Link to full changelog due to character limitation:
Old saves are compatible but a new savegame is required for all of these changes to take full effect.
- Added Firearm Chance To Damage sandbox option, an experimental new method to calculate firearm hits, now based on the chance to damage. It is defaulted to be on, but the previous method remains available in Sandbox. Feedback is welcome on both for future balance.
- Chance-to-Damage: Each successfully aimed shot hits. The previous chance-to-hit calculation then determines if damage is dealt. This change aims to eliminate the frustration of missed shots and attempts to make every ranged attack feel more rewarding.
- Added ability to raise UI render FPS cap to 120, added 60 and 120 options. 60 is the new default.
- Added Purify Water recipe, it uses Water Purification Tablets to purify up to 1L of tainted water.
- Added blacksmithing recipes: Small Iron Bands; Iron Bands; Mace Heads; Spiked Clubs; Spear Heads; and Long Spear Heads.
- Added Report Bug button to MainScreen.lua which opens TIS bug report forum.
- Added Can Pipe.
- Added craftRecipe for forging the Large Hook item.
- Added recipe for carving Planks from a Large Branch.
- Added functions to to randomize an item's condition, headCondition, Sharpness, and all general conditions, to consistencize loot spawning in
- Added missing items and craftRecipes for Flax, Spinach, Sunflower and Tobacco seed packets.
- Added recipe for forging a Handguard Dagger.
- Added a sandbox setting, "Discomfort Modifier" that, similar to "Muscle Strain Factor", can be used to disable, reduce, or increase the discomfort effect provided by clothing items that provide discomfort.
- Added precautions against chickenpocalypse
- Added recipe for making twine using dogbane.
- Added a craftRecipe for carving short bats. Needed for spiked club and mace crafting.
- Added craftRecipes for splitting circular sawblades into halves (used for crafting some weapons) using a hacksaw, bandsaw, welding torch or forge.
- Added missing blacksmithing craftRecipe for forging buckles.
- Added craftRecipes for forging spiked baseball bats and cudgels.
- Added several new skill books, recipe magazines, and crafting tools, especially "bottleneck" items, to the foraging tables.
- Added some similar additions to the randomized world story item pools.
- Added recipes for turning an iron band into 4 small iron bands.
- Added a recipe for fixing saws and sawblades with a file
- Added a craftRecipe to get Long Sticks from Brooms and Mops.
- Added a sandbox setting that can be used to set the maximum hours of fuel a campfire, wood stove, charcoal bbq, etc can hold. This defaults to 8 hours.
- Added a carved wooden bucket item.
- Added Bundled Sterilized Rag item, can be bundled and unbundled through recipes.
- Updated Moodles.
- Updated Sounds
- Several mixing and polishing adjustments.
- Footstep sweeteners when walking over garbage on the floor.
- Added sounds for animals breaking down fences, log gates, grabbing eggs from hutch, milking animals.
- Added OpenBeerBottle sound to timedAction OpenBeerBottle.
- Microwave and oven UIs play the ToggleTemp sound when setting temperature.
- The oven ui on/off button plays the ToggleStove sound.
- ISKnob plays the KnobSwitch sound by default.
- Removed calls to play Hammering sound from code. Changed the implementation of the Hammering event associated with building, it is now triggered by the animation.
- Removed death-by-tree. Scratches no longer bleed. Erroneous lacerations taken out.
- Zombies climbing through windows now become visible when their head is visible.
- Doubled maintenance xp gain.
- Boiling water now 10x faster.
- Adjustments to safehouse loot.
- Previously survivalist safehouse stories would have better loot after 30 days have passed since the apocalypse; this has been changed to 10 days.
- Late stage loot now appears in safehouses and on survivalist zombies after 90 days, not 180.
- Safehouses will now spawn skill books, recipes, and firearms/ammunition more reliably.
- Halved the muscle strain gain from being over-encumbered. This only occurs when a character is encumbered enough to also take health damage from their encumbrance.
- Items with sharpness will now lose sharpness at half the rate they did previously.
- Nails will be transferred to main inventory before starting a Barricade action.
- Doubled the amount of clay from a bag.
- If it is too dark to read but the character is inside a vehicle it will be possible to read as long as the vehicle's battery has charge.
- Comics and Magazines will have less of a bias towards recent issues.
