New Story Cutscene mode Coming to The Beginning & Ending of the Telly the TV!
Coming Q1 2025 A story cutscene mode will be added to the beginning of Telly the TV, and I'm also going to rework the ending of the game as well! I've already got work started on some in-game pixel art which will feature the story behind our hero Telly. Telly the TV started as an HTML5 game meant to be played in one sitting, and evolved into a premium Steam Title. The original game had five different channels. I added a sixth channel to the game including three more levels, and another original song for the release here on Steam. I also added thumbstick & joystick support, and a level-select mode so players and speedrunners could easily navigate to their favorite level for practice, or getting back to where you left off. Your reviews and comments have inspired me to change & improve Telly the TV. As I continue development with the game and finish the cutscene artwork & programming, you'll be the first to know when the update will go live.
Telly the TV now ON SALE for only 99 Cents During the Steam Winter Sale
That's right, get the game for less than a cup of hot cocoa during the holiday season! Would you rather have a cup of cocoa that lasts for a moment, or a game that will bring you fun for hours?
Telly the TV features
- 18 handcrafted levels
- Original pixel art
- Nine original songs
- Pick up & Play Immediately
- Designed to be played in one sitting
- A tribute to NES & Gameboy games
- Speedrun Friendly Game
- Runs great on older PCs
- Steam Deck Compatible
- Controller Support (PS4, PS5, Xbox, or Steam)
Thank you for your support
Telly the TV has received 100% recommended reviews from our players, as well as being featured by Youtube & Twitch content creators. Thank you so much for all of your support during my first ever time releasing a game on Steam. I made this game to give players happiness and fun. Have a wonderful holiday season!
[ 2024-12-19 22:32:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enjoy the Music in Telly the TV? Please Nominate us for "Best Soundtrack"
Looks like it's that time of year again! The annual Steam Awards are nearly here! We need your help, please nominate Telly the TV for "Best Soundtrack." Take a listen to all of the different songs I composed just for the game:
Yummy Yummy
Monster Party
Game Over
Let's Go
Floatin' thru Space
Temple Boogie
[previewyoutube=anYLJgdhwjo;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] All of these songs were created with Tools anyone can use on their own iPhone! I purchased a garageband extension app called Saga Synth. It is an emulated version of the Yamaha YM2612 chip found in the Sega Genesis/Megadrive console. I also used the free IOS version of Garageband to edit the music together. Thanks to all the people who have spent time playing, wishlisting, and sharing Telly the TV and we hope you'll nominate us for best soundtrack!
[ 2024-11-27 18:01:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our players discovered a bug & we just fixed it!
Greetings television land, We just had another time submitted to our Speedrun Dot Com page for Telly the TV, and the new WR is 26 minutes and 33 seconds! Our speedrunner also uncovered an unknown bug up to this point, so we came out with a new update:
Players could get invincible, go back to the main menu, and retain invincibility for an entire level. We added a couple lines of code to fix this issue.
Check out the newest WR speedrun of Telly the TV! [previewyoutube=ZFysovQLaJY;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] Please let us know in the comments if you have any feedback for Telly the TV, or if you have experienced any bugs. We also just started a Devlog Series on our YouTube Channel so give us a subscribe over there to stay tuned to our latest game development work. Thanks for tuning in, Extra Mustard
[ 2024-11-07 16:47:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're listening and continuing to make changes to improve Telly the TV
We've received some valuable feedback lately from user reviews on Steam. Here's what we addressed in this quick update:
- Added joystick deadzone to improve playing with joystick
- Although this was against the original intent of the game, we added another button you must use to go down, through the jump-thru platforms. You must now press the Right Shoulder button (RB or R1) and the joystick direction must be down as well.
- To account or any issues going down with the platforms, joystick controls now requires a stick-force of 1 (full value) to go right or left
[ 2024-11-04 06:11:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 2.5.6 is Live
That's right citizens of Television Land, we've finished our updated build of Telly the TV. We've been listening to your feedback, and found a few lingering bugs when some Twitch Streamers did a speedrun of our game for the first time.
Updates and Bug Fixes
- Level Select Mode is now under the options menu accessible from the Title Screen
- Added a resize window function to the options menu - if you're looking to Speedrun Telly the TV, this will help you resize the window so you can create the perfect layout for your stream
- Updated pause menu functions - added an option to return to the title screen from the pause menu (confirm menu selections with the jump button)
- Updated beat the game scene, instead of quitting the game on this screen, you can now return to the title screen
- Quitting the game is accomplished through the title screen
- Removed redundant mouse controls from the title screen, game over screen, and beat the game screen
- Added sound effects to the pause menu
- Fixed an issue with the incan fireball projectiles, players' damage unintentionally delayed
- Fixed an issue with exiting the levels through the TV screens, players reported getting damaged by enemies after activating the exit animation
- Fixed an issue with the static health pick-up on Level 4-1
- Fixed an issue with the Key Counter on Level 3-2
Our Speedrun dot Com Page is Live!
