Hi all,
This is a really tiny patch, since we didn't get any new bug reports since v1.515f! (yay for that!)
When we did the 1.5 update, we tried to have all the translations updated in time for it, and for the most part we succeeded. But sadly the person was going to take care of the German translation had some last minute personal issues to deal with. Initially we decided to wait it out, but after 3 months we finally decided to simply give the job to someone else. And so we have a full German translation again! Many thanks to Raven who ended up being the one to take care of it.
We also got word that the French translation had a few mistakes in it, so we also took the time to fix those as well.
And that's it, this is the full changelog:
[LANG] Updated the german translation
[LANG] Fixed a few minor issues on the french translation
Since it appears we're finally at a point where the game is as stable as it's gonna get, we'll be sending this version to the console folks, so that they can begin the work of porting the 1.5 update to consoles. Hopefully it won't be much longer until it gets there!
Thanks for playing everyone, and thank you for the many answers to the survey we posted last week! We'll leave it open for another week and then we'll close it and let you know about the results.
Have a wonderful weekend!
-PUNKCAKE Dlicieux [ 2025-01-17 14:25:48 CET ][ Original post ]
Chess, but all your army has gone over to the white side, leaving you with nothing but your royal shotgun and your wounded pride. Carried by your dark folly, you decide it's time to teach those white pieces to fear the Shotgun King.
Every turn, you may either move your king or shoot at enemy pieces, after what you'll need to move again to reload your shotgun. Avoid checkmate and kill the enemy king to complete the floor. After each floor, you may choose between two random combinations of one upgrade for you and one upgrade for the other side. Choose wisely and keep on winning floors and you just may get your kingdom back.
Runs may take ~20 minutes to complete. The game features 15 ranks of difficulty, unlockable cards, over 80 achievements to complete, an endless mode, and now a chase mode where you get continually assailed from all sides!