An epidemic of flower disease destroys a prosperous village, and the only survivor is the son of a tailor and a witch doctor. His days are numbered: the first symptoms of the incurable disease have manifested themselves, and all the doors of the kingdom are closing in front of the boy. All but one.
The unsociable owner of the fading estate, who hides his face under a sinister mask, gives the emaciated traveler refuge among other unusual guests. A circus acrobat, two thugs from the high road and a noble knight and his arrogant young master share a common misfortune: they are living out their last days here, hoping for a miraculous rescue. And the owner of the estate turns out to be a skillful healer, whose methods are not approved by either the church or the medical community.
The hero becomes a pawn in Dr. Kinderwood's chess game with death. A pawn that can turn into any piece.
Point-and-click movement between locations and interaction with items.
Light up active areas for interaction.
Accept the consequences of the result of your active actions with a mini-game.
Character relationship development system. Characters can help you or refuse.
Several passage options to reach the goal.
The plot is constantly moving forward.
The original language of the game: Russian.
Edited English translation.
MTL translation into other languages.
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