1.45: Customizable Skill Builds, Conquest Mode, & New Dynamic Music!
Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? Well my favourite part of the game isn't playing the game, but rather designing my deck. And now you can do that with the skills in Geneshift! This version gives you the ability to create and save skill builds. You can now disable skills from appearing in-game, giving you control over the skill draft. This has huge strategic potential as you can choose to only enable skills that synergize well together, and disable the rest. For example, you might choose to only enable long-ranged skills and create a sniper build. Then in-game you won't have close-range skills appear and diluting the skill draft. There are countless skill combinations to explore, and designing a synergistic build might make the difference between victory or defeat. After designing your build you can easily give it a name and save it. You can have multiple custom-made builds saved and conveniently switch between them via a dropdown menu on the skills page. This not only lets you enjoy the theorycrafting of build creation, but it also makes it quick and easy to toggle between playstyles between matches, increasing variety and replayability!
The fast-paced gameplay of Geneshift is ultimately designed to give you one thing above all others - a rush of adrenaline. And nothing affects our feels more powerfully than music. Which is why I've started redoing some of the old tunes, cranking up the beat and the intensity. I'm also designing this new music in a special way. The rounds in Geneshift are exactly 5 minutes long, with supply drops appearing at the 4:00, 2:00 and 0:00 marks. So I have designed the music to sync up perfectly with these key action moments, and crank the intensity just as the supply drops land and the big high-stakes fights break out all across Subvein City.
Conquest mode now works on a ticket system, similar to the Battlefield games. Each team starts with 500 tickets and you win by removing all the enemy team's tickets. There are 2 ways to remove enemy tickets. Kills will reduce their count by 1. But so will holding more control points than the enemy team, which causes their tickets to slowly bleed down as well. This change ensures that each Conquest match lasts a reasonable duration, and doesn't drag on for hours like the old mode allowed.
The role of zombie revivals has been rethought and it is now easier than ever to revive. As a zombie you simply need to get just 1 kill vs a survivor to come back to life. Not only that, but there are now THREE heart crates that land when the round timer hits 0:00, tripling your chances of coming back. Due to these changes it is extremely easy to revive during the first 5 minutes of each round. This lets you roam the map freely, take risks, fight cops and generally enjoying the sandboxy GTA vibes without fear of dying. Geneshift is moving in the GTA direction and that means the rules need to support chaos and action and the occassional death. This is now possible with easy revivals. But Geneshift is still a BR right? Yes! For starters, there is a new $5000 reward for players who survive the full round and make it to overtime without dying. Secondly, once overtime begins it becomes very difficult to revive. So the true BR survival experience begins during overtime. At this point you don't want to die, because you won't be able to revive, and the best way to get score is still to place as high as possible in the round.
In other news, Geneshift will go Free to Play some time later this year! This will do wonders for our playerbase, and make it easier than ever to play with friends. The multiplayer will go F2P, and the Supporter's Edition DLC will continue to exist for those who want to support development. Anyone who has ever spent money on the game (and therefore owns the Supporter's Edition) will continue to keep the DLC. Anyone who buys the game before we go F2P will also get the DLC (as it is included in the base package) for the same price as it'll be after going F2P. It will take a few months to prepare for the launch. I need to make new trailers, completely redo the Steam page, and even slightly change the name of the game! Geneshift has changed a lot over the years! It doesn't look or play anything like it did when it first hit Early Access in 2017, and so it needs a new look to reflect that before it's made available to the F2P audience on Steam. Anyway, exciting times ahead! I'll make an announcement with details closer to the date. Stay tuned and have fun!
