Two new wallpapers from the latest update are available now for free!
Thank you to everyone supporting the game your support means a lot!
Download them from: https://playsuperbytes.co.uk/downloads
[ 2025-02-08 13:00:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bug fix for when the player gets damaged mid combo and cannot attack again.
[ 2025-02-05 09:54:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Main menu keyboard rebinding bug fix for "Strong Attack". Previously it was not available to be rebound and defaulted to F key.
- In game keyboard control tool tip bug fix for "Strong Attack". Previously the tooltip was displaying "UP" instead of the actual key default F.
[ 2025-02-03 10:03:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
New in Version v.1.9.0 !!
Player Updates
- The player can now glide after jumping.
- New character model & new toon shading techniques.
- Camera will follow player automatically after long inactivity.
- Camera will zoom out during battle automatically.
- Camera will follow enemies being attacked automatically (REMOVED - it made combat too difficult to control)
- Smoother camera rotation and player follow movement.
- Slow-mo & zoomed in monster death sequences.
- Optimised player particle effects.
- Optimised animations & movement.
- Optimised item pick-up effects.
- New enchanted weapon (Sword).
- Quick attacks will not physically effect summons. Heavy attacks will continue to push summons.
- The player will no longer stagger on light elemental damage. This previously caused unwanted breaks in combat.
- The player will stagger when taking light damage instead of falling over like with heavy damage.
- Player now has 5 Quick attacks.
- Player now has 5 Strong attacks.
- Player can combo Quick and Strong attacks.
- Player can summon during attack combos without pause.
- Player can Launch enemy with Down+Strong Attack.
- Player can perform Stringer with Forward+Strong Attack.
- Player can downward strike while in the air with Forward+Quick Attack.
- Automatic enemy lock on. The player will target the closet enemy automatically this ensures attacks hit easier.
- Summons will be summoned at the player's left and right sides. This stops the summon interrupting the players attacks.
- "Player Switch" now applies to the player's jacket.
- Small tornado Wind element attack added to Wind element monsters. (can affected by Fire & Ice)
- Reduced player element affliction time.
- Bug fix for a rotation issue with element attacks.
- Increased player element affliction screen dirt.
- Book will carry the players weapon.
- Optimised Book follower movement.
- Fixed player rotation and movement during attacks.
- Enemies have attack combos and release elemental damage on the last attack.
- Enemies are more aggressive.
- Cloud texture changed to a more realistic shape.
- Camera shake enhanced.
- Enemies have 200%+ greater health.
[ 2025-02-01 14:44:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Introducing combos using Quick attacks, Strong attacks and summoning!
- Player now has 5 Quick attacks.
- Player now has 5 Strong attacks.
- Player can combo Quick and Strong attacks.
- Player can summon during attack combos without pause.
- Player can Launch enemy with Down+Strong Attack.
- Player can perform Stringer with Forward+Strong Attack.
- Player can downward strike while in the air with Forward+Quick Attack.
- Automatic enemy lock on. The player will target the closet enemy automatically this ensures attacks hit easier.
- Summons will be summoned at the player's left and right sides. This stops the summon interrupting the players attacks.

Launch Enemy (Down+Strong Attack.)

Summon during attack combo

Version v.1.9.0 (90% complete)
Below are lists of completed updates coming soon in v.1.9.0. Player Updates
- New character model & new toon shading techniques.
- Camera will follow player automatically after long inactivity.
- Camera will zoom out during battle automatically.
- Camera will follow enemies being attacked automatically (REMOVED - it made combat too difficult to control)
- Smoother camera rotation and player follow movement.
- Slow-mo & zoomed in monster death sequences.
- Optimised player particle effects.
- Optimised animations & movement.
- Optimised item pick-up effects.
- New enchanted weapon (Sword).
- Quick attacks will not physically effect summons. Heavy attacks will continue to push summons.
- The player will no longer stagger on light elemental damage. This previously caused unwanted breaks in combat.
- The player will stagger when taking light damage instead of falling over like with heavy damage.
- Small tornado Wind element attack added to Wind element monsters. (can affected by Fire & Ice)
- Reduced player element affliction time.
- Bug fix for a rotation issue with element attacks.
- Increased player element affliction screen dirt.
- Book will carry the players weapon.
- Optimised Book follower movement.
- Fixed player rotation and movement during attacks.
- Enemies have attack combos and release elemental damage on the last attack.
- Enemies are more aggressive.
- Cloud texture changed to a more realistic shape.
- Camera shake enhanced.
- Enemies have 200% greater health.
[ 2025-01-18 12:38:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
First look at v.1.9.0 which will introduce a completely overhauled player character, including:
- New character model & new toon shading techniques.
- Camera will follow player automatically after long inactivity.
- Camera will zoom out during battle automatically.
- Camera will follow enemies being attacked automatically.
- Smoother camera rotation and player follow movement.
- Slow-mo & zoomed in monster death sequences.
- Optimised player particle effects.
- Optimised animations & movement.
- Optimised item pick-up effects.
- New enchanted weapon.

