talk to Dabura, depending on whether he likes you, doesn't like you, or is neutral towards you.
- The character now moves to where you clicked instead of where you clicked, in order to leave the items you selected visible.
- The display of harvested items now disappears when hovering over the item instead of when clicking, in order to allow more dynamic resource harvesting.
Visual improvements:
- A new effect now illustrates XP, reputation, and money gains.
- The tax rate for item sales is now displayed at the top of sales chests in the depot.
- Changes to the positions of certain items in sales chests in the depot.
- A new action icon replaces the various action icons that could be displayed.
- When creating a character, if there is a problem during validation, the error message is now displayed correctly and in full.
- Opening sales chests in the warehouse is now smoother.
- Buying, selling or removing an item from sales chests no longer changes the position of the scroll bar.
Minor changes:
- During the intro scene, if you do not listen to the woman's words, you are now sent back to the game presentation rather than the site index.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the introduction when making the skewer that could prevent you from going to the end of the tutorial.
- When you run out of magic and try to make too many items via the multiple crafting enchantment, the information is now displayed.
- The number of items crafted is now always displayed.
- The liquids contained in the bowls above the fire now disappear correctly when changing tiles.
- The withdrawal of money from your purse when purchasing at the depot is now similar to the displayed price of the purchased item.
- In the event of multiple clicks for the purchase or withdrawal of the sale in the deposit, the inconsistent messages which could be displayed are no longer displayed.
[ 2024-12-21 10:21:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone ! A new small update has been deployed in the game. Here are the new features:
- Bag and Craft Bag now have sorting options
- Alchemy can now be performed using the "Multiples" enchantment
- Adjustment of comfort elements at the crafting level (in particular: when creating an item, the scroll bar does not go back to the top of the bag)
On the other hand, many small bugs have been corrected: clicking on piles of earth no longer prevents you from moving and manipulating objects on these piles no longer makes the pile disappear if this has no effect, resolution a bug in the library preventing you from moving after opening the list of purchasable books, corrections of small operating and display bugs at the tutorial and bag level.
And more new content coming soon! Happy start of November!
[ 2024-10-29 18:20:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new update has just been implemented in the game. From now on, the affinity gained or lost with characters during scenes is displayed. You can also find out what a character's affinity is with you by chatting with them or by looking in the Affinities tab in your menu.
On the other hand, various small bugs have been corrected, notably at the end of the intro, in the alchemy training scene, the display of the takeoff zone with the pegasus and others.
The next update 18.3 will arrive soon with, among other things, the pantheon of magicians who defeated the final boss, a new story in three scenes between Rocco and Vif to discover more about their relationship and their past, sorting the inventory and the bag crafting by item types and the addition of multiple enchantment for alchemy.
Wishing you great adventures on Erentis!
[ 2024-08-18 05:58:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
UPDATE 18.1 - Purple mountains and new ambient sounds
Hello everyone,
A new update has been deployed on Erentis, including the addition of a new game area and new ambient sounds! Here is the list of new features added to the game:
- A new area for new players: the purple mountains! Located west of the academy, these purple mountains are home to nascent spirits, very weak creatures that allow you to easily get the hang of combat and obtain a little more XP.
- A new quest also allowing you to obtain a little XP whose aim is to eliminate some emerging spirits.
- With the arrival of Nascent Spirits, all other monsters except bosses grant 1 additional XP when defeated.
- Two new sounds have been added to the game: a sound for outside the academy and a sound for inside the academy. The old sound is now only played in battles and dungeons.
- The book containing the map of Roc Island is now accessible in your bag as soon as you create a new character. All current players have received this book in their inventory.
- The character's movement system has been slightly modified: the character now stops just before the element you clicked and no longer in front of it.
As well as several other improvements and bug fixes (including display bugs within alchemy training).
Hope you enjoy these new features!
See you soon on Erentis!
[ 2024-08-09 18:04:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone !
Big new features in the game were put online today: the addition of equipment and the tailor profession to make it!
The tailoring profession is expensive, and crafting a piece of equipment is demanding. But the game is worth it! Not only will you be able to customize your character with style, but you will also gain additional life and magic points! Enough to calmly face the most powerful adversaries, and craft in large quantities with multiple enchantment! Multiple enchantment which has in fact been extended to almost all objects, only potions, energy balls and essence crafting are not yet possible in multiples, but this will quickly be corrected.
Coming back to equipment, you can equip yourself with a top and a bottom. The bottom can be either a skirt or pants. The combinations have been studied to allow as much customization as possible in terms of improving statistics. 9 pieces of equipment are currently available, in three different materials (fibers, fish skins and Vosrane skins).
And as always, many other improvements and fixes have been made. An update will soon improve the sorting of objects, in particular to make crafting easier, and a new ability will allow herbalists to double the quantity of fiber collected, because the tailors will need a lot of it!
Hope you enjoy this new feature!
