Update 0.9.5.C
Graphical improvement, new graphics engine.
Improved air drop mechanics.
Added health bar to highly aggressive NPCs.
Improvement in Neutral zones to help with defense.
Sawmill reduced wood production time.
Increased the number of wood extracted at the sawmill.
Update 0.9.5.C
Melhoria grfica, novo motor grfico.
Melhoria nas mecnicas de air drop.
Adicionado barra de sade em NPC de grande agressividade.
Melhoria nas zonas Neutras para ajudar na defesa.
Serraria reduzido tempo de produo de madeira.
Aumentado o nmero de madeira extrada na serraria.
KAOS SurVival is a survival game in an open world, where the player can explore and find items that will make his life easier. The player can build a shelter or a large fortress to keep his possessions and defend himself from other players. The player can create clan or create his group of friends, send messages within the game. The kaos has a system of destroying bases using C4 explosives, the player can obtain through loot the goods of another player. Inventory and crafting system available.