Zoomed out combat camera

Zooming in camera for monster death sequences

General updates coming as well
- Small tornado Wind element attack added to Wind element monsters. (can affected by Fire & Ice)
- Reduced player element affliction time.
- Bug fix for a rotation issue with element attacks.
- Increased player element affliction screen dirt.
- Book will always summon monsters in front of the player.
- Book will carry the players weapon.
- Optimised Book follower movement.
- Fixed player rotation and movement during attacks.
- Enemies have attack combos and release elemental damage on the last attack.
- Enemies are more aggressive.
- Cloud texture changed to a more realistic shape.
[ 2025-01-11 12:29:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.9.0 will introduce a completely overhauled player character, including:
- New model
- Camera will follow player automatically
- Slow-mo monster death sequences
- Optimised player particle effects
- Optimised animations & movement
- Optimised item pick-up effects
- Slow-mo on key events and dramatic sequences
- Optimised Book follower movement

General updates coming
- Small tornado Wind element attack added to Wind element monsters. (can affected by Fire & Ice)
- Reduced player element affliction time.
- Fixed a rotation issue with element attacks.
- Increased player element affliction screen dirt.
[ 2024-12-14 13:21:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update the player can be levelled up across the following stats:

BIG updates:
- Player Health & Stamina levels will effect quantity.
- Player Health & Stamina bar sizes will be effected by their levels.
- Player Jump Pad timer will be effected by the level.
- Player Blink distance/speed will be effected by the level.
- Player Attack will be effected by the level.
- Player Attack knock back strength will be effected by the level.
- Spirit Forager Power Multiplier.
- Spirit Forager Type Modifier.
- Summons can no longer be levelled up using items.
- Summons will absorb their victims power to level up.
- Monsters will increase their attack & health power after killing your summons.
- Player stats will be set to default for ALL players.
- Spirits can no longer be used. Collect them to increase your Spirit Forager Power.
- Ice Element texture changed.
- Elemental system optimisations.
- All weapon pitch low-high values increased.
- Long grass decreased in height for all levels.
- Fix to the player weapon swoosh making a weird noise.
- Fix to the Red Vignette from fall damage not disappearing.
- Fix to drone death sequence creating a duplicate drone.
[ 2024-12-07 12:17:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Spirit Forager update is coming soon with version 1.8.0. In this update the player can be levelled up across the following stats: (with no limit become crazy OP) [olist]

BIG updates coming soon
- Player Health & Stamina levels will effect quantity.
- Player Health & Stamina bar sizes will be effected by their levels.
- Player Jump Pad timer will be effected by the level.
- Player Blink distance/speed will be effected by the level.
- Player Attack will be effected by the level.
- Player Attack knock back strength will be effected by the level.
- Spirit Forager Power Multiplier.
- Spirit Forager Type Modifier.
- Summons can no longer be levelled up using items.
- Summons will absorb their victims power to level up.
- Monsters will increase their attack & health power after killing your summons.
- Player stats will be set to default for ALL players.
- Spirits can no longer be used. Collect them to increase your Spirit Forager Power.
- Ice Element texture changed.
- Elemental system optimisations.
- A new original player character is in development now. It will replace the player characters when complete.
[ 2024-11-30 12:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
WARNING Summoned monsters levels are changing! Currently each summon can gain levels from enhancing any of the elements; Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy and Dark. Dark and Holy elements have been removed in this version (v.1.7.0) and the option to level a summon will be removed in v.1.8.0 (not released yet)! But don't worry!! The summons you have levelled already will retain their levels and power. But for new players the summons will all start on a much lower level. Please take advantage of this time between version releases to level your summons! The summon level system will be hidden as of version 1.8.0. In its place a hidden levelling system will be implemented where the summon will grow with the player and the battles they face. BIG updates - Elemental Attacks
- Monsters and Summons now use the elemental system when attacking. For example, Fire element monster will summon a wild fire that will spread.
- Monsters and Summons have all been assigned ONE element each.
- Element type damage negation and enhancement has been added (Fire -> Ice -> Air -> Earth).
- Summons stats now combine all levelled up elements when attacking to the weapon (not element created). For example Attack = Base Attack + Fire + Ice + Earth + Air + Holy + Dark.
New Summon Bar with elemental guides

