Good survivors, after hard work we present the new version of KAOS SURVIVAL with lots of new features, such as swimming, hunting, new items, bow, weapons system and much much more, come and discover.
Bugs may happen, we hope you report them to us on our discord. So that together we can create KAOS an increasingly entertaining game.
Boas sobreviventes, aps um rduo trabalho apresentamos a nova verso do KAOS SURVIVAL com imensas novidades, como nadar, caar, novos items, arco, sistema de armas e muito muito mais, vem descubrir.
Pode acontecer bugs, esperamos que nos reportem no nosso discord. Para que junto possamos criar KAOS um jogo cada vez mais entretido
KAOS SurVival is a survival game in an open world, where the player can explore and find items that will make his life easier. The player can build a shelter or a large fortress to keep his possessions and defend himself from other players. The player can create clan or create his group of friends, send messages within the game. The kaos has a system of destroying bases using C4 explosives, the player can obtain through loot the goods of another player. Inventory and crafting system available.