[ 2024-07-26 20:20:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new update was deployed yesterday. Here are the changes and new features:
- Cases of internet outages caused disconnection messages to appear and prevented smooth play. Requests are now resent several times in the event of failure, which should avoid this type of inconvenience.
- A general chat has been added to the game, this chat is connected to the site chat, and will allow more links between players. The game box chat is still accessible for more intimate discussions!
- The combat interface has been improved and made more intuitive.
- Marisse comes into play! With her, three new scenes exploring her relationships with other NPCs. These scenes are located on different squares of the game and available after the research group.
- Display bugs during the intro scene could display other players and menu items, these bugs have been fixed.
- The Vosranes' "Flying Leech" ability no longer protects them by 1. In return, they have 1 additional life point and a new ability.
- Money owned on mobile is now present in the bag.
And other minor fixes and changes here and there.
Hope you enjoy these changes! The tailoring profession and equipment are just around the corner, stay tuned! See you soon on Erentis.
[ 2024-06-21 15:28:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
A new update has been deployed in-game. Here are the new features and changes made:
- Fixed a bug in the tutorial that could prevent the last crabeater from being correctly harvested.
-Modified the harvest interface, it is now more pleasant and attractive.
- Knives can now be manipulated.
- New resource collection system: skinning. When Vosras and Cocrals are defeated, a corpse appears. Clicking on it while wielding a knife allows you to take resources. (Cocra meat is now harvested when butchering and no longer when the creature is defeated). Vosra corpses allow you to collect Vosra skin and pieces of bones.
- New items in anticipation of the next big update: Vosra skin, pieces of bones, fish skin.
- Cutting fish now allows you to obtain fish skin and bone scraps in addition to fish flesh.
- The visuals for handling energy balls have been modified.
- Bag, crafting and quest icons are no longer displayed during scenes.
Among other small bug fixes and improvements.
Looking forward to seeing you on Erentis!
[ 2024-05-14 18:03:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
A small update has just been deployed to the game. Here are the few changes:
- The computer game interface has been revised and corrected
- When traveling, a disconnection message could appear regularly, this problem has been corrected
- Toxic messages from fake players were posted in the game's tutorial chat, and were not seen and removed until very late. To remedy this type of problem, the tutorial chat has been deactivated; the chat is now only accessible once the tutorial has been completed.
- Game start arrow icons have been changed
That's it for this little update. Thanks to ChoKo and Jubil for their feedback! And we'll see you very soon for a more substantial update which will allow you to equip yourself with new clothing, both to change your appearance but also to boost your life and magic statistics!
See you soon on Erentis!
[ 2024-05-09 13:33:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
UPDATE 17.1 The game has been updated. In order for the update to be fully effective on your device, I invite you to clear your internet browser cache (including for players on Steam) so that the display and images update correctly. This update comes with a server security update. You may encounter new bugs, I invite you to let me know if you find any! If you find yourself stuck due to a bug, press the F5 key on your keyboard to continue playing normally. List of updates: PvE FIGHTS - New animations have been added - The display has been slightly adjusted - Ethereal spirit power icons have been reworked to match the animations - Bug fix: Gale attacks for the Lulls specialization and Earth Armor for the Lands specialization now correctly reflect the damage received - Bugfix: attack boosts were not applied to counterattack damage, they are from now on BALANCING - Sources: Calm Waters now protects by 2 (instead of 1) but costs 3 magic points (instead of 2) - Queen Worms: Devour now gives 1 magic reduction (instead of 0) OTHER BUGFIXES - Added information "In case of a bug, press F5 to continue playing" in the tutorial - The appearance of worms on squares now occurs correctly - End-game scenes have been adapted to the new scene layouts and adapted to mobile devices STEAM APP - A reload button when launching the game allows you to restart the application if it takes too long to load - Added Press Esc to exit the application information on the loading page - Fixed a display bug when creating a new character That's it for this update. Keep letting me know about bugs or your ideas about the game so I can improve it. I'm tackling the next big update to the game: the tailor profession and equipment! See you soon on Erentis.
[ 2024-03-20 06:50:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Devenez apprenti magicien, intégrez l'école de magie Erentis et spécialisez-vous dans l'une des quatre magies élémentales pour élucider le mystère lié aux esprits frappeurs.
De nombreuses activités en solo vous attendent : quatre territoires à explorer en monde ouvert, rencontrez des personnages haut en couleur et approfondissez vos liens avec eux, des combats PVE stratégiques en tour par tour, de la récolte, du farm et du craft, de nombreuses professions tel que l'alchimie, l'enchantement, l'herborisme, la guérison et la cuisine, et des donjons remplis de monstres à traverser façon roguelike.
Vivez l'expérience d'un MMO : commercez avec les autres joueurs et enrichissez-vous, intégrez une guilde et faites croître sa puissance, et entretenez l'environnement et l'académie pour éviter leur dégradation.
Un jeu vidéo indépendant aux graphismes 2D originaux et uniques, régulièrement mis à jour avec plein de nouveautés. Aurez-vous l'audace d'aller au bout de cette aventure ?
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