Howdy folks, Early Access Updated, version 0.5, and 5 of 6 characters are playable right now.
How did they come? Due to the Beauty and Toughness of Steam Early Access, "Blademaster Q" came from the "give us a Kensai" feedback. The gameplay is a mix of defensive-double-sword-bullet-cutting, double-melter-spinning and the Pink Brainclap (Aia has the classic "KO triggered" Red Brainclap that goes denser thru Ascension, Wanderer has the Green Brainclap, that triggers a bit faster and like Red, goes denser thru Ascension. The Pink Brainclap is always very dense, but the KOs needed to trigger it is related to how ascended the character is).
"Gunner Kore" was deeply inspired by flying drones FPV (one of my non-game related activities and, I tried to transfer that feeling to this character). When flying acro, sometimes you have to split your attention, Kore has autofire and extra guns that can increase wideness of gun spread or fire 180 degrees of your aiming direction... plus the Pink Brainclap. Making a six characters UBERMOSH is very complex and a true development challenge because of the balancing of the ASCENSION steps.
Wook was nerfed a bit, the game got some performance and AI tweaks, and with this amazing community support, the development can go in the direction players deserve. Many many thanks!
If you like the game progress, please review it. I am all ears to hear your suggestions via Steam Hub and there are lots of threads for you to express your impressions, ideas and, suggestions.
More stuff soon!
Trip to Vinelands is an arcade retro hardcore maze wanderer minigame. A weird underground-indie experience for your desktop with original audio and art.