We are proud to be part of the Unity Awards nominees. You can vote for us in Best 3D Visual Experience and Community Choice at https://unity3d.com/awards/2015 and for many other awsome games.
[ 2015-09-03 07:59:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are proud to be part of the Unity Awards nominees. You can vote for us in Best 3D Visual Experience and Community Choice at https://unity3d.com/awards/2015 and for many other awsome games.
[ 2015-09-03 07:59:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
---------------------------------------------------- [English Version - French following] Hey everyone! We know it's been a long time since DeadCore last update but all the team members had to deal with their daily jobs (and sometime rush periods) before being able to find the time required to work on the game. So let's get to the point: we are currently in the process of uploading a new version and if everything goes fine (yup, there's always a "if" ^^) it should be available today! This update brings its share of bug fixes and tweaks, like the "Gravity Box exploit" or the support of higher (and fancier) screen resolutions. You will find more details in the upcoming release note but another important news is that we will have to reset the current leaderboards to make it fair for everyone, especially new players. We hope this update will provide you a better speedrunning experience and we are looking forward to seeing you reaching the top of the new leaderboards! See you, Team 5 Bits games [French Version] Salut tout le monde ! Nous sommes conscients que la dernire mise--jour commence dater mais tous les membres de l'quipe ont d'abord du grer leurs jobs actuels (et parfois avec les periodes de rush associes), avant d'avoir le temps ncessaire pour travailler sur DeadCore. Mais allons droit au but: nous sommes actuellement en train de mettre en ligne une nouvelle version et si tout se passe bien (yep, il y a toujours un "si" ^^), elle devrait tre disponible aujourd'hui ! Cette mise--jour apporte son lot de corrections de bugs et d'amliorations, telles que "l'exploit des Boites de Gravit" ou bien le support de rsolutions d'cran suprieures. Vous trouverez plus de details dans la note qui viendra avec la mise--jour mais quoi qu'il en soit, l'autre information importante c'est que nous allons nouveau rinitialiser les classements en ligne afin que la comptition reste quitable, notamment pour les nouveaux joueurs. Nous esprons que cette mise--jour vous apportera une meilleure exprience de speedrunning et nous sommes impatients de vous voir prendre la tte de ces nouveaux classements en ligne ! A bientt, L'quipe de 5 Bits Games --------------------------------------------------
[ 2015-06-05 17:18:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
---------------------------------------------------- [English Version - French following] Hey everyone! We know it's been a long time since DeadCore last update but all the team members had to deal with their daily jobs (and sometime rush periods) before being able to find the time required to work on the game. So let's get to the point: we are currently in the process of uploading a new version and if everything goes fine (yup, there's always a "if" ^^) it should be available today! This update brings its share of bug fixes and tweaks, like the "Gravity Box exploit" or the support of higher (and fancier) screen resolutions. You will find more details in the upcoming release note but another important news is that we will have to reset the current leaderboards to make it fair for everyone, especially new players. We hope this update will provide you a better speedrunning experience and we are looking forward to seeing you reaching the top of the new leaderboards! See you, Team 5 Bits games [French Version] Salut tout le monde ! Nous sommes conscients que la dernière mise-à-jour commence à dater mais tous les membres de l'équipe ont d'abord du gérer leurs jobs actuels (et parfois avec les periodes de rush associées), avant d'avoir le temps nécessaire pour travailler sur DeadCore. Mais allons droit au but: nous sommes actuellement en train de mettre en ligne une nouvelle version et si tout se passe bien (yep, il y a toujours un "si" ^^), elle devrait être disponible aujourd'hui ! Cette mise-à-jour apporte son lot de corrections de bugs et d'améliorations, telles que "l'exploit des Boites de Gravité" ou bien le support de résolutions d'écran supérieures. Vous trouverez plus de details dans la note qui viendra avec la mise-à-jour mais quoi qu'il en soit, l'autre information importante c'est que nous allons à nouveau réinitialiser les classements en ligne afin que la compétition reste équitable, notamment pour les nouveaux joueurs. Nous espérons que cette mise-à-jour vous apportera une meilleure expérience de speedrunning et nous sommes impatients de vous voir prendre la tête de ces nouveaux classements en ligne ! A bientôt, L'équipe de 5 Bits Games --------------------------------------------------
[ 2015-06-05 17:18:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
DeadCore OST 25% OFF during Christmas Holidays https://deadcore-ost.bandcamp.com/album/deadcore-ost-story-speedrun Have Fun !
