An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed a compatibility issue that was causing a crash on Linux clients.
[ 2025-02-05 22:18:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed exploits used to crash remote servers.
[ 2025-01-17 21:16:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed some exploits used to crash remote servers.
[ 2024-12-02 19:55:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Left 4 Dead 2 celebrates its 15th anniversary this weekend by going free-to-play until November 18th. Jump in for the first time to battle zombie hordes with your friends, or come back for the opportunity to finally earn the "Good Guy Nick" achievement!
[ 2024-11-14 22:21:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed several crash and remote code execution exploits. - Fixed a crash on some NVIDIA graphics cards when shader detail is set to High.
[ 2024-10-24 20:58:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Player connect message is no longer networked to clients, to prevent exposing player IP addresses.
[ 2024-07-26 21:47:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed a regression that blocked taking screenshots.
[ 2024-06-26 17:09:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed a memory leak exploit in lobby chat. - Prevent running arbitrary script code on a remote server. - Prevent a network exploit that gave the client access to server settings. - Implementation example for a new beta feature in Steam.
[ 2024-06-25 18:57:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed an exploit that could block a player from connecting to any game, whether online or local. - Fixed two exploits that used invalid content to crash the game or prevent it from loading. - Fixed a memory leak when rejecting invalid content.
[ 2024-06-04 22:14:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed a bug that prevented the community server list from appearing.
[ 2024-05-26 18:17:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed two exploits that could remotely crash servers. - Fixed music not playing at the main menu on Linux.
[ 2024-05-14 16:35:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed another exploit where malicious network packets could severely degrade server performance. - Fixed a client exploit that could cause long server stalls. - Fixed a potential crash if a Charger failed to return to valid nav for an extended period of time. - Fixed a rare hang from ray traces encountering NaN values.
[ 2024-04-23 15:30:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Blocked an exploit that could forcibly disconnect a player from any server, even when playing a local game.
[ 2024-04-12 16:36:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed two exploits that could crash remote servers. - Fixed missing lobby state messages. - Fixed community server searches not always returning the full set of lowest-ping results.
[ 2024-03-26 17:52:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Improved the reliability of "mm_dedicated_force_official_servers" to find the lowest ping server across the supplied IPs.
[ 2024-03-13 15:51:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed several matchmaking lobby exploits. - The cvar "mm_dedicated_force_servers" now only applies to lobbies with the "Best Available Dedicated" server type as originally intended - for all other lobby types the cvar is ignored. Lobby leaders who wish to force official dedicated server selection due to location or network issues should use the new cvar "mm_dedicated_force_official_servers", which only pulls from available official dedicated servers at the requested IPs.
[ 2024-03-11 16:40:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed an exploit where reliable network fragments could stall out a server indefinitely. - Re-enabled uploads by default so sprays will work again.
[ 2024-02-29 18:50:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed a degenerate case where malformed network packets could delay processing the remainder of the stream, severely impacting server performance.
[ 2024-02-22 20:47:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed possible corruption of the unreliable network stream during high network loads. - Increased default command limits to prevent spurious disconnects.
[ 2024-02-21 00:16:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Added protections against malformed network packets. - Reduced server-side command limits per client. - Fixed a regression in script handling of regular expressions. - Fixed several vulnerabilities and exploits reported via HackerOne.
[ 2024-02-07 19:39:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed several vulnerabilities and exploits reported via HackerOne.
[ 2024-01-17 19:37:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. Tank Run mutation fixes based on feedback from Tank Run community groups: - Removed auto-revive. - Re-enabled water slowdown. - Re-enabled crawling when incapped. - Lowered revive health to 40. - Revive duration set to 3 seconds. - Fixed issue where Tanks deleted by triggers were still counted as alive. - Starting the two extra generators in Sacrifice finale will now decrease the finale timer by 30 seconds and spawn a Tank for each generator. - Fixed issue where Tanks wouldn't spawn if some players were still connecting.
[ 2023-08-31 16:24:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed several exploits reported via HackerOne. - Fixed controller navigation in some menus. - Fixed not being able to open the train door in Crash Course when playing the Tank Run Mutation. - Only the original attacker gets credited for damage caused by exploding props. - Restored the knife's original horizontal swing trajectory. - Fixed incorrect instructor lesson bindings for the Tank. - Fixed LDR skybox rendering on low shader settings. New response criteria: - "TankActive"- 0 means no Tank aggro, 1 means Tank is aggro. - "Chapter" - 0 is first map of mission. New Script Functions: - "AreAllSurvivorsInBattlefield" - Returns true if all Survivors are in the battlefield - "GetClosestCharacterWhoIsIT" - Returns the closest character who is IT - "GetClosestSurvivor" - Returns the closest Survivor to the passed origin - "GetHighestFlowSurvivor" - Returns the Survivor with the highest flow - "GetLowestFlowSurvivor" - Returns the Survivor with the lowest flow - "GetRandomSurvivor" - Returns a random Survivor Maps and Mutations: Dead Center Map 1: - Restored window clip-hang bugs that were patched with TLS to re-allow access to the rooftop in Coop mode. - Versus: Tank will now only spawn after Survivors have exited the elevator, and no later than leaving the kitchen. Map 3: - Blocked a stuck spot at vending machine alternative path. Dark Carnival Map 1: - Patched a rarer stuck spot at the swamp's cargo container. - Patched an elaborate SI out of bounds exploit. Map 5: - Addressed some issues with "THE MAIN ATTRACTION" Achievement by adding more triggers so it