Alpha 48 - 145 Fixes and Changes
[ 2018-04-05 20:29:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
My main focus for this update was on whittling down my extremely lengthy list of bug reports. I’m happy to say that I made a dent in it, though there are plenty more where these came from. For the next update, I’ll FINALLY be starting work on Big Quests. That’ll be my main focus, though I might end up dividing my time between between that and some behind-the-scenes technical stuff. This week’s Fortnight Discussion is dedicated to online multiplayer. What new features would you like to see added to this mode?
Alpha 48
- Added proper Wreckage sprites for a number of objects and walls
- Fix for incorrect Wreckage sprites sometimes appearing when destroying unique wall types like Hedges and Glass
- Fix for electrocution animation continuing when the game is paused
- Fix for some instances where people could be running while facing the wrong direction
- Fix for floor sometimes appearing green after exiting a level with the Radiation disaster
- Fixed an instance where a Panic Room was counted as outdoors, which was no good during the Radiation Blasts disaster
- Fix for Status Effects not displaying on the interface if the player stood in a Lake while the counter ran down, and received the Status Effect a second time
- Fix for question marks and other state indicators appearing above NPCs’ heads after they are Frozen
- Health bars appear over NPCs’ heads if you mouse over them and their health is less than max
- Fix for gamepad icons on Character Select not appearing for the first frame or two when the interface pops up
- Fix for Clone Machine showing the wrong money costs for Thrown items
- Fix for Missions Screen getting stuck if the player opened it on a specific frame following completion of a mission
- Potential fix for question mark appearing permanently above someone’s head
- Trait description at right of trait menu cannot be changed once an end-level trait is chosen
- Hacking is not canceled if the player is scrolled off-camera
- Item Teleporter interface now causes gameplay to slow down in single-player mode
- Added larger mouse collision boxes to some of the larger objects
- Fix for Armor display sometimes remaining on-screen when it should not after player chooses to Continue when dying
- NPC Info (from when you hold space bar) disappears when the person becomes invisible
- Fix for Twitch Reward Vote appearing after the game had ended
- Thrown items like Grenades and Shurikens are sold in more appropriate amounts in Loadout-O-Matics
- Fix for cases where Wall Fires would remain if the Wall was destroyed through some other means
- When refilling guns at the Ammo Dispenser, the cost must always be at least $1
- Lockdown Walls no longer go up during Riots
- Flamethrower no longer damages Fire Hydrant
- Bushes cannot be picked up by Wrestler
- Fix for certain instances where the player could be teleported on top of Lasers
- Flame Grates spawn slightly further from the player’s starting position
- Potential fix for instances where player could tap on windows from indoors
- If Supercop that player received from Alarm Button is killed, Alarm Button can be used again
- Potential fix for Crushers, Fire Spewers and other objects not being destroyed when the wall they are attached to is destroyed
- Fix for items like Syringes and Guns not retaining additional properties after being stolen by Thief
- Fix for “glitch item” remaining in Wrestler’s hand if he picked up an object, then died after taking Resurrection Shampoo
- Oil Container is now affected by the Infinite Ammo mutator
- Cigarette Lighter is no longer confiscated by Cop Bots
- Potential fix for players being teleported onto Bear Traps
- Created fail-safe for rare cases of items becoming stuck in walls
- Bear Trap no longer causes NPCs to become Hostile toward the player when they get near it -- rather, they must actually step in it
- NPCs are not as good at avoiding Bear Traps thrown by player
- Fix for Paralyzer Trap not making NPCs Hostile
- Identify Wand can now be used to identify Cocktails
- When a Thief steals items for someone, items will be stolen first before money
- Kill Profiter, Kill Ammunizer, etc. do not trigger when the player hits and kills someone who has already been knocked out, arrested etc.
- Oil Container no longer disappears from the player’s inventory when it runs out of fuel
- Fix for Oil Container sound effect not playing on multiplayer client
- Fix for Oil Container’s out-of-ammo status text not appearing on multiplayer client
- Fix for issue where Wrestler would sometimes equip a weapon that had been destroyed in a
- Food Processor or Sell-O-Matic after picking up an tossing an environmental object
- Cardboard Box can now be used to walk around town free of harrassment from Hostile people, provided they are not aware that you are under the box
- Ammo Stealer no longer refills Water Pistol and Oil Container
- Fix for weapon remaining in player’s hand if player Possessed someone who had a weapon equipped, and then immediately dropped that weapon
- Changed Slave Helmet Remover description to explain how the item can be used
- Fix for Workers in buildings with constantly spewing Gas Vents sometimes not starting with Gas Masks equipped
- Ammo Stealer can no longer be used on other players
- Fix for Ghost Gibber and other weapons pausing very briefly in the middle of rapid fire
- Fix for Ghost Gibber particles not appearing for other players during online games
- Fix for Leafblower not working very well in tight alleys and confined spaces
- Poison no longer interrupts Dizzy and other similar status effects
- Supercops who are Possessed by Shapeshifter now have the ability to Arrest people
- Durabilitacious no longer appears in games where the Infinite Melee Durability mutator is active
- Fix for Clumsiness Accepted not working when Doors are broken
- Ghosts that spawn do not become angry when player has Clumsiness Accepted
- Fix for Tranquilize numbers above people’s heads going below zero into the negatives if they were Invincible when the counter hit 0
- Clumsiness Accepted no longer covers Hacking, messing with Air Conditioners, etc.
