Please note that save files from 1.34 will NOT work with 1.35! (more information here) This is a selection of changes coming in 1.35 - please visit our official forum for the full changelog! - Added 3 new sets of Ideas (Infrastructure, Court, and Mercenary), and further rebalanced all the Idea Groups. - Added 27 new events related to the new idea groups. - Added a new Tier of Government Reforms, Related to Military Doctrines, with 7 reforms. - Added 7 new Estate Privileges, to estates that did not have a privilege that exempts them from seizing land. - Added more Ruler, General and Admiral personalities. - Added 7 new Parliament bribes and National Bribes, which are more expensive versions of bribes, but cover multiple parliament seats at a time, to Common Sense DLC. - Added 21 new Imperial Reforms, 21 new Decrees, and reworked special Age Abilities for Mandate of Heaven DLC. - Added 11 new Naval Doctrines to Rule Britannia DLC. - Added 11 New Iberian Holy Orders to Golden Century DLC. - Added the Latin Empire as a tag which can be formed through the Crusader mission tree to Emperor DLC. - Added 7 new Great Projects to Leviathan DLC. - Added 9 new Achievements. - Re-Added the Trade Protectorate subject type, available for countries that confirmed Thalassocracy. - Added a peace option that allows you to annex a migrative native country forcefully. - Added 6 new artillery units. - Added 27 new flavor events for the Ottomans. - Added 5 new flavor events for Russia. - Added 2 new flavor events for England / Great Britain. ################### # Gamebalance ################### # Economy - Expanded Temple rights no longer apply to a subject if the Overlord has the reform and the subject in question does not. - Expanded Infrastructure decreases the development cost now by 15% instead of 25%. - Buffed Mercantilism. Increased the Embargo Efficiency from 50% to 100% and the Burghers / Vaishyas Loyalty Equilibrium from 5% to 10% at 100 Mercantilism. - Local Unrest now decreases Local Tax Modifier by 2% per 1 point of unrest. - Province Tax now gives -2% Local Regiment Recruitment Time, -1% Local Great Project Upgrade Time, -1% Local Construction Time and +2% Local Institution Spread. - Inflation now also increases the cost of missionary maintenance, upgrading a great project, embracing an institution, adjusting colonial subjects, upgrading centers of trade and trade company investments. - Changed the color of Fars to mint green. # Governments - Parliament seats now give +10% Local Sailors Modifier and +15% Local Tax Modifier. Production Efficiency and Manpower are untouched. - Granting Parliament Seats now reduce Absolutism by 2 instead of 3. There is no difference in Absolutism loss when Parliament Seats are granted manually or automatically. - Every member of a Trade League gives its leader +5% Trade Steering, +2 Naval Forcelimit, +1k Sailors, +1k Manpower and +1 Land Forcelimit. - Militarization gives now -0.5 Monthly Militarization, basically adding decay to the militarization. Being at war gives +0.1 Monthly Militarization, being at peace gives -0.1, and every point of War Exhaustion gives. - The Sich Rada can now select Horde Ideas and have a 25% Special Unit Force limit. - Sich Rada can now have estates. Cossacks estate included. - Formalize the Right to Re-election and Dutch Republic are now mutually exclusive because the latter could not enforce a "re-election". - Native countries no longer gain from their government any buffs to their Land Maintenance Modifiers, Global Regiment Costs and Manpower Recovery Speed. - A Catholic Prussia and Custom nations can now maintain the Prussian Monarchy T1. - The Religious Tolerance state edict available from government reform "Regional Councils" gives now -100% Local Religious Unity Contribution instead of 50%. - The government reform "Maintain Balance of Power" now increases the All Estate Loyalty modifier by 10% instead of 5% and grants +1 Diplomat. # Religion - The Protestant Church Aspect "Priests May Marry" now gives -15% Same Religion Advisor Cost instead of Clergy Influence. - Declaring wars no longer affects Piety. Every new ruler now starts at 0 Piety. - Negative Piety now gives -10% Idea Cost instead of 20% Fort Defense. - Trade Companies now reduce the local missionary strength by 20% instead of 200%. - Being the Curia Controller