- Fixed a reference of "Ripped Sheet" instead of "Rag".
- Mild nudge-nerf to the sheet scrap metal baseball bat.
- Removed the Maintenance level requirements for the glass and toothbrush shiv recipes.
- Balanced sharpness reduction when chopping down trees.
- Bumped nutrition values on animal meat when butchering.
- Dead farm plants now display mouse-over tooltips and the Plant Information window.
- Rebalanced several cudgel weapons.
- Added the CanPipe item to the story to various clutter pools
- Limited numbers of "Hobo" outfit zombies can spawn in "Derelict" roomdefs
- Restored BeerEmpty and BeerCanEmpty as clutter items for several stories.
- Increased size of landscape flyers from 800x564 to 1616x1131 (same height as portrait flyers)
- Crafted clay cement can be used for building, not just concrete.
- Added items, recipes, and evolved recipes using forged cooking pot.
- Added copper saucepans to pasta and rice recipes.
- Reduced fatigue change for cola and soda fluids, from 5 to 2.
- Empty beer, pop, and tin cans can be used to boil water.
- Made some literature items unreadable
- Changed the category of several armor craftRecipes to armor.
- Lowered the amount of zombies in the Forest by 5
- Re-enabled Disinfect Bandage using hot water, added tooltip to inform it needs to be very hot.
- Both the Handy trait, and the Repairman profession, grant 1 level in the Carving skill
- Removed DangerousUncooked from ChickenNuggets and FishFingers.
- Allow challenge maps to specify the min/max zombies per chunk, so the spawn maps don't need to be recreated.
- Ordinarily, "normal" vehicles, being ones that don't have strong/specific theming such as Police vehicles, Ambulances, etc., but "normal"/"civilian"/"non-business" vehicles, have an 8% chance of having one of multiple special loot distributions if a list of special loot distributions is defined for that vehicle.
- Added the vehicle script field "specialLootChance", that, if defined, will set the % chance of a vehicle having the above special loot, if their special loot is properly defined.
- The camouflage trucks have a 16% chance of having special loot instead of a 8% chance, as above, now, using the specialLootChance field.
- The mural vans now have a specialLootChance of 80% so they should generally have more memorable loot than average.
- Added the vehicle script parameter "specialKeyRingChance".
- If a vehicle has defined special keyrings in their script, specialKeyRingChance will be used to determine if that vehicle key will spawn with that special key ring if a keyring is generated when that vehicle spawns.
- There are other ways vehicle keys can spawn (loot, zombies), in addition to keys spawning in the ignition, so this wouldn't cover every instance.
- Added a placeholder distribution table for some "outdoorsy" keyRings so they can spawn outdoorsy keyRing items (compasses, handiknives, P38 can openers) on them.
- The Lady Delighter van has a specialKeyRingChance of 100%.
- KeyRing type items will provide 85% weight reduction for their contents while they are in their "fake equipped state".
- KeyRings are already put into a fake-equipped state whenever they are in a character's main inventory, with their container icon buttons automatically appearing on the right-hand side of the character inventory window.
- The Hand Knife item can be put on a KeyRing.
- Pocketwatches can be put in a keyring.
- Made camouflage truck spawns more consistent.
- Changed the key spawning on zombies for buildings to utilize the better of two rolls, compared to the key spawning chance, to bump up building key spawns on them while still preserving the loot spawn setting functionality.
- Paint Bucket will use that specific name now, instead of just Bucket.
- Foraging: Clay will Spawn 2 to 4 items instead of just one.
- Increased the rarity of the rat king story.
- Characters with the Carpenter, Construction Worker, and Lumberjack Professions start the game with 1 level of Maintenance.
- Removed MakeSlugTrap from the Farmer profession bonus recipes; that recipe/item/mechanic didn't manage to make it into the game.
- The construction worker profession provides a +3 bonus to the Masonry skill.
- WaterDish and BucketWaterDebug now fill with rain.
- Removed the IgnoreZombieDensity tag from several firearm and ammunition containers because it was making them too rare; this is probably partially on account of default loot levels changing from 0.6 to 0.4 towards the end of internal testing.
- Changed the maximum fuel limit for campfires, fireplaces, and wood BBQs from 6 to 8 hours.
