Fixed issue with passenger exiting the vehicle.
Fixed "Gold City" player spawn location.
Fixed the sound of the player hitting buildings and hearing the entire server.
Fixed palm trees with improved collider.
Fixed punch damage on restricted structures.
Aerial view removed.
Remove the stone obstructing the tunnel.
Fixed issue with falling out of bed when logging into the game.
Added official KAOS SURVIVAL dedicated server.
Village in the Oasis area.
Added Christmas decorations in the lobby.
If the player suddenly leaves the game, using the exit keys their entire inventory will be cleared "punishment for players who log out suddenly.
Corrigido problema de passageiro sair do veiculo.
Corrigido lugar de desova de jogador "Gold City".
Corrigido som de jogador bater em construes e ouvir todo o servidor.
Corrigida palmeiras com colisor melhorado.
Corrigido dano de soco em estruturas reduzido.
Removido vista aerea.
Removida pedra que obstrua tnel.
Corrigido problema de jogar cair da cama ao logar no jogo.
Adicionado servidor dedicado oficial da KAOS SURVIVAL.
Aldeia na zona do Osis.
Adicionado decorao natalcia no lobby.
Caso o jogador sair repentinamente do jogo, usando teclas de sada todo o seu inventrio ser limpo "castigo a jogadores que se deslogan repentinamente".
KAOS SurVival is a survival game in an open world, where the player can explore and find items that will make his life easier. The player can build a shelter or a large fortress to keep his possessions and defend himself from other players. The player can create clan or create his group of friends, send messages within the game. The kaos has a system of destroying bases using C4 explosives, the player can obtain through loot the goods of another player. Inventory and crafting system available.