now gives the bonuses of the "Send Papal Legate". - Coptic gives now +15% Fort Defense instead of +10%, All Buddhistic faiths now give +2 Tolerance to Heretics instead of +1. Shinto gives now +2 Tolerance to Heretics instead of +1 to Heathens. - Reworked the Reformed's fervor aspects. They have now a cost of 8 Fervor and have stronger modifiers. Added a fourth "Diplomacy Fervor" aspect. - The Fervor Aspects now cost 8 instead of 5 and have a maintenance cost of 8 instead of 5. Fervor points now decrease construction cost by -10%, Stability Cost by -10%, Years of Separatism by -5 and increase Improve Relations by +10%. The Stability focuses now gives -25% Spy Action Cost instead of -10% Construction Cost. Added a new diplomacy fervor aspect which increases Diplomatic Reputation by +2, Improve Relations by 25% and All Estate Equilibrium by 10%. # Units - Cossacks now have +15% Shock Damage instead of +10. - Cawa units now cost 2 Mil Power instead of 5, spawn with 50% Regiment Strength and 10% Morale (was the other way around before). Cawas now have -5% Shock Damage received, -50% Land Attrition and +50% Reinforcement Speed. - Janissaries now start with 10% of their manpower strength, and 10% of their Morale. Additionally, they have now a +50% Assault Fort Ability and +50% Army Drill Gain Modifier instead of a +100% Army Drill Gain Modifier and 100% Reinforcement Cost. - Cossacks no longer increase stability cost when used. - The Streltsy unit itself no longer increases stability cost and has +10 Fire Damage, -10 Fire Damage Received and +15% Land Maintenance. # War & Peace - Doubled the negative effects of Devastation. - Blockaded provinces now have -100% Local Trade Power instead of -50%. This has been done so market buildings can no longer counteract it. - Call for Peace now increases War Exhaustion by a rate of 0.005 instead of 0.008. - Rebalanced the unit pips. Nerfed Aboriginal and Pacific units, fixed issues where African / Muslim units got worse with better tech than their previous unit type, nerfed early-game Anatolian units and rebalanced some Indian units. - The "Inspirational Leader" General Trait now gives +5% Land Morale atop the Army Morale Recovery Speed. - The "Born in the Saddle" General Trait now gives a +100% Cav to Infantry Ratio. However, it requires also a 30% Cav fraction in the army instead of 20%. # Other - You can now change your rivals every 5 years instead of 25 years. - Native Aggressiveness decreases Local Colonist Placement Chance by 1% for each aggressiveness. - Tropical provinces now reduce local development costs by 5% instead of 10%. ################### # Script ################### # Achievements - The achievement "Baltic Crusader" no longer requires you to colonize two provinces or so in the Urals. (Note: apologies for not having this fixed earlier). - The achievement of "Master of India" can be completed when a subject owns all of India instead too. - The achievement "For the Emperor" can now be completed even if you play as a released vassal. It was never intended to be blocked this way anyway. # Decisions - Confirming Thalossacracy now unlocks a new government reform for tier 8 which allows you to establish Trade Protectorates. - The "Rein in Italy" has now a better tooltip, explaining what you are supposed to do. - The decision "Formalize Separation of Powers" is now available to every country with a parliament. The modifier "Separation of Power" now also gives a +3% Backing Chance for Parliament Issues. - The piety gained from Muslim decisions is now negative when you have negative Piety already. - Forming Egypt will no longer force you into a kingdom rank if you are already an empire. - Junior partners can adopt the Hussite faith via decision, their ruler will remain their overlord's religion. - Gaining the Sich Rada from the decision no longer blocks the decision. This means you will always have the opportunity to regain this reform. - Decisions that change your government will no longer remove reform levels. # Events - Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba is now of whatever culture you are. - Nahuatl Event 'Pochteca Traders Harassed' no longer grants a CB that lasts 152 years. - You can now see the "X Institution has Spawned" event even if you can't see its origin. - Granting Malta to the Knights will now