- Added the ability to save and load skill builds, allowing players to theorycraft fun skill combos and instantly apply them between rounds. - This saves the skill choices at levels 2, 5 and 8, as well as all the skills you've enabled and disabled. You can give builds a name and easily select them from a dropdown menu. - Basic/Free accounts can have a maximum of 3 builds saved. DLC accounts are unlimited. - In the skill tree you now have the ability to toggle your skills between enabled or disabled. Only enabled skills will show up in the skill draft in-game. - This means you can now create skill builds that synergize well together. You could make a sniper build by only enabling long range skills like Energize and Plasma Ball, and disabling close range skills like Blade Fury. - To ensure enough variety, you must have at least 16 skills enabled at all times, 10 of which must be passives. - Removed the ability to reroll for skills in-game. Players must now adapt to what their custom-made build gives them. - The guaranteed skills feature now lets you guarantee skills at level 2/5/8 instead of 3/6/9 and is enabled once you have 18 skills unlocked. - Updated the main menu music a bit. - Updated some of the songs in-game in an experimental way, where the music syncs up with the 5 minute structure of the BR round. So the high-adrenaline beats kick in just as overtime begins. - Created a whole new type of mission that isn't activated by civilians, but rather, by cars. This will give you 60s to kill 2 civilians on opposite sides of the map. Drive fast! - Reduced cash and XP earned from player kills back to $400 + 20xLevel. - Bots in survival mode can no longer gain bonus lives. They can still deny hearts though. - Zoomed the camera in a tad, and reduced bullet ranges slightly to compensate. - Doubled the amount of loot that comes out of helicopters. - The passive regen delay on cars is now only 1s instead of 2s when you deal self car damage (making it less punishing when noobs drive into a wall). - Cops only do 40% instead of 50% damage. - Made it slightly faster to progress to wanted level 2. - Fixed a few issues in the tutorial, where cops spawned before they were explained. - Reduced the damage of burst weapons when fired by cops, such as m3, grenade and barrett. - Added an stage in the tutorial that requires you to explode a civilian with a grenade. - Force Field duration is now 4s instead of 5s. - Force Field damage is now 10/20/30/40 instead of 20/30/40/50, and cooldown is now 20s instead of 15s. - X-Ray Vison now additionally affects how long you keep vision on an enemy after you damage them. After damaging an enemy you'll be able to see them through walls for 1.0/1.5/2.0/3.0s. Default is now 0.5 instead of 1.5. - Vampirism no longer has overheal abilities - Energy Vortex cooldown is now 20s for all levels - Energy Vortex range is now 24/26/28/30 instead of 24/28/32/46 - Self Repair takes 2.5 instead of 1.5s to heal you up - Regen out of combat time is now 3/2.6/2.2/1.8 instead of 3/2.7/2.4/2.0 - Rapid Refill free bullet chance is now 45/60/75/90% instead of 30/50/70/90% - Spike Trap damage is now 20/30/40/50 and cooldown is now 20/18/16/14 instead of flat 20 - Cluster Bomb no longer removes a skill shot charge (it still benefits from the charges aquired though) - Cluster Bomb is now less random in its targeting, and will prioritise players more - Skill Shot charges now expire after 3 minutes (each charge has its own timer) - Ignition Orb cooldown is now 10/9/8/6 instead of 12/11/10/9 and size is now 8/12/16/20 instead of 8/10/12/16 - Removed the damage penalty on Invisibility - Parasites now have a shorter firing delay penalty of approx 0.5 instead of 0.8s. They also fire out faster so that DPS is now 80/90/100/120 hp/s - - Non supporters get 5 free attempts to play the full survival mode. After that it goes back to the first round only. - The "players left" element above the minimap now shows in yellow and black to make it easier to glance at quickly. - Improved framerate smoothness when using vsync (make sure it's enabled). - Improved netcode hit detection when firing up or down vertically. - Updated some musical tracks. Will update the rest soon! - Improved the look of the text in the tutorial. - Cops and civs no longer shoot at players in the red zone after 0:00 (unless you shoot them first). - When you hold ALT in survival mode, time won't slow down immediately. It only slows down after 5s (to prevent exploits). - Reduced Minigun DPS from 150 down to 120. - Reduced the chargeup time on Blast Cannon from 1.0s to 0.8s. - Fixed a bug where you could revive while dead. - Fixed a bug where clusterbomb and energy vortex would interact with spectating zombies. - Fixed a bug where supply drops would spawn in weird locations. - Fixed a bug where hardcore survival mode would appear to unlock (but not really) when you killed yourself in round 1 of survival. - Updated the map with some new areas. - Improved the visual look of the red zone. - Zombies inside the red zone no longer make sounds, so cannot distract the remaining players. - Simplified the tutorial, and added the option to replay it. Check it out! (It's to the left of Survival Standard Difficulty mode). - The revival mechanic for zombies has changed. To revive you simple need to get 1 kill against a survivor. You no longer need to collect 4 heart pieces. - Supply Drops and hearts now spawn at the same time again, landing at 4:00, 2:00 and 0:00 on the round timer. 