New summon description page with elemental bookmark guide

Monster Aura just before they attack

Summon levelling system will be removed in v.1.8.0

General updates
- Player spot light has reduced intensity (makes it less flashy).
- Summon Bar UI updated with element colours.
- Summon description page updated with element type bookmark.
- Monsters and Summons now give off an aura before attacking.
Known Issues
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all.
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility. Still haven't figured this issue out yet...
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible.
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain.
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away.
- Graphic settings UI can be unresponsive to controller D-Pad (temp fix - use analog sticks).
- No one plays this game... working on it bro!
[ 2024-11-23 13:25:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Version Number on Main Menu updated to 1.6.1 (1.6.0 did not)
- Fire element creep increased to 3
- Bug fix to elements Invoking functions when disabled (causing fire/ice to spread even when disabled)
- Wind Updrafts have been added to many sky platforms
- New horizontal Wind streams added to many sky islands
- Player stick light changed from Point to Spot light. This acts like a torch!
- Player idle animation changed to a more relaxed pose
- Fire looping sound changed
- FPS tracker added to Elemental Calamity spawner (if FPS goes below 30 they will not spawn)
[ 2024-11-18 10:08:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIG updates
- The Fire element is here! Fire will spread across the terrain. All summons, monsters and the player will take fire damage.
- The Ice element is here! Ice will spread across the terrain and freeze monsters and summons that touch it. The player will also slow and take damage. If ice touches water then frozen platforms will form in the water.
- The Earth element is here! New large platforms will explode! Boulders and Rocks can be effected by other elements if they collide. If the element is traveling fast enough it will damage the player, monsters and summons.
- The Wind element is here! There are large and small tornados that will rip through the islands. If they collide with Fire or Ice they become Fire and Ice tornados.
- Meteors are here! Meteors will rain down and explode on impact setting the ground on fire, watch out!!
- The terrain textures have been reduced from 12 to 2. This slightly improves FPS and makes the terrain less distracting from the gameplay.
Meteor Falling

Ruin Platform Exploding

Riding a large Tornado

New Ruined Platforms

General updates
- HUD screen dirt added for Fire & Ice status effects
- Stamina consumption for running & sprinting has been removed. Instead the stamina bar will freeze on that position.
- Plants, grass and trees have been tinted to match new terrain colours
- Wind updrafts have increased in power
- More updrafts have been added.
- More building/ruin brick textures changed to darker colours
Known Issues
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility. Still haven't figured this issue out yet...
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away
- Graphic settings UI can be unresponsive to controller D-Pad (temp fix - use analog sticks)
- Monster attack fire tornado smoke is off centre
- This game is so bad it makes me cry.. working on it bro!
[ 2024-11-16 13:20:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
New 2 texture terrain

Current 12 texture terrain (will be removed in v.1.6.0)

Although we thought that both terrains look good the simplified 2 texture terrain is less distracting from the gameplay and with the new elemental systems being brought in we need more FPS! BIG updates coming soon
- The Fire element is almost done! Fire will spread across the terrain. All summons, monsters and the player will take fire damage.
- The Ice element is almost done! Ice will spread across the terrain and freeze monsters and summons that touch it. The player will also slow and take damage. If ice touches water then frozen platforms will form in the water.
- The terrain textures have been reduced from 12 to 2. This slightly improves FPS and makes the terrain less distracting from the gameplay.
Ice element freezing the player

Fire element creeping around a ruin

General updates coming soon
- HUD screen dirt added for Fire & Ice status effects
- Stamina consumption for running & sprinting has been removed
- Plants, grass and trees have been tinted to match new terrain colours
- Wind updrafts have increased in power
- More building/ruin brick textures changed to darker colours
- A new original player character is in development!!! This character will replace the current playable characters when complete!
[ 2024-11-09 11:17:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIG Updates
- A small tornado has been added on Isle of Floating Ruins
- A large tornado has been added to The Isle of Watcher's Light
- Updraft wind elements have been added to a few islands. They boost the player up in to the sky. Very useful for reaching high platforms quicker. Or you can ride a tornado...
- Camera position has moved closer to the player.
Updraft wind element