- Dizzy no longer removes Withdrawal
- Fix for multiplayer client not receiving Upper-Crusty trait after purchasing
- Fix for mission-related NPCs who were meant to be neutral towards the player having an Ideological Clash
- Players who have the Camouflage special ability and Backstab will do camouflage-level backstab damage when they gain Invisible status effect
- Fix for player not losing health when they revive another player while they have Invincible
- Fix for Fires altering the direction of Jock’s Charge ability
- Fix for Conveyor Belt stopping Jock’s Charge ability
- Player can no longer use Bite on Zombies
- Fix for Explosions not always gibbing NPCs on death when they are Aligned or Loyal to the player
- Fix for Resurrection sometimes restoring the player to 0 health during Shifting Status Effects disaster
- Fix for clients not being able to start multiplayer games if their custom characters have more than 50 traits
- Bloody Mess trait does not appear in-game when Blood is turned off in Settings
- Fix for clones of Custom characters not always having the correct traits during multiplayer games
- Ghosts can no longer step on Shrunk people
- Ghosts can never get Resurrection Status Effect (not sure how it’s possible for ghosts to get ANY status effect, but people reported it happening and causing problems)
- Teleport sound effect no longer pauses when “Mission Complete” appears, because it felt weird when the sound effect continued playing after the notification disappeared
- Fix for “Angered” stat not including NPCs who were initially hostile toward the player (such as Cannibals) who spot the player during gameplay
- No longer possible to receive missions that involve rescuing Zombie
- Fix for Neutralize All missions sometimes being completed early if the player turned one of the targets into a Zombie and then killed that Zombie
- Fix for issue where “Rescue” quests given by questgivers could be completed while the victim was still in prison if the questgiver was close enough to the prison
- Optional missions are failed if the questgiver is Annoyed or Hostile toward all players in the game, rather than just a single player
- Rescue and Free Slave missions are failed if the prisoner is Hostile toward all players in the game, rather than just a single player
- Fix for not all objects appearing on multiplayer client’s map for “Destroy All” missions
- Fix for Shifting Status Effects disaster ending prematurely
- Fix for cases where Find Bombs disaster had no bombs to find
- Fix for “Continue” sometimes allowing people to continue Continue when they should not be able to
- Potential fix for levels loading past 100% and then failing to load
- Added some failsafes for cases of levels not loading
- Fix for instance in one of the Hideouts where two objects could spawn in the same spot
- Fix for objects sometimes spawning on top of Frozen Lakes
- No longer possible to get past the holes at the edge of the map if you are moving fast enough
- Fix for certain doors not appearing Locked from the correct direction during Lockdown
- Vendor Carts are much less likely to spawn in Bushes
- Vendor Carts will not spawn too close to Water
- Arena Wrestlers will not be affected by an Ideological Clash
- Arena Wrestlers cannot be Bounty Hunters
- Fix for NPCs with the Bite ability getting Annoyed when they see someone else bite someone
- When an NPC steps in a Land Mine placed by the player, they will not become Hostile unless the player is within view at the time. The same goes for Bear Traps and Paralyzer Traps
- Bounty Hunters who attack the player are considered Guilty
- Supercops address the player properly as a “fellow peacekeeper” if the player has The Law
- Fix for Cop Bot refusing to talk to the player if they were Annoyed with them while asking them for something
- Fix for NPCs sometimes declaring when they are Annoyed with the player while hidden
- Mobsters who mug the player are classified as Guilty
- Fix for NPCs not being removed from the player’s party properly when the player tells them to leave town
- Cops no longer become Annoyed or Hostile toward the player if they see the player Biting or Cannibalizing while they have Above the Law
- Zombies can no longer talk to people who are scared/hostile while the person’s back is turned
- Player can no longer talk to people who are Annoyed while their back is turned
- When you attempt to talk to people who are Annoyed and they tell you to go away, the Annoyed sound effect will play
- Fix for Slaves not being properly removed from player’s party if they die from their helmet blowing up due to being out of range of player
- Gorillas who reside in the Park will not follow the player between levels
- Fix for non-owners in a building becoming Friendly toward the player when the player purchases a Key or Safe Combination from a Clerk
- Fix for Slavemaster players being able to free Slaves walking around the level that are not their own
- Fix for NPCs becoming Friendly toward the player when they are already Aligned or Loyal after the player obtains a Key, Safe Combination, or Quest Item from them
- Slavemasters will prioritize selling a slave that must be Neutralized for a mission
- Fix for Supercops called by the player through Alarm Buttons sometimes returning to their