Join the speedrunning community on SRC, the current WR is about 37 minutes, but we know that Sub 30, maybe even sub 25 minutes is possible!
We now have a Blue Sky Social Page
Follow us on Blue Sky, many of our retro friends from Twitch are there.
Wrap it up
We've had an unbelievable week on Steam. Our first game is doing better than we ever could have anticipated. We've had 5 steam curators review our game with positive remarks. We've had 5 users of our game review Telly with positive remarks. We had three different Twitch streamers feature Telly the TV to their channels! Below you can watch the current WR speedrun of Telly the TV Thank you everyone for your support and kind words. We're excited to share this update to improve your experience. Stay Tuned, Extra Mustard [previewyoutube=bA76F6-QIjo;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-10-29 02:49:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Living Technology
Telly the TV has Officially Launched on Steam! It's wild being listed between two huge gaming companies, Sega and Activision, but here we are! I am literally sandwiched in between them on the new games page right now! The irony is, I grew up playing the Sonic the Hedgehog Series so being next to them on the Sale page is mind blowing!

So as you can see, we have some big competition and Telly needs your help to Save TV Kingdom! We've offficially Launched our Speedrun Page and hope to build a community there as well! So our game is live and available on Windows, as well as Steam Deck and Linux! We have full controller support for PS4, PS5, Xbox, or Steam controllers. We've been working on tons of optimizations and even came out with one Final update (Version 2.4.6) earlier today after we found a couple of lingering tweaks.
Removed Mac Compatibility
We had attempted the SteamCMD with Terminal process to upload our mac build to Steam, but we couldn't seem to make it work. We will continue to do research into the process and hopefully we'll add mac compatibility in the future.
A Huge Thank You to Everyone who Made this Game Possible
Thanks to all of the people who have supported Telly the TV during the development period, including my family friends and twitch community. Without them, I wouldn't have been given the gift of time to finish the game. We hope you enjoy Telly the TV and can't wait to see what you think!
[ 2024-10-25 05:40:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Manually Launching the Game TONIGHT at Midnight Eastern
After careful consideration, we've ultimately decided it would be best to release the game manually at Midnight Eastern, 9 PM Pacific time. This will allow users throughout the continental US to play the game tonight. This will also allow users on the other side of the globe access to the game during the middle of the day. We appreciate everyone's flexibility and advice on this matter. We're super excited to launch Telly the TV with all of the optimization improvements and thumbstick support, which we've mentioned in the past.
[ 2024-10-24 16:59:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Quick Hotfix Update Before Launch
- It was possible to soft-lock the game in stage 2-3, we've adjusted the placement of some level assets to fix this
- Adjusted animation behavior for electric cannons to help reduce lag
- It was possible to get damaged as the player was exiting the level, we adjusted some code to fix this
- We decided to remove the code that allowed you to exit full-screen mode. This was causing some issues with the game
Thanks for Tuning in Viewers!
[ 2024-10-24 15:33:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Final Update to Telly the TV (Version 2.4.5) before Launch Day (Friday Oct. 25)
As requested by players of the demo, we've implemented thumbstick controls. You can also play with D-pad support too.
- There are jump-thru platforms in the game so its still possible to travel down through them. If you're playing with a thumbstick, we've required an axis-force of 1 (the full value) in order to go down through platforms.
- Added a window resize mode that allows users to exit the full-screen mode once (press control R on keyboard). This mainly applies to users on PC who may be interested in resizing the window for speedrunning purposes, not to users on steam deck.
- Steam overlay functionality & achievements have been implemented
- Reworked the title screen code to allow for more efficient animation and controls
- Reduced the volume for every individual SFX and music file throughout the entire game
- Adjusted the velocity of the Robo-Queen, final boss
- Adjusted the placement and amount of enemies in World 5: the Hidden Temple Channel to help reduce lag
- Fixed many collisions issues: adjusted the player sprite's hitbox to account for numerous bugs. For example players were inconsistently falling through moving platforms. This was also causing collision issues with enemies. This caused us to rework the way the boss rooms are activated
- Fixed an audio issue with the Robo-Queen: split up the code into numerous blocks in order to efficiently implement the audio. Introduced a new audio sound so there were no conflicting values.
- Added animation to the electric cannons, which appear in World 2 and World 6. If the player is within the correct distance, the cannons are activated and will animate. If the player is far enough away, the cannons are deactivated and will not fire.
- Created an animation buffer for the entire game to help increase the game's performance. Think of an imaginary box, and the player is the center of the box. Sprites will only be animating on the screen, instead of perpetually. This greatly increased the performance of the game, even on the 10-year-old computer's we've been testing them on.