General Updates
- Clouds particle size to screen ratio has been reduced. This is will stop the particles getting too near the camera.
- Skybox Reflections have been removed from most islands. (it was unnoticeable anyway, but should increase FPS a little)
- Skybox dynamic clouds removed from most islands. (it was unnoticeable anyway, but should increase FPS a little)
Reduced cloud particle size to screen ratio

Store Page Updates
- New screenshots
- Gameplay Trailer 1 removed
Known Issues
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility. Still haven't figured this issue out yet...
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away
- Graphic settings UI can be unresponsive to controller D-Pad (temp fix - use analog sticks)
- Fire tornado smoke is off centre
- This game makes no sense.. working on it bro!
[ 2024-11-02 13:01:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

BIG Updates
- First level (Island Village) player spawn location changed to islands off the main island (a jump puzzle added to reach the main land)
- Floating ruin platforms/boulders/rocks litter the sky!
- (Elemental System) Added the first element Earth: Rocks/Boulders/Platforms
- The alpha/realistic clouds have been removed
- Flat colour clouds with greater mass has been added to replace the alpha clouds
- The colour multiplying miniature sky box has been removed
- The large clouds/fog over the islands has been removed
- Dynamic background clouds have been removed (dynamic weather is still running)
- NG+ Dragon has been removed
- NG+ Shortcut added to main boss battle
- Enemy Drones added to Floating Ruins, Isle of Watcher's Light & Shattered Isle
- The Rock & Moss shader has been replaced with Mud & Moss
- Moss & Light Brick wall texture and shader replaced
- Skybox & field of view greatly extended
- Ocean colour slightly updated
- More mountains bellow the sky islands have been added
- Large background sky islands have been removed (may come back later)
- Dragon fire ball bug fixes
- World Tree texture (& shader) replaced with Dead/Grey bark
- Bug fix to player Turn animation not completing
- Bug fix to player Idle animation playing while moving

Physics on the sky platforms

Getting lost in the clouds...

Store Page Updates
- Japanese & Simplified Chinese languages removed from Store Page (still supported in game!)
- New screen shots
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility. Still haven't figured this issue out yet...
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away
- Graphic settings UI can be unresponsive to controller D-Pad (temp fix - use analog sticks)
- Fire tornado smoke is off centre
- This game is so confusing.. working on it bro!
[ 2024-10-26 11:45:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
The skies are getting overhauled...
- First level (Island Village) player spawn location changed to islands off the main island (a jump puzzle added to reach the main land)
- Floating ruin platforms/boulders/rocks litter the sky!
- Elemental System in development!
- Elemental System - added for Earth/Rocks/Boulders/Platforms/Meteors/Fire/Water (more coming)
- Elemental System - Fire patches will Creep and set more land on fire
- Elemental System - Player can be continually damaged by fire patches
- Elemental System - Water ripples and splashes now added for Summons & Monsters entering water
- The alpha/realistic clouds have been removed
- Flat colour clouds with greater mass has been added to replace the alpha clouds
- The colour multiplying miniature sky box has been removed
- The large clouds/fog over the islands has been removed
- Dynamic background clouds have been removed (dynamic weather is still running)
- NG+ Dragon has been removed
New Clouds/Sky

Floating Ruins

Floating Ruins & Meteors Falling

First level updated spawn location

New Textures

General Updates
- The Rock & Moss shader has been replaced with Mud & Moss
- Moss & Light Brick wall texture and shader replaced
- Skybox & field of view greatly extended
- Ocean colour slightly updated
- More mountains bellow the sky islands have been added
- Large background sky islands have been removed (may come back later)
- Dragon fire ball bug fixes
- World Tree texture (& shader) replaced with Dead/Grey bark
- Bug fix to player Turn animation not completing
- Bug fix to player Idle animation playing while moving
- The game name has changed to "The Summoner's Sky" ("The" is new. I think it sounds better)
- Discord link has been removed from store page
[ 2024-10-19 12:12:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dramatic Atmosphere Settings! (Dramatic-High)