- Police Box before attacking someone that the player had requested they attack
- Fix for Scientist saying the wrong dialogue when an item is purchased from him
- Player can no longer ask Zombified people to leave town if there was once a mission to neutralize that person
- Fix for Slaves leaving the player’s party if the player asks them to leave town, and they refuse due to having a helmet on
- Fix for NPCs sometimes not becoming Hostile when the player when the player threatens them
- If NPCs are neutralized from Poison or Tranquilizing over time via the player, or similar status effects, other NPCs will not assume that the player was responsible
- If the player is invisible while killing someone, NPCs who see the body will not assume the player was responsible
- Fix for Cops all over the level being notified when the player caused a huge explosion
- NPCs will not detect the player if they do things that bring up the “operating bar” interface while under a Cardboard Box
- Cannibals no longer pop out of Bushes and Manholes when the nearby player is Aligned
- Werewolf (when transformed) hates Vampire, and vice versa
- Bounty Hunters no longer ignore the player if they are Friendly or Loyal
- If the player attacks an Aligned NPC who is meant to be Neutralized for a mission, the NPC will become Hostile more quickly than they would normally
- Fix for NPCs not leaving their “Hidden” state if the Bush they were hiding in was destroyed (possibly by fire) while the player was not in close proximity
- Fix for Cops and Slavemasters becoming Hostile toward each other if the player hacks a Slave Helmet and blows it up
- If the player has a mission to neutralize a Slave, his Slavemasters will be classed as Guilty
- Slaves will fight on the player’s behalf without the player explicitly telling them to do so
- Slaves become Loyal instead of Friendly when the player removes their Slave Helmet
- Butler Bot is capable of knocking down doors, much like Killer Robot
- If Butler Bot gets stuck somehow and spends too long standing in the same spot, another Butler Bot will be spawned as a fail-safe
- Fix for Cannibals attacking burning Bushes
- Spelling corrections in various languages
- “End Game” changed to “End Run” to avoid confusion
- Fix for instances where client joining at the exact time the host was switching levels could cause the host player to spawn at the bottom left corner of the map
- Updated G2U plugin to version 2.1.13
- Updated Rewired plugin to version
Alpha 48b (April 6)
- Fix for local coop players 2, 3 and 4 not being able to open minimap
- Fix for top-of-screen icons of players 2, 3 and 4 sometimes appearing as white boxes
- Fix for occasional errors loading new levels
Alpha 48c (April 8)
- Fix for not being able to see Trait descriptions at the end of the level if the player leveled up twice during that level and is selecting their second Trait
- Fix for Industrial hideouts always spewing Gas from vents
- Fixed a bunch of Spanish translations
- Fix for Ice Rink sometimes appearing with incorrect texture
Alpha 48d
- Fix for weird crap occurring when saved games were loaded
[ 2018-04-05 20:29:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Streets of Rogue
Matt Dabrowski
16.96 €
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
🎮 Full Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Overwhelmingly Positive
(16099 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Streets of Rogue Content Linux [239.42 M]
Available DLCs:
- The Making of Streets of Rogue
- Streets of Rogue - Character Pack
Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex.
Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities.
In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment.
Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities.
In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment.
- Will you play as a soldier who shoots first and asks questions later?
- A stealthy scientist who uses chloroform and tranquilizer darts to silently take down the opposition?
- A genial bartender who can talk his way past the most intimidating of guards?
- Or how about a hyper-intelligent gorilla, rescuing other caged gorillas to form a small mobilized gorilla army?
The Mighty Feature-List
- Play the game YOUR way! Don’t want to kill anybody? That’s cool! Want to hack computers? Got ya covered!
- Random world generation and TOTALLY EXTREME gameplay variety means you can play for 600 hours and not get bored! Seriously though, go outside!!!
- Super-advanced artificial intelligence that won’t put up with your crap! Outsmart these virtual humans and feel superior to your computer!
- Play as over 40 types of characters (in the final version)! Bartender, scientist, hacker, gorilla — hey, your job is probably in there too!
- Stupidly huge number of items (in the final version)! Shrink rays, hypnotizing devices, boomboxes, bear traps, food processors.. Oh, and guns too.
- 2-Player cooperative mode lets you brutalize goons AND loneliness!
- Lead a gang, free slaves, drink beer, gib ghosts, become a vampire, shrink people and stomp on them. The most insanely varied game ever made.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+
- Processor: Intel Dual CoreMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
- Storage: 350 MB available space
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