We're happy to announce that demo for Hollow is now available for you to play and test out! Our goal is to create games side-by-side with our community and use player's feedback to improve your game experience. We want you to take part in creating our games and every suggestion will be valuable for us :) Download the demo version and discover fantastic new worlds created especially for you! (Please keep in mind that this is a demo for BETA VERSION of the game so the final product may vary). If you're interested in the future release don't forget to add Hollow to your whishlist! Visit the following thread where you can leave your feedback and report bugs (there will be a little surprise for the best bug hunters! ;) ). Hollow discussion page ----------------------------------- Już jest - demo gry Hollow na Steam! Z wielką radością informujemy, że demo gry Hollow jest już dostępne do pobrania i wypróbowania na platformie Steam. Naszym celem jest tworzenie gier wraz z naszymi graczami - wasze uwagi i opinie są niezmiernie dla nas ważne! Chcemy, byście byli częścią procesu powstawania gier już od wczesnych jego etapów bo wasz głos się liczy :) Pobierzcie demo ze Strony Steam i odkryjcie fantastyczne historie, które dla was przygotowaliśmy! (Miejcie proszę na uwadze, że jest to demo WERSJI BETA więc produkt końcowy może się różnić). Jeśli chcecie być na bieżąco ze wszystkimi nowościami dotyczącymi gry Hollow nie zapomnijcie dodać jej do waszej listy życzeń na Steam! Odwiedźcie również nasze forum, gdzie możecie podzielić się swoją opinią po zagraniu w demo oraz zgłosić wszystkie błędy znalezione podczas rozgrywki :) (Dla najlepszych "poszukiwaczy błędów" mamy również przygotowaną niespodziankę!) Hollow - dyskusja na forum
[ 2017-05-19 13:32:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The Dolls LINUX [310 M]
However, a skillful toy business brought interest in the old style of toys and began production in the factory. They began to rebuild the old factory, bringing in new parts. Production began churning out shiny new dolls of every kind. The remnants of before were swept into closets or tucked under the old machinery, out of sight and out of mind. The owner said that competitors were behind the rumors that some of the construction workers had disappeared on projects after dark.
Youíve been hired to keep watch on the factory at night and see that the automatic machines stay running. As your boss walks out the door leaving you with your company issued flashlight, he says, ďOh, and don't worry about those noises. We're sure it's nothing.
- Controlled Camera Angles
- Limited Movement that enhances the experience
- Tight Angles that limited what you see and what lurks in the shadows
- Enemies that move via sound
- Randomized Enemies in each game-play, keeping each game fresh
- Enemies that teleport at will
- Camouflage (Enemies that use items around to hide)
- Power System that drains when you use to much
- Time System that acts as a survival tool
- Lighting System that helps you survive enemies
- OS: Ubuntu 12.4
- Processor: 2 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 2 GB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 2 GB available space
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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