Beta feedback rounds are still in progress, and so is polishing. Biggest noticeable improvement; level and poem scenes now have ambient soundtrack.
This update also brings some quality of life improvements, especially for controller users out there.
- Steam Input integration is now complete, which means you can play with pretty much any controller that connects to your PC.
- Game pauses if the application window loses focus. So no more ghost <-> feline accidents due to random apps taking away your focus!
- Changing audio output (e.g. plugging in headphones) is now handled by the game.
- The level name banner that appears in beginning of the level is now removed when you restart the game. This makes retrying the level much faster, just in case you didn't win on the first try.
- The last level (Final Parade) was previously just a victory screen. This has been remade into a real (somewhat difficult) level.
- Level 38 (Corner Gourds) was deemed too easy for how late the level is, so one additional ghost was added to make things interesting.
- Small graphics updates to various levels.
We only have one bug fix for this update. The game has previously used the old name TinyHalloweenStory which we released last year, however we haven't cleaned up all references to this name. Now the game executable name and your save data will be in a location named HalloweenPicketMaze. Your save state is backed-up by Steam cloud so you should not have lost any progress with this change.
If you have played previous versions, you can manually delete the previous save state by deleting the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\TinyHalloweenStory
Halloween Picket Maze is a real-time puzzle game where you play a cat trying to find her way home. Avoid ghosts, trick hounds and dodge catapulting pumpkins. With 60 levels this is a short Halloween game to tickle your gray cells.