Update 0.9.5
Atualizao 0.9.5
Pedra movida de lugar. xD.
Zonas de terreno planas para melhor construo.
Adicionados mais NPC que atacam o jogador
Reparado dano da sniper, dando em estruturas.
Jogador agora inicia despido, com uma bag primaria.
Adicionado nova roupa.
Removidos todos os capacetes metlicos.
Adicionados novos locais de loot.
Bengalas de air drop agora podem ser encontradas.
Adicionados novos locais para extrao de recursos.
Adicionado mais loot.
Cabos agora so encontrados mais facilmente.
Update 0.9.5
Stone moved from place. xD.
Flat terrain areas for better construction.
Added more NPCs that attack the player
Repaired sniper damage, hitting structures.
Player now starts naked, with a primary bag.
Added new clothing.
Removed all metal helmets.
Added new loot locations.
Air drop canes can now be found.
Added new locations for resource extraction.
Added more loot.
Cables are now more easily found.
KAOS SurVival is a survival game in an open world, where the player can explore and find items that will make his life easier. The player can build a shelter or a large fortress to keep his possessions and defend himself from other players. The player can create clan or create his group of friends, send messages within the game. The kaos has a system of destroying bases using C4 explosives, the player can obtain through loot the goods of another player. Inventory and crafting system available.