Rarest Greetings Underlords, Once again, we pop out from the dingy depths of our caverns and gaze upwards towards the untarnished and needlessly fungible Overworld! The surfacers schemes bring them ever closer to ruin, and we must merely wait until their weaknesses crumble their world down to bare stone. The Great Plan has long been in motion, and its tendrils now find purchase in the broader culture of the surfacers. This is the perfect time to strike, and the two blades of our strike are named: 1. Project: COD 2. Project: WFTO:NFTFTO Let us pull back the curtain and reveal screaming murder victim behind as we delve into our first Project. Project:COD also known as CULT OF DUTY: DUNGEON WARFARE.
Join the Cult of Duty
Cult of Duty: Dungeon Warfare is a brand new First Person Gun em Down (FPGED) from our crack team of developers that specialize in real-time strategy management games. In it you will assume the role of a nameless cultist burdened with an exceptional duty. Hence the name, you see youre a cultist in a cult, and you have a duty. Pretty clever.

Hes looking this way! Quick burn the rest of his face off! We intend to completely redefine the genre of the FPGED, and weve spent literal years gathered around a chalkboard, generating ideas, writing on chalkboards, taking notes, eating chalk, and promoting synergy all to bring you a game that will truly change your perspective on the gaming world of First Person games. We know. You cant believe it. Its long overdue that someone redefines, innovates and revolutionises the FPGED space. Well, hold onto your flaps, because youre about to get blasted with the sickest FPGED featureset youve ever seen:
- An Armoury of Evil - Your cult is armed with an assortment of weapons, forged with steel and imbued with the magical power of blood. Choose from weapons such as the Sacrificial Dagger, The BAFU Launcher, the Power Hand of Evil and the Chunder Thunderer, the most powerful weapon in your Arse-nal.
- A Campaign to Remember - Across fifteen expertly crafted levels experience an epic cinematic tale of love and betrayal, woven relationships and beautifully choreographed cutscenes that will leave you wanting more. Then when youre done, jump on Netflix and binge our tie-in anime which concludes the story.
- Bloody Magic - Theres more to being a cultist than sleeping, eating, collecting payday and performing occult rituals. Your own brand of magic will service you in addition to your weaponry, wield dozens of unique spells as you fight your way through the goodly forces of the surface world. But remember your magic is powered by blood, your blood.
- Know Your Place - As the loyal servant of an Underlord you must never forget who your master is, worship them, praise them with your every working moment, when they slap you then you will feel pleasure like never before. Let them do it, embrace it, enjoy it. Yes, just like that, you like that dont you my little minion *ahem* where were we?
- Defeat Greater Parts of Yourself - In the Massively Multiplayer mode Korvek Royale youll discover the canon backstory to Korvek, one of the most important and beloved characters in War for the Overworld. Fight other parts of yourself is a massive deathmatch as you take on the form of a lowly cultist amidst the twisted, fractured realm that Korvek calls home. Who will be winner winner micropiglet dinner?

The Honest Truth
Here at Brightrock Games we believe in absolute honesty and transparency with our valued fanbase. So were going to call this what it is. Were going to fleece the absolute gosh-darned pants off you with all sorts of tasty, metric raising, arguably-abusive microtransactions, cosmetics, voice lines and more which you can rub into the faces of those less fortuante. Were not hiding it anymore, no one is, gone are the days where wed charge you honestly for the hours of sweat and toil we put into this content, were going to find every possible way to nickel and dime you. It's just the way of things you understand? Once upon a time, the idea of paying money for horse armour was so absurd that it broke the community of Gamers. Fortunately, were long past the days of those plebeian concerns, and microtransactions have since been embraced by the whole gaming community as a force for good. Pay-to-win? Weve got that too! You dont want to fall behind do you? Damn right you dont you little scamp, basically, you'll want to buy our tat or that's what will happen. Falling behind is what losers do, and we both know you're too awesome to be a loser right?