4 drops spawn at a time. - Vendors show more personalized perks, and will try to only show you perks for the weapons you currently hold. - Removed the passive $600/minute income for survivors in BR mode. - Instead, when the timer hits 0:00 players will be instantly given a cash reward based on how many times they died. If you don't die at all you get +$5000. - Zombies will now respawn inside the red zone if they die after 0:00. This makes them spectators by default (but are free to run outside again). - Killing players now gives more cash and XP. $500 + $50 per level. - You can now carry a max of 3 nades at a time instead of 4. - Photon Beam no longer penetrates skills like Force Field or Bullet Time. - Supply Drop chem now takes 20s instead of 30s to land. It will also be guaranteed to drop a +10 max hp every time (before it was 33%). - Counter Spell has been reworked: "Whenever you are damaged by an enemy, Counter Spell will automatically trigger and reduce that incoming damage. It provides extra strong protection against non-bullet damage. After triggering it must recharge." - Fade time in Smoke bomb is now 0.5s instead of 0.1s. - Moved the button to the campaign into the custom server lobby. The campaign is simply too outdated at this point, so it's hidden away. Taking its place is a more convenient way to toggle survival difficulty modes. - Players now receive +10% XP at the end of each survival run multiplied by their win streak (eg if you have a winstreak of 4 you'll get +40% XP). - Players now receive +2% XP at the end of each match for each skill they have enabled. - Skills in the outer rings of the skill tree now become available based on skills unlocked, not player level. You need 18 and then 24 skills to unlock each tier. - When you revive you will now respawn somewhere within the red zone, but not at the very center. - As a zombie trying to revive, hearts now drop every 2nd kill. Survivors no longer drop a heart every kill (this was causing too many revives). - Default BR round duration is now 5 instead of 6 minutes. - Heart and supply drops now alternate every minute like so: Heart (4:00), Supplies (3:00), Heart (2:00), Supplies (1:00), Heart (0:00). - In solos the final 5 players get 10/15/20/25/50 points. But now in squad based modes the final 6 players get 10/12/14/16/18/30 points. - Kill combo cash payouts are now capped at 400% instead of going up to 1000%. - Buffed USP speed and range by 5 each. - Bazooka player damage is now 50 instead of 60 (vehicle damage remains at 300). - Chemicals are now pseudorandom when bought from vendors. If you go a long time without seeing chem X you become more likely to see it. - Chem vendors are more likely to sell multiple chemicals. - Synthetic Shop now only has 1 charge, but it refills every 2 mins instead of every 3mins. - Shops/Vendors now carry a max of 4 nades each, after that they will display sold out. - Chemicals stop recharging after you've been in overtime for 2+ minutes. - Skill Shot nerfed slightly so that it reduces your cooldown by -20/30/40/50%. - Neutral cops won't reveal you in Invisibility. - Illicit Income no longer works on civilians, but the base cash gain vs cops is doubled to +40/60/80/100 per kill. - Force Field cooldown is now 15s vs 12s. - Toxic Blood now triggers when you kill someone inside a car. - Clusterbomb now alternates between throwing nades and molotovs. - Toxic blood duration to 3/4/5/7s instead of 3/5/7/10s. - Fixed a bug where players would get their hp restored when they ranked up a skill. - Fixed a bug where cops weren't using grenades. - Fixed a bug where your heart pieces would display in the HUD as empty when dead. - Fixed the exploit where you could leave a game, reconfigure your skills and rejoin to change your build. - Players are now invulnernable when they respawn in BR modes. This gives new players a chance to read their skills in peace. - This spawn invulnerability disables after 120s. It will also disable instantly as soon as you move or shoot. - Removed movement recoil on snipers. - Super cops now give $200 + 20xp instead of $150 + 15xp. - Reduced the size of the wanted circle at wanted level 1, making it much easier to escape the cops. - Players now only take 40hp damage in a car explosion instead of 80hp. - Bazooka car damage is now 300 instead of 480. - The fade-out time in Smoke Bomb is now only 0.1s instead of 0.5s. - Shockwave no longer slows enemy movement speed, instead it will slow their bullet's travel speed. - Cop and Zombie kills now give +0.5 instead of +0.2 score. Civ kills no longer give score. - As a zombie trying to revive, killing a survivor now gives +1 quarter heart, while killing a zombie continues to give +0.5. - Clusterbomb cooldown is now 20s instead of 40s. - Venom duration is now 2/3/4/5 instead of 2.0/2.5/3.0/4.0. - Fixed various bugs, including a game crashing bug and one which made our progress not be saved.
