Thanks as always to the game's loving fans for your keen interest and enquiries about the Praying Mantis update!
My sincere apologies for the extended delay and lack of news in the past month. On a personal front I've been in the midst of major life changes and engagements that have made focus on development challenging, hence these delays which are understandably disappointing for the game's wonderful players and indeed for myself as well.
As thanks for your mails and wonderful inquiries, here are some images of the upcoming Praying Mantis:
Mantis seizing prey with its iconic raptorial limbs A body built to conquer the insect world! Fully grown adult with wings! Praying Mantis now a Flying Mantis!
Current state of Mantis update
Mantis character and hunting gameplay are already complete. while Lifecycle depiction, rival predator interactions and overall flow need to be designed.
Everything possible is being done to get back to developing the game and only a few week's worth of dev effort is needed at this point.
Your best wishes and good will for the game will be of great assistance at this time to the game and personally to me as well, so you really can give this update a big boost simply with your love, enthusiasm and belief in this game! :)
Thank You
I'm deeply grateful to all of you for your patronage and interest in "Nature & Life - Drunk On Nectar".
Thank you!
Stay tuned for further news as the Praying Mantis update nears release at last!
With Love & Thanks for your boundless patience,
- Venugopalan Sreedharan
(Developer of Drunk On Nectar) [ 2021-11-05 06:03:37 CET ][ Original post ]
Drunk On Nectar is a Nature Sandbox game about animals, plants and ecology. Multiple game-modes allow you to either play as a creature yourself, simulate ecosystems or create scenarios of your own.
DoN aims to provide the most comprehensive nature experience gaming has ever seen. To this end, the game has been built at invertebrate-scale (a micro world) for an unprecedented level of detail. Plants in DoN are not flat props but living, growing entities that flower, pollinate and propagate across seasons like real plants. Finally, each species has unique gameplay depending on its morphology.
The current release features four invertebrate species: Jumping Spider (Phidippus Regius), Butterfly (Viceroy), Dragonfly (Common Hawker) and a Bee (Solitary) along with three flowering plants: Orange Lily, Greater Knapweed, Imperata Cylindrica (Grass) and a non-flowering plant: Fern. Trees and other flora are also featured but with only limited simulation at present.
Additional species of animals, plants and ecological phenomena are planned for addition once the game's EA goals (read above) have been met. You are welcome to vote for a creature or plant you're excited about for addition in the community forums!
While no game can possibly cover all of Nature, Drunk On Nectar is a sincere commitment to go as far as one possibly can.