no longer fails if any Survivor disconnects or goes idle while on stage. Swamp Fever Map 1: - Patched janky ladder near the ferry event. - By popular community request the TLS Swamp gator is now canonically named Fred. Map 2: - Blocked a stuck spot behind some rocks at the start near the parachutist. - Blocked a stuck spot on a cypress knee near the parachutist area dock. Map 3: - Blocked stuck spots at two sets of cypress knees around the event start area. - Versus: Blocked a stuck spot for SI behind a bush to the left of the first bridge upon entering the water. - Versus: Blocked a stuck spot for SI in the bush near the lantern/event start. - Versus: Improve SI clipping of first ladder outside saferoom to allow drop through a large gap. - Versus: Moved a TLS Infected ladder out of the Survivor's way at the start. Map 4: - Versus: Blocked a stuck spot for SI behind a bush in the back of the enclosed hedge area. Hard Rain Map 2: - Restored a shortcut that was patched with TLS; instead fixed the soft-lock where Survivors cannot progress if one player skipped the elevator. The Parish Map 2: - Eliminate a stuck spot that a previous ladder patch created. Map 3: - Versus: New ladder in far corner of manhole drop area to fix stuck . Map 4: - Versus: Reduced a jet strike trigger after the balcony drop that previously dealt 25 damage per touch (75 total) to Survivors, down to only 2 damage per touch to behave like the other triggers. The Passing Map 1: - Blocked a stuck spot in a corner behind a floodlight in the top floor after the alarm cars. Map 2: - Fixed collision issue with clips on the stairs by the saferoom that caused noticeable teleporting when not on a local server. The Sacrifice Map 2: - Versus: Delete func clip that blocks SI access into end closet. No Mercy Map 1: - Lift anti-grief kill trigger off the ground to prevent an incap glitch. - Versus: Add clip to patch a ladder shortcut at the start. Map 2: - All sets of railings will now appear for all players regardless of graphics settings. Crash Course Map 1: - Block rare stuck spot between the box wreck and traffic light. Map 2: - Clip to prevent gas cans from falling between finale buses. Death Toll Map 3: - Blocked a stuck spot at the top of a rock cliff cluster just after the church bus. - Blocked a stuck spot between the cliff rocks and the right side of the mandatory house. - Versus: Fixed an SI stuck spot on the barricade by the church. Dead Air Map 3: - Updated clip brushes and navmesh to allow SI players onto a previously blocked pipe that has an Infected ladder leading up to it. - Updated clip brushes and navmesh so that Survivors may now enter the hallway next to the end saferoom, which was blocked by a roof clip in the port from L4D1. Map 4: - Fix SI player and AI stuck spot inside the end rubble. Blood Harvest Map 2: - Versus: Fixed SI stuck beyond the end of tunnel just before end safe room. Map 3: - Fix rare stuck spot in starting saferoom for SI only. - Stuck in tree near shed. Map 4: - Versus: Patched fence Infected ladder next to lawnmower room. Cold Stream Map 2: - Fix stuck next to military truck leading to barricade. - Fix two stuck spots behind the long hedges on the right of after the military truck leading to barricade. - Fix a regression with easy event skip clip and a stuck clip nearby. Map 3: - Enlarged a stuck clip to fully fix it. The Last Stand Map 2: - Simplified finale difficulty scaling so it is now only increased on Advanced and Expert difficulties rather than scaling each difficulty differently; the intention is to curb player fatigue and confusion in addition to bringing it more in line with expectations from other finales. - Lowered the number of required gas cans in Single Player by 25% to help compensate for only having bot teammates; Easy/Normal difficulty now require 6, and Advanced/Expert difficulty now require 9. - The gas can requirement in Multiplayer modes now increases by 1.5x per difficulty; Easy/Normal difficulty now require 8, and Advanced/Expert difficulty now require 12. - Versus: Fixed an out of bounds exploit to get under a cliff side. - Versus: Fixed a stuck spot between a tree cluster and Versus-only fence at the cliff that overlooks the beach. Tank Run: - The first map of a Campaign will now spawn two Tier 1 weapons near the start area if no other Tier 1's are nearby. - Car alarms will now spawn a Tank if triggered. - Disabled water slowdown for all maps. - Set Survivor revive health to 50. - Added auto self-revive mechanic with a delay based on the "survivor_revive_duration" Cvar (default 5 seconds). - Slight buff to pistol and melee damage against the Tank. - Fixed issue where the sacrificing player would get auto-revived after restarting the generator. - Fixed issue where the finale would result in a failed screen if players that jumped off of the bridge to restart the generator got incapped. - Fixed issue where players going idle, switching characters or leaving the game would break the auto-revive for that Survivor. - Fixed issue if a Tank was deleted while being biled, it would break the script. - Fixed issue where Tanks would not retain their slowdown when biled, if they were hit with another vomit jar while already being biled. - Fixed issue where Survivors could get instantly revived when hit with a car. Death's Door: - Enabled heartbeat sound when under 25% health. - Enabled B&W state when at 1 permanent HP. - Fixed heartbeat sound when taking over bot. - Fixed Fallen Survivors being able to drop medkits. - Fixed temporary health decay in the safe room, loading players will no longer decay temp health. - Defibrillator now heals 1 permanent - 99 temporary HP (still B&W). - Safe room respawn now heals 24 permanent - 26 temporary HP (only heartbeat sound). - Safe room transition now heals 80% of the missing HP to half health of living Survivors, e.g. 1 to 40 (no health effects). - Fixed an issue that caused the mission to fail for Sacrifice type finales when the player presses the final button. Versus Survival: - Thickened clips and other map-specific fixes to dramatically reduce stuck spawns. - Made it auto-trigger any outputs on the entity used to start Survival if the pre-round timer expires. Taaannnk!!: - Thickened clips and other map-specific fixes to dramatically reduce stuck Tank spawns. - Players no longer need to wait for incapped Survivors in order to progress at areas like elevators. L4D1 Coop & Survival & Versus: - Set the claw viewmodels for the L4D1 SI to the proper L4D1 models for L4D1 Versus. - Disabled water slowdown for L4D1 Survival. - Defibrillators now convert to pain pills instead of medkits; previously, when converted to medkits the game kept trying to spawn more defibs which led to an over-saturation of medkits. - Changed noise levels for running and talking to their values from L4D1; this will make it slightly harder for Common Infected to notice Survivors, like their L4D1 counterparts. - Changed to use much more accurate L4D1-like looking ragdolls.
