I'm planning to run a playtest with the 24 level version of the game within the next week or so. If you want to try that version please sign up to my mailing list. I also send out monthly newsletters here.
I think I will send out the download links around New Year's Day or the weekend after, but it may be a little later. I do this to get feedback on the current version of the game. Please don't share any screenshots or videos from this version of the game publicly & please consider filling out the feedback form when you're done!
I think this will most likely be the last time I send out playtest versions of the game as it's getting pretty close to the complete version of the game. But there might be a few more times, depending on how things go.
I'm looking forward to hearing what you think!
The Lo-Fi Room Steam Page is finally up!
If you're interested in playing the web demo you can play it on itch here: https://bearmask.itch.io/lofi-room
I'm working on building the next playtest version of the game at the moment, if you want the chance to try this longer (~22 level) version and give feedback on it, you can sign up for my mailing list here: https://sendfox.com/bearmask_io
I mainly use it for sharing monthly progress updates, but I'm planning to run a playtest on the newer levels in a month or so.
I also have a website that I try to keep up to date with drawings & music here: https://bearmask.io