New build is up.
Build: exosyphen.5.hei.0.019.ALPHA (2016, Aug 4)
- Playable first level and game storyline introduction
- New command: EXPLOIT - for executing exploits on remote servers
- New command: DIAL - for connecting to servers with a modem
- Updated SCAN command. You can now scan by the modem phone number
- Added interface types. Some servers have a modem interface for dial-in
- Added mission brief window
- Improved target map
- Interface elements should now align nicely on all display resolutions
- New TOOL/COMMAND: BRUTEFORCE for finding passwords with a brute-force attack
- The console is now BIGGER :)
- Started adding hints when the mouse is over various game elements.
- Various minor bugfixes in the console
New build is up.
Build: exosyphen.5.hei.0.019.ALPHA (2016, Aug 4)
- Playable first level and game storyline introduction
- New command: EXPLOIT - for executing exploits on remote servers
- New command: DIAL - for connecting to servers with a modem
- Updated SCAN command. You can now scan by the modem phone number
- Added interface types. Some servers have a modem interface for dial-in
- Added mission brief window
- Improved target map
- Interface elements should now align nicely on all display resolutions
- New TOOL/COMMAND: BRUTEFORCE for finding passwords with a brute-force attack
- The console is now BIGGER :)
- Started adding hints when the mouse is over various game elements.
- Various minor bugfixes in the console
We all believe in things we can neither prove they exist, or they don’t.
Gods. Fairies. Conspiracies.
They keep us awake at night. We fear them.
Mankind has explored every possible extinction scenario.
Wars. Disease. Alien invasions. Supernatural forces. We fear them.
Mankind had its fastest technological progress in recent history.
Uncover a dark secret that goes back to the days of the first russian space project.
User your hacker skills to start uncovering a dark secret, by going through the past from the early days of computers, all the way to the most advanced computers of the future.