With the start of university break I have started once again working on the map feature!
I initially fixed some bugs surrounding arena choice rubberbanding and different edge cases in the network UI. After this I focused on tweaking each map. I added a velocity threshold to all props and crush damage weapons (Sai, Sledgehammer) so that you need a certain threshold of velocity before damage can be dealt.
This was originally implemented so that when the boulders on the stonehenge map are thrown at enemies they actually cause damage instead of pushing the player around. Before this threshold, simply walking on boulders would cause explosions of blood to spray out the bottom of each player's feet as any velocity (even close to zero) would result in a small amount of damage and therefore blood.
This threshold has been applied to all props so lightly pushing plates and glasses in the Tavern wont cause blood explosions.
As well as this some weapons have been updated to be more powerful / fun. For example, the sledgehammer has been updated so that it is both more powerful and more forgiving when hitting something lightly. The spear is now more maneuverable but slightly less damaging. Ive found this makes it more satisfying to use whilst still maintaining its strength at long distance and weakness at short distance. Hopefully these changes will make both weapons more fun to use!
Ive also been setting up an official discord server which should hopefully launch at the same time as the new update releases!
Maps coming soon!
Remaining tasks are now
Finish up arenas
Sound effects and music
Complete network game lobby UI (make pretty and complete all network game modes).
Complete network game restart UI (make pretty).
General bug fixing, tidy up and enhancement of look and feel..
Rivalry is a hotseat game where two players take turns moving their rag-doll character’s limbs and weapons using the mouse until one is victorious. While the beginning stages of each game captures the strategic essence of swordplay, as damage and limbs are taken, the endgame turns rather Pythonesque.
Imagine a game that's a turn based strategy game, mixed with a side scrolling fighter and then add some rag-dolls and you've got Rivalry.
As the result of a successful Kickstarter for the marketing on his game at PAX , 14 year old Kew McParlane is presenting 'Rivalry', playable wireframe of his turn based two player sword fighting game of deep strategy and hilarious fun.