- Fixed a bug with the Jell-o Mold springs: our tests revealed it was possible to clip through the level. We adjusted the placement of these springs, as well as their hitbox. It is still possible to get "stuck" in the Jell-o if you bounce on them more than 3 times. This is on a global, level variable to add a sense of randomness to the game. We also adjusted the last two springs near the level exit, to make this section a bit easier.
- Level 1-3 & Level 1-1 adjusted some floor tiles in the level, so players would not clip through the spikes and get stuck in the floor. Removed a couple of enemies from 1-1
- Fixed a bug with the falling platforms in World 5. Only the first three platforms were being triggered. We adjusted the code and now all of the platforms will fall if you step on them once. We also adjusted the placement of some of the ground tiles, as well as these falling platforms to account for the changes.
Final Full Day Before Launch on Oct. 25th 2024 @ 3 AM Eastern, 12 AM Pacific time
As you can see our team has been extremely busy fixing and implementing changes, based on feedback we've received from players. We're striving to make Telly the TV the best experience it can possibly be when you launch the game for the first time. We will be doing a live stream today in a couple of hours on our Twitch channel. We will be speedrunning the game so we can submit Telly the TV for approval on speedrun.com.
Thanks for Tuning In Viewers!
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[ 2024-10-23 22:18:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
MASSIVE Performance Updates Coming in the Next Two Days
Greetings Television Land, Our team has received valuable feedback on "Telly the TV's" Demo. We're always striving to improve our product and deliver the best possible game on Launch Day (October 25, 2024). We've been adjusting and optimizing the code behind Telly, and we're pleased to announce that our game runs smoother than ever.
Check it out in the video below!
Updates Coming Soon
We've also changed a few things based on user feedback:
- The electric cannons in World 2 now have an accompanying animation so players can tell if the cannon is going to fire
- The final boss now has a different "Death" sound effect, the code has been optimized to prevent any audio issues
- The default volume has been lowered on every sound effect and song
- Addressed some platform collision issues in World 6 (Evil Castle Channel), World 1 (Construction Zone Channel), World 4 (Candy Factory Channel), World 5 (Secret Temple Channel)
- Optimized Sprite Animations which greatly improved performance
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[ 2024-10-18 17:45:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're featuring a full playthrough of Telly the TV with no Commentary
"This broadcast is being filmed in front of a live studio audience." That's right! Steam Next Fest October 2024 has begun! Telly the TV is super excited to take part in the festivities. We're featuring our entire game on the stream, including our brand new Candy Factory Channel which was created specifically for the game's launch on Steam. This world features deadly sweet enemies, obstacles, and fun mechanics not found anywhere else in our game. Three entire levels were created in the last month, and the original song was completed just a few days ago. In addition, our game now features a level select mode created for the Launch of "Telly the TV" on steam. Since we were inspired by NES, GameBoy, and Genesis classics; we did not include a save function. Our level select mode will allow players to jump into the action on any stage they want!
Follow our Socials
YouTube Twitch Mastodon Facebook Reddit And don't forget to download the demo of Telly the TV, we're featuring two entire levels from the game. Full game is Launching on October 25th, 2024! Thanks for tuning in viewers!
[ 2024-10-16 21:47:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Stop by to have your questions answered by Extra Mustard, the developer of Telly the TV
"This broadcast is being filmed in front of a live studio audience." That's right! Steam Next Fest October 2024 has begun! Telly the TV is super excited to take part in the festivities. We're featuring our entire game on the stream, including our brand new Candy Factory Channel which was created specifically for the game's launch on Steam. This world features deadly sweet enemies, obstacles, and fun mechanics not found anywhere else in our game. Three entire levels were created in the last month, and the original song was completed just a few days ago. In addition, our game now features a level select mode created for the Launch of "Telly the TV" on steam. Since we were inspired by NES, GameBoy, and Genesis classics; we did not include a save function. Our level select mode will allow players to jump into the action on any stage they want!
Follow our Socials
YouTube Twitch Mastodon Facebook Reddit And don't forget to download the demo of Telly the TV, we're featuring two entire levels from the game. Full game is Launching on October 25th, 2024! Thanks for tuning in viewers!
[ 2024-10-14 21:33:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enter the Contest Today!