- General Updates
- The post processing effects for Dramatic-High, Dramatic-Low & Soft can be adjusted via the Main Menu Graphics Settings. (Soft is the original)
- Default atmosphere setting set to Dramatic-High.
- Water ripples & splashes now effect monsters and summons
- The player can be damaged from falling (based on height and velocity)
- Vignette turns red when damage guaranteed from falling
- The player now has turning animations & walk-lean left/right, run-lean left/right
- Water edge foam reduced
- Water ripple enlarged
- Bug Fixes
- Distortion effect (attached to elements attacks) render queue reduced.
- Known Issues
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility. Still haven't figured this issue out yet...
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away
- Graphic settings UI can be unresponsive to controller D-Pad (temp fix - use analog sticks)
- I keep getting lost.. working on it bro!
Atmosphere Setting

Atmosphere Dramatic-Low

Atmosphere Soft (original)

[ 2024-10-12 11:08:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Key Rebinding!

- General Updates
- Keyboard key rebinding is here!
- Separate keys for Menu Navigation added
- Tooltip UI - removed keyboard icons
- Tooltip UI - added keyboard text
- Tooltip UI - added to main menu for both keyboard and controller
- More Light Trees have been added to help guide the player, and lead them...
- Bug Fixes
- Forced knock-backs removed from Stone Gollums
- Known Issues
- Summons can be disabled completely by deselecting them all
- Stamina is tied to hud UI visibility, it needs separating to allow infinite stamina when outside of combat
- Duplicate keys when keyboard rebinding - on rare occasions this is possible
- Incorrect Navmesh on Shattered Isle is causing spawned enemies to miss the terrain
- On rare occasions NPC speech will not close when moving away
- Game too boring.. working on it bro!
Light Trees!

[ 2024-10-05 12:10:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bug Fixes
- The player should not be able to fall through the floor anymore.
[ 2024-09-29 17:11:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you so much summoners for joining us on this journey! We noticed players having issues with accessibility so hopefully this update will fix some of those. Please join us on our discord for the latest news on development and bug fixes!
- Updates
- Main and sub menus now accept keyboard controls for Arrow Keys and Enter Key
- Book Menu can now be opened from the start of Level 1 - This will allow Player Switch, Saving Data & Exiting this game.
- Tooltips now open during actions and hide during idle time or movement (including running)
- Keyboard Arrow Keys removed from player movement & added to menu control
- Idle animation probability increased to 80% when idle
- Unlock crystal moved higher in the library
- Unnecessary light removed from village POI near lamp
- Version number updated
- Bug fixes
- Fixed NPC deformed mesh during idle animation
- Fixed Player boy deformed mesh during standing animation
- You Died loading icons overlapping player tool tips
- Book spawns near fairy after unlock
- Loading Screen confirmation button showed Enter Key rather than Space Key
- Known Bugs
- Graphics Controls at Title Menu when using Keyboard & Mouse require double tapping the Enter Key to close
[ 2024-09-28 12:21:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Summoner's Sky is released! To celebrate we are running a 20% launch discount!!
Slime felt super excited about the launch as well and has drawn a world map of version 1.0.0 to help new players! Seven lush islands are waiting to be explored and their mysteries unearthed.
We sincerely hope everyone has fun!
[ 2024-09-27 10:04:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- We are still on target for EA release on the 27th!
- Golem Girl rock material on bullets changed (to save FPS)
- Golem Girl rock material changed to match bullets
- Version number moved to centre of the main menu
- Main Menu vegetation updated with new plants
- Asset creator credits updated for desert environments, fish, bird & sci-fi vehicle packs
- Summon select will remember previous choice when levelling up
- Crystal Lights disabled for ALL islands (to save FPS)
- Birds added to all islands
- Fish added to all islands
- Water sound changed to a less noisy ambient sound
- Terrain blending removed on Shattered Isle (to save FPS)
- Village updated with new vegetation
- Big Oak trees replaced on multiple islands with new tree type to break up the environment
- More animals added to all islands
- Water reflections removed from Village as it was using 10fps alone!!
- The Burning World Tree material shader changed to TVE shader
- Burning World Tree pest hidden in NG+
- Wind effect updated to full island size & no longer follows player
- Floating Ruins updated with new vegetation, vines etc
- Crystal Isle updated with new vegetation
- Burning World Tree updated with new vegetation
- World Tree updated with new vegetation
- Lost vehicle added to Crystal Isle
Old Golem Girl (old status bars too)

New Golem Girl

Old Water Vegetation (old status bars too)

New Water Vegetation (& Lost vehicle)