give access to the San Juan Holy Order for owners of the Golden Century DLC. - The Nordic countries will no longer flip back to Catholicism when they proceed in their mission trees. - The Ethiopian AI will no longer move its capital through an event to a province that has not been fully colonized yet. - The Sisters Takeover for Orleans now gives a unique Tier 1 government reform. - The event for unifying the HRE will no longer create a grocery list that tries to escape the screen. - The event "A Helping Hand" now costs max 500 Ducats when you decide to get an advisor. - The event "The Maid of $PROVINCE$" no longer removes legitimacy for the PU overlord. Also, the general generated has now 50 Army Tradition and is always female. - Added an event to the mission tree of Finland which allows you to change your name to one of the Finish Empires. - Added an event to the Kongo mission tree which asks you if you want to become a monarchy or stay as a tribe. - The event "Consultation of the Monasteries" gives now Karma scaled with the amount of Karma you have right now. As an example: if you are above 90 Karma you would lose 25, above 50 you lose 15, above 25 you lose 10 and otherwise you lose 5. Vice versa for negative Karma is also true. - Good Monsoons now give +20% Local Tax Modifier instead of -20% Local Dev Cost. - The event "The Agenda of the Diet" now supports up to 6 estates at the same time instead of just 3. - Added an event that fires when you dissolve the Holy Roman Empire. The events give now the 100 Prestige (which turn into Monarch Power when overflowing), 200 Splendor, and 25 Power Projection. - The event Event A Helping Hand will not fire if all owned great projects are already fully upgraded. # Ideas - Norse ideas no longer overwrite all of your ideas if you just happen to have the Norse culture and religion. - Ruthenian's ideas have been buffed. They have now 20% Manpower Recovery Speed and -10% Morale Damage Received in their traditions. Foreign Influence now gives +2 Number of Accepted Cultures and -25% Promote Culture Cost. Zaporizhian Cossacks now give +1 Privilege Slots to the Cossacks. Reuniting Rus gives now -a 10% Core Creation Cost and Birth of Russian Orthodoxy now increases Tolerance of True Faith by 2 and Yearly Patriarch Authority by 0.5. - All ideas which increase Land Forcelimit Modifiers by 33% have their value decreased to 25%. - Russia's ideas have been adjusted. Their tradition now gives -a 15% Core Creation Cost. Land of the Rus now gives -a 15% AE reduction. Life-long Conscription now increases the Land force limit by 33% instead of 50%. Abolishing the Mestnichestvo now decreases the Nobility's Influence by 10%. - Ideas that have a Free Leader have their ideas now altered. Traditions and Ambitions with the Free Leader have a new modifier replacing the leader one. Everywhere else a second idea has been added. - The English idea "Bill of Rights" now gives +1 Num of Parliament Issues. The English Ambition now gives +10% Morale for Navies. - Reworked Siamese ideas and nerfed their power level considerably. - Added +2 Artillery Shock to Smolensk's ideas. BOOM!. - The British ideas of "Merchant Navy" and "City Upon a Hill" have been combined into one. Instead of the "Merchant Navy" idea, GB now gets the "British Parliament" idea, giving -1 Global Unrest and +1 Number of available Issues. - Orisa's tradition now gives +10% Production Efficiency (previously +5%). - Adjusted the Ottoman ideas. They now have -25% CCR (previously -20%), +15% Global Tax (previously +10%), +10% Reform Progress Growth (new), -2 Global Unrest (replacing the -10% War Exhaustion Reduction Cost) and +0.5 Yearly Naval Tradition (new). - Qing's Core Creation Cost from its ideas has been buffed from 20% to 25% so it can keep up with Yuan. - Adjusted the French ideas. They now have -50% War Taxes Cost (in addition to +10% National tax), +15% Morale of Armies and +0.5 Yearly Army Tradition (replacing +20% Morale of Armies), National Unrest -1 and +10% Reform Progress Growth (replacing the +1 Diplomatic Relation), -10% Core Creation Cost and +5 Maximum Absolutism (replacing the -10% Technology Cost), +15% Fort Defense and +50% Garrison Army Damage (instead of -20% Fort Maintenance), and -10% Development Cost as a Tradition (replacing the +2 Tolerance of Heretics and +2 Tolerance of