- Bandit outfit zombies with bags will sometimes have armor and weapon recipe magazines and schematics in those backs, but not always.
- Survivalist outfit zombie bags should contain more skill books, in tiers 1-3; previously they only could spawn tier 4 & 5 skill books.
- Vehicles that spawn in burnt parkingstall zones will evaluate as a vehicle trapped in a traffic jam for some key spawning purposes.
- Adjusted the sheetSlingBag capacity from 12 to 10 from feedback.
- Added the Pager and CordlessPhone items to the ground clutter item pool for the Rich Jerk road story.
- When knapping a Sharp Flint Flake from a Flint Nodule using the MakeSharpFlintFlake craftRecipe the character should sometimes, the chance being based on their level in the FlintKnapping skill, get a second Sharp Flint Flake.
- When a saxophone or trumpet breaks it should spawn the BrassScrap item on the character's square floor.
- Lavender, Poppy, and Rose seed packets can spawn in gardening baskets.
- Added flower seed packets to the loot that can spawn in gardener/landscaper vehicles.
- Adjusted the code for chopping down trees so more LargeBranches and Saplings will spawn.
- Modified the tree chopping code to be more generous, scaling by tree size, in possibly dropping branches and saplings. They also drop splinters, so you will always get tinder.
- Increased the amount of long sticks or saplings needed for a lean to shelter, for the foundation as per the tile sprites.
- Characters with the Veteran occupation/Desensitized trait, should be completely immune to panic.
- Pickup trucks, pickup van-trucks and cargo vans (but not passenger vans) have a 40% chance of having special loot instead of default loot, as they are working vehicles.
- Previously only StepVans could have Masonry special vehicle loot; now Vans, PickupTrucks and PickupTruckVans can have Masonry loot. This means more Masonry chisels spawn, alongside skill books.
- Stepvans now have an 80% chance of having special loot.
- Special vehicle loot includes a lot of crafting/skill/recipe resources.
- Adjusted the farming xp code so a player cannot get less than 0 xp from harvesting their own crop.
- Added a second set of pot/pan pasta/rice putting recipes that use the above FullOfWater flag to require the pot or pan to be full of water to add the pasta or rice without needing water from an exterior source.
- Some extra code for the Bandit Raid story so that if there is a vehicle there is a greater chance of the key spawning on one of the bandit zombies or in the vicinity.
- Double barrel shotguns can spawn as farm storage clutter.
- Added a recipe to smash stag skulls in order to get antlers.
- Changed "Carve Knapping Tool" into "Carve Knapping Tools" as you should get two of them from a set of antlers, and also increased the carving skill xp.
- Sometimes fireplaces can have Bellows and/or Tongs on their square, as well as fireplace pokers. Even though Tongs and Bellows can spawn in fireplaces, and in many other containers in the world, this providing another, visible, opportunity for these smithing items to spawn.
- Added some "new" items (newer than the story) to the Murder Scene story item clutter pool.
- Fixed "Key - IGUI_ConstructionSite".
- Changed the MakeFirecrakers recipe to accept Scissors by tag, and not only by type Base. Scissors.
- Insert Battery recipe now uses tags, keeps the flashlight/electric item instead of destroying it, so that adding items is easier, no longer needs an output mapper.
- Improvements to thirst normalization.
- Glasses, Hats, and Shoes that are added in stories and world randomization clutter should not be deleted by the player quality of life world item removal system for removing hats and glasses that fall off of zombies.
- Added AllowFavorite to a bunch of recipes.
- Added InheritFavorite to a bunch of recipes that AllowFavorite.
- Characters will only gain unhappiness from taking items from human corpses, and will no longer accumulate stress from the action. However players with fear of blood will still accumulate stress, scaling with how bloody the item is, when transferring items from a container, whether it is a human corpse or not.
- The CrushLimestone craftRecipe now is in the Masonry category and also grants Masonry xp.
- Added a similar craftRecipe, KnappLimestone, that also produces crushed limestone, but takes longer, uses knapping tools, and grants knapping xp.
- Both of these crafts don't have a skill level or learning requirement, and can be used to grind Masonry and Knapping xp from Limestone, which can be found lying around on the ground.
- Both the Stone Maul head and the Large Stone Axe head now need to be made from a Large Flat Stone, which also can be found lying on the ground. The Large Flat Stone can be used to build a couple of tiles (the grinding slab and stone cabinet), but it's a reasonable ingredient for both crafts and this gives the Large Flat Stone item more utility.