[ 2023-08-22 16:54:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed console chat regression from previous update.
[ 2023-05-19 16:14:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed a regression that caused some scripted special zombie spawns to fail. Fixes Tank Run mutation.
[ 2023-05-18 19:51:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed several crash and RCE exploits, all reported via HackerOne.
[ 2023-05-18 18:05:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Update to DXVK Version 2.0 - Fixed potential exploit to remotely crash servers
[ 2022-11-19 00:31:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Fixed a shader crash with Vulkan on Intel. - Fixed a crash on Linux at the main menu. - Fixed text corruption in the Mutations menu on Linux. - Return the model index from script precache calls. - Added script function "GetModelIndex"
[ 2022-09-09 17:47:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
And update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed a long-standing issue where scripts would randomly fail to load, leading to a variety of game-breaking bugs including missing crescendo events and finales that end instantly. Thanks to the community members who helped target specific server instances for investigation.
[ 2022-04-14 18:59:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed chat text scale at high resolutions. - Added a menu option to disable controller vibration. - Added the missing grenade binding for Xbox controllers. - Hid controller icons in the HUD by default.
[ 2022-02-23 17:58:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2 game and Authoring Tools. - Prevent a crash when creating a depth render target texture with multiple frames - Interface and HUD updates for Steam Deck - Enabled rumble effects through Steam Input - Updated Steam API
[ 2022-02-01 19:37:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Improved dedicated server searches to return lower-ping servers closer to the lobby leader's local region.
[ 2021-12-09 17:40:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes in this update: - Fixed some incorrect disconnect messages. - Blocked an exploit that could be used to crash servers. - Added a Mulitplayer Option to disable sprays to prevent other players' sprays from appearing on your client. - Temp files are removed from disk after each session. Use "l4d_delete_temp_files 0" to disable this.
[ 2021-10-04 18:25:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update next week will contain a change that clears temp directories when you exit the game. This will delete any spray files that have been downloaded from other players during the session. If you do not want your temp files to be deleted, you can set "l4d_delete_temp_files 0" to disable it. In the meantime, if you're really attached to your spray collection, you may want to copy them somewhere safe now in case you forget to set the convar next week.
[ 2021-10-01 17:23:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2 - Fixed several more RCE exploits. - Fixed a network exploit that could crash servers - Fixed a networking error when using the defibrillator - Fixed rendering errors when underwater
[ 2021-08-20 15:55:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2 - Fixed splitscreen break. One of the RCE attack vectors fixed in the previous update crossed paths with splitscreen connections. The exploit is still fixed, but splitscreen connections are now allowed to proceed as usual.
[ 2021-07-09 02:02:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2. - Fixed a crash when skipping the intro movie with a controller - Set FOV value as archived - Inverted brightness slider to be more intuitive - Fixed a crash caused by an out-of-bounds memory write in the common infected shader - Improved performance of "IsL4D1Campaign" query, and exposed the call to script - Water slowdown is disabled only when playing L4D1 Versus or L4D1 Coop mutations in original L4D1 maps. New script variable "WaterSlowsMovement" can manage the feature for other custom modes. - Numerous security and exploit fixes
[ 2021-07-08 16:06:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed file path for CricketBat.Miss sound event.
- Fixed muzzle flash occurring if you melee immediately after shooting.
- Fixed a crash on zero-byte VPKs.
- Fixed a startup crash on Linux.
- Fixed some memory leaks in VGUI.
- Fixed text corruption when using emojis in player names or text.
- Fixed some text corruption related to UTF-8 conversion in some instances on Linux.
- Fixed some out-of-bounds reads with weapon indices.
- Fixed fps_max being reset when loading a new map.
- Fixed custom maps with no lights disabling lighting for the rest of the play session (mat_fullbright).
- Fixed addon info being truncated much earlier on Linux.
- Fixed selecting certain audio/video options via navigation via arrow keys or controller.
- Fixed Widowed (No Border) option on Linux.
- Fixed a crash if a script call to QueueSpeak() didn't pass any modifiers.
- Fixed a possible crash if a script-defined forbidden target is destroyed.
- Rebuilt gas can physics to fix an issue with falling through the world.
- Fixed an issue in Rocket Dude with a player getting moved to spectator after a level transition.
- Fixed two malformed player clips in c4m1 and c4m5.
- Fixed some incorrect place names in Cold Stream nav.
- Restored some missing commentary entities in c5m5.
Features and Updates
- Added a Vulkan render backend (currently accessible through the -vulkan command line parameter).
- Better support for ultrawide monitors in the UI and game (requires Vulkan if using Linux)
- Marked the game as DPI-aware for high DPI displays.
- Improved default settings for window size and type.
- Improved full-screen quad rendering performance.
- Made captions anti-aliased
- Marked fps_max and viewmodel_fov as FCVAR_RELEASE.
- Cvars 'survivor_incap_health' and 'survivor_incap_decay_rate' can now be changed after startup.
- New cvar 'charger_pz_claw_damage'; functions the same as equivalent melee cvars for other specials.
