Hey guys! Rivalry progress has been slow. My university work has been my number one priority which hasnt left me much time to work on the game. Progress is being made but just at a much slower rate.
The latest improvement is camera zooming! This allows players to zoom the Camera in and out of the Arena. I originally thought this wasnt worth investigating as it would be too difficult to control the players when zoomed out but its actually quite easy! This makes fighting on large maps far more enjoyable as you can always see your opponent and dont have to drag the camera as much!
The current issue I'm facing is testing the mapping feature on the server, more specifically facing a couple of issues surrounding websocket connections randomly breaking. Once I have figured this out usual progress should hopefully be able to be made.
Remaining tasks are now
Fix server websocket disconnection issue
Finish up arenas
Sound effects and music
Complete network game lobby UI (make pretty and complete all network game modes).
Complete network game restart UI (make pretty).
General bug fixing, tidy up and enhancement of look and feel..
Rivalry is a hotseat game where two players take turns moving their rag-doll character’s limbs and weapons using the mouse until one is victorious. While the beginning stages of each game captures the strategic essence of swordplay, as damage and limbs are taken, the endgame turns rather Pythonesque.
Imagine a game that's a turn based strategy game, mixed with a side scrolling fighter and then add some rag-dolls and you've got Rivalry.
As the result of a successful Kickstarter for the marketing on his game at PAX , 14 year old Kew McParlane is presenting 'Rivalry', playable wireframe of his turn based two player sword fighting game of deep strategy and hilarious fun.