- Halved the neck strain from the sewing crafting timed action.
- Updated the improvised tent kit recipe to use the stick items that currently exist in the game, as it predated their existence.
- Break large stones craftRecipe no longer allows any hammer to be used; it requires a Club Hammer, Sledge, or Stone Maul to perform.
- Added Masonry xp to several masonry recipes; these are placeholder values and will need further adjustment alongside the recipes themselves.
- Added a recipe to Knapp Large Stone into Stones for Knapping xp training.
- Added the CanBeDoneFromFloor tag to several craftRecipe with heavy ingredients, such as logs are large stones.
- Increased the xp gained for several weapon craftRecipes.
- Fixed some issues with certain combinations of rooms and containers for loot spawning.
- Trailers will sometimes spawn with Masonry special loot in them.
- Trailers will always spawn with special loot in them, as a crafting source.
- Different kinds of scissors are more or less durable than other kinds of scissors.
- Tweaked distributions to address recipe magazine/skill book issues, as well as some items missing from the tables.
- Harvested Flint from Mineral Deposits will now have at least one Sharp Flint Flake in the yield; this is so players who just need a flint flake and not knapping xp can just get one.
- Similarly, Harvested Limestone from Mineral Deposits will have at least one Crushed Limestone in the yield.
- Added foraging stuff for Whittler and Wilderness Knowledge trait benefits.
- Some adjustment nerfs to the Ratchet Wrench and Tire Iron durability values.
- Short revolvers can sometimes spawn in purses and handbags.
- Boosted the spawns of Whetstones and added them to several new distribution tables so they have more opportunities to spawn.
- Boosted the spawns of Masonry Chisels and added them to several new distribution tables so they have more opportunities to spawn.
- More opportunities for Whetstones and Masonry Chisels to spawn.
- Home Alarms can be an electronics story clutter item.
- Relaxed the skill level and tool quality requirements for several "bottleneck recipes": heading tool; metalworking punch; masonry chisel; and masonry trowel.
- Butter now require 5L of milk instead of 0.5L.
- Relaxed the requirements to forge a Crude Saw (Crude Woodsaw).
- Fixed and added missing tooltips and recipe names. Renamed Crude Saw to Crude Woodsaw and Small Saw to Small Hacksaw for clarity
- Kitchen tongs can be used as "Crude Tongs" for some blacksmithing recipes; they'll also probably break after the first craft.
- Crude/Simple Wooden Tongs have a tooltip explaining that they will break when used for smithing tasks. This is how they work in real life.
- Crude/Simple Wooden Tongs can now be used as fire tinder and fuel.
- Added whetstones to the items that can spawn in fishing tackleboxes.
- Players with the speed demon trait will sometimes very rarely (1% of the time) spawn with a Speeding Ticket in their inventory.
- Consolidated the MakeCrudeKnife and Make_Stone_Knife craftRecipes into one recipe, MakeCrudeKnife.
- Belts can no longer be ripped with the general purpose rip denim/leather clothing recipes anymore, because the OnCreate function for those recipes would also produce a Buckle item when they were used to rip apart belts.
- Small iron bands can be produced by scrapping vehicles.
- Added a craftRecipes to forge the File and Auger Drill items.
- Added the Heading Tool as a requirement to craft the Metalworking Pliers.
- Added the Tongs items to some more distribution tables, the weight chances will likely need to be adjusted, but this item, like the Mason's Chisle & Trowel, needed more widespread opportunities to spawn.
- Removed the maxItemSize parameter for the cashbox item.
- Brussel Sprouts can be added to stir-fries and roasts.
- Added the Tongs and Masonry tools to more tables so they have more opportunities to spawn.
- All non-garage doors in Trashed and Looted house stories should be unlocked.
- Barricaded doors in Trashed and Looted house stories should not be smashed.
- Rope belts that a character crafts should only provide one left hotbar slot.
- If a character has a bleeding neck injury the bleeding moodle will be at it's maximum value; previously only the # of bleeding body parts, regardless of their severity, would affect the moodle level.
- Construction Worker vehicles can sometimes have wallpaper in their trunk/truck bed.