- New archived cvar "addons_hide_conflict_dialog" suppresses the warning dialog in the addons screen. Any conflicting addons will still be highlighted in red with conflicts printed to the console.
- Added an FOV slider to the Multiplayer settings.
- Added a+bench_demo [name]
[ 2021-06-15 16:51:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Quick Match option for all modes allows players to prefer "Official Servers Only" or "Any Servers"
- Added localized UI and subtitles for Vietnamese
- Increased string commands per second limit to fix some false disconnects
- Prevent manually initiating some talker responses that trigger longer conversations
- Fixed color correction for some maps where it was missing or incorrect
- Fixed melee animation while carrying a fireworks crate
- Fixed M60 not using the correct walk calm animation
- MP5 changed to the slightly better rifle reload animation
- SG552 changed to use assault rifle animations and military sniper zoom animations
- Fixed incorrect sound cue for player infected when a survivor dies
- Changed some mob onslaughts to classic panic events in the L4D mutation
- Boomer bile slows tanks in Tank Run mutation
- Several Rocket Dude mutation fixes and performance improvements
- New survivor alert response rules for intense combat situations
- Scripting:
Fire the "KilledZombie" response concept when killing a Witch.
New "EntityOutputs" class containing functions to manipulate entity output connections.
GetNumElements, GetOutputTable, HasOutput, HasAction, AddOutput, RemoveOutput
Expanded response rules testbed.
[ 2021-02-18 22:17:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Valve recently requested that German authorities re-evaluate the game Left 4 Dead 2. We are happy to let you know that as a result the uncut international version of Left 4 Dead 2 is now available to our customers in Germany. Owners of the game in Germany can download this free DLC to update the game if you wish to do so. Thanks, The Steam Team
[ 2021-01-28 22:15:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed survival stats getting reported during demo playback
- Fixed response rules "campaign" criteria not recognizing DLC campaigns
- Enabled stats reporting for CS weapons
- Fixed some caption colors
- Updated Spanish translations
- Fixed talker typo
- Script Functions:
"ForceVersusStart" to force start the versus round.
"ForceSurvivalStart" to force start the survival round.
"ForceScavengeStart" to force start the scavenge round.
"QueueSpeak" (hEntity, szConcept, flDelay, szCriteria) to queue a speech concept
"RushVictim" (hVictim, flRange ) to force all common zombies in range to rush the victim. If hVictim isn't set, a random survivor will be chosen.
[ 2020-12-18 17:45:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Global: "LocalTime" Fills out a table with the local time
- Player: "IsSuppressingFallingDamage" returns true if falling damage is currently suppressed for the player
- Run optional script "response_testbed_addon.nut" for all active addons
- Don't report addon file collisions for "sound.cache"
- Fixed talker typos
- Minor fixes to RocketDude and Taaaank! Mutations
- Enabled game stats reporting for DLC content
- Removed a legacy vpk loading path that allowed malformed vpks to crash the game.
[ 2020-12-08 17:24:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
Script additions:
- Added "Inflictor" field to damage table for "AllowTakeDamage"
- Director function "WarpAllSurvivorsToCheckpoint"
- Director function "WarpAllSurvivorsToBattlefield"
- Director function "WarpAllSurvivorsToFinale"
- Updated RocketDude mutation to version 1.7.
- Fixed some typos in talker scripts.
[ 2020-12-01 19:46:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Honorary achievement for Gnome Chompski's upcoming journey into space on Rocket Lab's "Return To Sender" mission.
[ 2020-11-19 03:06:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a regression that caused map exploit fixes to appear in co-op modes again.
[ 2020-11-04 21:39:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed The Last Stand's Village Scavenge map not having any weapons.
- Recompiled common infected materials to fix visual errors on Linux.
- Removed alarm glass from a non-alarm car.
- Fixed Special Infected being able to trigger the helicopter flyover when leaving the bumper car building on Dark Carnival Barns.
- c7m1 and c12m5: Fixed a few nav issues that caused tanks to get stuck.
- c1m1: Marked all areas outside of building on ground as not allowing any spawns.
- c11m5: Marked a few areas near the plane crash fire as no-threat to prevent tanks from spawning too close to the fire.
[ 2020-11-03 23:14:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a long-standing ragdoll crash, caused by stale bone data after toggling addons that override common infected models.
[ 2020-10-22 17:25:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a crash when decoding bones.
- Fixed a mesh error when drawing the crosshair with colorblind mode active.
- Fixed a double-add of the client shadow manager restore function.
- Fixed mode-only addons sometimes getting removed on map load.
- Fixed some military sniper activity names.
- Changed crowbar and pitchfork to slash damage only.
- "AllowFallenSurvivorItem" can be called outside of mutations.
- Talker and survival updates.
[ 2020-10-21 18:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
Last Stand:
- Fixed ammo pile in Junkyard not spawning on second round of Versus.
- Fixed exploit where the trigger used to quiet the Director could be activated after the finale started.
- Fixed an issue where Fallen Survivors could still drop medkits on Riverbank.
- Fixed issue where several weapon spawners would absorb dropped weapons on Barge.
Tank Run:
- Fixed an issue in Scavenge finales that prevented the escape vehicle from working.
- The Sacrifice finale will now spawn Tanks properly and the bridge will lower when the timer reaches 0.
- Fixed players ending up with no viewmodel and no avatar by rejoining a game where any survivor already left the safe room.
- Added support for custom playground maps ( a guide will provided by ReneTM ).
- Fixed players not instantly dying when jumping into c14m1 safe room water area.
- Fixed players not instantly dying when jumping into c14m2 finale water.
- Lowered slow motion probability from 10% to 5% as requested by many players.
- Fixed RocketDude decals sometimes not showing up.
