These are requests and fixes from the 4/13 testing branch, now available to everyone. Let me know if there's any problems!
- Passed out Bar rescue no longer picks weapons up when unconscious
- Alternate foodless method to wake up POBR, takes a bunch of time instead.
- Civilized now always starts with 1 morale, preventing cases where it started with 0 or -1. No more INSTANTLY LOSING a Civilized recruit.
- Less frequent NOT ENOUGH MED SUPPLIES blurbs
- OUT OF MEDS blurb lasts longer onscreen, same time as other med messages
- OOM blurb can happen again if you heal, if a day passes, or you load a save.
- Revamped CAR NUT now let you choose whether or not you want the new car if you recruit a CAR NUT after the game starts.
- CAR NUT start of game check moved to game-start.df rather than the perk definition itself.
- Added familiar-recruit-check for the CAR NUT choice and future things like it. We can move other things here if requested, so that a recruit properly only gives you things if recruited. Let us know in the comments.
- Group healing doctor and trainers now have LEAVE as the first, default choice. Temporary measure until we can add extra options.
- Strength trainer strength check event now moved to last option.
- Cars no longer run out of gas if they have 0 car-mpg. No more losing the alien car for it being out of gas, hopefully.
- Wizzle Stick now properly gets a weapon score bonus. Maybe this will make the wizard stop using baseball bats instead of his staff. Let me know!
Misc Fixes
- Fixed a needless extra dup with zombie summoning that lead to putting garbage on the memory stack.
- Put in a missing day-passed tracking for a CYOA camp option
- Cancelled LNK day
- Pronoun correction for bully-sprayit
- Corrected recruit-familiarreplace, before it was unused and familiar characters were using the normal recruit-replace
- Changed familiar camp recruits to also use the above
- Modern Spear is now named Tactical Spear, which is a much more tactical name.
- Blunt Master has a special sale on 4/20
Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Simulator. You control and manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit weird people, argue with each other, and face gigantic swarms of slow zombies.
Death Road is built for replay value. Everything is randomized: locations, events, survivor appearances and personalities. There's a different story every time you play, set in a world that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Death Features:
Up to 500 zombies can hunt you down at a time. Fight them, try to squirm past, or run.
Use the character creator to put yourself, friends, and family in the game. Have them show up at random to get eaten!
Find special and rare events, weapons, and characters with strange abilities.
Make tough choices in Interactive Fiction events. Get different options and results based on the traits of your party members.
Teach a dog how to drive a car.
Throw chairs. Get your characters strong enough to throw large sofas.
Most family friendly zombie apocalypse game on the market! Any gore explosion is in a cute style. We censor the word d*ngus once.