Multiplayer is a great opportunity to show off your choice in robe colours! So now we both know you want to be a winner you can check out our list of Day 1 DLC & Microtransactions, complete with pricing so you can start budgeting now! All of these can be purchased together at a 5% discount in the Certified Winner pack which comes with a special title Im better than you!
- Robe Colour Pack 1 (3.99) - Customise your robes like never before with all new colors including: Cherry, Merlot, Jam, Wine, Mahogany, Blood, Currant, Scarlet and more!
- Scowl Pack (5.99) - Bad guys never smile. Now put your own spin on the iconic expression with 5 brand new scowls to wear into battle. Guaranteed to make enemies and friends alike jealous.
- Grimace Pack (5.99) - On no occasion do Evil Dudes grin. Right this second redefine expectations on this defining appearance with more than four and less than six pristine grimaces to don in war. Assured to inspire envy in foes and allies all the same.
- Frown Pack (5.99) - Sinister males always forgo beaming. At this moment, rework the recognisable guise with a few more than a couple fresh frowns to have on in a scrap. Unfailing to assign desirous feelings in companions and rivals
- Glower Pack (5.99) - At no time do villainous men twinkle teeth. Presently place a rotation upon the archetypal countenance with the square root of 25 virginal glowers to sport to a confrontation. It is certain your antagonists and confidantes will be covetous.
- Iconic Voice Pack (9.99) - Tired of running around without running your mouth? Grab this pack and you too can spout such lines as I never get hungry in here for some reason and Who the hell is Brian approximately 97 times a minute.
- Weapon Honing Bundle (5.99) - Your weapons could always be better, with this pack of raw materials youll need to improve the killing power, range and much more. No more grinding, just swipe!
- Modern Warfare Pack (59.99) - Tired of getting stomped by noobs? Change the field of engagement with the Modern Warfare pack. Containing all your favorite modern weaponry fill your foes full of lead whilst they babble their magic spells, or call in a tactical airstrike should you find yourself outmatched.
- Developer Abuse Pack (9.99) - You just give us money to verbally abuse you. Whenever you do anything in game youll have bespoke developer responses reminding you how bad you are and how much better you would be for purchasing our microtransactions.

Coming soon to a video game retailer near you Until then well be answering any questions you may have in the comments and well include the most pressing ones in our Cult of Duty FAQ below. Now before we forget we have big news for WFTO as well!
WFTO Patch 4.1 Preview: NFTs for the Overworld
We know youre all desperate to get your hands on the Cult of Duty, but the demands of our artistic vision are so exacting that its going to take a bit more time to ship. We also know that all of you beautiful, gorgeous, charismatic fans deserve more than a when its done - so were also happy to reveal our original and uncompromised vision and finally provide you with the game WFTO was always meant to be. War for the Overworld: Non Fungible Tokens for the Overworld (WFTO:NFTFTO) is a radically new content experience in the video-game landscape. The industry at large has refused to acknowledge the power and labour of Gamers, and we at Brightrock think its far past time this was remediated. With WFTO:NFTFTO, the time you invest in WFTO:NFTFTO will be rewarded with novel, fun tokens which are unlocked upon the arrival of the minions in your dungeon. Minions have long had unique personalities, attributes, names, and backstories, all buried deep within the code for the original WFTO. In our new version, each minion summoned will be assigned a token, and if summoned into your dungeon, that token becomes yours - forever.

Some example chunderbois from our first minting. Get them while theyre hot, or not, being hot is a variation that can happen. Much value. Each minion token has an intrinsic value generated by the hash matrix of our new DungeonCoin crypto-market. This technology will allow you to trade minions between dungeons, or even sell them outright to new players. Do you have a Chunder who spends more time than usual in the Foundry? Is he called Jim? Have you spent nights tossing and turning on white-hot pillows, thinking about how desperately you want Chunder Jim to be your boyfriend? Well, in a year from now, Chunder Jim will be worth over five million dollars, and his token can be yours to own - provided that he gets summoned to your dungeon. Whats more, WFTO:NFTFTO will constantly hash new DungeonCoins as you play the game - and each successful hashing increases the value of all the DungeonCoins and minion tokens you own. Finally, you can actually enjoy playing a computer game, comforted by the knowledge that every hour spent playing has boosted the value of your Minion Wallet!