- Fixed new best times not saving.
- Added Start and finish textures.
- Updated several Mutations to fix the issue where the weapons in Whitaker's Gun Store weren't being removed or converted.
- Fixed tanks failing to spawn in versus on No Mercy 3 (at 90+% boss flow).
- Fixed tanks spawning before the finale on No Mercy 5.
- Fixed a few stuck Special Infected issues on survival maps.
- Fixed setting the input mode to joystick/Steam Input.
- Increased command limit before causing a disconnect.
- Fixed some reported model crashes.
[ 2020-10-14 20:14:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed "New Haircut" achievement to not allow club-type melee weapons.
- Additional prevention of getting disconnected when spamming the scroll wheel.
- In Survival mode, if a special infected reports as stuck for more than two minutes it will suicide.
- Compiled captions and subtitles from dlc1.
- Fixed a couple instances where tank could spawn outside the warp check zone (but was intended to be warped)
- Added nav in ground in outer areas so that throwing a bile out there doesn't cause infected to just stand around.
- Blood Harvest 2 Warehouse Survival: shortened a nav blocker next to some stairs.
- Check for Realism in addition to Coop base mode for all exploit fixes to prevent some shortcut fixes from spawning in Realism Coop.
- Moved 64 exploit blocks to Versus-only, most notably Dark Carnival 3 Coaster, Parish 5 Bridge and Dead Air 2 Crane.
Rocket Dude:
- removed PlayerUnderWater()
- added Speedrunner stats ( local use only )
- improved script performance
- fixed script enabling glows for projectiles on multiple ticks
- removed obsolete code precaching an early dev model
Tank Run:
- During the finale, the double-Tank spawns are now set to 40 seconds instead of the normal 20 second timer.
- Increased max ghost spawn timers to 24 seconds.
- Fixed witches time to kill on incapacitated survivors being faster than intended - it should now take the same time as pre-update.
- Cane Field: Moved the ammo pile on the roof slightly.
- Float: Removed the ammo pile inside the house at the bottom of the stairs.
- Generator Room: Fixed ZombieDiscardRange not working properly.
- Crash Course Bridge: Marked nav areas behind a fence as NO MOBS.
- Gun Store: Clipped exploit area above barricades where infected wouldn't path to the Survivors.
- Cold Stream Junkyard: Removed alarmed car that's out-of-map.
- Terminal: Fixed ZombieSpawnRange not working properly.
- Waterfront: Blocked additional nav areas in an alley to prevent the Tank from getting stuck.
Versus Survival:
- The train door will now automatically open when the countdown timer reaches 0 on Train Car.
- Fixed issue where survivor bots refused to path through the kitchen fire area.
- Moved an exposed stairwell hurt trigger down inside a vending machine to stop it from killing players.
- Fixed a forklift being breakable by survivors
- Slightly adjusted an infected ladder to improve usability
c4m1 + c4m4:
- Blocked survivor access to a rooftop next to the playground commonly used to grief
- Added a ladder from map 2/3 for consistency between maps and to help players who fall off the safe room roof
- Added an infected ladder to get out of a stuck spot
- Added a hittable dumpster behind the bathrooms in the park
- Replaced a prop ladder on top of the bus station with an infected ladder
- Replaced a prop ladder with an infected ladder (behind the fence immediately after survivors drop towards the cemetery)
- Added an extra ladder to the above mentioned fence
- Fixed grenade launcher spawns having an incorrect count.
- Added a clip to prevent players movement being obstructed by a ladder near the car alarm
- Added wrong way signs above the greenhouse safe room
Last Stand:
- Fixed rescue closet spawns in the Junkyard so Survivors don't get stuck in the floor or wall.
[ 2020-10-02 16:47:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Reoriented some of the new HUD images
- Updated several nav meshes based on feedback
- Fixed a bug where a door model was lacking prop data
- Fixed spontaneous muzzle flashes on certain rifles when playing online
- Adjusted knife's attack delay
- Fixed c10m3 versus survival tank spawn issue
- Fixed stuck spots on a few survival maps
- Various other fixes to the nav mesh from feedback
- Fixed a typo in one of the new shotgun sounds
- Fixed material sorting issues with skin mods on Molotov world model
- Only award "Fat Ninja" for a direct vomit attack, not a boomer explosion.
- Fixed "Golden Freeman" not awarding pickups on dedicated servers.
- Award survival medals to the entire team, including dead players.
- Fixed "The Big Ten" and "Supreme Survivalist" not unlocking on dedicated servers.
- Only award "The Last Frontier" on the Last Stand campaign.
- Don't award Survival achievements in Versus Survival and vice-versa
- Waterfront - Removed cars outside the playable area to prevent infected from getting stuck.
- Generator Room - Increased ZombieDiscardRange.
- Church - Removed Laser Sights.
- Streets - Swapped the Military Sniper and the Ammo Pile spawns around.
- Warehouse - Removed mortar bags from under some stairs.
- Cold Stream Junkyard - Removed Laser Sights.
Versus Survival:
- Made it so the plane crash will trigger if the countdown timer reaches 0 on Runway.
- The Save 4 Less store door will now open when the timer reaches 0 on Gun Store.
- The alarmed door will now open when the timer reaches 0 on Warehouse.
Tank Run:
- Updated finales so rescue timer won't appear in Scavenge finales (you need to collect all the gas cans).
- Fixed The Sacrifice finale not working properly.
- Two Tanks will now spawn at once during the non-Scavenge finales.
[ 2020-09-28 23:25:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed voice data overflow on servers.
- Fixed carried prop collision to not interfere with bot movement.
- Fixed laser-sighted weapon spawn exploit in the gun shop.
- Reduced some ambient dialog frequency.