[ 2022-08-08 15:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Customizeable Skill Builds
Have you ever played Magic: The Gathering? Well my favourite part of the game isn't playing the game, but rather designing my deck. And now you can do that with the skills in Geneshift! This version gives you the ability to create and save skill builds. You can now disable skills from appearing in-game, giving you control over the skill draft. This has huge strategic potential as you can choose to only enable skills that synergize well together, and disable the rest. For example, you might choose to only enable long-ranged skills and create a sniper build. Then in-game you won't have close-range skills appear and diluting the skill draft. There are countless skill combinations to explore, and designing a synergistic build might make the difference between victory or defeat. After designing your build you can easily give it a name and save it. You can have multiple custom-made builds saved and conveniently switch between them via a dropdown menu on the skills page. This not only lets you enjoy the theorycrafting of build creation, but it also makes it quick and easy to toggle between playstyles between matches, increasing variety and replayability!
New Dynamic Music
The fast-paced gameplay of Geneshift is ultimately designed to give you one thing above all others - a rush of adrenaline. And nothing affects our feels more powerfully than music. Which is why I've started redoing some of the old tunes, cranking up the beat and the intensity. I'm also designing this new music in a special way. The rounds in Geneshift are exactly 5 minutes long, with supply drops appearing at the 4:00, 2:00 and 0:00 marks. So I have designed the music to sync up perfectly with these key action moments, and crank the intensity just as the supply drops land and the big high-stakes fights break out all across Subvein City.
Conquest Mode
Conquest mode now works on a ticket system, similar to the Battlefield games. Each team starts with 500 tickets and you win by removing all the enemy team's tickets. There are 2 ways to remove enemy tickets. Kills will reduce their count by 1. But so will holding more control points than the enemy team, which causes their tickets to slowly bleed down as well. This change ensures that each Conquest match lasts a reasonable duration, and doesn't drag on for hours like the old mode allowed.
Extremely Easy Revivals - Until Overtime
The role of zombie revivals has been rethought and it is now easier than ever to revive. As a zombie you simply need to get just 1 kill vs a survivor to come back to life. Not only that, but there are now THREE heart crates that land when the round timer hits 0:00, tripling your chances of coming back. Due to these changes it is extremely easy to revive during the first 5 minutes of each round. This lets you roam the map freely, take risks, fight cops and generally enjoying the sandboxy GTA vibes without fear of dying. Geneshift is moving in the GTA direction and that means the rules need to support chaos and action and the occassional death. This is now possible with easy revivals. But Geneshift is still a BR right? Yes! For starters, there is a new $5000 reward for players who survive the full round and make it to overtime without dying. Secondly, once overtime begins it becomes very difficult to revive. So the true BR survival experience begins during overtime. At this point you don't want to die, because you won't be able to revive, and the best way to get score is still to place as high as possible in the round.
Free to Play Later This Year!
