"Human Milk Seller," a unique and thought-provoking game, is set to launch on Steam on April 1, 2024. In a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, players will find themselves in a world devastated by nuclear fallout, climate disasters, and rampant corporate greed. The game introduces the Lactomans, genetically engineered creatures that produce ultra-nutritious milk, representing humanity's final hope for survival. As a farmer tasked with tending to these creatures, players will navigate a narrative filled with dark humor and satirical undertones, reflecting on modern society's pitfalls. The game promises a blend of casual gameplay, strategy, and a rich storyline that challenges players to breed and care for the Lactomans while resisting external threats and improving production. With its impending release, "Human Milk Seller" is poised to offer a unique gaming experience that combines engaging mechanics with a commentary on capitalism and survival.
[ 2024-03-24 18:30:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
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You play as a weathered farmer—a reluctant hero—tending to your herd of Lactomans. These peculiar creatures, genetically engineered to produce ultra-nutritious milk, are humanity's last lifeline. They shuffle about with vacant expressions, their udders perpetually swollen. You can't help but see the resemblance to modern office workers—drained, overworked, and utterly detached.
The Lactoman Hierarchy
1. Lactomans Nature: Plain and unassuming, they churn out milk like clockwork. Their monotonous existence mirrors the assembly line employees who toil away in soulless factories.
2. Strawberry Lactomans: These pink-hued lactomans produce strawberry-flavored milk. Your corporate overlords market it as a "premium blend," but really, it's just a gimmick—the same old milk with a dash of artificial flavoring. Sound familiar? It should.
3. Chocolate Lactomans: Dark and mysterious, these Lactomans yield rich chocolate milk. They're the company's golden geese—the ones who get promotions and corner offices. But deep down, they're just as exploited as the rest.
4. Golden Lactomans: The pinnacle of genetic engineering! These rare beasts produce liquid gold—literally. Their milk is sold to the highest bidder at exorbitant prices. Your scientist friend in the lab takes perverse pride in creating these absurd creatures—because nothing says "capitalism gone mad" like turning living beings into cash cows.
Your Allies
1. Lab Buddy: Your eccentric lab buddy tinkers with Lactoman DNA, pushing boundaries and ethics alike. He's convinced that one day he'll create a lactose-intolerant Lactoman just to mess with the system.
2. Seed Merchant: Your other friend runs a quaint seed shop—a sanctuary from corporate madness. He peddles seeds for crops that no longer exist outside your hameau (that's French for "hamlet"). Prices fluctuate wildly because he scavenges them from irradiated wastelands where mutated flora sprout like twisted dreams.
The Taxman Cometh
Every ten days, the local mobsters—decked out in tattered suits and gas masks—arrive at your doorstep demanding their cut. They call it "protection money." You know better; it's extortion wrapped in radioactive irony. Pay up or face consequences worse than nuclear fallout.
Gameplay Mechanics
- Milking Rituals: Milk your Lactomans (they don't seem to mind) and sell their precious liquid at the market.
- Seed Cultivation: Plant bizarre seeds and watch them grow into mutant crops—because regular carrots are so passé.
- Upgrade yours Lactomans: Experiment to try to increase your productivity.
- Survive: Try to survive despite the local underworld and their ever-increasing taxes
Satirical Themes
"Human Milk Seller" skewers corporate culture, consumerism, and our obsession with productivity. It's a humorous take on how capitalism milks us dry while promising us happiness
- OS: Ubuntu 22
- Processor: Intel core I3Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX750
- OS: Ubuntu 22
- Processor: Intel core I7Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia RTX4080
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