- Shiv weapons all require no more than 1 Maintenance to craft.
- The FlintNodule and Stone2 weapons are no longer Short Blunt; they aren't a skill-associated weapon anymore, and no weapon skills provide any benefit when using them.
- Changed the autoLearn mechanic for learning recipes to be more forgiving.
- The Simple Metal Knives/Crude Knives are more durable, not as durable as the long version, but close to it. Previously they were far less durable. Blade versions without a handle are less durable; affixing the handle serves as a shock absorber so there is less stress on the blade itself.
- Rebalanced the durability of the Multitool and Handiknife items; they were too fragile previously.
- Previously one craftRecipe, "SharpenBone" could be used to produce both small sharp bones and long sharp bones depending on what kind of bone was the input. Now they are two separate crafts, "SharpenBone" and "SharpenLongBone", with differing skill level requirements.
- Some minor nerfs to the durability and damage of the long sharp bone. Increased the xp gain for many bone-associated crafts.
- Added the sheet metal snips to some randomized world clutter item pools, foraging definitions, and attached weapon definitions to avoid bottlenecking them.
- The Brass Nameplate item can spawn as Antique loot in addition to desktop clutter.
- Added some new recipe magazines to the foraging tables.
- Food items is stories that are spawned in using the regular story item spawning functions should now be the proper age for how long it has been since the apocalypse; ie rotten if they can rot and it has been long enough.
- Old generator item is now significantly louder than the good/normal generators.
- The cheap blue ValueTech generator is also louder than good/normal generators, but not as loud as the old generator.
- Both kinds of generators already degrade at a faster rate than the good generators, the premium brand one also degrades slower.
- The Stone2 weapon was given the same pushback mod and lower damage values as the FlintNodule weapon.
- Both Stone2 and FlintNodule have a greater chance of being damaged when used for an attack.
- Both Stone2 and FlintNodule will should now drain approximately twice as much endurance as previously, and produce approximately twice as much muscle strain in the code.
- Both Stone2 and FlintNodule will do 2 damage to a door per strike versus 1 point of damage previously. They shouldn't be the worst possible weapon to use to beat down a door, and arguably might need a higher value.
- If a character has line of sight to a television and has a TV Remote equipped in one of their hands, they can perform appropriate interactions such as on/off or changing the volume from a distance instead of having to be adjacent to or walk to the TV.
- Credits to Skyzoo and for thinking of this before us :simple_smile:
- Added some missing options for cutting leather in half.
- Camping First Aid kits on store shelves should now be stocked.
- Reduced the RunSpeedModifier on the keepad items; they were placeholders as it's not currently functional, but also they were excessive.
- Added condition bars to some items.
- Made crafting a wooden toolbox slightly more relaxed regarding the ingredient requirements.
- Added sharpness property and condition bars to non-weapon scissors items (safety and medical).
- Set up some spawning opportunities for some new literature items.
- Some bottleneck items have more spawn opportunities and were added to the foraging tables.
- Added some scrap items to the bin junk distribution items; one of them has utility for smelting, and others were added to the game with the intention of them having similar future utility.
- Added some bottleneck items, Masonry tools, and Small Iron Bands to appropriate clutter item pools.
- Updated the boxed wine, and personal-sized cartons of milk and chocolate milk for the fluid system.
- Added functionality for the Small Hacksaw for several appropriate craft recipes.
- Medical Shears can be used instead of other tools for some craftRecipes involving cutting tin cans. They can do that in real life.
- Reduced the DoorDamage of the Kettle Maul weapons from 40 to 30.
- Increased the DoorDamage of the Bucket Maul from 40 to 50.
- More items, including several of the new "Broken [ITEM]" items, can be used to carve medium and small handles.
- Replaced the Trim Sapling craftRecipe with a more generic, tag-input based craftRecipe, "Carve Long Stick".
- Ice Hockey Sticks can be carved into Long Sticks.
- Relaxed the autoLearn requirements for all learnable knapping recipes; they should all be 1 level above the required level, aside from the stone awl that unlocks at the required level.
- Removed the maintenance level requirements for disassembling shafted implements.
- The survivor zombie and mob that spawn on roads will spawn in a more diffuse crowd than the tight little group they did previously.
- Masonry vehicles can spawn concrete powder in their trunks.
