Vilserio! milestone one is now in Italian, thanks to the hard work of one Francesco Canali!
This is the first new language released with the new Visual Update! It's been in the works since before that was a thing, and we're grateful to Francesco for not only translating milestone one, but also for the extra work he put in keeping up with the changes to the game as we put together the update. The support of our community never ceases to amaze us. It's something we can never say enough.
We hope you'll enjoy milestone one.
– Saketai
Vilserio! milestone one adesso è in Italiano, grazie al duro lavoro di Francesco Canali!
Questo è la prima nuova lingua rilasciata con il nuovo Visual Update! Era in lavorazione da molto prima di esso, e siamo grati a Francesco non solo per aver tradotto milestone one, ma anche per il lavoro supplementare che ha svolto nel tenerlo aggiornato con i cambiamenti del gioco che facevamo mentre realizzavamo l'aggiornamento. Il supporto della nostra community non cessa mai di stupirci. Non ripeteremo mai abbastanza quanto sia incredibile.
Speriamo che milestone one vi diverta.
fault milestone one - THE ART OF fault milestone one
This version on Steam is the Director's Cut version that has additional content and features from the original Japanese release, all thanks to our Kickstarter backers. You can switch to Japanese by pressing the J key on your keyboard, or back to English with the E key.
fault is a series of Science Fantasy Cinematic Novels using a unique 3D Camera system for a visually immersive reading experience, which follow the story of a princess named Selphine and her Royal Guardian Ritona. When a sudden assault devastates their homeland of Rughzenhaide, the two are forced to escape… but somehow end up teleported into an unknown forest full of vegetation they don’t recognize. The atmosphere is thick and heavy. There is no sign of life, which is very unusual for such a lush forest. Something is wrong about the land… But they are too startled to notice what.
Who were the attackers and what was their goal?
Where did Selphine and Ritona end up?
Will the two make it home safely?
And more importantly, what has happened to their homeland?
Follow Selphine, the bubbly, happy-go-lucky Princess and her sharp-witted but slightly misanthropic Royal Guardian Ritona, on their journey of a lifetime back to their homeland of Rughzenhaide.
fault's episodes are called "milestones" and scheduled to be released periodically, created by ALICE IN DISSONANCE, brought to you by Sekai Project.
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