Greetings Captains!
We have pushed out a new update for addressing some of the issues we were seeing over the last week and some other tweaks we wanted to address while we continue to work on Alpha 11. Patch notes below!
• Fix to the Sprite3DObjectBase Null Ref
• Fix to Player Scrap Null Ref given when no Scrap Containers are found on the player's ship.
• Fix to food adding to player ship if no food currently exists on the player ship.
• Removing several old tutorial items that were somehow erroneously getting called and causing errors.
• Protection for null ShipSlots if inadvertently sent to ReleaseShipSlot
• Fix to IndexOutOfRange when boxing objects.
• Potential fix for IndexOutOfRange FOW exception.
• Potential Fix to FastPathfinder.Find OutOfRange.
• Potential fix to PickUpKits Null Refs
• Protection against Module/Store based null refs in Encounter Victory
• Fix to Phase name request post Phase dropping out. Will be fixed better in Alpha 11
• Potential fix to objects/mobs spawning in walls
• Shield Systems should once again work properly after being boxed and unboxed
• Teleporting out into the middle of nowhere should no longer have the propensity to crash the game
• Patch fix to potential Captain AI Shields issue
• Stations that save with the wrong hull type should no longer crash the game.
• Characters without a sprite should no longer try to move said sprite within the game world
Take her out for a spin!
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Star Command Galaxies is the ultimate starship simulator. Become Captain and recruit your crew, build your ship, explore a randomly generated universe and battle alien ships across the galaxy.
You start from humble beginnings in your very own shuttle, taking on various missions at starbases located on the galactic map. As you complete your tasks you will earn money, xp and equipment to help you hire new crew members and purchase a larger ship. Continue cleaning the stars of the vermin that inhabit it including zombies and space pirates.
With your success comes more challenges. Keeping your crew happy is critical to your success. You must keep them fed, well rested and entertained or they will pick up new "quirks" to their personality. A good captain will see their crew earn "perks" - personality bonuses that will help you battle your foes.
New enemies will arrive to challenge you and your crew and it will be up to you to create the ultimate vessel to defeat them.
Star Command Galaxies will be regularly updated with new races, missions, planets, equipment, ships and much more!