This update automatically creates a folder for players to put music in for it to be played in-game. This folder can be found at the same folder as the game executable (steamapps/common/tank-authority-wolfram).
To use this feature, navigate to the games folder and place your music files inside of the "usermusic" folder. Supported formats are WAV, MP3 and OGG.
It is the year 30ZZ and ultracorporations have been ruling the world for hundreds of years already.
You are a home-office (the corporation owns your apartment) remote pseudo temp-worker for the Hyperloop conglomerate, and your job is to drive tankdrones onto public corpo-highways to sabotage the public opinion of cars and directly damage the bottom line of Car-Nation, the city-continent whose main export is cars and everything car related.
Drift through the public corpo-highways!
Destroy and damage anything car-adjacent! This is how your wage is calculated.
Upgrade your tank to be even more destructively efficient and look cooler! Your coolness factor directly influences your final payout.
Be careful of the police and enemy corporate agents!