In other news, Geneshift will go Free to Play some time later this year! This will do wonders for our playerbase, and make it easier than ever to play with friends. The multiplayer will go F2P, and the Supporter's Edition DLC will continue to exist for those who want to support development. Anyone who has ever spent money on the game (and therefore owns the Supporter's Edition) will continue to keep the DLC. Anyone who buys the game before we go F2P will also get the DLC (as it is included in the base package) for the same price as it'll be after going F2P. It will take a few months to prepare for the launch. I need to make new trailers, completely redo the Steam page, and even slightly change the name of the game! Geneshift has changed a lot over the years! It doesn't look or play anything like it did when it first hit Early Access in 2017, and so it needs a new look to reflect that before it's made available to the F2P audience on Steam. Anyway, exciting times ahead! I'll make an announcement with details closer to the date. Stay tuned and have fun!
Big Old Changelist
- Added the ability to save and load skill builds, allowing players to theorycraft fun skill combos and instantly apply them between rounds. - This saves the skill choices at levels 2, 5 and 8, as well as all the skills you've enabled and disabled. You can give builds a name and easily select them from a dropdown menu. - Basic/Free accounts can have a maximum of 3 builds saved. DLC accounts are unlimited. - In the skill tree you now have the ability to toggle your skills between enabled or disabled. Only enabled skills will show up in the skill draft in-game. - This means you can now create skill builds that synergize well together. You could make a sniper build by only enabling long range skills like Energize and Plasma Ball, and disabling close range skills like Blade Fury. - To ensure enough variety, you must have at least 16 skills enabled at all times, 10 of which must be passives. - Removed the ability to reroll for skills in-game. Players must now adapt to what their custom-made build gives them. - The guaranteed skills feature now lets you guarantee skills at level 2/5/8 instead of 3/6/9 and is enabled once you have 18 skills unlocked. - Updated the main menu music a bit. - Updated some of the songs in-game in an experimental way, where the music syncs up with the 5 minute structure of the BR round. So the high-adrenaline beats kick in just as overtime begins. - Created a whole new type of mission that isn't activated by civilians, but rather, by cars. This will give you 60s to kill 2 civilians on opposite sides of the map. Drive fast! - Reduced cash and XP earned from player kills back to $400 + 20xLevel. - Bots in survival mode can no longer gain bonus lives. They can still deny hearts though. - Zoomed the camera in a tad, and reduced bullet ranges slightly to compensate. - Doubled the amount of loot that comes out of helicopters. - The passive regen delay on cars is now only 1s instead of 2s when you deal self car damage (making it less punishing when noobs drive into a wall). - Cops only do 40% instead of 50% damage. - Made it slightly faster to progress to wanted level 2. - Fixed a few issues in the tutorial, where cops spawned before they were explained. - Reduced the damage of burst weapons when fired by cops, such as m3, grenade and barrett. - Added an stage in the tutorial that requires you to explode a civilian with a grenade. - Force Field duration is now 4s instead of 5s. - Force Field damage is now 10/20/30/40 instead of 20/30/40/50, and cooldown is now 20s instead of 15s. - X-Ray Vison now additionally affects how long you keep vision on an enemy after you damage them. After damaging an enemy you'll be able to see them through walls for 1.0/1.5/2.0/3.0s. Default is now 0.5 instead of 1.5. - Vampirism no longer has overheal abilities - Energy Vortex cooldown is now 20s for all levels - Energy Vortex range is now 24/26/28/30 instead of 24/28/32/46 - Self Repair takes 2.5 instead of 1.5s to heal you up - Regen out of combat time is now 3/2.6/2.2/1.8 instead of 3/2.7/2.4/2.0 - Rapid Refill free bullet chance is now 45/60/75/90% instead of 30/50/70/90% - Spike Trap damage is now 20/30/40/50 and cooldown is now 20/18/16/14 instead of flat 20 - Cluster Bomb no longer removes a skill shot charge (it still benefits from the charges aquired though) - Cluster Bomb is now less random in its targeting, and will prioritise players more - Skill Shot charges now expire after 3 minutes (each charge has its own timer) - Ignition Orb cooldown is now 