Just a small patch: The AI will now contest the player's full R&D rush strategies, and you will probably no longer be able to win all technology races with this strategy. The delay between clicking on a country on the map and opening the country panel has been reduced. What's next? Well, the core game (USA vs USSR between 1949 and 1989) is almost done. I see no reason to make players wait until September to play it. I will probably take a month to polish the current version, then open Early Access in April. That will give us 6 months to work on cool features like: -Improved multiplayer -Editor tools -More content and paths for the USSR -Etc... Anyway, I plan to keep updating this game even after the final release, so concepts like "early access" or "final release" arent that relevant... (For those of you asking about new countries, France and China are planned as DLC.) Have fun!
[ 2025-02-28 10:23:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, The development of the game is progressing smoothly, and Im posting this Steam news to summarize the latest patch content. 1) The 1969-1975 scenario has been extended to cover the 1969-1979 period. 2) The oil industry has been reworked and now appears as a country trait. Countries with this trait are more affected by global oil prices. Economic aid to these countries while prices are high will also have a greater impact. 3) The multiplayer system has been reworked once again. I need your feedback to improve it further. 4) As some of you have started tinkering with the JSON save files, Ive added some basic features to make modding easier. Ill continue to add more modding features as development progresses and plan to release a proper editor sometime after launch. Here are a few steps you can take to gain an infinite budget (it should take less than 5 minutes): Open a save file with your Notepad. Search for "Country":"USA", then look for "budget" and "monthly." Change the value to whatever you like (maybe 1000?). Voil! (You can open the game folder from the options menu so you don't have to search for it.) Once youve made the changes, place the file in the games folder > mods > custom_json. Rename your file with a creative name, such as "infinite_money." Now, whenever you launch the game, an option to play your custom scenario will be available in the scenarios list. Have fun! Maestro Cinetik
[ 2025-02-13 09:48:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
The demo now has 9 playable scenarios, ranging from 1949 to 1975, which is more than what you get in the browser version if you're not a Patreon supporter.
The new scenarios
1963-1975 Vietnam War:
This scenario features the entire war, but beware: it also includes an instant defeat for the US player if they lose Vietnam.
1969-1975 Time for Diplomacy:
The early 70s were wild, with many guerrilla movements across the globe.
Youll love it!
Will all the final game content end up in the demo?
Of course not!
From now on, I will rotate the scenarios when I add new content, just like I do for the browser version.
The demo will also never include any of the grand campaigns.
And sadly, but as expected, it will be disabled when the game is released (since $4.99 games dont need demos, but your direct financial support via a purchase).
Have fun!
Maestro Cinetik
[ 2025-01-28 14:41:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! I know from your feedback that developing countries in your bloc is very important to you. The system has been reworked for the PC version, making it more subtle than in the browser game.
Economic Development
Countries now have an economic development score, with a threshold to reach in order to change their wealth level. The larger and more populated the country, the higher the threshold. You can check a country's economic development by hovering over its wealth score in the country panel. This score will evolve naturally, as well as through economic aid actions by the players. Expect few or no effects if the country has negative stability and/or is corrupt. As you already know, flooding a country with aid will only lead to corruption. This is why small, consistent aid over time is the best approach if you want to truly develop a country. (Id like to take this opportunity to remind players that the primary goal of economic aid in this game is to improve relations with a country, and that economic development and stability gains are merely happy byproducts.) While I was at it, I added some new country traits that impact the economy: Chaebols: The economy is in the hands of large, family-owned conglomerates with close ties to the government. This system allows the economy to develop naturally over time, but favors corruption. Economic aid has a greater chance of increasing relations. Keiretsu: The economy is controlled by a network of interconnected companies, centered around major banks. This system promotes natural economic development over time, and economic aid will have a greater chance of increasing stability. Asian Dragon: The economy is growing fast! Economic aid has a greater effect on stability and economic development. Cultural Revolution: This country is in political turmoil. Diplomatic efforts and aid actions are subject to a malus. Peruanism: A nationalist and anti-imperialist ideology focused on social justice, land reform, and economic independence through state-led initiatives and the empowerment of the poor and indigenous populations. The USA faces a significant penalty in improving relations with this country and signing agreements with it. You will probably never see the Peruanism trait in-game: it only appears if a certain coup succeeds in the 1960s. In today's patch, you will also find:
1959-1969 DOUBLE FRONT

A new 10-year scenario. As the situation in Vietnam deteriorates, Ive included the events surrounding the reunification of Vietnam (just in case). Stay tuned! (As you see, the project is evolving fast)
[ 2025-01-17 17:28:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
The living demo is evolving fast!
In the latest update, you have:
2 new scenarios, including a 10-turn long scenario.
