Hey Star Commanders!
We have just released a patch to Alpha 10 beta. We have a ton of bug fixes to the issues that have been raised in the forums as well as the addition of a notification area for game events. We also took a new approach to our UI scaling that we think should be much more consistent for lower resolutions.
Release notes below:
- Implemented a new method for scaling resolutions (still a work in progress)
- Added in info bar underneath clock for notifications
- Catch for when the game tries to reserve crew data after the crew has already been saved and despaired
- Fixed D3RP chatter issue
- Fixed head crab crash
- Fix to crew not being able to be hired
- Fixed Player Ship Panel tab descriptions
- Top bar will now be on top of all menus
- Fixed ShaderBindings.gen issue
- Fixed a potential drag and select crash
- Grammer fixes
- Fixed money not being given during tutorial
- Fix to MouseGUI null ref if player ship isn’t present
- Escape Menu should no longer try to unload the Colony if one has not yet loaded
- Revised ship purchasing panel
- Various adjustments to all missions
- Potential fix to wall swap frame issue
- Removed floor of heavy human door
- Fixed new object particle
- Changed loading screen to show the game hasn’t locked up
- Fix to missing outlines
- Removed crew from shuttle to help starting tutorial
- Null ref adjustments for cursor manager
- Cleaned up lockers for simplicity
- Removing Antiquated Faction Distress call
- ESC menu now properly pauses the game
- Refined game tips
- Fixed motivations being full and crew not talking to each other
- Fix for missing ShipCaptain as QuestGiver
- Headcrabs animation fix
- Fix to Food/Energy hiding on the Crew Panel GUI when you select a captain, then another character.
- People who have a status effect will no longer enter Bored State until that effect is removed.
- TV’s added in!
Please post any new bugs to our forums. Can't wait to get your feedback!
Game is not tagged as available on Linux on Steam.
Linux is not in the OS list.
Star Command Galaxies is the ultimate starship simulator. Become Captain and recruit your crew, build your ship, explore a randomly generated universe and battle alien ships across the galaxy.
You start from humble beginnings in your very own shuttle, taking on various missions at starbases located on the galactic map. As you complete your tasks you will earn money, xp and equipment to help you hire new crew members and purchase a larger ship. Continue cleaning the stars of the vermin that inhabit it including zombies and space pirates.
With your success comes more challenges. Keeping your crew happy is critical to your success. You must keep them fed, well rested and entertained or they will pick up new "quirks" to their personality. A good captain will see their crew earn "perks" - personality bonuses that will help you battle your foes.
New enemies will arrive to challenge you and your crew and it will be up to you to create the ultimate vessel to defeat them.
Star Command Galaxies will be regularly updated with new races, missions, planets, equipment, ships and much more!