Updated Vegetation

Wallpapers are available from scenes featured in our trailer, check them out here Official Website Follow us on: TikTok | Twitter | Official Website
[ 2024-09-22 11:39:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Release date set for the 27th and we are still on target.
- BIG UPDATE: Shattered Isle complete vegetation overhaul
- Lost Legacy Ruins more vegetation of different varieties added
- Menu font updated for better readability
- Replaced some low-res monsters images in the menu
- More animals added to Shattered Isle
- Crystal lights removed from Lost Legacy Ruins (to save FPS)
- Glowing Orchards removed from Shattered Isle (to save FPS)
- Water Reflections removed from Shattered Isle (to save FPS)
- Water colour updated in Shattered Isle to look green
Old vegetation on the Shattered Isle (old status bars too)

New vegetation on the Shattered Isle

Bug Fixes
- Bug fixed in the message pop-up controller for keyboard UI
[ 2024-09-15 16:49:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Release date set for the 27th and we are on target!
- New gameplay trailer set in the Lost Legacy Ruins
- Loading screen text now lowercase and uses a more readable font
- Item text now lowercase and uses a more readable font
- Level one loading screen text added
- Stone girl moved to NG+
- Fixed crystal centre position in Crystal Smash
- Fixed summon centre position in Crystal Smash
- Fixed camera centre position in Crystal Smash
- Tool tips fixed on Crystal Smash
- Tool tips fixed on loading screen
[ 2024-09-08 11:46:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Game Updates
- Steam review complete with no big issues!
- The Gate to the King is revealed from the beginning. It was confusing why it suddenly appears.
- Explosive impact Height mod & Force randomised per hit.
- Icons added to book tabs.
- The giant stone **** has been added to the Tundra.
- The Lost Library's second and third levels have been added!
- Courage Stick ability item has been moved.
- Energy platforms have been added around the The Lost Library's crystal.
- Slime's position at the Tundra has been updated closer to the top as testers could not find him.
- Controller UI adjusts for Playstation controllers.
- Dialogue less repetitive at the choice-crystal.
- Fire Tornado is very frame heavy so some shaders have been adjusted in attempt to reduce this.
- Version number UI fix.
- Wallpapers are available from scenes featured in our trailer, check them out here Official Website
[ 2024-08-31 17:18:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
General Updates
- Wallpapers are available from scenes featured in our trailer, check them out here Official Website
- Slightly reduced height multiplier on knock-backs
- Crab swarm removed from Shattered Isle
- Monsters added to first island in Shattered Isle
- More animals added to zones
- Music, ambience, nature sounds will start at random points to prevent repetition
- Moon replaced in Shattered Isle
- Shattered Isle random spawners delayed to reduce loading time
- Animal drop rate increased to 100%
- Fixed music overlapping bug
- Fixed an issue where crystal smash ignores the first crystal
- Fixed force knock-backs on none effected enemies (mainly bosses)
- Fixed an issue with a spawner in Shattered Isle where it had the wrong terrain selected
- Camera fixed in Village
- Bug fix to the missing Book dialogue

Follow us on: TikTok | Twitter | Official Website
[ 2024-08-24 11:38:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
General Updates
- New capsule image
- New screenshots (you may recognise a few!)
- Skip to the next active item in the menu (press down or up)
- Add keyboard tool tips (if a controller is not connected)
- Added version number to title menu
- Added force on enemies creating a kick back effect when struck
- Added force on summons creating a kick back effect when struck
- Player can move summons with force
- Tinted the yellow/dead leaf ground texture green
- Updated help images to latest style
- Synced tree root moss colours with ground colour
- Removed force kick back from human-like monsters (it was creating weird effects)
- Ghost ship fire trails removed
- Reduced portal wait time
- Reduced confirmation button size on loading screen
- Fixed controls UI overflowing
- Fixed summons spawn Y offset to ground level
[ 2024-08-18 11:45:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Encounter environment effect added to boss battles
- Loading progress bar added
- Loading screen pauses for player confirmation
- Updated vegetation renderer to latest version
- More trees added to the tundra
- Snow clouds added to the tundra
- Jump pad spawn sound added
- Player attack range extended !!
- Movement enabled when player attacks (speed x 1.5)
- Roll ability has been removed !!
- Special Skill added (iframe heavy attack)
- Removed Shields from low level enemies
- Attack from sprinting added
- Attacks can be interrupted with Dash or Jump
- Dash stamina consumption reduced
- Attack stamina consumption reduced
- Attack animations changed for attacks 3, 4, 5 in combo
- UI control guides updated for new Skill
- Lastly.... Dry lake Castle has been removed. Unfortunately it was not built correctly and heavily impacted FPS. As the new play style is faster, this would cause severe interruptions.