[ 2020-09-26 00:03:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Prevent a server crash when using voice chat.
- Prevent gas can tunneling.
- Fixed an animation bug with weapon melee.
- Updated localizations
- Updated Rocket Dude mutation.
[ 2020-09-25 17:38:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Take a Stand in This Massive Community-Made Update
Years in the making, The Last Stand is a massive Left 4 Dead 2 update created entirely by the L4D community. Find your friends, dust off your guns, and face the zombie horde one last time in over twenty new Survival Arenas, four Scavenge Arenas and a Campaign based on The Lighthouse Survival map. New achievements, melee weapons, animations, dialog, competitive balance adjustments and other surprises await anyone brave enough to take a stand.

The Last Stand Expanded Campaign
The Last Stand is a brand new campaign based on the original Survival mapits no longer impossible to escape. But it wont be easy. Originally a no-win death trap, the lighthouse now offers a path to salvation. Unfortunately, its directly through hordes of bloodthirsty infected.

Try to Survive
26 New Survival Maps
How long can you withstand the onslaught of the undead in 26 all-new environments?

Fuel Crisis
Get Gassed in Four New Scavenge Arenas
When a generator is your lifeline, the gas prices can truly skyrocket. Outlast your opponents by scavenging for fuel, or be overwhelmed by the horde.

A Pitched Battle
Plus a Shoveled Battle
Introducing the shovel and pitchforkthese centuries-old farming technologies make their proud debut on the zombie killing fields as all-new melee weapons.
But it Doesn't Stop There
We Told You This Update is Massive!
- New Animations
- Official implementation of Counter-Strike: Source weapons in all servers
- Formerly unused dialogue now restored in game
- PVP enhancements and fixes
- Versus Survival added to the Main Menu
- L4D1 Common Infected models with gore
- New Mutations: Rocketdude and Tank Run
- UI Improvements
- A TON of bug and exploit fixes
Read the complete Last Stand Update patch notes for more.
To celebrate the release of The Last Stand, Left 4 Dead 2 is available to play for free this entire weekend, and is on sale for 80% off!
[ 2020-09-24 20:56:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Last Stand Community Update has been released!
Visit https://www.l4d.com/laststand/ for all of the details.
Summary of the more than 1000 changes across the entire game:
- Fixed an exploit that could lag or crash a server by spawning infinite pistols.
- Rate-limit commands to prevent client command DOS attacks against servers.
- Fixed the ability to bypass the damage filter on the gas station's rolling door by going idle.
- Fixed avoiding damage from the charger by toggling in/out of idle while being body slammed.
- Fixed clearing the boomer screenspace effect by taking a break.
- Fix griefing exploit where a survivor would fire the grenade launcher and then switch to spectator to skip the friendly-fire check
- Record the team of a vote caller at the time the vote is called, so if the caller disconnects the other players can still have their votes checked against the caller's team. Fixes team-based votes locking out new voters if the caller disconnects.
- Build a map load command on the server instead of directly executing the command that's received as part of the server reservation packet. Fixed potential server takeover exploit.
- Fixed SI ghosts playing jump landing sounds
- Prevent players from joining the survivor team as a character already occupied by a human player.
- Marked "voice_all_icons" (used for testing) as a cheat command. Clear the voice state whenever the value changes so voice bubbles don't stay visible when switching between cheat enabled/disabled games.
- Marked cl_survivor_light_* cvars as cheats.
- Made survivor_teammatefocus_* convars replicated, so they can still be used as a legitimate way to play but are forced to be consistent for all clients.
- Removed a three-second window where an infected player could force a faster transition from the observer state to the ghost state by pressing a key.
- Don't spam open/close door client commands while the door is in the process of opening or closing.
- Fixed spawn areas permanently excluded from spawn set when a survivor dies, idles, or changes character.
- Fixed mobs unable to spawn if survivors stand in specific areas during a finale.
- Always restore the default pain pills decay rate when the director resets.
- Fixed the L4D1 survivor gestures not playing on dedicated servers.
- Allow SI to destroy breakables in finale areas during survival and scavenge modes once the round begins.
- Fixed breakables sometimes failing to unblock the nav when they break.
- Don't stumble the charger if the charge attack starts while already in contact with the victim.
- Fixed L4D1 survivors not selecting their canonical preferred weapons when scavenging.
- Allow survivors to pick up ammo while fighting a tank or in close combat if they are less than 40% full.
- Bots will use pills only if health < 50
- Bots consider health to be critical at < 30 (was 40). This means real health must be < 5 before a bot will use first-aid over a full temp health buffer.
- Fixed a few cases where specials may choose to wait in an ambush position when the game mode says they should be assaulting the survivors
- If a chase path that's trying to lead the target fails, fall back to a non-leading path. Leading paths that run off a cliff aren't always handled properly and can cause the target to be treated as unreachable.
- Revised the logic for fitting both tank and witch spawn locations into the flow. Previously they would frequently collide and the witch would get culled; now they should always find some combination of spawn locations that fit the within the map constraints.
- Fixed the director's "arc value" not always handling campaigns shorter than five maps correctly.
- Allow competitive achievements (versus, scavenge) to also be earned in Versus Survival.
- Incapped survivors are counted as escaped if they're in the rescue vehicle.
- Enabled CS weapons for all players
- Viewmodels use the skin value of the world pickup model, same as gas cans.
- When a weapon is holstered, transfer the current skin to the addon model.
- Clear the viewmodel fire layer when performing a melee attack to fix the stuck helping hand bug.
- Fixed the mp5's melee shove canceling its reload animation.
- Turned on boomer gibs by default, except in low violence mode.
- Restored burn skins for infected
- Fixed witch kills getting recorded as common zombie kills in the stats.