Heathens). - Added a new set of National Ideas for Revolutionary France. - Adjusted the Spanish Ideas. They now have Church Power and Fervor in case of being Protestant or Reformed (added to Devout Christianism), replaced the Treasure Fleet idea with the Castilian idea School of Salamanca and added +10% Reform Progress Growth to it, A Spanish Armada now gets +25% Naval Force Limit modifier (replaces +1 Naval Leader Maneuver, which has been moved to Grand Armada Naval Doctrine), added -5 Estate Loyalty on Revoking Privileges to Rein in the Cortes. - Adjusted the Castilian ideas. The Tradition now has a +25% Naval Force Limit Modifier (replaces +25% Marines Force Limit), and +10% Reform Progress Growth (added to School of Salamanca idea). # Missions - You can now complete the Polish mission 'Delegate with the Emperor' as the Emperor of the HRE. - The English "Strategic Control" is no longer soft-blocked when you force a PU over France before finishing the mission. - The Burgundian mission "Chivalry is not Dead" now gives +25 Permanent Power Project. This is mostly a small addition to them as the Angevin Kingdom uses the same event. - The Polish mission 'Break Livonia' now grants claims to conquer Pomerania. # Setup - Added a missing escalated level of crownland between 80 and 100. - Renamed the province Kelang to Tamsui. - Valladolid is now part of the North Castile area and Asturias is now part of the Leon area. - Renamed the Asturias and Castile areas to North and South Castile. - Changed the trade goods of many provinces in Iberia to better reflect historical accuracy. - Muscovy is now a Historical Rival of the Great Horde. - Aveiro and Algarvae now produce Salt. - The Patagonia and Amazonas trade node now has a connection to Cuiaba. Lima has now a connection to the Polynesian Triangle. These changes aim to make colonizing South America more profitable for Asian countries. - Zaporizhzhia has now Eastern technology instead of Nomad one. - The Hudson Bay Trade now flows into California. - The Anatolian minors now start with the Beylik government reform. - All French appanages now start with the Appanage government reform. - The starting ruler of Augsburg now remembers that he went to university at some point and has gained 4 Diplo points. - The Great Horde has now its capital in Sarai. Additionally, Sarai now starts with the "Tatar Yoke" triggered province modifier if Domination is active. # Other - You will no longer be informed that seizing land will cause rebels when you have a government reform that disables rebels spawning from seizing crown land. - Colonial subjects should no longer get access to "Establish a Colonial Subject" Estate Agendas. - Pashas now give -20% Local Governing, 20% Local Minimum Autonomy, -0.1 Monthly Local Autonomy (basically, they have a higher base Autonomy, but they reach this base faster now), -33% Local State Maintenance Modifier and +10 Local Tolerance of Heathens. - Zhuang can now be sinicized. - The Zacatecas Great Project now ensures the province has Gold. - AI has now a 90% chance to automatically complete an estate agenda. - Self Governing Colonies now have access to Burghers and Nobles. (Note: Judging the events for the colonies, they were intended to have them ever since 1.31...). - Combined the special unit custom nation ideas into one. - Moved many random events from the bi-yearly pulse to an empty 4-yearly pulse to increase performance and, paradoxically, make them more likely to fire in the game. - The state edict "Centralization Effot" now decreases local autonomy by -0.03 instead of. - The global modifier "Disembark Time" has been renamed into "Disembark Speed". - All Estate disasters can now gain progress unless their respective estate hast at least 60% Loyalty instead of 50%. - Forming the Holy Roman Empire with Domination adds a new Holy Imperial Monarchy to your country. - The Ikko-Ikki rebels will now try to enforce the Ikko-Ikki government reform. - The admin costs of Subject Upgrades now scale down with all power cost modifiers. - The French Wars of Religion can now also fire if you are Hussite or Anglican. - Forming Scandinavia while having the Unified Kalmar Monarchy reform will now form Scandinavia but with the "Kalmar Union" as a name and the yellow from the flag as the map color. - The Religious Turmoil disaster