Bug Fixes
- Localised text on small item pop ups fixed
- Locked attributes UI updated for better readability
- Bird sounds removed from Tundra
- Attack queueing reduced
- Light Snow removed from Last Level
- Jump Pad spawn position distance increased
- Attack timeout bug fixed
- Removed Reflections from unnecessary materials
- Bug fix to player sound clip lengths
[ 2024-08-10 11:25:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Selected summon UI background updated with rainbow effect
- Summon rainbow effect covers health and stamina bars when active
- Summons are pre-levelled a little
- Summons have locked elemental attributes
- Item rarity UI added
- Gamepad tooltips added for Crystal Smash, Battles, Summoning, NPC dialogue & Menu
- Skyboxes updated with night time moon image on most levels
- Health and stamina bars moved to the bottom of the screen and enlarged
- Summon counter and energy bar re-designed
- Earthy-Boom sound effect added when summoning
- Aura effect shorter bursts and more frequent
- Added island names on scene opening
- Crystal Smash confirmation button added for additional smashes
- NPC Platform moved on Level 2
- Darker darkness
- Removed corrupted cut scene on level 4 (no replacement yet)
- Loading screen images updated
[ 2024-07-31 17:23:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone!
Over the last week we have been focusing on refining the character controls and abilities. Something felt missing... Feedback on our TikTok posts suggested more abilities that compliment summoning. So, we added a Blink Dash. It can close distance very fast and allows attack damage while blinking. Perfect for getting in to combat fast. Jumping also felt incomplete... So we increased gravity to make the player fall faster and made the jump pads predictive of the players desired location. This allows the player to double jump across platforms they create in the sky much easier. Updates and Bug Fixes
- Jump platforms predict player location for landing
- Jump platforms last longer
- Bug fix to player sound effects
- Summing UI colour changed from black to purple
- Roll stamina decreased
- Attack button changed to Gamepad West
- Screen Shake on taking damage and summoning
- More silence in background ambiance
- Loading screen text box added
- Bug fix to menu tab buttons skipping tabs
- Blink Dash button set for Gamepad Right Shoulder
- Player gravity rebuilt and increased

Follow us on: TikTok | Twitter | PlaySuperBytes.co.uk
[ 2024-07-23 16:43:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone!
Today marks the first dev diary as we begin beta testing. Wow, we have fixed a lot of bugs already... check them out: General
- Made NPC text optional
- Fixed camera rotation pivot around player
- Increased grass and vegetation render range
- Reduced player drag (increase falling gravity)
- Removed unwanted colliders from large islands in the background
- Added fairy double jump effect
- Increased run speed (a lot!)
- Fixed music not playing by default
- Main menu opens with "Press any button"
- Made all back buttons consistent
- Adjusted alpha backgrounds in options menu
- Made all controls UI consistent
- Added Loading icon and text to Continue button
- Adjusted village lighting at night
- Unlocked player controls before meeting (SPOILER)
- Fixed broken collider on staircase
- Added an achievement for finding the (SPOILER)

Follow us on: TikTok | Twitter | PlaySuperBytes.co.uk
[ 2024-07-13 11:00:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Build Your Ultimate Party
Collect and smash Crystals to add monsters to your party. Summon them in real-time, hack and slash battles. You don't need to rely on them to do all the fighting either. Armed with a stick, you can damage enemies to maximise summon time, and also heal and buff your summons.
Unleash Amazing Powers
Upgrade your summons' abilities with the materials your've found on your travels. Take your pick from Fire, Water, Holy, Dark, Air and Earth. Can't choose? Why not level them all up?
Explore Mysterious Ruins
Meet new friends and other travellers to uncover the secrets of the seven floating islands.
- OS: SteamOS 3.5
- Processor: Zen 2 4c/8t. 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: 8 RDNA 2 CUs. 1.6GHz (1.6 TFlops FP32)
- Storage: 15 GB available space
- OS: SteamOS 3.5
- Processor: Zen 2 4c/8t. 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: 8 RDNA 2 CUs. 1.6GHz (1.6 TFlops FP32)
- Storage: 15 GB available space
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