- Increased "ammo_shotgun_max" from 56 to 72
- Removed "Single Player" option from the main menu carousel.
- Enabled the "Private Game" option in lobby permissions.
- Added a rematch vote to the end of versus survival matches.
- Fixed voice chat not working in lobbies.
- No vote cooldown in singleplayer modes
- Allow "Change all-talk" vote in versus survival mode.
- cl_downloadfilter defaults to "none"
- Fixed genericpanellist not drawing panels when they extended beyond both the top and bottom of the frame.
- Suppress warnings about func_orator not having a model
- Hundreds of fixes and tweaks to animations, models, dialog, map layouts and exploits.
Steam Input
- Added a Joystick style action that can receive console-style aim assist
- Fixed the “Turn Around” action
- Added a “Reset Camera” action for use with motion controls
- Rescaled mouse sensitivities so that the adjustment sliders in the configurator have more useful range
- Fix controller input on Orders/Response Quick Menu’s
- Fixed controllers not being able to skip to the end of the post-campaign stats scrawl
- Run mapspawn_addon.nut for all active addons after the base version runs.
- Run scriptedmode_addon.nut and director_base_addon.nut for all active addons after the base version runs.
- Support for new population file overrides for the base game mode. So the load order is now "population.txt", "population_
- Any time the addon load order changes, both the director and the nav mesh immediately refresh their population data. Fixes campaigns using the wrong populations and errors from precaching the wrong models.
- Func_nav_attribute_region and point_nav_attribute_region will remove attributes if the spawn key "remove_attributes" is set to true.
- Allow scripts to force the witch bride spawn, regardless of the variant setting
- "InterceptChat" can return false to prevent sending the message to other clients.
- "DamageType" field of "ScriptAllowDamage" is now read/write, so it can be used to change the damage type.
- Fixed being unable to create subdirectories in /left4dead2/ems
- New game event "player_left_safe_area", called every time the first survivor leaves the start area regardless of map number, restarts, etc.
- Added the userid of the offending player to "triggered_car_alarm" game event.
- Fixed script funcs SetContext and SetContextNum not recognizing that a duration of zero means 'forever'. To avoid breaking existing scripts, the 'forever' parameter is now -1.
- Track convars set from script so they can be reverted when the session ends.
- New gender "police", can spawn & drop tonfas like the riot control commons, but doesn't have the protective gear.
- Added a new keyfield "weaponskin" to item and weapon spawners to set the skin of the spawned item or weapon. Supported by "weapon_item_spawn", "weapon_melee_spawn", "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn".
- Removed spurious parenthesis from "ToKVString" and "_tostring" script functions
- Director now calls into an optional script function "GetCustomScriptedStageProgress" during FINALE_CUSTOM_SCRIPTED stages. The function should return a value from 0-1 to indicate the completion percentage of the stage. The default time-based completion percentage is passed in as a parameter.
- Added weapon spawners and configurable spawner entries for CS weapons.
SetModel( modelname )
GetAttachmentBone, Get the named attachement's parent bone index
GetAttachmentOrigin, Get the attachment id's origin as vector
GetAttachmentAngles, Get the attachment id's angles as p,y,r vector
GetBoneOrigin, Get the bone id's origin vector
GetBoneAngles, Get the bone id's angles as a p,y,r vector
LookupActivity, Get the named activity index
LookupBone, Get the named bone index
LookupSequence, Looks up a sequence by sequence name or activity name
SetSequence, Set a sequence by id
ResetSequence, Reset a sequence by id. If the id is different than the current sequence, switch to the new sequence
GetSequence, Get the current sequence id
GetSequenceActivityName, Get the activity name for a sequence by id
GetSequenceName, Get a sequence name by id
GetSequenceDuration, Get a sequence duration by id
GetBodygroup, Get a bodygroup by id
GetBodygroupName, Get the bodygroup id's name
FindBodygroupByName, Find a bodygroup id by name
GetBodygroupPartName, Get name by group and part
SetModelScale, (scale, change_duration) Changes a model's scale over time
SetPoseParameter, (id, value) Sets a pose parameter value
GetCurrentScene, Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any).
GetSceneByIndex, Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index.
PlayScene, Play the specified .vcd file.
DropItem, Make the player drop an item/weapon
SwitchToItem, Make the player switch to an item/weapon
SnapEyeAngles, Sets the view angles
GiveItemWithSkin( itemname, skin )
GetValue, ( entity, criteriaName ) - returns a string
GetTable, ( entity, table ) - returns a table of all criteria
HasCriterion, ( entity, criteriaName ) - returns true if the criterion exists
IsTouching, ( entity )
DebugDrawBoxAngles, Draw a debug oriented box (cent, min, max, angles(p,y,r), vRgb, a, duration)
ClientPrint, Print a client message
EmitAmbientSoundOn, Play named ambient sound on an entity.
StopAmbientSoundOn, Stop named ambient sound on an entity.
GetSoundDuration, Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname.
SetFakeClientConVarValue, Sets a USERINFO client ConVar for a fakeclient
ScreenShake, Start a screenshake with the following parameters. vecCenter, flAmplitude, flFrequency, flDuration, flRadius, eCommand( SHAKE_START = 0, SHAKE_STOP = 1 ), bAirShake
ScreenFade, Start a screenfade with the following parameters. player, red, green, blue, alpha, flFadeTime, flFadeHold, flags
"AllowFallenSurvivorItem", optionally reject items from spawning on the fallen survivor.
"script_func_button" - spawn a func_button from script via extents.
"script_clip_vphysics" - structured the same as other script-based trigger entities.
"script_nav_attribute_region" - uses extents instead of brushes.