Mister K.
In this scenario, you will replay the entire Khrushchev era (1953-1964).
The Vietnamese Spiral
You will relive the few years leading to the US's massive involvement in Vietnam.
Ive also added the first 10 Steam achievements to provide some challenge.
Have fun!
Maestro Cinetik
PS: As this is only a demo, Id appreciate your feedback to improve the game and make it perfect for the final release.
[ 2025-01-10 08:18:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Scenario! CUBA LIBRE 1959-1962

The demo has gained a new scenario! Featuring: *The Cuban Missile Crisis *Sino-Soviet tensions *Decolonization *Kennedy and the Space Race The demo, in its current state, now offers 4 scenarios and covers the period between 1949 and 1962. Next up: I will likely add the years 1963 and 1964 and combine them into a large 1953-1964 scenario, so you can play longer games.
Do Your Own Localization
In the options menu, you can select the "Custom" language. If you choose this, you will notice that the language will still be displayed in English. Next, use the button in the upper right corner of the Options screen to open the game folder. Navigate to the "mods" folder, then go to the "custom lang" folder. Here you will find the dictionary used by the game. You can change the values as needed. Example: Directly replace the text in the files: $jungle=jungle $desert=desert $steppe=steppe $forest=forest $arctic=arctic with: $jungle= $desert= $steppe= $forest= $arctic= Once you make these changes, the game will display these texts in Korean when you select the custom language. The dictionary is divided into several files, so finding a specific key, or sharing a modification work with community team should be easy. "customen" is the files containing the new texts that are not in the browser version. (Custom is for customized localization file, and en means the default file was made from the english version)
About Modding
Modding features and editors are planned for after the game's final release, but you can already tinker with the save files: they are in JSON and you can directly changes values in the file. Have Fun! Maestro Cinetik
[ 2025-01-03 17:21:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
The demo is evolving and now proposes two scenarios.
I am really satisfied with the result so far, and the demo is certainly really near the end result.
What's in the new scenario?
THAW 1953-1956
Will the death of Stalin and the rise of Khrushchev mark the beginning of a Dtente era between the two blocs? The decision is up to you! While the USSR faces its first major contestations in the people's republics of Eastern Europe, a new world emerges and refuses to be aligned with any of the blocs. In this global duel, no direct conflict is possible. This is a Cold War for the world leadership, made of propagande and subversion, that begins. -- -- -- -- -- Noticeable features of the current demo:
The original soundtrack
Everbody's feedback so far praises the game's original sound track, and find it pretty immersive. The music is the work of Jrmie Frmont, a telented French artist who also worked on Rise of the White Sun musics.
More content in Chinese and French
Most of the current content is now translated into Chinese and French (the rare still missing texts won't ruin your experience)
Multiplayer works more or less... I let it open, but I consider it rather in an Alpha state than in a Beta or Demo one.
[ 2024-12-13 17:20:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
The demo for the game will be a living demo, meaning it will continue to evolve until the full release. Be sure to check back regularly or follow the game on Steam so you dont miss any exciting updates! Ive been hard at work patching and improving the demo lately (apologies for the broken build from yesterday!). Whats New: New AI: The AI has been upgraded to perform better, scoring more points and reacting to your actions. In my opinion, it now compares favorably with the browser version's AI. Colliding Telex Bug Fixes: The issue with colliding telexes has been resolved.* Techno Bug Fixes: The bugs from yesterdays tech update have been patched. Mute Option: You can now mute the sound in the game. (more subtle volume options wil leventually come much much later in the game's develomment) Whats Next for the Demo: Short Term: Multiplayer is almost there (90% complete), but it still needs some fine-tuning. New game mode options will be added, providing even more customization. Medium Term: Content additions are coming soon. Theres a possibility that Ill switch out the current demo scenario for a different one to give you a new experience. Multiplayer will receive more options and quality-of-life improvements, making it as enjoyable as possible. Long Term: Full support for French and Chinese languages (currently a work in progress and incomplete). The final game will feature even more languages, though I cant say yet if theyll be included in the demo. *If you still experience the colliding telex bug, please send me a screenshot of your current FPS. Thank you for all your feedbacks on the Discord. Maestro Cinetik
[ 2024-11-27 09:22:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there!
That first news will unveil the road map for the game and the new planed features.