10/9/8/6 instead of 12/11/10/9 and size is now 8/12/16/20 instead of 8/10/12/16 - Removed the damage penalty on Invisibility - Parasites now have a shorter firing delay penalty of approx 0.5 instead of 0.8s. They also fire out faster so that DPS is now 80/90/100/120 hp/s - - Non supporters get 5 free attempts to play the full survival mode. After that it goes back to the first round only. - The "players left" element above the minimap now shows in yellow and black to make it easier to glance at quickly. - Improved framerate smoothness when using vsync (make sure it's enabled). - Improved netcode hit detection when firing up or down vertically. - Updated some musical tracks. Will update the rest soon! - Improved the look of the text in the tutorial. - Cops and civs no longer shoot at players in the red zone after 0:00 (unless you shoot them first). - When you hold ALT in survival mode, time won't slow down immediately. It only slows down after 5s (to prevent exploits). - Reduced Minigun DPS from 150 down to 120. - Reduced the chargeup time on Blast Cannon from 1.0s to 0.8s. - Fixed a bug where you could revive while dead. - Fixed a bug where clusterbomb and energy vortex would interact with spectating zombies. - Fixed a bug where supply drops would spawn in weird locations. - Fixed a bug where hardcore survival mode would appear to unlock (but not really) when you killed yourself in round 1 of survival. - Updated the map with some new areas. - Improved the visual look of the red zone. - Zombies inside the red zone no longer make sounds, so cannot distract the remaining players. - Simplified the tutorial, and added the option to replay it. Check it out! (It's to the left of Survival Standard Difficulty mode). - The revival mechanic for zombies has changed. To revive you simple need to get 1 kill against a survivor. You no longer need to collect 4 heart pieces. - Supply Drops and hearts now spawn at the same time again, landing at 4:00, 2:00 and 0:00 on the round timer. 4 drops spawn at a time. - Vendors show more personalized perks, and will try to only show you perks for the weapons you currently hold. - Removed the passive $600/minute income for survivors in BR mode. - Instead, when the timer hits 0:00 players will be instantly given a cash reward based on how many times they died. If you don't die at all you get +$5000. - Zombies will now respawn inside the red zone if they die after 0:00. This makes them spectators by default (but are free to run outside again). - Killing players now gives more cash and XP. $500 + $50 per level. - You can now carry a max of 3 nades at a time instead of 4. - Photon Beam no longer penetrates skills like Force Field or Bullet Time. - Supply Drop chem now takes 20s instead of 30s to land. It will also be guaranteed to drop a +10 max hp every time (before it was 33%). - Counter Spell has been reworked: "Whenever you are damaged by an enemy, Counter Spell will automatically trigger and reduce that incoming damage. It provides extra strong protection against non-bullet damage. After triggering it must recharge." - Fade time in Smoke bomb is now 0.5s instead of 0.1s. - Moved the button to the campaign into the custom server lobby. The campaign is simply too outdated at this point, so it's hidden away. Taking its place is a more convenient way to toggle survival difficulty modes. - Players now receive +10% XP at the end of each survival run multiplied by their win streak (eg if you have a winstreak of 4 you'll get +40% XP). - Players now receive +2% XP at the end of each match for each skill they have enabled. - Skills in the outer rings of the skill tree now become available based on skills unlocked, not player level. You need 18 and then 24 skills to unlock each tier. - When you revive you will now respawn somewhere within the red zone, but not at the very center. - As a zombie trying to revive, hearts now drop every 2nd kill. Survivors no longer drop a heart every kill (this was causing too many revives). - Default BR round duration is now 5 instead of 6 minutes. - Heart and supply drops now alternate every minute like so: Heart (4:00), Supplies (3:00), Heart (2:00), Supplies (1:00), Heart (0:00). - In solos the final 5 players get 10/15/20/25/50 points. But now in squad based modes the final 6 players get 10/12/14/16/18/30 points. - Kill combo cash payouts are now capped at 400% instead of going up to 1000%. - Buffed USP speed and range by 5 each. - Bazooka player damage is now 50 instead of 60 (vehicle damage remains at 300). - Chemicals are now pseudorandom when bought from vendors. If