Some of our chunderbois are fully animated! Great for showing off your investments to your friends. We cant overstate how exciting it is to be spearheading this initiative to bring substantial product value to our fans and players, and were incredibly grateful that youve all stuck with us long enough for the true WFTO vision to be revealed. Keep hashing those Chunders, Underlords! [spoiler]Brightrock Games is not liable for any personal, interpersonal or hardware damage caused by the appropriation of your computer for the hashing of DungeonCoin. End user is solely liable for any incidents of overheating, melting, CPU fan explosions, thermal paste ingestion, boils, burns, bankruptcy, and any other outcomes of the proprietary DungeonCoin technology.[/spoiler]
Cult of Duty FAQ
Q. If my Robe is reduced to 0% durability am I naked? In order to avoid affecting our ratings board scores (15) we are legally required to confirm the Cultist does indeed wear his skivvies in this case. However we plan to release a De-Censor DLC for 69.69 which will make your cultist appropriately naked. This comes with a free weapon! The Massive(ly exaggerated) Rod of Evil. Q. When I do a 360 quickscope upon my enemies, will I be rewarded with Experience Points? Yes. Every successful Quickscope will result in you being rewarded with Experience Points, which can be spent on unlocking attachments for your weapon of choice. Q. I enjoy playing video games, because its exciting when the marios bounces around. However, I often feel anxious that Im wasting my time watching a computer character collect coins on the screen, which is where I watch the game on. Is there any solution to this? There is! The recent deployment of DungeonCoin allows you to generate value merely by playing our game - and then trade or sell your minions to other savvy consumers. Not a single minute spent in WFTO will be wasted, and the line always goes up! Q. I have lost the ability to go to the toilet by myself Until April 12th Underlords, Brightrock Games Team Follow us on Steam! Click here to chat about this update on our Discord Never miss an update! Sign up to our newsletter!
[ 2022-04-01 08:30:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- LinuxBuild [5.27 G]
- War for the Overworld - Underlord Edition Content
- War for the Overworld - Heart of Gold Expansion
- War for the Overworld - The Cynical Imp (Charity DLC)
- War for the Overworld - Crucible Expansion
- War for the Overworld - My Pet Dungeon Expansion
- War for the Overworld - The Under Games Expansion
- War for the Overworld - Seasonal Worker Skins
- War for the Overworld - Map Editor
Do you feel you are in a slump? Monotonously disembowelling evil guys in endless quests for gold and a slightly better pair of boots? You are starting to wonder... are heroics really your calling? Welcome to the War for the Overworld!
War for the Overworld is a Dungeon Management Game that employs your favourite aspects of the RTS and God Game genres. You play an all-powerful, malevolent Underlord, long banished to the Aether. With unrivalled dark power and an insatiable desire for bloody conquest, you will arise once more, and reclaim your realm!
In your absence, the Underworld lost its way. It became feeble and afraid of the Empire of the Overworld, which grew strong and boldly comfortable in its quiet retirement from evil-slaying. Carve out your dungeon from the soil and stones of the Underworld, and build dozens of unique rooms to attract a myriad of creatures to your halls to work and fight for you.
In addition to your faithful followers, you have destructive spells and powerful rituals to cast upon any unsuspecting goodly Hero (or rival Underlord) who dares to breach your unhallowed halls. With your unmatched dark powers and mighty army of bloodthirsty minions, you are ready for your War for the Overworld!
Key Features
- Build Your Dungeon - Excavate and build your dungeon beneath the earth of the Overworld. Design its layout as you see fit, creating an underground fortress filled with a wide variety of rooms, each with a unique use and purpose.
- Evil Is Back - Play as an Underlord who has awakened from a deep slumber after countless years drifting in the Aether. This realm hosts a variety of enemies — both Heroes and Underlords will stand in your path as you fight for dominance of the Overworld
- Veins of Evil - Choose from over 60 rooms, spells, potions, rituals, defences and constructs in the Veins of Evil as you progress through the game. There are a plethora of possible Vein combinations you can use to conquer the Overworld. Create your own unique flavour of evil!
- Fortify Your Domain - Build a wide variety of defences within your walls to defend against — and destroy — those who seek to invade your domain.
- Cast Wicked Spells - Call down unholy magic to strengthen your dungeon, route enemy forces, flood corridors with Micropiglets, or simply turn a meddlesome Hero into a geyser of giblets.
- Unleash Devastating Rituals - Punish your foes or empower your own forces with game-changing Rituals that can do anything from raising an undead army, to instantly fortifying your entire dungeon.
- Command Powerful Minions - Over 20 minions await your call, and will gladly work and fight under your banner... if you provide them with all the creature comforts they demand.
- Conquer the Overworld - Play through a feature-length campaign, facing off against the Emperor of the Overworld as you fight for complete supremacy in the Realm of Kairos
- Destroy Your Rivals - Take the fight to your rival Underlords in Skirmish or Multiplayer matches with up to four players.
- Challenge Ruthless AI - Team up with a friend or fly solo and challenge devastatingly sophisticated AI Opponents in Skirmish or Multiplayer!
- Shape the Underworld - Create entirely new Skirmish, Scenario, Sandbox and Multiplayer levels in the Map Editor and share them with other Underlords via Steam Workshop!
- Test Your Mettle - Run the gauntlet of the prototype Survival mode and see if you can top the high score against waves of enemies!
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
- Processor: Dual Core CPU @ 2.5GHzMemory: 4GB RAM
- Memory: 4GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GT450 512MB or better. ATI 4870HD 512MB or betterG3D Mark: 1500Hard Drive: 7GB available spaceSound: Speakers or headphones Additional Linux Requirements: glibc 2.14 or later libstdc++6 or later GCC 4.9 or later Only the latest video card drivers are supported OpenGL 3.0 support is required Full Knowledgebase Article
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
- Processor: Quad Core CPU @ 2.5GHzMemory: 8GB RAM
- Memory: 8GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 560 1GB or better. Radeon 8950 HD 1GB or betterG3D Mark: 3000Hard Drive: 10GB available spaceSound: Speakers or headphones Additional Linux Requirements: glibc 2.14 or later libstdc++6 or later GCC 4.9 or later Only the latest video card drivers are supported OpenGL 3.0 support is required Full Knowledgebase Article
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