- Added survivor criteria "InRescueVehicle", set to 1 when the vehicle has arrived and the survivor is inside.
- Added "NumberOfTeamAlive", "NumberOfTeamIncapacitated", and "NumberOfTeamDead" to the set of response rules global criteria.
- Added a mission key "allow_boss_mix" to the "versus_boss_spawning" block to bypass a restriction on having both a tank and a witch in the first and last maps of a campaign.
- Created variant keys to set a different character model
[ 2020-09-24 16:29:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit. Reported via HackerOne.
- Updated tags in the Worshop Manager.
[ 2019-07-24 17:57:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit. Reported via HackerOne.
[ 2019-04-26 18:44:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed some potential remote code execution exploits. Reported via HackerOne.
- Updates to caption localization.
[ 2018-08-21 17:12:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit. Reported via HackerOne.
[ 2018-06-06 20:59:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Security and exploit fixes. Reported in part by Justin G. (sigsegv) and Linus S. (PistonMiner).
[ 2017-11-30 18:53:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Security and exploit fixes. Reported in part by Justin G. (sigsegv) and Linus S. (PistonMiner).
[ 2017-11-30 18:53:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a new bug causing some items to not transition between levels.
- Added missing model precaches to Left 4 Dead 1 Mutation mode.
[ 2017-08-01 21:07:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Prevent a crash if a material overflows the index buffer.
- Zombie population fixes for Left 4 Dead 1 Mutation modes.
- Fixed some material properties on Left 4 Dead 1 common infected models.
[ 2017-07-27 21:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a crash after failing to load a map.
- Fixed a crash caused by missing materials.
[ 2017-07-17 19:33:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a crash in particle systems loaded from Add-ons.
[ 2017-07-11 22:36:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed security issues reported by Justin Taft from One Up Security, LLC.
[ 2017-06-30 21:43:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a potential remote code execution exploit.
[ 2017-05-30 19:11:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed a server lagging exploit.
- Fixed some reported security exploits.
- Fixed key bindings not displaying correctly when using the Xbox 360 controller.
New EMS scripting features:
- Added a new interface for reading/writing entity network and data table fields from script. Use "script_help NetProp" for interface details.
- New script function "TakeDamage( amount, type, attacker )".
- New script function "GetNetworkIDString()".
- Added "timeofday" keyfield to the world entity.
- Support auto_spawn of witch bride.
[ 2017-01-25 18:57:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed an issue on some MacBook Pro models that prevented the game from rendering correctly, resulting in a blank or white screen with game running in the background. This fix required a change to the minimum spec from MacOS 10.6.4 to MacOS 10.7 (Lion) or higher, which matches Steam's minimum spec.
[ 2016-06-28 16:21:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed multiple potential remote code execution exploits.
- Speculative fix for Mac startup rendering issue.
- Updated Steam API version.
[ 2016-06-03 20:04:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Deal: Save 75% on Left 4 Dead 2!*
Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!
*Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2016-05-06 17:21:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed two exploits that could allow remote code execution on clients and servers.
- Disabled some debug tracking that was causing a crash.
[ 2016-05-04 23:00:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed an exploit where a player could call a vote that would pass immediately without input from the rest of the players.
- Fixed an issue where sounds could start looping on Linux.
- Fixed Steam Controller issues with spectating and MOTD.
- Fixed a bug that could cause some servers to hang on shutdown, causing a temporary reduction in total server capacity after updates.
- Fixed a remote code execution exploit.
- Upgrade OSX SDK version.
[ 2016-02-18 15:36:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2.
- Fixed two exploits that could allow remote code execution.
- Fixed controller navigation of some lobby settings menus.
[ 2016-02-02 20:26:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2:
- Added haptics support for Steam Controllers
[ 2015-12-18 23:13:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2:
- Fixed Options menu cutting off Steam Cloud option.
[ 2015-12-16 23:30:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Left 4 Dead 2 Linux Cotent [530.4 M]
This co-operative action horror FPS takes you and your friends through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the Deep South, from Savannah to New Orleans across five expansive campaigns.
You'll play as one of four new survivors armed with a wide and devastating array of classic and upgraded weapons. In addition to firearms, you'll also get a chance to take out some aggression on infected with a variety of carnage-creating melee weapons, from chainsaws to axes and even the deadly frying pan.
You'll be putting these weapons to the test against (or playing as in Versus) three horrific and formidable new Special Infected. You'll also encounter five new uncommon common infected, including the terrifying Mudmen.
Helping to take L4D's frantic, action-packed gameplay to the next level is AI Director 2.0. This improved Director has the ability to procedurally change the weather you'll fight through and the pathways you'll take, in addition to tailoring the enemy population, effects, and sounds to match your performance. L4D2 promises a satisfying and uniquely challenging experience every time the game is played, custom-fitted to your style of play.
- Next generation co-op action gaming from the makers of Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress and Counter-Strike.
- Over 20 new weapons & items headlined by over 10 melee weapons – axe, chainsaw, frying pan, baseball bat – allow you to get up close with the zombies
- New survivors. New Story. New dialogue.
- Five expansive campaigns for co-operative, Versus and Survival game modes.
- An all new multiplayer mode.
- Uncommon common infected. Each of the five new campaigns contains at least one new uncommon common zombies which are exclusive to that campaign.
- AI Director 2.0: Advanced technology dubbed The AI Director drove L4D's unique gameplay – customizing enemy population, effects, and music, based upon the players’ performance. L4D 2 features The AI Director 2.0 which expands the Director’s ability to customize level layout, world objects, weather, and lighting to reflect different times of day.
- Stats, rankings, and awards system drives collaborative play
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04
- Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT. ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310. AMD 12.11). OpenGL 2.1
- Storage: 13 GB available space
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