Road Map
Someday between November and December 2024: A playable demo. One scenario covering 1949-1953, playable as USA and USSR. The demo will only cover 3 languages (English, French and Chinese), but the final game will have more. It is a matter of days before you can play it Someday between December 2024 and January 2025: Multiplayer demo By then, the demo will certainly be playable in 1v1. Someday between March 2025 and June 2025: Early Access I may skip this step depending upon how fast things are going. The EA will be a time of polishing, of content additions and frantik translation work. Sometime between July 2025 and October 2025: Final release The game will be released among several dlcs (the pricing and dlc policy is explained in a section below) 2026: Editor, Steam Workshop and modding tools, and may be some more dlcs If I can do it earlier, I will do it earlier, but that's hard work and the planning is already fast paced. But the game has been coded from day one to facilitate that futur feature. 2027 and beyond: Nothing! Hey, that's your game now! with the editor and modding tools, it is up to you to unleash your imagination!
Whats Different from the Browser Version?
- Music and sfxs
- Tons of options
- Multiplayer
- Modding tools and editors (coming later)
- A better player's quality of life
Feedback Needed from the Demo
Multiplayer: This is my first real multiplayer game, so theres plenty of room for improvement. Please report bugs and share your ideas! AI: The AI in the demo is functional but not yet as strong as the browser version. It's also not fully tailored to specific powers or scenarios. The game includes many options that drastically change gameplay and player strategies. I need feedback on how the AI performs with these options, as the current default AI might underperform in certain setups (e.g., with the "unlimited actions" mode). Quality of Life / UX: My goal is to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Quality feedback is essential to achieve that. Steam Deck: Ive worked hard to make the game compatible with Steam Deck and Xbox controllers. If you use them, please share how smooth your experience is.
How Does Cold War 2 Compare to My Other Games?
Accessibility: Its as easy to learn and understand as Jeys Empire and the Cauldrons of War series. If youve played Rise of the White Sun, this is much simpler by comparison. Difficulty: Easier to beat than Jeys Empire and Cauldrons of War, but harder than ROWS. Depth and Replayability: Just as deep and replayable as my other games. Duration: Scenarios can be played in an evening, like the Cauldrons series. Longer campaigns resemble the length of ROWS' extended scenarios. Speedrunners can certainly end a game in 15 minutes.
Pricing and DLC Policy
Many kids discovered strategy games thanks to the browser version, long before they get their first credit card. So I am commited to make the base game as affordable as possible, and I plan to release it at $4.99 For that price, you will be able to play and replay from 1949 to 1989, as USSR and USA, and believe me, if you like that game, that will easily be hundred of hours! That said, the Cold War is a niche subjectless mainstream than World War II, for example. (Admittedly, its not as niche as my last game about 1920s warlords in China!) As a result, the low price might not cover production costs. Any marketing expert will tell you: the smaller the niche, the higher the price should be. To balance this, any content beyond the USA and USSR campaigns between 1949 and 1989 will be included in DLCs, priced similarly to the base game. I hope youll understand this reflects the base games affordability rather than the DLC being expensive. If this approach doesnt work financially, I may have to adjust the base games price to a more viable level. Bon jeu! Maestro Cinetik
[ 2024-11-22 12:52:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
In a world dominated by antagonistic ideologies, supported by vast nuclear arsenals, a direct confrontation would mean the end of civilization as we know it.
In Maestro Cinetik's Cold War 2, you play as either the USA or the USSR, turning the globe into your strategic playground.
Use diplomacy, threats, and covert actions to ensure your ideology prevails!
This game isn't entirely new—it's the PC adaptation of a browser game, originally designed to be played discreetly at work or school.
Needless to say it saved countless people from boredom.
And thanks to web analytics, we know just how impactful it was: Cold War 2 delighted over 100,000 unique players over the years.
Some even regard it as their favorite strategy game of all time!
If you're familiar with my work, you know I focus on crafting games you can enjoy in a single evening, yet with enough depth to offer endless replayability.
I’m confident the game's simple mechanics paired with historical events that force you to make impactful choices, will provide over 100 hours of entertainment.
Have fun! (this is an order, not a wish!) -Maestro Cinetik
What’s New Compared to the Browser Version?
This version isn’t just polished—it includes a multiplayer mode!
You'll also enjoy a host of customization options, ensuring no one plays this game "vanilla".
Whether you prefer a relaxing map-painting experience or a high-stakes simulation teetering on the brink of nuclear annihilation, that game has you covered.
How Does the Game Work?
The goal is to earn more prestige points than your opponent.
Prestige is gained by improving relations and signing treaties with countries around the world. Meanwhile, your opponent will work tirelessly to undermine the nations in your bloc and shift the balance of power in their favor.
Are you ready to lead your ideology to global dominance—or will history repeat itself?
Why is the game called Maestro’s Cold War 2 and not just Cold War 2, like the browser version?
It’s simple:
Maestro’s inflated ego demanded it.
"Cold War" is such a common name that it was already taken.
- OS: Unsure
- Processor: i3 or higher
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