[ 2014-12-20 12:46:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
DeadCore OST 25% OFF during Christmas Holidays https://deadcore-ost.bandcamp.com/album/deadcore-ost-story-speedrun Have Fun !
[ 2014-12-20 12:46:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
EN Hi everyone! Here we are: the patch fixing the 'Blast Climbing' is now tested, approved and ready to be torn apart by you people : ) After discussing with players very active on the Steam forums we decided to reset the leaderboards as they were full of times made using the exploit: it means that the new leaderboards are now blank, you should hurry for the first place! But don't worry, we also kept the old leaderboards in a separate branch called 'deadcore_1.0', along with DeadCore version 1.0 (the one that sill feature the 'Blast Climbing' exploit). To get access to this, you will have to turn your current branch of DeadCore to the 'deadcore1.0' one, by right-clicking on the game name (in your Steam Library), then click on 'properties'. Then click on the BETA tab and select deadcore_1.0 in the list and wait a little bit for the download. Thats it! This way everyone will be able to choose their own version of the game / leaderboards to compete online! As for the new version, here is a list of the changes we made : Programming: Fixed 'Blast Climbing' exploit User can now bind 'Shift' key in Settings menu [Linux] Fixed a bug that made the game crash at the end of a level Level Design: Level 4: fixed checkpoint issue (left path) + minor tweaks Level 5: minor fixes / tweaks That's all folks: we hope you will enjoy the small improvements we made to the game and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback on the Steam forums! See you, Team 5 Bits Games FR Salut tout le monde! a y est : le patch rglant l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing' est prsent test, approuv et prt se faire mettre en pices par vos petites mains : ) Aprs avoir discut avec des joueurs trs actifs sur les forums Steam, nous avons dcid de remettre 0 les classements en ligne car ils taient remplis de temps raliss grce l'exploit du Blast : cela veut dire que les nouveaux classements en lignes sont vierges et que vous devriez vous dpcher d'aller prendre la premire place ! Mais pas d'inquitude, nous avons galement gard les anciens classements en ligne dans une branche spare nomme 'deadcore_1.0', avec la version 1.0 de DeadCore (celle contenant l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing'). Pour y avoir accs cette branche il vous suffit de faire clic-roit sur le nom du jeu (dans votre Bibliothque Steam), puis cliquer sur 'Proprits'. Dans la nouvelle fentre, cliquez sur l'onglet BETA, puis choisissez "deadcore_1.0" dans la liste droulante. Voil c'est tout ! De cette manire tout le monde sera capable de choisir sa propre version du jeu et des classements en ligne sur lesquels s'affronter en ligne ! Pour ce qui est de la nouvelle version, voici la liste des changements effectus : Programmation: Fix l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing' L'utilisateur peut prsent configurer la touche 'Shift' dans le menu Options [Linux] Fix le bug faissant crasher le jeu la fin d'un niveau Level Design: Level 4: fix le bug de sauvegarde li un checkpoint (chemin de gauche) + amliorations mineures Level 5: correctifs / amliorations mineures Voil c'est peu prs tout : nous esprons que vous apprcierez les amliorations apportes au jeu et on hte de lire vos avis sur les forums Steam ! A bientt, L'quipe de 5 Bits Games
[ 2014-12-18 17:21:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
EN Hi everyone! Here we are: the patch fixing the 'Blast Climbing' is now tested, approved and ready to be torn apart by you people : ) After discussing with players very active on the Steam forums we decided to reset the leaderboards as they were full of times made using the exploit: it means that the new leaderboards are now blank, you should hurry for the first place! But don't worry, we also kept the old leaderboards in a separate branch called 'deadcore_1.0', along with DeadCore version 1.0 (the one that sill feature the 'Blast Climbing' exploit). To get access to this, you will have to turn your current branch of DeadCore to the 'deadcore1.0' one, by right-clicking on the game name (in your Steam Library), then click on 'properties'. Then click on the BETA tab and select ‘deadcore_1.0’ in the list and wait a little bit for the download. That’s it! This way everyone will be able to choose their own version of the game / leaderboards to compete online! As for the new version, here is a list of the changes we made : Programming: Fixed 'Blast Climbing' exploit User can now bind 'Shift' key in Settings menu [Linux] Fixed a bug that made the game crash at the end of a level Level Design: Level 4: fixed checkpoint issue (left path) + minor tweaks Level 5: minor fixes / tweaks That's all folks: we hope you will enjoy the small improvements we made to the game and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback on the Steam forums! See you, Team 5 Bits Games FR Salut tout le monde! Ça y est : le patch réglant l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing' est à présent testé, approuvé et prêt à se faire mettre en pièces par vos petites mains : ) Après avoir discuté avec des joueurs très actifs sur les forums Steam, nous avons décidé de remettre à 0 les classements en ligne car ils étaient remplis de temps réalisés grâce à l'exploit du Blast : cela veut dire que les nouveaux classements en lignes sont vierges et que vous devriez vous dépêcher d'aller prendre la première place ! Mais pas d'inquiétude, nous avons également gardé les anciens classements en ligne dans une branche séparée nommée 'deadcore_1.0', avec la version 1.0 de DeadCore (celle contenant l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing'). Pour y avoir accès à cette branche il vous suffit de faire clic-roit sur le nom du jeu (dans votre Bibliothèque Steam), puis cliquer sur 'Propriétés'. Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, cliquez sur l'onglet BETA, puis choisissez "deadcore_1.0" dans la liste déroulante. Voilà c'est tout ! De cette manière tout le monde sera capable de choisir sa propre version du jeu et des classements en ligne sur lesquels s'affronter en ligne ! Pour ce qui est de la nouvelle version, voici la liste des changements effectués : Programmation: Fixé l'exploit du 'Blast Climbing' L'utilisateur peut à présent configurer la touche 'Shift' dans le menu Options [Linux] Fixé le bug faissant crasher le jeu à la fin d'un niveau Level Design: Level 4: fixé le bug de sauvegarde lié à un checkpoint (chemin de gauche) + améliorations mineures Level 5: correctifs / améliorations mineures Voilà c'est à peu près tout : nous espérons que vous apprécierez les améliorations apportées au jeu et on hâte de lire vos avis sur les forums Steam ! A bientôt, L'équipe de 5 Bits Games
[ 2014-12-18 17:21:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
To our alpha backers, Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay, but here we are: you are going to receive your Steam key as promised. We are really grateful for your support during the development, we wouldn't have been able to bring the game that far if you hadn't fueled our motivation all along the way. Due to some technical difficulties (and chaotic organization let's face it...), we need you to send us a mail to deadcore.alpha@gmail.com with the following info:
- [DeadCore-Alpha-Desura-Steam-Key] as the mail subject (you just have to copy-paste it)
- Your Desura user name (aka: your public nickname)
- Your Desura key of DeadCore
[ 2014-11-03 19:57:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
To our alpha backers, Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay, but here we are: you are going to receive your Steam key as promised. We are really grateful for your support during the development, we wouldn't have been able to bring the game that far if you hadn't fueled our motivation all along the way. Due to some technical difficulties (and chaotic organization let's face it...), we need you to send us a mail to deadcore.alpha@gmail.com with the following info:
- [DeadCore-Alpha-Desura-Steam-Key] as the mail subject (you just have to copy-paste it)
- Your Desura user name (aka: your public nickname)
- Your Desura key of DeadCore
[ 2014-11-03 19:57:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey ! I'm glad to annonce you DeadCore OST is now available on BandCamp ! https://deadcore-ost.bandcamp.com/ Have Fun, Stay Tune !
[ 2014-10-22 08:58:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey ! I'm glad to annonce you DeadCore OST is now available on BandCamp ! https://deadcore-ost.bandcamp.com/ Have Fun, Stay Tune !