- Players can now open the world map in the dark if they are in a vehicle that has a battery charge over 0.
- Boosted the xp gain for several leather and hide crafting crafts.
- Some tweaks to bookstore loot.
- Added the AllowDestroyedItem to several craftRecipes for cutting bars in half so broken bars can cut in a half with a hacksaw etc. for 2 100% condition bar-halves.
- Added IsoAimingPosition check which includes targets within a threshold to the IsoReticle position. Improves aiming at crawlers in close proximity to the player character.
- Updated Refill Lighter recipe, removed unnecessary OnTest function and fixed it spawning an empty Lighter.
- Added Fleshing tool to Giga Mart and other butchering store locations.
- Updated recipe for Twine, it now needs 20 Dogbane items, a surface, and craft time increased from 140 to 180.
- Successful shotgun hits now grant Aiming XP once per shot, rather than for each pellet that hits
- Fixed black screen at start of the game and after "Click to Start" on some AMD GPUs.
- Fixed not being able to target animals properly. CombatManager::removeTargetObjects no longer removes IsoAnimal.
- Fixed IsoGameCharacter::hitConsequences() awarding Strength XP for Ranged Weapons
- Fixed IgnoreDamage awarding Weapon XP.
- Fixed character not always attacking a closer zed even with MultiHit on.
- Fixed not being able to open some seed packet types.
- Fixed 3D items sometimes become gigantic on use for a split second.
- Fixed drainable items losing uses after saving and loading.
- Fixed many snow tiles not rendering (snow-covered trees, for example).
- Fixed Watering Can not filling with rain.
- Fixed an exploit with cigarette carton packing craftRecipe.
- Fixed some sacks not having the proper tags so they could be ripped up.
- Fixed radio and tv shows not properly saving the lastBroadcastID and storing this data on load. This fixes players being able to rewatch a show by logging out and back in after the show ends.
- Fixed rendering of the player-at-cursor in DebugChunkState, and added a scale slider.
- Fixed attempting to slide a sitting zombie's head away from walls.
- Fixed WoodStake blocking movement like a west wall.
- Fixed blacksmith recipes that required Base.Charcoal instead of the Charcoal tag.
- Fixed boiling water not considering game speed.
- Fixed hutch being recreated at x-1. (fix for some metal through spawning inside hutch)
- Fixed some packing recipes not allowing for favorites.
- Fixed double animal's name rendering in their tooltip.
- Fixed aiming at vehicle with a melee weapon but not hitting reducing weapon's sharpness.
- Fixed low quality water causing a black shadow around bodies of water
- Fixed "Walk To" resetting the game speed to x1.
- Fixed bottles of disinfectant only having one use.
- Fixed alcohol fluid containers not disinfecting wounds.
- Fixed oddness when starting to exercise when crouching.
- Fixed item nametags sticking to cursor when the crafting menu is closed.
- Fixed campfire not boiling water if : add a pot > light campfire.
- Fixed issue with multibuild failing when multiple input items drawn from floor
- Fixed related recipes: Building Rain Barrel, Double Wooden Door, Spinning Wheel, Barbedwire Fence, Metal Stairs, Metal Wall, Metal WindowFrame.
- Fixed Packing Rags turning all rags dirty.
- Fixed the player losing health and getting muscle strain from heavy loads while sitting on furniture.
- Fixed ArmorMag4 having 2 duplicate codpiece recipes instead of having recipes for both the codpiece and a gorget.
- Fixed the sharp stone fragment being, incorrectly, in the weapon item type; it's not, it's a normal-type item. This would cause crashes when equipped.
- Fixed some new weapons incorrectly being Long Blunt and not Short Blunt.
- Fixed some undesired results when making spears.
- Fixed some weapons improperly being Short Blunt and not Long Blunt.
- Fixed female long-tooth necklace weights
- Fixed fluids improperly affecting stress when drunk.
- Fixed Loot respawn not occurring in basements and also in skyscrapers.
- Fixed building randomization and stash system stuff not accounting for z-levels below 0 and above 8.
- Fixed an error with shoulder armor recipes having inconsistent tailoring skill requirements.
- Fixed Bowl and Clay Bowl having inconsistent categories.
- Fixed error when clicking on antibiotics.
- Fixed layout of the transfer liquids UI (long container names didn't fit).