That's right viewers, we're looking for six winners. We want to award a free copy of "Telly the TV," to the first three YouTubers and first three Twitch Streamers that submit their play-through of Telly the TV's Demo. In order to make this as fair as possible there are a few rules:
- Title Must Include "Telly the TV Demo"
- Description Must Include the time you uploaded your video to YouTube or Twtich. You may put a Timestamp (Date and Time) in the description. Please convert you time to UTC-4 with this converter
- You must play the entire demo in your video (there are two levels)
- Your video must be in VOD (video on demand format) either on Twitch or Youtube, no live streams, shorts, or past broadcasts
- Your video must show the entire game screen, partial images or incorrect aspect ratios will not be accepted
- You must submit your video to this forum post to be accepted into the contest
- The first three people to submit YouTube videos will get one free key for Telly the TV
- The first three people to submit Twitch VOD will get one free key for Telly the TV
- You have until Monday, October 21st at 11:00 PM UTC-4 (Your post here will determine if you submitted before the deadline)
[ 2024-10-13 18:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Telly the TV Demo 1.2.4 now live
Thanks so much for all the great feedback we've received so far in the community. We're constantly working to improve Telly the TV before our launch on the 25th. We fixed a few major issues that we've been working on for a long time.
Player now Jumps Once Per Button Press
This is a standard convention in nearly every platformer game created. We also wanted to have this standard in our game, but we could never figure out how to work around the limitations of the Gdevelop engine. The default platform behavior caused Telly to jump like a bunny if the space bar or jump button was held down. Our team worked for about 10 hours straight to figure this out, we iterated all of the controls manually, and finally after a ton of trail and error it worked!
Adjusted Enemy Placement and Behavior in Haunted House (Level 2-1)
Our enemy named Devil-y was causing a little bit of frustration. Our team took a look at the hitbox which needed some adjustment. We also decreased the jump height of the enemy so this makes it possible to destroy the enemy without getting damaged.
Haunted House Electric Cannons
The electric cannons in the Haunted House "channel" automatically get triggered when Telly gets too close. This behavior is working exactly as intended. But we modified the placement of some cannons to make it easier to avoid. The most difficult section of this stage takes place about 1/2 way through the stage. It is possible to avoid damage here, as long as you hang back on the solid wooden platforms, and quickly make your way across. This cannon was also causing a conflict with the level exit, so we moved this cannon back to free up some space so no one will get damaged when they leave the stage.
Temple Stage Falling Platforms
In the Hidden Temple "Channel" our hero telly has to deal with falling platforms. These platforms are designed to respawn if the player has a game over. But otherwise the platforms are meant to be stepped on once, and they fall. However, during our play-through our team discovered not every platform was accessible if the falling blocks had been activated. So we added a few solid platforms to account for this, and now you should be able to jump to the next safe place, even if the falling platforms are gone.
Temple Stage Collision Issues
We discovered a few jump-thru platforms located incorrectly. While none of our players discovered this, it actually allowed you to jump outside the boundaries of the stage. This would cause the player to game over automatically.
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Telly the TV Featured in Steam Next Fest 2024
Thanks to steam for letting us into Steam Next Fest this year! We're super excited to showcase our game to everyone!
[ 2024-10-10 23:20:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Viewers
We're excited to announce our Demo Telly the TV has officially launched on Steam! We're celebrating our acceptance into Steam Next Fest with this demo, available for the press & Steam Users to play.
Known Issue With Mac Demo
Our Mac Version currently does not launch with Steam. We're working on a fix for this as soon as possible, but we do not anticipate this fix to be available until our official launch date.
Looking for Players with Steam Deck
We were not able to secure a developer kit for Steam Deck in time, so we are looking for players to try out Telly the TV on steam deck. Please contact us here if you have any issues launching the game. Thanks for your patience everyone, this is our first time Launching on Steam and we're learning a ton as we do everything for the first time.
[ 2024-10-06 21:14:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Telly the TV is a throwback action/adventure platformer with a 1-bit style.
Technology Come to Life
You Play as Telly, the living CRT television set, in a scavenger-hunt gone wild. Telly’s been trapped in TV Kingdom by the evil Robo-Queen. Telly’s only hope of surviving is navigating each television show, all while trying to locate five remote-control-keys to escape each episode.
Enter six exciting and quirky worlds while bashing baddies and traversing terrible traps! Collect items to save each TV program, and face-off with the enemies of TV Kingdom.
Action Platforming and Level Exploration - No tutorials, no instructions, no hand-holding, no cutscenes, no time wasted while you jam through each stage with tight controls
Six Unique Worlds - Help Telly escape a construction site, a haunted house, an enchanted candy village, a space facility, a hidden temple, and an evil castle
18 Challenging Levels - Telly needs to smash enemies, avoid traps, to make it through each stage in this unique 1-bit world
Fight for your Life - Destroy three big bosses to beat the game
Collectathon Adventure - collect all 5 keys to escape each level
Controller Support - Effortlessly assist Telly in TV Kingdom with your PS4 Dualshock, PS5 Dualsense, or Xbox Controller
Level Select - Get back into the action you left behind, immediately
Nine Original Songs - Original Music produced with Yamaha YM2612 software for that zesty Genesis sound
Download Telly the TV today!
- OS: Ubuntu 14
- Processor: Intel Core2 DuoMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 5670
- Storage: 125 MB available space
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