you go a long time without seeing chem X you become more likely to see it. - Chem vendors are more likely to sell multiple chemicals. - Synthetic Shop now only has 1 charge, but it refills every 2 mins instead of every 3mins. - Shops/Vendors now carry a max of 4 nades each, after that they will display sold out. - Chemicals stop recharging after you've been in overtime for 2+ minutes. - Skill Shot nerfed slightly so that it reduces your cooldown by -20/30/40/50%. - Neutral cops won't reveal you in Invisibility. - Illicit Income no longer works on civilians, but the base cash gain vs cops is doubled to +40/60/80/100 per kill. - Force Field cooldown is now 15s vs 12s. - Toxic Blood now triggers when you kill someone inside a car. - Clusterbomb now alternates between throwing nades and molotovs. - Toxic blood duration to 3/4/5/7s instead of 3/5/7/10s. - Fixed a bug where players would get their hp restored when they ranked up a skill. - Fixed a bug where cops weren't using grenades. - Fixed a bug where your heart pieces would display in the HUD as empty when dead. - Fixed the exploit where you could leave a game, reconfigure your skills and rejoin to change your build. - Players are now invulnernable when they respawn in BR modes. This gives new players a chance to read their skills in peace. - This spawn invulnerability disables after 120s. It will also disable instantly as soon as you move or shoot. - Removed movement recoil on snipers. - Super cops now give $200 + 20xp instead of $150 + 15xp. - Reduced the size of the wanted circle at wanted level 1, making it much easier to escape the cops. - Players now only take 40hp damage in a car explosion instead of 80hp. - Bazooka car damage is now 300 instead of 480. - The fade-out time in Smoke Bomb is now only 0.1s instead of 0.5s. - Shockwave no longer slows enemy movement speed, instead it will slow their bullet's travel speed. - Cop and Zombie kills now give +0.5 instead of +0.2 score. Civ kills no longer give score. - As a zombie trying to revive, killing a survivor now gives +1 quarter heart, while killing a zombie continues to give +0.5. - Clusterbomb cooldown is now 20s instead of 40s. - Venom duration is now 2/3/4/5 instead of 2.0/2.5/3.0/4.0. - Fixed various bugs, including a game crashing bug and one which made our progress not be saved.
[ 2022-08-08 15:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nik Nak Studios
Nik Nak Studios
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
Very Positive
(2410 reviews)
The Game includes VR Support
Public Linux Depots:
- Geneshift Linux [17.69 M]
Available DLCs:
- Geneshift: Supporter's Edition
- Gene Shift Auto: Deluxe Edition
Geneshift is a top-down shooter bursting with brutal gunplay and insane vehicle action. Unlock tactical mutant skills and outplay your friends in fast-paced online combat. Then coordinate your mutant attacks to defeat the rebel scientists and their zombie army.
Battle in modes such as Capture the Flag, Checkpoint Racing and Zombie Survival. - 8 PLAYER CO-OP CAMPAIGN
Play solo or with up to 8 friends online to save the world from a zombie outbreak. - LEADERBOARDS & DIFFICULTIES
Replay the campaign in 4 difficulty levels and set high scores on various leaderboards. - OVER 30 TACTICAL SKILLS
Unlock tactical skills such as Invisibility, Teleportation, Force Fields and Plasma Ball. - INSANE VEHICLE ACTION
Ride with allies to do drive-by shootings, detonate car bombs and run enemies over. - SECRET BASE BUILDING
Build a secret base of hidden chemicals that gives you long-term strategic advantages. - COMPETITIVE SERVERS
Earn ranks in competitive servers that balance teams with a unique ELO rating system. - USER GENERATED MAPS
Create maps in the editor and unlock sexy cosmetics whenever your maps are played.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04
- Processor: 2.0 GHz dual core processorMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512MB. OpenGL 2.0+ recommended.Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 512 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Can run at 60+ fps. Requires the internet to save your progress. stats and highscores.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04+
- Processor: 2.5 GHz multi core processorMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1024MB. OpenGL 2.0+ recommended.Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 512 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Can run at 60+ fps. Requires the internet to save your progress. stats and highscores.
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