- Fixed campfires being destroyable by fire.
- Fixed buildRecipeCode error building stairs.
- Fixed Dried Jalapeno Peppers being able to rot.
- Fixed Metal Bandsaw's name on right click.
- Fixed every Thumpable which has canPathN/W not being transparent to building
- Fixed "Improvized Tent".
- Fixed Favorited flashlights not allowing batteries to be inserted.
- Fixed glitchy model rendering affecting mods due to not-normalized bone weights.
- Fixed CorpseDropByLegs sound not playing for face-down zombies.
- Fixed HeadSlice sound playing when a vehicle kills a zombie while the driver has a Katana (or other long-bladed weapon) equipped.
- Fixed several smithing magazines having obsolete references to craftRecipe names with spaces and not underscores in them.
- Fixed forging a Corkscrew not consuming a small handle.
- Fixed an issue with the Occult Activity story and added some more randomization and potential items to it.
- Fixed broken branches having too high of a maximum condition.
- Fixed creating debuglog.ini file for logging
- Fixed error with trunk access with Beckman's building van.
- Fixed undesired behaviour with IsEmpty/IsFull inputFlags in some circumstances where it was only evaluating for fluids if an input was explicitly a fluid input, whereas the intention was for evaluating InventoryItem inputs for some fluid cases.
[ 2025-01-21 20:17:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Project Zomboid Linux Depot [1.41 G]
In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defences and do their utmost to delay their inevitable death day by day. No help is coming – their continued survival relies on their own cunning, luck and ability to evade a relentless horde.
Current Features
- Hardcore Sandbox Zombie Survival Game with a focus on realistic survival.
- Online multiplayer survival with persistent player run servers.
- Local 4 player split-screen co-op
- Hundreds of zombies with swarm mechanics and in-depth visual and hearing systems.
- Full line of sight system and real-time lighting, sound and visibility mechanics. Hide in the shadows, keep quiet and keep the lights off at night, or at least hang sheets over the windows.
- Vast and growing map (loosely based on a real world location) for you to explore, loot and set up your fortress. Check out Blindcoder’s map project:
- Use tools and items to craft weapons, barricade and cook. You can even build zombie proof forts by chopping trees, sawing wood and scavenging supplies.
- Deal with depression, boredom, hunger, thirst and illness while trying to survive.
- Day turns to night. The electricity falters. Hordes migrate. Winter draws in. Nature gradually starts to take over.
- Farming, trapping, fishing, carpentry, cooking, trapping, character customization, skills and perks that develop based on what you do in-game.
- Proper zombies that don’t run. (Unless you tell them to in the sandbox menu).
- A ton of amazing atmospheric music tracks by the prodigy that is Zach Beever.
- Imaginative Challenge scenarios and instant action ‘Last Stand’ mode, on top of regular Sandbox and Survival
- Full, open and powerful Lua modding support.
- Xbox Controller Gamepad support on Windows. [Others pads can be set up manually. Gamepad support not currently available on Mac]
We’re a small team at the moment, but we’re also committed to providing the following:Planned Features:
- The return of our PZ Stories mode that also serves as first ever tutorial actively trying to kill you at every turn. Kate and Baldspot return!
- In-depth and varied NPC encounters driven in a persistent world, powered by a metagame system that turns each play-through into your very own zombie survival movie with emergent narrative gameplay.
- Constant expansion of the countryside and cities around Muldraugh and West Point
- Full wilderness survival systems, animals and hunting for food.
- More items, crafting recipes, weapons and gameplay systems.
- Steam Workshop and Achievements support
For more details on the game follow us on @theindiestone or visit
A huge thanks to the wonderful MathasGames and Dean Cutty for making the awesome intro video. If you love indie games their channels are well worth a sub.
- Processor: Intel 2.77GHz Quad-core Ubuntu LTS 16.04/Steam Machine. Requires Libgcc 6 or higherMemory: 8Gb RamHard Disk Space: 5gigVideo Card: Dedicated graphics card with 2 GB of RAM minimum. OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.2 support (generally 2012 or newer) Sound: FMOD compatible sound card
- Memory: 8Gb RamHard Disk Space: 5gigVideo Card: Dedicated graphics card with 2 GB of RAM minimum. OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.2 support (generally 2012 or newer) Sound: FMOD compatible sound card
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