can now fire for Hussite and Anglican countries too. - Added a Casus belli for Confucian nations against countries with other religions when you get the "Deus Vult" CB or when you finish Humanist ideas. The reason for this addition is the impossibility to use the Deus Vult CB against countries which religion you have harmonized with. - Added the "Sultanate of Rm" and the "Ruthenian Tsardom" as new government reforms for Rm and Ruthenia. - The triggered province modifier "Paektu Mountain" can now be active too if the religion of the province is Mahayana. - The triggered modifier for the occupation of Rome is now province-triggered. - Mali is no longer an endgame tag. - You can no longer gain the "Babbling Buffoon" ruler trait if you have more than 5 diplomatic stats. - The Naval Doctrine of Portugal now decreases Naval Barrage cost by 50%. - Replaced the bonus for the Korean naval doctrine with a +20% Hull Size Modifier. - Estate breakaways from the Cossacks are now Eastern and have the Sich Rada reform. They are no longer hordes. - The Unify China Casus belli now gives only territorial cores instead of full cores upon occupying a province. - Strong Duchies is now available if you have a combination of 2 marches, vassals or personal unions. - The government reform "Separate the Clergy from State" now also disables the Brahmin's estate. - The Teutons are properly no longer accepted to join the HRE when they choose to stick to their crusader path. - Re-enabled the event "National decline". - The event "Prospering Times" now upgrades a province greatly as it is a one-time-only event for countries. - The event "Incompetent Cousin" now specifies which of your subjects the cousin has. - Adjusted the colonial borders of the new world so they no longer split areas apart. - Added to the events "The Republic of Sal" and "The Pirate Queen of Ttouan" a third option that allows you to ignore the Pirate Republic entirely. The AI will still always release the pirates. - The Naval Doctrine 'Grand Armada' now also grants +25 Marines force limit +1 Naval Leader Maneuver. ################### # Bugfixes ################### - Fixed OOS related to cardinal IDs. - Fixed desync related to countries that are called to join a war but haven't yet for hot joiners. - Fixed CTD related to losing merchants when the trade node interface is open. - Fixed a desync that could happen when a country changes religion, invites a religious scholar, and there's a player that's lagging enough. - Fixed so the build flagship button is greyed out when light ships cost more than heavies and you can't afford it. - Fixed OOS related to modifier from trade centers applied to countries not resetting when trade center decreases in level. - OOS fix related to mercenary companies keeping track of which country they belong to, which didn't handle tag switching. - Fixed issue with automated improved relations entry text in outliner that wouldn't align to the right. - Fixed so that terrain bonus for combat map marker is displayed positive for positive values. - Improved logic for automatically computing the amount of money when demanding/offering peace. - Fixed issues with random factors regarding missions and their events always being the same. - Fixed a crash related to government reform properties not existing. - Moved federation strength computation to code, removed script functions with effects due to them causing crashes/desyncs. - Fixed an issue where the "carolean_infantry" where mentions Cawa units instead of Carolean units. - Fixed policies "Diplomatic Consolidation Act" and "Colonial Improvement Act" not displaying any value in the policy window. - Fixed on actions triggers when culture and religion change via the events. - Fixed desync in great projects executing on_built effect when loading a save game. - Fixed issue with ambient map objects visibility is reset after loading a save. - The event "Muslim-Born Men Enroll as Janissaries" gives now 5% Discipline to the Janissaries instead of a pathetic 1.5% (which was originally supposed to be 15% Discipline apparently...). - Fixed several script-related errors which inflated the error log over the period of a game. - Fixed a race condition crash related to AI taking decisions. - The special_units_forcelimit modifier now applies to all special units. Full changelog here!