[ 2014-10-22 08:58:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Just a quick message to clarify things a little bit : ) So the v1.0 of the game is released now (hurray!) and it means 2 things: - People that supported us during the alpha stage will get a (free) Steam key in addition of their Desura key (but we have to figure out with Desura on how to do that properly and quickly...). - People that will buy the game NOW on Desura WON'T get a free Steam key as we have no way to provide more through Desura (sorry guys...). That's pretty much all about it, thanks for your support so far, it means a lot to us small 'indies' ^^ Cheers! Team 5 Bits Games
[ 2014-10-17 20:53:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Just a quick message to clarify things a little bit : ) So the v1.0 of the game is released now (hurray!) and it means 2 things: - People that supported us during the alpha stage will get a (free) Steam key in addition of their Desura key (but we have to figure out with Desura on how to do that properly and quickly...). - People that will buy the game NOW on Desura WON'T get a free Steam key as we have no way to provide more through Desura (sorry guys...). That's pretty much all about it, thanks for your support so far, it means a lot to us small 'indies' ^^ Cheers! Team 5 Bits Games
[ 2014-10-17 20:53:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
DeadCore is Now Available on Steam!
DeadCore is a Platformer-FPS blending exploration and speedrun.
Become immersed in a futuristic and dreamlike adventure which will see you climb a huge Tower born from the void and truly put your capabilities to the test. Will you be able to reveal the secrets that lie beneath this fog-ridden world?
[ 2014-10-17 17:01:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
The independent studio 5 Bits Games and BANDAI NAMCO Games Europe S.A.S. proudly announce the release of DEADCORE! This Platformer-FPS set in a mysterious futuristic world combines exploration, puzzle and speedrun tactics. After an endless fall through powerful magnetic storms... you awaken. Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you. Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher. Suddenly, you spot the most gigantic Tower emerging from the mists. You soon understand that to get the answers to your questions... you have to climb its summit. Use your skills and your SwitchGun to survive the security system of the Tower in staggering levels and labyrinths. Will you be able to reveal the secrets that lie beneath this fog-ridden world?
[ 2014-10-17 15:55:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
The independent studio 5 Bits Games and BANDAI NAMCO Games Europe S.A.S. proudly announce the release of DEADCORE! This Platformer-FPS set in a mysterious futuristic world combines exploration, puzzle and speedrun tactics. After an endless fall through powerful magnetic storms... you awaken. Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you. Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher. Suddenly, you spot the most gigantic Tower emerging from the mists. You soon understand that to get the answers to your questions... you have to climb its summit. Use your skills and your SwitchGun to survive the security system of the Tower in staggering levels and labyrinths. Will you be able to reveal the secrets that lie beneath this fog-ridden world?
[ 2014-10-17 15:55:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Deadcore Content Linux [3.59 G]
Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you. Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher.
Suddenly, you spot the most gigantic Tower emerging from the mists. You soon understand that to get the answers to your questions... you have to climb its summit.
However, this is no easy feat. The Tower is protected by a high-tec
h security system made up of complex mechanisms, fatal lasers, and robots constantly tracking your every move.
If you are to survive, you'll need to use all your skills (jumping, double-jumping, dashing etc. ) and make good use of your SwitchGun, that can be used to enable or disable traps and robots in order to reach the top of the Tower and uncover the secrets of its origins.
Key Features:
- Explore a mysterious world composed of immense and staggering levels with a labyrinth of secret passages to discover.
[* ] Unlock new powers and upgrades in order to access new areas of the Tower. - Challenge your friends and take them head on with our online leaderboards in Speedrun mode where every hundredth of a second counts!
- Reveal the secrets of the Tower by collecting fragments of memory from its former inhabitants as well as new levels and music for Speedrun mode.
- OS: SteamOS. Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- Processor: Desktop Intel Core 2 Duo at 2 GHz. or AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHzMemory: 3 GB RAM
- Memory: 3 GB RAM
- Graphics: Desktop Intel Core 2 Duo at 2 GHz. ou AMD Athlon 64 X2 2 GHzNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 4 GB available space
- OS: SteamOS. Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- Processor: Intel i5 quad core at 3 GHz. ou AMD FX-6200 3.8 GHz or fasterMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 1go VRAM. ATI Radeon HD 7850 1go VRAM or fasterNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 4 GB available space
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