[ 2023-04-18 08:33:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- EU4 LINUX [50.69 M]
- Europa Universalis IV: American Dream DLC
- Europa Universalis IV: National Monuments II
- Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
- Europa Universalis IV: Conquistadors Unit pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Songs of the New World
- Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Yuletide
- Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans II Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Colonial British and French Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Advisor Portraits
- Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
- Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Ships Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Trade Nations Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
- Europa Universalis IV: Anthology of Alternate History
- Europa Universalis IV: Indian Subcontinent Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Indian Ships Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations E-book
- Europa Universalis IV: Republican Music Pack (Skopje Sessions)
- Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
- Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Union Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Catholic League Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Songs of War Music Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Music Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Art of War Ebook
- Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
- Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2
- Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
- Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense E-Book
- Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks
- Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the community - Kairi Soundtrack
- Europa Universalis IV: Catholic Majors Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Sabaton Soundtrack
- Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
- Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Kairi Soundtrack Part II
- Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
- Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Fredman's Midsummer Epistles
- Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Regency
- Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
- Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven Content Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Majors Unit Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Music Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate E-book Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Early Upgrade Pack
- Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome
- Europa Universalis IV: The Rus Awakening
Paradox Development Studio is back with the fourth installment of the award-winning Europa Universalis series. The empire building game Europa Universalis IV gives you control of a nation to guide through the years in order to create a dominant global empire. Rule your nation through the centuries, with unparalleled freedom, depth and historical accuracy. True exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy will be brought to life in this epic title rife with rich strategic and tactical depth.
Main Features
- Make your own decisions: Nation building is completely flexible and the possibilities are endless.
- Use your Monarch Power: Experience the new system of monarch power where your choices are influenced by the caliber of the man or woman you have at the top and will direct the ebb and flow of gameplay.
- Experience history coming to life: The great personalities of the past are on hand to support you as you make your mark on thousands of historical events.
- Turn the world into your playground: Enjoy hundreds of years of gameplay in a lush topographical map complete with dynamic seasonal effects.
- Experience the all new trade system: The trade system adds a new dimension to the great trade empires of the period. Gain control of vital trade routes and make the wealth of the world flow to your coffers.
- Bring out your negotiating skills in a deeper diplomatic system: Use coalitions, royal marriages and support for rebels and explore the possibilities of the new unilateral opinion system.
- Engage in Cross-platform Multiplayer: Battle against your friends or try the co-operative multiplayer mode that allows several players to work together to control a single nation with up to 32 players. Featuring improved chat and new matchmaking servers.
- Create your own history & customize your game: Europa Universalis IV gives you the chance to customize and mod practically anything your heart may desire and uses Steam Workshop.
- Processor: Intel Core i3-2105 / AMD FX 4300Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5850Video Memory: 1 GB RAMIDIA GeForce 9600 or higher. 1024MB graphics memory requiredHard Drive:6 GB HD spaceOther Requirements:Broadband Internet connectionAdditional:GLSL 1.3. OpenGL 2.1. Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard and speakers. Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer
- Processor: Intel Core i3 3240 / AMD FX 8120Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 TiVideo Memory: 1 GB RAMHard Drive:6 GB HD spaceOther Requirements:Broadband Internet connectionAdditional:GLSL 1.3. OpenGL 2.1. Controller support: 3-button mouse. keyboard and speakers. Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer
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